Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 554-564.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0053
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HUANG Zong-Sheng1, YU Li-Fei2,*(), FU Yu-Hong3, YANG Rui4
Li-Fei YU
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# Co-first authors
HUANG Zong-Sheng,YU Li-Fei,FU Yu-Hong,YANG Rui. Characteristics of carbon sequestration during natural restoration of Maolan karst forest ecosystems[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2015, 39(6): 554-564.
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恢复阶段Restoration stage | 坡度和海拔Slope and elevation | 坡向 Aspect | 植被特征 Vegetation characteristics | 优势种 Dominant species | 岩石裸露率 Bare rock (%) | 生境 Habitat |
草本阶段Herb stage | 30°-40°, 840 m | NW | 群落层次只有草本层, 高约1.0 m, 盖度达80%以上, 有极少数先锋树种, 地上覆盖有3-6 cm枯枝落叶层。 The vertical structure of the community has an herb layer with height of 1.0 m and coverage of more than 80%. There are a handful of pioneer trees. The thickness of litter layer is 3-6 cm on the ground. | 密毛蕨 Pteridium revolutum, 白茅Imperata cylindrical var. major, 金丝草Pogonatherum crinitum, 三毛草 Trisetum bifidum | 77.52 | 土面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, crevice, gully |
草灌阶段Herb to shrub stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 群落层次一层, 由草本和灌木共同组成, 盖度达80%以上, 草本、灌木盖度约各占一半, 高度1.5-2.0 m, 地表有少量藤刺, 群落下覆盖有2-5 cm枯枝落叶层。 The vertical structure of the community has only a single layer, which was dominated by shrubs and herbs. The mean height and coverage of community are 1.5-2.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The coverage of community is about equally divided into shrub and herb. There are a small amount of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer is 2-5 cm. | 盐肤木 Rhus chinensis, 野牡丹 Mlastoma candidum, 腊莲绣球 Hydrangea strigosa, 算盘子 Glochidion puberum, 密毛蕨Pteridium revolutum,白茅 Imperata cylindrical var. major, 金丝草 Pogonatherum crinitum | 75.61 | 土面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, crevice, gully |
灌木阶段Shrub stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 林分垂直结构单一, 无或有少量乔木, 主要以灌木层为主, 高度2.0-4.0 m, 覆盖度达80%以上, 地表有较多藤刺, 林下覆盖的枯枝落叶层2-4 cm。 The vertical structure of the stand is simple and dominated by the shrub layer, without tree layer or with a small amount of trees. The mean height and coverage of shrub layer are 2.0-4.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. There are a lot of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer was 2-4 cm on forest-floor. | 火棘 Pyracantha fortuneana, 南天竹Nandina domestica, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 齿叶铁仔 Myrsine semiserrata, 齿叶黄皮Clausena dunniana, 榔榆 Ulmus parvifolia | 73.22 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
灌乔阶段Shrub to arbor stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 林分层次结构分化, 乔木层高7.0-12.0 m, 木本植物盖度达80%以上; 林下草本盖度较低, 地表有较多藤刺, 林下枯枝落叶层厚3-5 cm。 The stand structure is stratified with mean height of the tree layer varying between 7.0 and 12.0 m, and the coverage of woody plants at more than 80%. The coverage of herb layer is low. There are a lot of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer is 3-5 cm on forest-floor. | 圆果化香树 Platycarya longipes, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 天峨槭 Acer wangchii, 鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa, 川钓樟 Lindera pulcherima var. hemsleyana, 青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 73.94 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
乔木阶段Arbor stage | 30°-40°, 840 m | SW | 层次结构分化明显, 乔木层、灌木层比较发达, 乔木层高14.0-18.0 m, 乔木层覆盖达80%以上; 灌木层高2.0-3.0 m, 盖度10%, 地表有少量藤刺、蕨类、地衣苔藓等分布, 林下枯枝落叶层厚1-3 cm。 The stand structure is clearly stratified, with well-developed tree layer and shrub layer. The mean tree height and coverage of tree layer are 14.0-18.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The shrub layer has a coverage of 10% and height of 2.0-3.0 m. The land is covered by a small amount of thorns, ferns, lichens and mosses, and the thickness of litter layer is 1-3 cm on forest-floor. | 光皮梾木 Swida wilsoniana, 黔桂润楠Machilus chienkweiensis, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 翅荚香槐 Cladrastis platycarpa,南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris, 短萼海桐 Pittosporum brevicalyx | 72.81 | 土面、石面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, rocky flatland, crevice, gully |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 30°-40°, 850 m | SW | 层次结构完整, 乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物之间分化清晰, 以乔木林为主, 高15.0-20.0 m, 乔木层覆盖率达80%以上; 灌木层高4.0-7.0 m, 盖度10%-20%; 林下覆盖有1-3 cm枯枝落叶层。 