Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 111-127.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0271
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
GUO Ke1,2,*(), FANG Jing-Yun1,3, WANG Guo-Hong1, TANG Zhi-Yao3, XIE Zong-Qiang1,2, SHEN Ze-Hao3, WANG Ren-Qing4, QIANG Sheng5, LIANG Cun-Zhu6, DA Liang-Jun7, YU Dan8
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GUO Ke, FANG Jing-Yun, WANG Guo-Hong, TANG Zhi-Yao, XIE Zong-Qiang, SHEN Ze-Hao, WANG Ren-Qing, QIANG Sheng, LIANG Cun-Zhu, DA Liang-Jun, YU Dan. A revised scheme of vegetation classification system of China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2020, 44(2): 111-127.
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植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
森林 Forest | 1. 落叶针叶林 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | 寒温性与温性落叶针叶林 Cold-Temperate and Temperate Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | ||||||
暖性落叶针叶林 Subtropical Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
2. 落叶与常绿针叶混交林 Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
3. 常绿针叶林 Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 寒温性常绿针叶林 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | |||||||
温性常绿针叶林 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
暖性常绿针叶林 Subtropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
热性常绿针叶林 Tropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
4. 针叶与阔叶混交林 Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 温性针叶与落叶阔叶混交林 Temperate Mixed Needleleaf and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
暖性针叶与阔叶混交林 Subtropical Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
亚热带山地针叶与阔叶混交林 Subtropical Montane Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
5. 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | 寒温性落叶阔叶林 Cold-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
温性落叶阔叶林 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
暖性落叶阔叶林 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
6. 常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | 北亚热带常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Northern Subtropical Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
亚热带山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Subtropical Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
亚热带石灰岩山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Subtropical Limestone Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
7. 常绿阔叶林 Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | 典型常绿阔叶林 Typical Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
季风常绿阔叶林 Monsoon Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
山地常绿阔叶林 Montane Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
硬叶常绿阔叶林 Sclerophyllous Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
山顶常绿阔叶矮林 Montane Ridge Evergreen Broadleaf Dwarf Forest | ||||||||
滨海常绿阔叶矮林 Coast Dwarf Forest | ||||||||
8. 雨林 Rainforest | 雨林 Rainforest | |||||||
山地雨林 Montane Rainforest | ||||||||
9. 季雨林 Monsoon Forest | ||||||||
10. 红树林 Mangrove Forest | ||||||||
11. 竹林 Bamboo Forest | 暖性竹林 Subtropical Bamboo Forest | |||||||
热性竹林 Tropical Bamboo Forest | ||||||||
灌丛 Shrubland | 12. 常绿针叶灌丛 Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | 寒温性常绿针叶灌丛 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | ||||||
温性常绿针叶灌丛 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
13. 落叶阔叶灌丛 Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | 高寒落叶阔叶灌丛 Alpine Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | |||||||
温性落叶阔叶灌丛 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
热性落叶阔叶灌丛 Tropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
14. 常绿阔叶灌丛 Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | 寒温性常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-Tmperate Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | |||||||
暖性常绿阔叶灌丛 Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
热性常绿阔叶灌丛 Tropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
