植物生态学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 386-393.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0051

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浙江天童常绿阔叶林藤本植物的适应生态学研究 II.攀援能力和单株攀援效率

蔡永立, 宋永昌   

  1. 华东师范大学资源与环境学院, 城市化生态过程与生态恢复上海市重点实验室,上海200062
  • 收稿日期:2004-01-15 接受日期:2004-07-24 出版日期:2005-01-15 发布日期:2005-05-30
  • 基金资助:


CAI Yong-Li, SONG Yong-Chang   

  1. School of Resource & Environment, East China Normal University, Shanghai Key Laboratory for Ecology of Urbanization Process and Eco-Restoration, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Received:2004-01-15 Accepted:2004-07-24 Online:2005-01-15 Published:2005-05-30


选用节间长、节数和支持木大小作为攀援能力的指标, 单株攀援的支持木种类、数量及水平扩展面积作为单株攀援效率的指标, 对浙江天童常绿阔叶林中 5类 12种大中型木质藤本的攀援能力及生态适应性和其中 2种藤本单株攀援效率进行了分析, 结果发现 :1) 不同攀援类型的节间长和节数存在显著差异, 对支持木大小要求不同, 反映出攀援能力在类型间的差异 ;没有一类藤本兼具所有优势, 攀援能力是节间长、节数和支持木大小不同组合的结果 ;卷须类的广东蛇葡萄 (Ampelopsiscantoniensis) 和暗色菝葜 (Smilaxlanceifoliavar.opaca) 节间最长、节数居中、要求较小支持木 ;枝卷类的香港黄檀 (Dalbergiamillettii) 节数和支持木大小与卷须类接近, 但节间较短 ;不定根类的中华常春藤 (Hederanepalensisvar.sinensis) 、扶芳藤 (Euonymusfortunei) 、薜荔 (Ficuspumila) 和络石 (Trachlospermumjasmi noides) 以及吸盘类的异叶爬山虎 (Parthnocissusheterophylla) 节间最短、但节数最多, 要求较大支持木 ;茎缠绕类的白花野木瓜 (Stauntonialeucantha) 、羊角藤 (Morindaumbellata) 、忍冬 (Lonicerajaponica) 和薯莨 (Dioscoreacirrhosa) 节间长居中, 节数最少, 要求中等但幅度较宽的支持木。 2 ) 同类型不同藤本的节间长、节数和支持木大小的差异反映出由非亲缘关系植物演化形成的藤本具有自身特性的一面 ;同种藤本个体间差异反映出植物的可塑性特点, 是个体对群落内异质生境响应的结果。 3) 广东蛇葡萄单株平均攀援支持木 (乔木 ) 种类、株数和水平扩展面积大于香港黄檀, 反映出前者单株攀援效率大于后者 ;两种藤本的单株攀援效率不与年龄呈正相关, 反映出影响因素的复杂性 ;单株攀援效率可用来指示它们在群落中作用大小。

关键词: 藤本植物, 攀援能力, 单株攀援效率, 生态适应性


Climbing capacity and climbing efficiency of lianas were used to predict their adaptive capacity and performance in an evergreen broad-leaved forest of Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang. We used internode length and number of internodes of the climbing branch and trellis size as indicators of climbing capacity. Climbing efficiency was estimated by the kind, size and quantity of trellises (tree) climbed and the horizontal areal extent of an individual liana plant. Climbing capacity was determined by twelve species of lianas that belonged to five different climbing groups, and the climbing efficiency was determined by two liana species. Climbing capacity of a liana depended on the combination of internode length and number of internodes of its climbing branch and the size of its trellis. There were large differences among lianas with different climbing mechanics in internode length and number of internodes of the climbing branch and size of trellis used. Two tendril-curled lianas (Ampelopsis cantoniensis and Smilax lanceifolia var. opaca) were characterized by having the longest internode, a moderate number of internodes and small trellis. One branch-curled liana (Dalbergia millettii) had much shorter internodes than the tendril-curled liana but a similar number of internodes and trellis size. Four adventitious root-climbing lianas (Euonymus fortunei, Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis, Trachlospermum jasminoides and Ficus pumila) and one adhesive disc-climbing liana (Parthnocissus heterophylla) had the shortest internode, the most number of internodes and the largest trellis. Four stem-twining lianas (Stauntonia leucantha, Morinda umbellata, Dioscorea cirrhosa, and Lonicera japonica) had long internodes and moderate trellis size but the least number of internodes. There were also differences in internode length, number of internodes and size of trellis among lianas with the same climbing mechanics most likely due to their different origins. Differences in internode length and number of internodes within the same plant were due to phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity, which is controlled by both genetic and environmental factors, is a highly beneficial characteristic for adaptation to the high environmental heterogeneity of the forest. Individuals of A. cantoniensis climbed more trellis and occupied more extensive horizontal areas than individuals of D. millettii. This indicates that individuals of A. cantoniensis had greater climbing efficiency and played a more important role in the forest than individuals of D. millettii.

Key words: Evergreen broad-leaved forest, Liana, Climbing capacity, Climbing efficiency, Ecological adaptation