植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 236-247.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0268
LI Shuai-Feng1,LANG Xue-Dong1,HUANG Xiao-Bo1,WANG Yan-Hong1,LIU Wan-De1,XU Chong-Hua2,SU Jian-Rong1,*()
SU Jian-Rong
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季风常绿阔叶林是我国南亚热带典型的地带性植被, 建立森林动态监测样地是研究生物多样性维持和群落构建机制的重要平台。该文以普洱30 hm 2森林动态监测样地为研究对象, 采用多元回归树、重要值、主成分分析与指示种相结合的方法对样地内750个样方进行群丛数量分类, 以获取季风常绿阔叶林森林植被群丛类型。结果表明: 森林动态监测样地共发现木本植物271种, 隶属于78科178属, 群落类型为短刺锥(Castanopsis echidnocarpa)群系, 可划分4个群丛类型, 分别是珍珠花+毛银柴-短刺锥+泥柯群丛(Lyonia ovalifolia + Aporosa villosa - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Lithocarpus fenestratus Association)、云南瘿椒树+耳叶柯-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛(Tapiscia yunnanensis + Lithocarpus grandifolius - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association)、大果杜英+黄药大头茶-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛(Elaeocarpus sikkimensis + Polyspora chrysandra - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association)、西桦+尼泊尔桤木-短刺锥+枹丝锥群丛(Betula alnoides + Alnus nepalensis - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Castanopsis calathiformis Association)。群丛间物种分布存在较多过渡重叠, 指示物种是区分群丛类型的主要依据, 海拔与坡向对群丛分类有较大的影响, 坡度对群丛分类影响较小。
李帅锋, 郎学东, 黄小波, 王艳红, 刘万德, 徐崇华, 苏建荣. 云南普洱30 hm2季风常绿阔叶林动态监测样地群丛数量分类. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(3): 236-247. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0268
LI Shuai-Feng, LANG Xue-Dong, HUANG Xiao-Bo, WANG Yan-Hong, LIU Wan-De, XU Chong-Hua, SU Jian-Rong. Association classification of a 30 hm2 dynamics plot in the monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Pu’er, Yunnan, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(3): 236-247. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0268
图1 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地地形图。A, 等高线图。B, 三维地形图。
Fig. 1 Topography of the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er. A, Contour map. B, Three dimensional topographic map.
类型 Types | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 株数 Individuals | 胸径 Diameter at the breast height (cm) | 树高 Height (m) |
乔木 Tree | 181 | 140 702 | 6.49 ± 7.25 | 6.98 ± 5.10 |
灌木 Shrub | 39 | 5 271 | 2.85 ± 1.90 | 3.82 ± 1.77 |
藤本 Liana | 51 | 8 399 | 3.84 ± 2.97 | 15.17 ± 6.17 |
合计 Total | 271 | 154 372 | 6.22 ± 7.02 | 7.32 ± 5.46 |
表1 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地不同生活型林分特征
Table 1 Stand characteristics of different life form in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er
类型 Types | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 株数 Individuals | 胸径 Diameter at the breast height (cm) | 树高 Height (m) |
乔木 Tree | 181 | 140 702 | 6.49 ± 7.25 | 6.98 ± 5.10 |
灌木 Shrub | 39 | 5 271 | 2.85 ± 1.90 | 3.82 ± 1.77 |
藤本 Liana | 51 | 8 399 | 3.84 ± 2.97 | 15.17 ± 6.17 |
合计 Total | 271 | 154 372 | 6.22 ± 7.02 | 7.32 ± 5.46 |
图2 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地物种-样方数量累计 曲线。
Fig. 2 Species accumulation curves based on the cumulative subplot number in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er.
图3 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地群落分类相对误差及交叉验证相对误差变化图。Min + 1SE, 交叉验证相对误差最小值加上一个标准差误差线; cp, 复杂度参数; Inf, 无穷大。
Fig. 3 Resubstitution and cross-validation relative error for the multivariate regression tree in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er. Min + 1SE, one standard error above the minimum cross-validated relative error; cp, complexity parameter; Inf, infinite.