15. 肉质刺灌丛 Succulent Thorny Shrubland | ||||||||
16. 竹丛 Bamboo Shrubland | 温性竹丛 Temperate Bamboo Shrubland | |||||||
暖性竹丛 Subtropical Bamboo Shrubland | ||||||||
植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
草本植被(草地) Herbaceous Vegetation (Grassland) | 17. 丛生草类草地 Tussock Grassland | 丛生草类荒漠草原 Tussock Desert Steppe Grassland | ||||||
丛生草类典型草原 Tussock Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类草甸草原 Tussock Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类高寒草原 Tussock Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类典型草甸 Tussock Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类高寒草甸 Tussock Alpine Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类沼泽草甸 Tussock Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类盐生草甸 Tussock Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
18. 根茎草类草地 Rhizome Grassland | 根茎草类典型草原 Rhizome Typical Steppe Grassland | |||||||
根茎草类草甸草原 Rhizome Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类高寒草原 Rhizome Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类典型草甸 Rhizome Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类高寒草甸 Rhizome Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类沼泽草甸 Rhizome Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类盐生草甸 Rhizome Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
19. 杂类草草地 Forb Grassland | 杂类草荒漠草原 Forb Desert Steppe Grassland | |||||||
杂类草典型草原 Forb Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草草甸草原 Forb Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草高寒草原 Forb Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草典型草甸 Forb Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草高寒草甸 Forb Alpine Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草沼泽草甸 Forb Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草盐生草甸 Forb Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
20. 半灌木草地 Semi-Shrubby Grassland | 半灌木荒漠草原 Semi-Shrubby Desert Steppe Grassland | |||||||
半灌木典型草原 Semi-Shrubby Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
半灌木草甸草原 Semi-Shrubby Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
半灌木高寒草原 Semi-Shrubby Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
21. 灌草丛 Shrubby Grassland | 温性灌草丛 Temperate Shrubby Grassland | |||||||
亚热带与热带灌草丛 Subtropical and Tropical Shrubby Grassland | ||||||||
22. 稀树草丛 Savanna-like Grassland | 热带滨海沙地稀树草丛 Tropical Coast Sandland Savanna-like Grassland | |||||||
干热河谷稀树草丛 Dry and Hot Valley Savanna-like Grassland | ||||||||
荒漠 Desert | 23. 半乔木与灌木荒漠 Semi-Arbor and Shrub Desert | 温性半乔木荒漠 Temperate Semi-Arbor Desert | ||||||
温性灌木荒漠 Temperate Shrub Desert | ||||||||
24. 半灌木与草本荒漠 Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert | 温性半灌木与草本荒漠 Temperate Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert | |||||||
高寒矮半灌木荒漠 Alpine Dwarf Semi-Shrub Desert | ||||||||
高山冻原与稀疏植被 Alpine Tundra and Sparse Vegetation | 25. 高山冻原 Alpine Tundra | 矮灌木高山冻原 Alpine Dwarf Shrub Tundra | ||||||
草类高山冻原 Alpine Herb Tundra | ||||||||
苔藓高山冻原 Alpine Moss Tundra | ||||||||
地衣高山冻原 Alpine Lichen Tundra | ||||||||
26. 高山垫状植被 Alpine Cushion Vegetation | ||||||||
27. 高山稀疏植被 Alpine Sparse Vegetation | ||||||||
沼泽与水生植被 Swamp and Aquatic Vegetation | 28. 木本沼泽 Woody Swamp | |||||||
29. 草本与苔藓沼泽 Herb and Moss Swamp | 草本沼泽 Herb Swamp | |||||||
苔藓沼泽 Moss Swamp | ||||||||
植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
30. 水生植被 Aquatic Vegetation | 挺水植被 Emerged Aquatic Vegetation | |||||||
浮叶植被 Rooted Floating Leaf Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
漂浮植被 Floating Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
沉水植被 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
农业植被 Agricultural Vegetation | 31. 粮食作物 Food Crop | |||||||
32. 油料作物 Oil Crop | ||||||||
33. 纤维作物 Fiber Crop | ||||||||
34. 糖料作物 Sugar Crop | ||||||||
35. 药用作物 Medicinal Crop | ||||||||
36. 饮料作物 Beverage Crop | ||||||||
37. 饲料作物 Forage Crop | ||||||||
38. 烟草作物 Tobacco Crop | ||||||||
39. 菜园 Vegetable Farm | ||||||||
40. 果园 Orchard | ||||||||
41. 花卉园 Flower Garden | ||||||||
42. 其他经济作物 Other Cash Crops | ||||||||
