Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 321-333.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0353
Special Issue: 碳循环
• Review • Next Articles
HAN Guang-Xuan*(), LI Juan-Yong, QU Wen-Di
HAN Guang-Xuan
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HAN Guang-Xuan, LI Juan-Yong, QU Wen-Di. Effects of nitrogen input on carbon cycle and carbon budget in a coastal salt marsh[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(4): 321-333.
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Fig. 1 Effect of nitrogen (N) input under tidal action on key processes of carbon (C) cycle in a salt marsh. Periodic tides bring N from nearshore eutrophic water into coastal salt marsh ecosystems, changing the stoichiometric relationship of soil nutrient elements in salt marsh wetland. The exogenous N input could have important impacts on the key processes of carbon cycle, such as photosynthesis and respiration of plants, distribution of photosynthetic products, decomposition of soil organic carbon and loss of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). DIC, dissolved inorganic carbon; POC, particulate organic carbon.
Fig. 2 Effect of nitrogen (N) input on decomposition of soil organic carbon in a salt marsh (adapted from Hester et al., 2018 ). Microbial processes are directly or indirectly affected by N input. Plants mainly absorb NH4+-N, which stimulates plant productivity and the deposition of organic matter from the rhizosphere, thus stimulating the material circulation of rhizosphere and the metabolism of rhizosphere microorganisms. Plant derived carbon input and higher N utilization jointly stimulate microbial heterotrophic respiration, and then stimulate the production and emission of CO2 in aerobic condition. In anaerobic condition, excessive NO3--N is converted into NH4+-N, which will inhibit CH4 oxidation.
Fig. 3 Effect of nitrogen (N) input on production and release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in a salt marsh. N input is generally accompanied by DOC input, which affects vegetation growth. It alters DOC content in soil and water through plant litter and microbial biomass, thus also interfering with CO2 and CH4 emissions and DOC output.
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