图4 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地群丛分类多元回归树与主成分分析。红点表示群丛1 (珍珠花+毛银柴-短刺锥+泥柯群丛), 绿点表示群丛2 (云南瘿椒树+耳叶柯-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛), 深蓝点表示群丛3 (大果杜英+黄药大头茶-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛), 浅蓝点表示群丛4 (西桦+尼泊尔桤木-短刺锥+枹丝锥群丛)。
Fig. 4 Multivariate regression tree and principal component analysis for association classification in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er. Red dots indicate Association 1 (Lyonia ovalifolia + Aporosa villosa - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Lithocarpus fenestratus Association), green dots indicate Association 2 (Tapiscia yunnanensis + Lithocarpus grandifolius - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association), dark blue dots indicate Association 3 (Elaeocarpus sikkimensis + Polyspora chrysandra - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association), and light blue dots indicate Association 4 (Betula alnoides + Alnus nepalensis - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Castanopsis calathiformis Association).
图5 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地4类群丛20 m × 20 m的样方分布及物种分布韦恩图。群丛1, 珍珠花+毛银柴-短刺锥+泥柯群丛; 群丛2, 云南瘿椒树+耳叶柯-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛; 群丛3, 大果杜英+黄药大头茶-短刺锥+西南木荷群丛; 群丛4, 西桦+尼泊尔桤木-短刺锥+枹丝锥群丛。B中数字为物种数量。
Fig. 5 Four associations and venn diagram of species distribution at the scale of 20 m × 20 m in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er. Association 1, Lyonia ovalifolia + Aporosa villosa - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Lithocarpus fenestratus Association; Association 2, Tapiscia yunnanensis + Lithocarpus grandifolius - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association; Association 3, Elaeocarpus sikkimensis + Polyspora chrysandra - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Schima wallichii Association; Association 4, Betula alnoides + Alnus nepalensis - Castanopsis echidnocarpa + Castanopsis calathiformis Association. Number in B represent species mumber.
排序 Order | 群丛1 Association 1 | 群丛2 Association 2 | 群丛3 Association 3 | 群丛4 Association 4 | ||||
物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | |
1 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 27.80 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 10.28 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 25.75 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 12.02 |
2 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 9.99 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 6.96 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 9.55 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 7.43 |
3 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 6.67 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.73 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 8.29 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 7.30 |
4 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.88 | 云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 5.38 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 6.15 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 7.26 |
5 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 4.23 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 4.73 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.87 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.95 |