城市植被 Urban Vegetation | 43. 城市森林 Urban Forest | |||||||
44. 城市草地 Urban Grassland | ||||||||
45. 城市湿地 Urban Wetland | ||||||||
46. 城市行道树 Urban Street Tree | ||||||||
47. 城市公园植被 Urban Park Vegetation | ||||||||
无植被地段 Non-Vegetated Area | 48. 无植被地段 Non-Vegetated Area |
Appendix I Classification scheme of upper level units of China Vegetation Classification System
植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
森林 Forest | 1. 落叶针叶林 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | 寒温性与温性落叶针叶林 Cold-Temperate and Temperate Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | ||||||
暖性落叶针叶林 Subtropical Deciduous Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
2. 落叶与常绿针叶混交林 Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
3. 常绿针叶林 Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 寒温性常绿针叶林 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | |||||||
温性常绿针叶林 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
暖性常绿针叶林 Subtropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
热性常绿针叶林 Tropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | ||||||||
4. 针叶与阔叶混交林 Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 温性针叶与落叶阔叶混交林 Temperate Mixed Needleleaf and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
暖性针叶与阔叶混交林 Subtropical Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
亚热带山地针叶与阔叶混交林 Subtropical Montane Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
5. 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | 寒温性落叶阔叶林 Cold-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
温性落叶阔叶林 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
暖性落叶阔叶林 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
6. 常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | 北亚热带常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Northern Subtropical Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
亚热带山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Subtropical Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
亚热带石灰岩山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 Subtropical Limestone Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
7. 常绿阔叶林 Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | 典型常绿阔叶林 Typical Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | |||||||
季风常绿阔叶林 Monsoon Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
山地常绿阔叶林 Montane Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
硬叶常绿阔叶林 Sclerophyllous Evergreen Broadleaf Forest | ||||||||
山顶常绿阔叶矮林 Montane Ridge Evergreen Broadleaf Dwarf Forest | ||||||||
滨海常绿阔叶矮林 Coast Dwarf Forest | ||||||||
8. 雨林 Rainforest | 雨林 Rainforest | |||||||
山地雨林 Montane Rainforest | ||||||||
9. 季雨林 Monsoon Forest | ||||||||
10. 红树林 Mangrove Forest | ||||||||
11. 竹林 Bamboo Forest | 暖性竹林 Subtropical Bamboo Forest | |||||||
热性竹林 Tropical Bamboo Forest | ||||||||
灌丛 Shrubland | 12. 常绿针叶灌丛 Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | 寒温性常绿针叶灌丛 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | ||||||
温性常绿针叶灌丛 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
13. 落叶阔叶灌丛 Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | 高寒落叶阔叶灌丛 Alpine Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | |||||||
温性落叶阔叶灌丛 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
热性落叶阔叶灌丛 Tropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
14. 常绿阔叶灌丛 Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | 寒温性常绿阔叶灌丛 Cold-Tmperate Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | |||||||
暖性常绿阔叶灌丛 Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
热性常绿阔叶灌丛 Tropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland | ||||||||
15. 肉质刺灌丛 Succulent Thorny Shrubland | ||||||||
16. 竹丛 Bamboo Shrubland | 温性竹丛 Temperate Bamboo Shrubland | |||||||
暖性竹丛 Subtropical Bamboo Shrubland | ||||||||
植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
草本植被(草地) Herbaceous Vegetation (Grassland) | 17. 丛生草类草地 Tussock Grassland | 丛生草类荒漠草原 Tussock Desert Steppe Grassland | ||||||
