Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 972-977.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00100
• Method and Technology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Jun-Zhou,GOU Xiao-Hua(),ZHAO Zhi-Qian,LIU Wen-Huo,ZHANG Fen,CAO Zong-Ying,ZHOU Fei-Fei
GOU Xiao-Hua
ZHANG Jun-Zhou, GOU Xiao-Hua, ZHAO Zhi-Qian, LIU Wen-Huo, ZHANG Fen, CAO Zong-Ying, ZHOU Fei-Fei. Improved method of obtaining micro-core paraffin sections in dendroecological research[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2013, 37(10): 972-977.
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Fig. 1 Micro-core sampling. A, Sampling points of Sabina przewalskii in eastern Qilian Mountains. B, In order not to affect the next sampling, using “Z” font sampling. C, Micro-core collection. D, Micro-core rapid fixation after collection.
步骤 Step | 试剂 Reagent | 时间 Time |
1 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 90-120 min |
2 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 90-120 min |
3 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 90-120 min |
4 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 90-120 min |
5 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 60-90 min |
6 | 无水乙醇I Anhydrous ethanol I | 60-90 min |
7 | 无水乙醇II Anhydrous ethanol II | 60 min |
8 | 二甲苯:乙醇= 1:1 Dimethylbenzene: ethanol = 1:1 | 60 min |
9 | 二甲苯I Dimethylbenzene I | 60 min |
10 | 二甲苯II Dimethylbenzene II | 60 min |
11 | 二甲苯:石蜡= 1:1 Dimethylbenzene: paraffin = 1:1 | 48-72 h |
12 | 石蜡I Paraffin I | 120 min |
13 | 石蜡II Paraffin II | 60 min |
14 | 石蜡III Paraffin III | 30 min |
Table 1 Steps and time of micro-cores dehydration, cleaning and waxdip
步骤 Step | 试剂 Reagent | 时间 Time |
1 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 90-120 min |
2 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 90-120 min |
3 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 90-120 min |
4 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 90-120 min |
5 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 60-90 min |
6 | 无水乙醇I Anhydrous ethanol I | 60-90 min |
7 | 无水乙醇II Anhydrous ethanol II | 60 min |
8 | 二甲苯:乙醇= 1:1 Dimethylbenzene: ethanol = 1:1 | 60 min |
9 | 二甲苯I Dimethylbenzene I | 60 min |
10 | 二甲苯II Dimethylbenzene II | 60 min |
11 | 二甲苯:石蜡= 1:1 Dimethylbenzene: paraffin = 1:1 | 48-72 h |
12 | 石蜡I Paraffin I | 120 min |
13 | 石蜡II Paraffin II | 60 min |
14 | 石蜡III Paraffin III | 30 min |
步骤 Step | 试剂 Reagent | 染色时间 Staining time |
1 | 二甲苯 Dimethylbenzene | 12 min |
2 | 无水乙醇:二甲苯= 1:1 Anhydrous ethanol:dimethylbenzene = 1:1 | 6 min |
3 | 无水乙醇 Anhydrous ethanol | 6 min |
4 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 6 min |
5 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 6 min |
6 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 6 min |
7 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 6 min |
8 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 6 min |
9 | 水 Water | 6 min |
10 | 1%番红水溶液 1% safranine water solution | 3-5 h |
11 | 水 Water | 60 s |
12 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 60 s |
13 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 60 s |
14 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 60 s |
15 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 60 s |
16 | 0.5%固绿乙醇溶液 0.5% fast green ethanol solution | 30 s |
17 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 60 s |
18 | 无水乙醇 Anhydrous ethanol | 60 s |
19 | 无水乙醇:二甲苯=1:1 Anhydrous ethanol:dimethylbenzene = 1:1 | 60 s |
20 | 二甲苯 Dimethylbenzene | 60 s |
Table 2 Steps and time of micro-cores staining with safranine and fast green
步骤 Step | 试剂 Reagent | 染色时间 Staining time |
1 | 二甲苯 Dimethylbenzene | 12 min |
2 | 无水乙醇:二甲苯= 1:1 Anhydrous ethanol:dimethylbenzene = 1:1 | 6 min |
3 | 无水乙醇 Anhydrous ethanol | 6 min |
4 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 6 min |
5 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 6 min |
6 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 6 min |
7 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 6 min |
8 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 6 min |
9 | 水 Water | 6 min |
10 | 1%番红水溶液 1% safranine water solution | 3-5 h |
11 | 水 Water | 60 s |
12 | 30%乙醇 30% ethanol | 60 s |
13 | 50%乙醇 50% ethanol | 60 s |
14 | 70%乙醇 70% ethanol | 60 s |
15 | 85%乙醇 85% ethanol | 60 s |
16 | 0.5%固绿乙醇溶液 0.5% fast green ethanol solution | 30 s |
17 | 95%乙醇 95% ethanol | 60 s |
18 | 无水乙醇 Anhydrous ethanol | 60 s |
19 | 无水乙醇:二甲苯=1:1 Anhydrous ethanol:dimethylbenzene = 1:1 | 60 s |
20 | 二甲苯 Dimethylbenzene | 60 s |
Fig. 3 Micro-cores micrograph of Sabina przewalskii stained with safranin-fast green. C, cambial zone; L, lignified cells; nX, current year newly formed xylem; P, phloem; X, last year xylem.
Fig. 4 Micro-cores paraffin section micrograph of different tree species. A, Betula albo-sinensis. B, Pinus tabuliformis. C, Picea crassifolia. D, Picea wilsonii. Bar = 100 μm.
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