6 | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 4.06 | 齿叶黄杞 Engelhardtia serrata | 4.01 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.24 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.38 |
7 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 4.03 | 耳叶柯 Lithocarpus grandifolius | 3.56 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.90 | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 5.14 |
8 | 隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 3.95 | 厚皮香 Ternstroemia gymnanthera | 2.97 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 3.83 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.35 |
9 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.70 | 北酸脚杆 Medinilla septentrionalis | 2.89 | 隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 1.98 | 云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 2.74 |
10 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 3.06 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 2.89 | 深绿山龙眼 Helicia nilagirica | 1.79 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 2.56 |
表2 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地4类群丛内重要值排序
Table 2 Order of four associations by importance value in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er
排序 Order | 群丛1 Association 1 | 群丛2 Association 2 | 群丛3 Association 3 | 群丛4 Association 4 | ||||
物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | 物种 Species | 重要值 IV | |
1 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 27.80 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 10.28 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 25.75 | 短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 12.02 |
2 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 9.99 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 6.96 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 9.55 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 7.43 |
3 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 6.67 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.73 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 8.29 | 西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 7.30 |
4 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.88 | 云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 5.38 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 6.15 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 7.26 |
5 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 4.23 | 泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 4.73 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.87 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 5.95 |
6 | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 4.06 | 齿叶黄杞 Engelhardtia serrata | 4.01 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.24 | 截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 5.38 |
7 | 红梗润楠 Machilus rufipes | 4.03 | 耳叶柯 Lithocarpus grandifolius | 3.56 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.90 | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 5.14 |
8 | 隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 3.95 | 厚皮香 Ternstroemia gymnanthera | 2.97 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 3.83 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.35 |