丛生草类典型草原 Tussock Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类草甸草原 Tussock Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类高寒草原 Tussock Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类典型草甸 Tussock Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类高寒草甸 Tussock Alpine Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类沼泽草甸 Tussock Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
丛生草类盐生草甸 Tussock Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
18. 根茎草类草地 Rhizome Grassland | 根茎草类典型草原 Rhizome Typical Steppe Grassland | |||||||
根茎草类草甸草原 Rhizome Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类高寒草原 Rhizome Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类典型草甸 Rhizome Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类高寒草甸 Rhizome Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类沼泽草甸 Rhizome Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
根茎草类盐生草甸 Rhizome Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
19. 杂类草草地 Forb Grassland | 杂类草荒漠草原 Forb Desert Steppe Grassland | |||||||
杂类草典型草原 Forb Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草草甸草原 Forb Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草高寒草原 Forb Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草典型草甸 Forb Typical Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草高寒草甸 Forb Alpine Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草沼泽草甸 Forb Swamp Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
杂类草盐生草甸 Forb Halophytic Meadow Grassland | ||||||||
20. 半灌木草地 Semi-Shrubby Grassland | 半灌木荒漠草原 Semi-Shrubby Desert Steppe Grassland | |||||||
半灌木典型草原 Semi-Shrubby Typical Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
半灌木草甸草原 Semi-Shrubby Meadow Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
半灌木高寒草原 Semi-Shrubby Alpine Steppe Grassland | ||||||||
21. 灌草丛 Shrubby Grassland | 温性灌草丛 Temperate Shrubby Grassland | |||||||
亚热带与热带灌草丛 Subtropical and Tropical Shrubby Grassland | ||||||||
22. 稀树草丛 Savanna-like Grassland | 热带滨海沙地稀树草丛 Tropical Coast Sandland Savanna-like Grassland | |||||||
干热河谷稀树草丛 Dry and Hot Valley Savanna-like Grassland | ||||||||
荒漠 Desert | 23. 半乔木与灌木荒漠 Semi-Arbor and Shrub Desert | 温性半乔木荒漠 Temperate Semi-Arbor Desert | ||||||
温性灌木荒漠 Temperate Shrub Desert | ||||||||
24. 半灌木与草本荒漠 Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert | 温性半灌木与草本荒漠 Temperate Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert | |||||||
高寒矮半灌木荒漠 Alpine Dwarf Semi-Shrub Desert | ||||||||
高山冻原与稀疏植被 Alpine Tundra and Sparse Vegetation | 25. 高山冻原 Alpine Tundra | 矮灌木高山冻原 Alpine Dwarf Shrub Tundra | ||||||
草类高山冻原 Alpine Herb Tundra | ||||||||
苔藓高山冻原 Alpine Moss Tundra | ||||||||
地衣高山冻原 Alpine Lichen Tundra | ||||||||
26. 高山垫状植被 Alpine Cushion Vegetation | ||||||||
27. 高山稀疏植被 Alpine Sparse Vegetation | ||||||||
沼泽与水生植被 Swamp and Aquatic Vegetation | 28. 木本沼泽 Woody Swamp | |||||||
29. 草本与苔藓沼泽 Herb and Moss Swamp | 草本沼泽 Herb Swamp | |||||||
苔藓沼泽 Moss Swamp | ||||||||
植被型组 Vegetation Formation Group | 植被型 Vegetation Formation | 植被亚型 Vegetation Subformation | ||||||
30. 水生植被 Aquatic Vegetation | 挺水植被 Emerged Aquatic Vegetation | |||||||
浮叶植被 Rooted Floating Leaf Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
漂浮植被 Floating Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
沉水植被 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | ||||||||
农业植被 Agricultural Vegetation | 31. 粮食作物 Food Crop | |||||||
32. 油料作物 Oil Crop | ||||||||
33. 纤维作物 Fiber Crop | ||||||||
34. 糖料作物 Sugar Crop | ||||||||
35. 药用作物 Medicinal Crop | ||||||||
36. 饮料作物 Beverage Crop | ||||||||
37. 饲料作物 Forage Crop | ||||||||
38. 烟草作物 Tobacco Crop | ||||||||
39. 菜园 Vegetable Farm | ||||||||
40. 果园 Orchard | ||||||||
41. 花卉园 Flower Garden | ||||||||
42. 其他经济作物 Other Cash Crops | ||||||||
城市植被 Urban Vegetation | 43. 城市森林 Urban Forest | |||||||
44. 城市草地 Urban Grassland | ||||||||
45. 城市湿地 Urban Wetland | ||||||||
46. 城市行道树 Urban Street Tree | ||||||||
47. 城市公园植被 Urban Park Vegetation | ||||||||
无植被地段 Non-Vegetated Area | 48. 无植被地段 Non-Vegetated Area |
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