The stand structure is complete and clearly divided into tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer, with dominance of the tree layer. The mean tree height and coverage of the tree layer are 15.0-20.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The height of shrub layer has a coverage of 10%-20% and height of 4.0-7.0 m. The thickness of litter layer is 1-3 cm on forest-floor. | 光皮梾木 Swida wilsoniana, 短萼海桐Pittosporum brevicalyx, 多脉青冈Cyclobalanopsis multiervis, 天峨槭 Acer wangchii, 云贵鹅耳枥 Carpinus pubescens, 粗柄楠 Phoebe crassipedicella | 71.20 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
Table 1 Basic information of the vegetation at various restoration stages
恢复阶段Restoration stage | 坡度和海拔Slope and elevation | 坡向 Aspect | 植被特征 Vegetation characteristics | 优势种 Dominant species | 岩石裸露率 Bare rock (%) | 生境 Habitat |
草本阶段Herb stage | 30°-40°, 840 m | NW | 群落层次只有草本层, 高约1.0 m, 盖度达80%以上, 有极少数先锋树种, 地上覆盖有3-6 cm枯枝落叶层。 The vertical structure of the community has an herb layer with height of 1.0 m and coverage of more than 80%. There are a handful of pioneer trees. The thickness of litter layer is 3-6 cm on the ground. | 密毛蕨 Pteridium revolutum, 白茅Imperata cylindrical var. major, 金丝草Pogonatherum crinitum, 三毛草 Trisetum bifidum | 77.52 | 土面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, crevice, gully |
草灌阶段Herb to shrub stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 群落层次一层, 由草本和灌木共同组成, 盖度达80%以上, 草本、灌木盖度约各占一半, 高度1.5-2.0 m, 地表有少量藤刺, 群落下覆盖有2-5 cm枯枝落叶层。 The vertical structure of the community has only a single layer, which was dominated by shrubs and herbs. The mean height and coverage of community are 1.5-2.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The coverage of community is about equally divided into shrub and herb. There are a small amount of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer is 2-5 cm. | 盐肤木 Rhus chinensis, 野牡丹 Mlastoma candidum, 腊莲绣球 Hydrangea strigosa, 算盘子 Glochidion puberum, 密毛蕨Pteridium revolutum,白茅 Imperata cylindrical var. major, 金丝草 Pogonatherum crinitum | 75.61 | 土面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, crevice, gully |
灌木阶段Shrub stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 林分垂直结构单一, 无或有少量乔木, 主要以灌木层为主, 高度2.0-4.0 m, 覆盖度达80%以上, 地表有较多藤刺, 林下覆盖的枯枝落叶层2-4 cm。 The vertical structure of the stand is simple and dominated by the shrub layer, without tree layer or with a small amount of trees. The mean height and coverage of shrub layer are 2.0-4.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. There are a lot of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer was 2-4 cm on forest-floor. | 火棘 Pyracantha fortuneana, 南天竹Nandina domestica, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 齿叶铁仔 Myrsine semiserrata, 齿叶黄皮Clausena dunniana, 榔榆 Ulmus parvifolia | 73.22 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
灌乔阶段Shrub to arbor stage | 30°-40°, 820 m | SW | 林分层次结构分化, 乔木层高7.0-12.0 m, 木本植物盖度达80%以上; 林下草本盖度较低, 地表有较多藤刺, 林下枯枝落叶层厚3-5 cm。 The stand structure is stratified with mean height of the tree layer varying between 7.0 and 12.0 m, and the coverage of woody plants at more than 80%. The coverage of herb layer is low. There are a lot of thorns and ferns on the ground. The thickness of litter layer is 3-5 cm on forest-floor. | 圆果化香树 Platycarya longipes, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 天峨槭 Acer wangchii, 鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa, 川钓樟 Lindera pulcherima var. hemsleyana, 青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 73.94 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