9 | 红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 3.70 | 北酸脚杆 Medinilla septentrionalis | 2.89 | 隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 1.98 | 云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 2.74 |
10 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 3.06 | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 2.89 | 深绿山龙眼 Helicia nilagirica | 1.79 | 茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 2.56 |
物种 Species | 指示值 Indicator value | 生活型 Life form | 物种 Species | 指示值 Indicator value | 生活型 Life form |
群丛1 Association 1 | 毛杜茎山 Maesa permollis | 0.208 | T | ||
红皮水锦树 Wendlandia tinctoria subsp. intermedia | 0.529 | T | 构棘 Maclura cochinchinensis | 0.206 | L |
隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 0.492 | T | 野柿 Diospyros kaki var. silvestris | 0.195 | T |
深绿山龙眼 Helicia nilagirica | 0.418 | T | 云南狗牙花 Ervatamia yunnanensis | 0.172 | T |
巴豆藤 Craspedolobium unijugum | 0.400 | L | 假山龙眼 Heliciopsis henryi | 0.171 | T |
短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 0.376 | T | 齿叶枇杷 Eriobotrya serrata | 0.160 | T |
泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 0.334 | T | 坚核桂樱 Laurocerasus jenkinsii | 0.153 | T |
茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 0.320 | T | 粗梗胡椒 Piper macropodum | 0.151 | L |
截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 0.308 | T | 苹果榕 Ficus oligodon | 0.142 | T |
毛叶黄杞 Engelhardia spicata var. colebrookeana | 0.264 | T | 珍珠伞 Ardisia maculosa | 0.139 | T |
毛杨梅 Myrica esculenta | 0.264 | T | 岭罗麦 Tarennoidea wallichii | 0.138 | T |
珍珠花 Lyonia ovalifolia | 0.243 | T | 刺篱木 Flacourtia indica | 0.136 | T |
毛银柴 Aporosa villosa | 0.194 | T | 台湾粗叶木 Lasianthus formosensis | 0.135 | T |
猴耳环 Archidendron clypearia | 0.188 | T | 假柿木姜子 Litsea monopetala | 0.116 | T |
密花豆 Spatholobus suberectus | 0.188 | L | 思茅锥 Castanopsis ferox | 0.113 | T |
小果锥 Castanopsis fleuryi | 0.168 | T | 分叉露兜 Pandanus urophyllus | 0.112 | T |
密花树 Myrsine seguinii | 0.147 | T | 焰序山龙眼 Helicia pyrrhobotrya | 0.107 | T |
金叶子 Craibiodendron stellatum | 0.113 | T | 棒果榕 Ficus subincisa | 0.106 | T |
合果木 Michelia baillonii | 0.107 | T | 越南安息香 Styrax tonkinensis | 0.104 | T |
称杆树 Maesa ramentacea | 0.077 | T | 四川冬青 Ilex szechwanensis | 0.095 | T |
群丛2 Association 2 | 桫椤 Alsophila spinulosa | 0.090 | T | ||
普文楠 Phoebe puwenensis | 0.566 | T | 粗叶榕 Ficus hirta | 0.088 | S |
阔叶蒲桃 Syzygium megacarpum | 0.559 | T | 飞龙掌血 Toddalia asiatica | 0.078 | L |
齿叶黄杞 Engelhardia serrata | 0.514 | T | 望谟崖摩 Aglaia lawii | 0.075 | T |
耳叶柯 Lithocarpus grandifolius | 0.493 | T | 长叶柞木 Xylosma longifolia | 0.074 | T |
北酸脚杆 Medinilla septentrionalis | 0.466 | T | 砚壳花椒 Zanthoxylum dissitum | 0.073 | L |
山香圆 Turpinia montana | 0.462 | T | 鹧鸪花 Heynea trijuga | 0.069 | T |
云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 0.435 | T | 劲直刺桐 Erythrina stricta | 0.065 | T |
艾胶树 Glochidion lanceolarium | 0.423 | T | 鸡爪簕 Benkara sinensis | 0.063 | T |
滇南木姜子 Litsea martabanica | 0.393 | T | 剑叶木姜子 Litsea lancifolia | 0.061 | T |
买麻藤 Gnetum montanum | 0.358 | L | 尼泊尔水东哥 Saurauia napaulensis | 0.060 | T |
钝叶桂 Cinnamomum bejolghota | 0.356 | T | 腺萼木 Mycetia glandulosa | 0.060 | S |
胭脂 Artocarpus tonkinensis | 0.343 | T | 多蕊木 Tupidanthus calyptratus | 0.059 | T |
独子藤 Celastrus monospermus | 0.321 | L | 当归藤 Embelia parviflora | 0.059 | L |
