Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 362-370.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0035
Special Issue: 植物功能性状
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHI Yuan-Chun, ZHAO Cheng-Zhang*(), SONG Qing-Hua, DU Jing, CHEN Jing, WANG Ji-Wei
Cheng-Zhang ZHAO
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# Co-first authors
SHI Yuan-Chun,ZHAO Cheng-Zhang,SONG Qing-Hua,DU Jing,CHEN Jing,WANG Ji-Wei. Slope-related variations in twig and leaf traits of Robinia pseudoacacia in the northern mountains of Lanzhou[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2015, 39(4): 362-370.
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坡向 Aspect | 群落特征 Community characteristics | 土壤水分 Soil moisture (%) | |
郁闭度 Crown density (%) | 高度 Height (cm) | ||
北坡 North slope | 87.151 ± 4.910a | 398.547 ± 23.352a | 8.779 ± 0.297a |
东坡 East slope | 79.094 ± 4.012b | 341.025 ± 13.221b | 7.914 ± 0.380b |
南坡 South slope | 67.383 ± 2.715c | 301.722 ± 15.144c | 6.837 ± 0.517c |
西坡 West slope | 78.779 ± 5.294b | 339.448 ± 11.989b | 7.848 ± 0.411b |
Table 1 Main characteristics of the transects in different slope aspects (mean ± SE)
坡向 Aspect | 群落特征 Community characteristics | 土壤水分 Soil moisture (%) | |
郁闭度 Crown density (%) | 高度 Height (cm) | ||
北坡 North slope | 87.151 ± 4.910a | 398.547 ± 23.352a | 8.779 ± 0.297a |
东坡 East slope | 79.094 ± 4.012b | 341.025 ± 13.221b | 7.914 ± 0.380b |
南坡 South slope | 67.383 ± 2.715c | 301.722 ± 15.144c | 6.837 ± 0.517c |
西坡 West slope | 78.779 ± 5.294b | 339.448 ± 11.989b | 7.848 ± 0.411b |
坡向 Aspect | 茎截面积 Cross-sectional area of twigs (mm2) | 总叶面积 Total leaf area (cm2) | 出叶强度 Leafing intensity (No.·mm-3) | 单叶面积 Individual leaf area (mm2) |
北坡 North slope | 12.892 ± 0.128a | 37.695 ± 1.743a | 0.014 ± 0.002c | 539.848 ± 26.372a |
东坡 East slope | 12.496 ± 0.224b | 33.314 ± 1.609b | 0.018 ± 0.001b | 478.526 ± 24.131b |
南坡 South slope | 11.613 ± 0.283c | 25.064 ± 1.878c | 0.021 ± 0.001a | 374.171 ± 21.387c |
西坡 West slope | 12.245 ± 0.335b | 32.129 ± 1.831b | 0.017 ± 0.001b | 472.809 ± 22.813b |
Table 2 Twig and leaf traits of Robinia pseudoacacia in different slope aspects (mean ± SE)
坡向 Aspect | 茎截面积 Cross-sectional area of twigs (mm2) | 总叶面积 Total leaf area (cm2) | 出叶强度 Leafing intensity (No.·mm-3) | 单叶面积 Individual leaf area (mm2) |
北坡 North slope | 12.892 ± 0.128a | 37.695 ± 1.743a | 0.014 ± 0.002c | 539.848 ± 26.372a |
东坡 East slope | 12.496 ± 0.224b | 33.314 ± 1.609b | 0.018 ± 0.001b | 478.526 ± 24.131b |
南坡 South slope | 11.613 ± 0.283c | 25.064 ± 1.878c | 0.021 ± 0.001a | 374.171 ± 21.387c |
西坡 West slope | 12.245 ± 0.335b | 32.129 ± 1.831b | 0.017 ± 0.001b | 472.809 ± 22.813b |
Fig. 1 Relationship between the cross-sectional area of twigs and total leaf area in Robinia pseudoacacia. A, north slope; B, east slope; C, south slope; D, west slope.
Fig. 2 Relationship between leafing intensity and individual leaf area in Robinia pseudoacacia. A, north slope; B, east slope; C, south slope; D, west slope.
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