乔木阶段Arbor stage | 30°-40°, 840 m | SW | 层次结构分化明显, 乔木层、灌木层比较发达, 乔木层高14.0-18.0 m, 乔木层覆盖达80%以上; 灌木层高2.0-3.0 m, 盖度10%, 地表有少量藤刺、蕨类、地衣苔藓等分布, 林下枯枝落叶层厚1-3 cm。 The stand structure is clearly stratified, with well-developed tree layer and shrub layer. The mean tree height and coverage of tree layer are 14.0-18.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The shrub layer has a coverage of 10% and height of 2.0-3.0 m. The land is covered by a small amount of thorns, ferns, lichens and mosses, and the thickness of litter layer is 1-3 cm on forest-floor. | 光皮梾木 Swida wilsoniana, 黔桂润楠Machilus chienkweiensis, 香叶树 Lindera communis, 翅荚香槐 Cladrastis platycarpa,南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris, 短萼海桐 Pittosporum brevicalyx | 72.81 | 土面、石面、石缝、石沟 Earth flatland, rocky flatland, crevice, gully |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 30°-40°, 850 m | SW | 层次结构完整, 乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物之间分化清晰, 以乔木林为主, 高15.0-20.0 m, 乔木层覆盖率达80%以上; 灌木层高4.0-7.0 m, 盖度10%-20%; 林下覆盖有1-3 cm枯枝落叶层。 The stand structure is complete and clearly divided into tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer, with dominance of the tree layer. The mean tree height and coverage of the tree layer are 15.0-20.0 m and more than 80%, respectively. The height of shrub layer has a coverage of 10%-20% and height of 4.0-7.0 m. The thickness of litter layer is 1-3 cm on forest-floor. | 光皮梾木 Swida wilsoniana, 短萼海桐Pittosporum brevicalyx, 多脉青冈Cyclobalanopsis multiervis, 天峨槭 Acer wangchii, 云贵鹅耳枥 Carpinus pubescens, 粗柄楠 Phoebe crassipedicella | 71.20 | 石面、石缝、土面、石沟 Rocky flatland, crevice, earth flatland, gully |
乔木各部位 Component of arbor | 方程 Equation | R2 | p |
干 Stem | W = 0.09120 (D2H)0.816 | 0.988 | <0.001 |
枝 Branch | W = 0.01510 (D2H)0.844 | 0.986 | <0.001 |
叶 Leaf | W = 0.01442 (D2H)0.693 | 0.972 | <0.001 |
地上 Aboveground | W = 0.11749 (D2H)0.814 | 0.989 | <0.001 |
地下 Underground | W = 0.03811 (D2H)0.896 | 0.951 | <0.001 |
总 Total | W = 0.15524 (D2H)0.841 | 0.987 | <0.001 |
Table 2 Equations for the relationships of the mass (kg) for different components of arbor (W) with diameter (cm) at breast height (D) and tree height (m)(H)
乔木各部位 Component of arbor | 方程 Equation | R2 | p |
干 Stem | W = 0.09120 (D2H)0.816 | 0.988 | <0.001 |
枝 Branch | W = 0.01510 (D2H)0.844 | 0.986 | <0.001 |
叶 Leaf | W = 0.01442 (D2H)0.693 | 0.972 | <0.001 |
地上 Aboveground | W = 0.11749 (D2H)0.814 | 0.989 | <0.001 |
地下 Underground | W = 0.03811 (D2H)0.896 | 0.951 | <0.001 |
总 Total | W = 0.15524 (D2H)0.841 | 0.987 | <0.001 |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 植被 Vegetation | |||||||||||
地上Aboveground | 地下Belowground | 合计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | 地上 Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | ||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 5.16a | 2.81a | 7.97a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.16a | 2.81a | 7.97a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 5.82b | 2.63b | 8.45b | 1.16a | 0.80a | 1.96a | - | - | - | 6.98b | 3.43b | 10.41b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 0.89c | 0.52c | 1.41c | 18.13b | 14.74b | 32.87b | - | - | - | 19.02c | 15.26c | 34.28c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 0.99d | 0.43d | 1.42c | 9.02c | 7.10c | 16.12c | 26.52a | 15.25a | 41.77a | 36.53d | 22.78d | 59.31d | |||
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 0.63e | 0.39e | 1.02d | 5.04d | 3.61d | 8.65d | 56.17b | 33.44b | 89.61b | 61.84e | 37.44e | 99.28e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 0.41f | 0.27f | 0.68e | 0.88e | 0.68e | 1.56e | 101.58c | 63.01c | 164.59c | 102.87f | 63.96f | 166.83f |
Table 3 Vegetation biomass at different restoration stages (t·hm-2)
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 植被 Vegetation | |||||||||||
地上Aboveground | 地下Belowground | 合计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | 地上 Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below ground | 合计Total | ||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 5.16a | 2.81a | 7.97a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.16a | 2.81a | 7.97a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 5.82b | 2.63b | 8.45b | 1.16a | 0.80a | 1.96a | - | - | - | 6.98b | 3.43b | 10.41b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 0.89c | 0.52c | 1.41c | 18.13b | 14.74b | 32.87b | - | - | - | 19.02c | 15.26c | 34.28c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 0.99d | 0.43d | 1.42c | 9.02c | 7.10c | 16.12c | 26.52a | 15.25a | 41.77a | 36.53d | 22.78d | 59.31d | |||