云南狗骨柴 Diplospora mollissima | 0.320 | T | 毛叶合欢 Albizia mollis | 0.052 | T |
纽子果 Ardisia virens | 0.314 | T | 藤金合欢 Acacia concinna | 0.051 | L |
李榄琼楠 Beilschmiedia linocieroides | 0.302 | T | 红果樫木 Dysoxylum gotadhora | 0.051 | T |
山杜英 Elaeocarpus sylvestris | 0.295 | T | 玉兰叶木姜子 Litsea semecarpifolia | 0.048 | T |
大叶斑鸠菊 Vernonia volkameriifolia | 0.281 | S | 钩藤 Uncaria rhynchophylla | 0.047 | L |
黑老虎 Kadsura coccinea | 0.275 | L | 羊脆木 Pittosporum kerrii | 0.047 | T |
山油柑 Acronychia pedunculata | 0.242 | T | 榕叶掌叶树 Euaraliopsis ficifolia | 0.042 | S |
异形南五味子 Kadsura heteroclita | 0.240 | L | 小叶女贞 Ligustrum quihoui | 0.042 | T |
瓦山锥 Castanopsis ceratacantha | 0.222 | T | 中平树 Macaranga denticulata | 0.041 | T |
山蕉 Mitrephora macclurei | 0.216 | T | 微毛布惊 Vitex quinata var. puberula | 0.040 | T |
越南石栎 Lithocarpus annamensis | 0.214 | T | 歪叶榕 Ficus cyrtophylla | 0.037 | T |
泰梭罗 Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis | 0.032 | T | 群丛4 Association 4 | ||
森林榕 Ficus neriifolia | 0.030 | T | 五瓣子楝树 Decaspermum parviflorum | 0.408 | T |
矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta var. beecheyana | 0.030 | T | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 0.320 | T |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | 0.029 | T | 岗柃 Eurya groffii | 0.280 | T |
爬树龙 Rhaphidophora decursiva | 0.026 | L | 穗序鹅掌柴 Schefflera delavayi | 0.260 | T |
鱼尾葵 Caryota maxima | 0.024 | T | 鲫鱼胆 Maesa perlarius | 0.253 | T |
扁担藤 Tetrastigma planicaule | 0.024 | L | 三桠苦 Melicope pteleifolia | 0.193 | S |
假苹婆 Sterculia lanceolata | 0.023 | T | 圆锥悬钩子 Rubus paniculatus | 0.192 | L |
浆果楝 Cipadessa baccifera | 0.022 | T | 云南臀果木 Pygeum henryi | 0.185 | T |
红枝崖爬藤 Tetrastigma erubescens | 0.021 | L | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 0.177 | T |
白花龙船花 Ixora henryi | 0.020 | T | 黄心树 Machilus gamblei | 0.170 | T |
多体蕊黄檀 Dalbergia polyadelpha | 0.020 | T | 奶桑 Morus macroura | 0.148 | T |
割舌树 Walsura robusta | 0.020 | T | 喜马拉雅崖爬藤 Tetrastigma rumicispermum | 0.146 | L |
水麻 Debregeasia orientalis | 0.020 | S | 檀梨 Pyrularia edulis | 0.115 | T |
泰国黄叶树 Xanthophyllum flavescens | 0.020 | T | 红叶藤 Rourea minor | 0.089 | L |
瓦理棕 Wallichia gracilis | 0.020 | T | 云南黄杞 Engelhardia spicata | 0.086 | T |
牛枓吴萸 Tetradium trichotomum | 0.018 | T | 玉叶金花 Mussaenda pubescens | 0.083 | L |
樱叶杜英 Elaeocarpus prunifolioides | 0.018 | T | 托叶黄檀 Dalbergia stipulacea | 0.078 | L |
细花秀丽火把花 | 0.017 | L | 大血藤 Sargentodoxa cuneata | 0.077 | L |
Colquhounia elegans var. tenuiflora | 无腺吴萸 Tetradium fraxinifolium | 0.074 | T | ||
群丛3 Association 3 | 尼泊尔桤木 Alnus nepalensis | 0.070 | T | ||
红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 0.310 | T | 高盆樱桃 Cerasus cerasoides | 0.065 | T |
西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 0.301 | T | 小萼瓜馥木 Fissistigma polyanthoides | 0.057 | L |
红花木犀榄 Olea rosea | 0.218 | T | 七小叶崖爬藤 Tetrastigma delavayi | 0.038 | L |
腺叶木犀榄 Olea paniculata | 0.198 | T | 一担柴 Colona floribunda | 0.025 | T |
猪肚木 Canthium horridum | 0.187 | T | 楹树 Albizia chinensis | 0.022 | T |
大果杜英 Elaeocarpus sikkimensis | 0.165 | T | 白瑞香 Daphne papyracea | 0.020 | S |
黄药大头茶 Polyspora chrysandra | 0.104 | T | 爪哇黄杞 Engelhardia spicata var. aceriflora | 0.017 | T |
青藤仔 Jasminum nervosum | 0.017 | L |
表3 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地4类群丛内物种指示值排序
Table 3 Order for four associations by species indicator value in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er
物种 Species | 指示值 Indicator value | 生活型 Life form | 物种 Species | 指示值 Indicator value | 生活型 Life form |
群丛1 Association 1 | 毛杜茎山 Maesa permollis | 0.208 | T | ||
红皮水锦树 Wendlandia tinctoria subsp. intermedia | 0.529 | T | 构棘 Maclura cochinchinensis | 0.206 | L |
隐距越桔 Vaccinium exaristatum | 0.492 | T | 野柿 Diospyros kaki var. silvestris | 0.195 | T |
深绿山龙眼 Helicia nilagirica | 0.418 | T | 云南狗牙花 Ervatamia yunnanensis | 0.172 | T |
巴豆藤 Craspedolobium unijugum | 0.400 | L | 假山龙眼 Heliciopsis henryi | 0.171 | T |
短刺锥 Castanopsis echidnocarpa | 0.376 | T | 齿叶枇杷 Eriobotrya serrata | 0.160 | T |
泥柯 Lithocarpus fenestratus | 0.334 | T | 坚核桂樱 Laurocerasus jenkinsii | 0.153 | T |
茶梨 Anneslea fragrans | 0.320 | T | 粗梗胡椒 Piper macropodum | 0.151 | L |
截果柯 Lithocarpus truncatus | 0.308 | T | 苹果榕 Ficus oligodon | 0.142 | T |
毛叶黄杞 Engelhardia spicata var. colebrookeana | 0.264 | T | 珍珠伞 Ardisia maculosa | 0.139 | T |
毛杨梅 Myrica esculenta | 0.264 | T | 岭罗麦 Tarennoidea wallichii | 0.138 | T |
珍珠花 Lyonia ovalifolia | 0.243 | T | 刺篱木 Flacourtia indica | 0.136 | T |
毛银柴 Aporosa villosa | 0.194 | T | 台湾粗叶木 Lasianthus formosensis | 0.135 | T |
猴耳环 Archidendron clypearia | 0.188 | T | 假柿木姜子 Litsea monopetala | 0.116 | T |
密花豆 Spatholobus suberectus | 0.188 | L | 思茅锥 Castanopsis ferox | 0.113 | T |
小果锥 Castanopsis fleuryi | 0.168 | T | 分叉露兜 Pandanus urophyllus | 0.112 | T |
密花树 Myrsine seguinii | 0.147 | T | 焰序山龙眼 Helicia pyrrhobotrya | 0.107 | T |
金叶子 Craibiodendron stellatum | 0.113 | T | 棒果榕 Ficus subincisa | 0.106 | T |
合果木 Michelia baillonii | 0.107 | T | 越南安息香 Styrax tonkinensis | 0.104 | T |
称杆树 Maesa ramentacea | 0.077 | T | 四川冬青 Ilex szechwanensis | 0.095 | T |
群丛2 Association 2 | 桫椤 Alsophila spinulosa | 0.090 | T | ||
普文楠 Phoebe puwenensis | 0.566 | T | 粗叶榕 Ficus hirta | 0.088 | S |
阔叶蒲桃 Syzygium megacarpum | 0.559 | T | 飞龙掌血 Toddalia asiatica | 0.078 | L |
齿叶黄杞 Engelhardia serrata | 0.514 | T | 望谟崖摩 Aglaia lawii | 0.075 | T |
耳叶柯 Lithocarpus grandifolius | 0.493 | T | 长叶柞木 Xylosma longifolia | 0.074 | T |
北酸脚杆 Medinilla septentrionalis | 0.466 | T | 砚壳花椒 Zanthoxylum dissitum | 0.073 | L |
山香圆 Turpinia montana | 0.462 | T | 鹧鸪花 Heynea trijuga | 0.069 | T |
云南瘿椒树 Tapiscia yunnanensis | 0.435 | T | 劲直刺桐 Erythrina stricta | 0.065 | T |
艾胶树 Glochidion lanceolarium | 0.423 | T | 鸡爪簕 Benkara sinensis | 0.063 | T |
滇南木姜子 Litsea martabanica | 0.393 | T | 剑叶木姜子 Litsea lancifolia | 0.061 | T |
买麻藤 Gnetum montanum | 0.358 | L | 尼泊尔水东哥 Saurauia napaulensis | 0.060 | T |
钝叶桂 Cinnamomum bejolghota | 0.356 | T | 腺萼木 Mycetia glandulosa | 0.060 | S |
胭脂 Artocarpus tonkinensis | 0.343 | T | 多蕊木 Tupidanthus calyptratus | 0.059 | T |
独子藤 Celastrus monospermus | 0.321 | L | 当归藤 Embelia parviflora | 0.059 | L |
云南狗骨柴 Diplospora mollissima | 0.320 | T | 毛叶合欢 Albizia mollis | 0.052 | T |
纽子果 Ardisia virens | 0.314 | T | 藤金合欢 Acacia concinna | 0.051 | L |
李榄琼楠 Beilschmiedia linocieroides | 0.302 | T | 红果樫木 Dysoxylum gotadhora | 0.051 | T |
山杜英 Elaeocarpus sylvestris | 0.295 | T | 玉兰叶木姜子 Litsea semecarpifolia | 0.048 | T |
大叶斑鸠菊 Vernonia volkameriifolia | 0.281 | S | 钩藤 Uncaria rhynchophylla | 0.047 | L |
黑老虎 Kadsura coccinea | 0.275 | L | 羊脆木 Pittosporum kerrii | 0.047 | T |
山油柑 Acronychia pedunculata | 0.242 | T | 榕叶掌叶树 Euaraliopsis ficifolia | 0.042 | S |