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 0.63e | 0.39e | 1.02d | 5.04d | 3.61d | 8.65d | 56.17b | 33.44b | 89.61b | 61.84e | 37.44e | 99.28e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 0.41f | 0.27f | 0.68e | 0.88e | 0.68e | 1.56e | 101.58c | 63.01c | 164.59c | 102.87f | 63.96f | 166.83f |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 三层合计 Total of three layers |
草本阶段 Herb stage | 1.84a | - | - | 1.84a |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 2.21b | 1.45a | - | 2.03b |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 1.71c | 1.23b | - | 1.26c |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 2.30d | 1.27bc | 1.74a | 1.60d |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 1.63e | 1.39d | 1.68a | 1.65d |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 1.52f | 1.29c | 1.61b | 1.61d |
Table 4 The ratio of aboveground biomass to below ground biomass of the vegetation
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 三层合计 Total of three layers |
草本阶段 Herb stage | 1.84a | - | - | 1.84a |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 2.21b | 1.45a | - | 2.03b |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 1.71c | 1.23b | - | 1.26c |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 2.30d | 1.27bc | 1.74a | 1.60d |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 1.63e | 1.39d | 1.68a | 1.65d |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 1.52f | 1.29c | 1.61b | 1.61d |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 加权平均含碳率 The weighted average of carbon content | ||||||||
地上 Aboveground | 地下 Belowground | 地上 Aboveground | 地下 Belowground | 干 Stem | 枝 Branch | 叶 Leaf | 根 Root | |||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 38.64a | 33.30a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 36.76a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 37.61b | 38.06b | 43.25a | 42.34a | - | - | - | - | 38.71b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 34.32c | 31.63c | 46.68b | 45.26b | - | - | - | - | 45.51c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 35.74d | 36.59d | 46.33bc | 46.17b | 47.98a | 44.23a | 45.68a | 46.53a | 46.55d | |||
顶极阶段 Arbor stage | 33.68ce | 34.88e | 44.52d | 42.61a | 48.66a | 45.11a | 46.34a | 47.39ab | 47.24e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 33.27e | 33.62a | 45.36cd | 43.22a | 49.35a | 46.81b | 42.13b | 49.26b | 48.74f |
Table 5 Vegetation carbon content at different restoration stages (%)
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 加权平均含碳率 The weighted average of carbon content | ||||||||
地上 Aboveground | 地下 Belowground | 地上 Aboveground | 地下 Belowground | 干 Stem | 枝 Branch | 叶 Leaf | 根 Root | |||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 38.64a | 33.30a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 36.76a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 37.61b | 38.06b | 43.25a | 42.34a | - | - | - | - | 38.71b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 34.32c | 31.63c | 46.68b | 45.26b | - | - | - | - | 45.51c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 35.74d | 36.59d | 46.33bc | 46.17b | 47.98a | 44.23a | 45.68a | 46.53a | 46.55d | |||
顶极阶段 Arbor stage | 33.68ce | 34.88e | 44.52d | 42.61a | 48.66a | 45.11a | 46.34a | 47.39ab | 47.24e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 33.27e | 33.62a | 45.36cd | 43.22a | 49.35a | 46.81b | 42.13b | 49.26b | 48.74f |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 植被 Vegetation | |||||||||||
地上Aboveground | 地下 Below- ground | 小计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 小计Total | 地上 Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 小计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 合计Total | ||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 1.99a | 0.94a | 2.93a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.99a | 0.94a | 2.93a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 2.19b | 1.00b | 3.19b | 0.50a | 0.34a | 0.84a | - | - | - | 2.69b | 1.34b | 4.03b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 0.31c | 0.16c | 0.47c | 8.46b | 6.67b | 15.13b | - | - | - | 8.77c | 6.83c | 15.60c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 0.35d | 0.16c | 0.51c | 4.18c | 3.28c | 7.46c | 12.54a | 7.10a | 19.64a | 17.07d | 10.54d | 27.61d | |||