异形南五味子 Kadsura heteroclita | 0.240 | L | 小叶女贞 Ligustrum quihoui | 0.042 | T |
瓦山锥 Castanopsis ceratacantha | 0.222 | T | 中平树 Macaranga denticulata | 0.041 | T |
山蕉 Mitrephora macclurei | 0.216 | T | 微毛布惊 Vitex quinata var. puberula | 0.040 | T |
越南石栎 Lithocarpus annamensis | 0.214 | T | 歪叶榕 Ficus cyrtophylla | 0.037 | T |
泰梭罗 Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis | 0.032 | T | 群丛4 Association 4 | ||
森林榕 Ficus neriifolia | 0.030 | T | 五瓣子楝树 Decaspermum parviflorum | 0.408 | T |
矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta var. beecheyana | 0.030 | T | 枹丝锥 Castanopsis calathiformis | 0.320 | T |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | 0.029 | T | 岗柃 Eurya groffii | 0.280 | T |
爬树龙 Rhaphidophora decursiva | 0.026 | L | 穗序鹅掌柴 Schefflera delavayi | 0.260 | T |
鱼尾葵 Caryota maxima | 0.024 | T | 鲫鱼胆 Maesa perlarius | 0.253 | T |
扁担藤 Tetrastigma planicaule | 0.024 | L | 三桠苦 Melicope pteleifolia | 0.193 | S |
假苹婆 Sterculia lanceolata | 0.023 | T | 圆锥悬钩子 Rubus paniculatus | 0.192 | L |
浆果楝 Cipadessa baccifera | 0.022 | T | 云南臀果木 Pygeum henryi | 0.185 | T |
红枝崖爬藤 Tetrastigma erubescens | 0.021 | L | 西桦 Betula alnoides | 0.177 | T |
白花龙船花 Ixora henryi | 0.020 | T | 黄心树 Machilus gamblei | 0.170 | T |
多体蕊黄檀 Dalbergia polyadelpha | 0.020 | T | 奶桑 Morus macroura | 0.148 | T |
割舌树 Walsura robusta | 0.020 | T | 喜马拉雅崖爬藤 Tetrastigma rumicispermum | 0.146 | L |
水麻 Debregeasia orientalis | 0.020 | S | 檀梨 Pyrularia edulis | 0.115 | T |
泰国黄叶树 Xanthophyllum flavescens | 0.020 | T | 红叶藤 Rourea minor | 0.089 | L |
瓦理棕 Wallichia gracilis | 0.020 | T | 云南黄杞 Engelhardia spicata | 0.086 | T |
牛枓吴萸 Tetradium trichotomum | 0.018 | T | 玉叶金花 Mussaenda pubescens | 0.083 | L |
樱叶杜英 Elaeocarpus prunifolioides | 0.018 | T | 托叶黄檀 Dalbergia stipulacea | 0.078 | L |
细花秀丽火把花 | 0.017 | L | 大血藤 Sargentodoxa cuneata | 0.077 | L |
Colquhounia elegans var. tenuiflora | 无腺吴萸 Tetradium fraxinifolium | 0.074 | T | ||
群丛3 Association 3 | 尼泊尔桤木 Alnus nepalensis | 0.070 | T | ||
红叶木姜子 Litsea rubescens | 0.310 | T | 高盆樱桃 Cerasus cerasoides | 0.065 | T |
西南木荷 Schima wallichii | 0.301 | T | 小萼瓜馥木 Fissistigma polyanthoides | 0.057 | L |
红花木犀榄 Olea rosea | 0.218 | T | 七小叶崖爬藤 Tetrastigma delavayi | 0.038 | L |
腺叶木犀榄 Olea paniculata | 0.198 | T | 一担柴 Colona floribunda | 0.025 | T |
猪肚木 Canthium horridum | 0.187 | T | 楹树 Albizia chinensis | 0.022 | T |
大果杜英 Elaeocarpus sikkimensis | 0.165 | T | 白瑞香 Daphne papyracea | 0.020 | S |
黄药大头茶 Polyspora chrysandra | 0.104 | T | 爪哇黄杞 Engelhardia spicata var. aceriflora | 0.017 | T |
青藤仔 Jasminum nervosum | 0.017 | L |
类型 Type | 面积 Area (hm2) | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 林分密度 Stand density (Individuals·hm-2) | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 坡向 Slope aspect (°) |
群丛1 Association 1 | 16.20 | 195 | 5 381.79 | 6.29 ± 0.71b | 1 544.24 ± 14.92a | 18.7 ± 5.07b | 196.01 ± 88.33c |
群丛2 Association 2 | 4.00 | 214 | 3 851.50 | 6.91 ± 1.62a | 1 477.81 ± 5.32c | 20.22 ± 6.84a | 268.73 ± 70.58b |
群丛3 Association 3 | 5.04 | 186 | 7 847.00 | 6.22 ± 0.79b | 1 506.53 ± 9.64b | 20.17 ± 3.93a | 163.88 ± 46.86d |
群丛4 Association 4 | 4.76 | 172 | 2 370.00 | 6.2 ± 0.89b | 1 506.22 ± 10.39b | 18.42 ± 5.58b | 293.76 ± 43.71a |
表4 普洱30 hm2森林动态监测样地4类群丛差异(平均值±标准误差)
Table 4 Variance among four associations in the 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot of Pu’er (mean ± SE)
类型 Type | 面积 Area (hm2) | 物种丰富度 Species richness | 林分密度 Stand density (Individuals·hm-2) | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 坡向 Slope aspect (°) |
群丛1 Association 1 | 16.20 | 195 | 5 381.79 | 6.29 ± 0.71b | 1 544.24 ± 14.92a | 18.7 ± 5.07b | 196.01 ± 88.33c |
群丛2 Association 2 | 4.00 | 214 | 3 851.50 | 6.91 ± 1.62a | 1 477.81 ± 5.32c | 20.22 ± 6.84a | 268.73 ± 70.58b |
群丛3 Association 3 | 5.04 | 186 | 7 847.00 | 6.22 ± 0.79b | 1 506.53 ± 9.64b | 20.17 ± 3.93a | 163.88 ± 46.86d |
群丛4 Association 4 | 4.76 | 172 | 2 370.00 | 6.2 ± 0.89b | 1 506.22 ± 10.39b | 18.42 ± 5.58b | 293.76 ± 43.71a |
类型 Type | 森林动态监测样地 Forest dynamic plot | ||
普洱 Pu’er | 西双版纳 Xishuangbanna | 哀牢山 Ailaoshan | |
建成时间 Establishment time (year) | 2019 | 2007 | 2014 |
植被类型 Vegetation types | 季风常绿阔叶林 Monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest | 热带雨林 Tropical forest | 中山湿性常绿阔叶林 Mid-moutain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest |
面积 Area (hm2) | 30 | 20 | 20 |
物种丰富度 Species richness | 271 | 468 | 104 |
海拔范围 Altitude range (m) | 1 467-1 587 | 709-869 | 2 472-2 628 |
优势物种 Dominant species | 短刺锥、西南木荷、枹丝锥、泥柯、截果柯、红梗润楠、茶梨、西桦、耳叶柯 Castanopsis echidnocarpa, Schima wallichii, Castanopsis calathiformis, Lithocarpus fenestratus, Lithocarpus truncates, Machilus rufipes, Anneslea fragrans, Betula alnoides, Lithocarpus grandifolius | 假海桐、望天树、云树、短刺锥、蚁花、毛猴欢喜、木奶果、红光树、绒毛番龙眼 Pittosporopsis kerrii, Parashorea chinensis, Garcinia cowa, Castanopsis echidnocarpa, Orophea laui, Sloanea tomentosa, Baccaurea ramiflora, Knema tenuinervia, Pometia pinnata | 蒙自连蕊茶、云南越桔、多花山矾、硬壳柯、变色锥、南亚枇杷、木果柯、山矾、滇润楠 Camellia forrestii, Vaccinium duclouxii, Symplocos ramosissima, Lithocarpus hancei, Castanopsis wattii, Eriobotrya bengalensis, Lithocarpus xylocarpus, Symplocos sumuntia, Machilus yunnanensis |
参考文献 Reference | - | Lan et al., 2008 | Wen et al., 2018 |
表5 普洱与毗邻区域动态监测样地比较
Table 5 Comparison of forest dynamic plots between Pu’er and adjacent districts
类型 Type | 森林动态监测样地 Forest dynamic plot | ||
普洱 Pu’er | 西双版纳 Xishuangbanna | 哀牢山 Ailaoshan | |
建成时间 Establishment time (year) | 2019 | 2007 | 2014 |
植被类型 Vegetation types | 季风常绿阔叶林 Monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest | 热带雨林 Tropical forest | 中山湿性常绿阔叶林 Mid-moutain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest |
面积 Area (hm2) | 30 | 20 | 20 |
物种丰富度 Species richness | 271 | 468 | 104 |
海拔范围 Altitude range (m) | 1 467-1 587 | 709-869 | 2 472-2 628 |
优势物种 Dominant species | 短刺锥、西南木荷、枹丝锥、泥柯、截果柯、红梗润楠、茶梨、西桦、耳叶柯 Castanopsis echidnocarpa, Schima wallichii, Castanopsis calathiformis, Lithocarpus fenestratus, Lithocarpus truncates, Machilus rufipes, Anneslea fragrans, Betula alnoides, Lithocarpus grandifolius | 假海桐、望天树、云树、短刺锥、蚁花、毛猴欢喜、木奶果、红光树、绒毛番龙眼 Pittosporopsis kerrii, Parashorea chinensis, Garcinia cowa, Castanopsis echidnocarpa, Orophea laui, Sloanea tomentosa, Baccaurea ramiflora, Knema tenuinervia, Pometia pinnata | 蒙自连蕊茶、云南越桔、多花山矾、硬壳柯、变色锥、南亚枇杷、木果柯、山矾、滇润楠 Camellia forrestii, Vaccinium duclouxii, Symplocos ramosissima, Lithocarpus hancei, Castanopsis wattii, Eriobotrya bengalensis, Lithocarpus xylocarpus, Symplocos sumuntia, Machilus yunnanensis |
参考文献 Reference | - | Lan et al., 2008 | Wen et al., 2018 |
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