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 0.21e | 0.14d | 0.35d | 2.24d | 1.54d | 3.78d | 26.92b | 15.85b | 42.77b | 29.37e | 17.53e | 46.90e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 0.14f | 0.09e | 0.23e | 0.40e | 0.29e | 0.69e | 49.36c | 31.03c | 80.40c | 49.90f | 31.41f | 81.31f |
Table 6 Vegetation carbon density at different restoration stages (t·hm-2)
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 草本层 Herb layer | 灌木层 Shrub layer | 乔木层 Arbor layer | 植被 Vegetation | |||||||||||
地上Aboveground | 地下 Below- ground | 小计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 小计Total | 地上 Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 小计 Total | 地上Aboveground | 地下Below- ground | 合计Total | ||||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 1.99a | 0.94a | 2.93a | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.99a | 0.94a | 2.93a | |||
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 2.19b | 1.00b | 3.19b | 0.50a | 0.34a | 0.84a | - | - | - | 2.69b | 1.34b | 4.03b | |||
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 0.31c | 0.16c | 0.47c | 8.46b | 6.67b | 15.13b | - | - | - | 8.77c | 6.83c | 15.60c | |||
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 0.35d | 0.16c | 0.51c | 4.18c | 3.28c | 7.46c | 12.54a | 7.10a | 19.64a | 17.07d | 10.54d | 27.61d | |||
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 0.21e | 0.14d | 0.35d | 2.24d | 1.54d | 3.78d | 26.92b | 15.85b | 42.77b | 29.37e | 17.53e | 46.90e | |||
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 0.14f | 0.09e | 0.23e | 0.40e | 0.29e | 0.69e | 49.36c | 31.03c | 80.40c | 49.90f | 31.41f | 81.31f |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 碳密度 Carbon density | 生态系统 Ecosystems | ||
植被 Vegetation | 凋落物 Litter | 土壤 Soil | ||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 2.93a | 4.97a | 10.71a | 18.61a |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 4.03b | 3.43b | 8.26b | 15.72b |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 25.60c | 1.81c | 12.36c | 29.77c |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 27.61d | 1.88d | 17.60d | 47.09d |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 46.90e | 1.64e | 18.80e | 67.34e |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 81.31f | 1.53f | 16.53f | 99.37f |
Table 7 Ecosystems carbon density at different restoration stages (t·hm-2)
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 碳密度 Carbon density | 生态系统 Ecosystems | ||
植被 Vegetation | 凋落物 Litter | 土壤 Soil | ||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 2.93a | 4.97a | 10.71a | 18.61a |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 4.03b | 3.43b | 8.26b | 15.72b |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 25.60c | 1.81c | 12.36c | 29.77c |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 27.61d | 1.88d | 17.60d | 47.09d |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 46.90e | 1.64e | 18.80e | 67.34e |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 81.31f | 1.53f | 16.53f | 99.37f |
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 恢复时间Restoration time (a) | 碳吸存速率 Carbon sequestration rate (t·hm-2·a-1) | ||||
始于草本阶段 From herb stage | 始于草灌阶段 From herb to shrub stage | 始于灌木阶段 From shrub stage | 始于灌乔阶段 From shrub to arbor stage | 始于乔木阶段 From arbor stage | ||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 5 | - | - | - | - | - |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 9 | -0.72 (0.28, -0.39, -0.61) | - | - | - | - |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 15 | 1.12 | 2.34 (1.93, -0.27, 0.68) | - | - | - |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 23 | 1.58 | 2.24 | 2.17 (1.50, 0.01, 0.66) | - | - |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 34 | 1.68 | 2.06 | 1.98 | 1.84 (1.75, -0.02, 0.11) | - |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 103 | 0.82 | 0.89 | 0.79 | 0.65 | 0.46 (0.50, -0.01 ,-0.03) |
Table 8 The carbon sequestration rate of ecosystem during natural restoration process
恢复阶段 Restoration stage | 恢复时间Restoration time (a) | 碳吸存速率 Carbon sequestration rate (t·hm-2·a-1) | ||||
始于草本阶段 From herb stage | 始于草灌阶段 From herb to shrub stage | 始于灌木阶段 From shrub stage | 始于灌乔阶段 From shrub to arbor stage | 始于乔木阶段 From arbor stage | ||
草本阶段 Herb stage | 5 | - | - | - | - | - |
草灌阶段 Herb to shrub stage | 9 | -0.72 (0.28, -0.39, -0.61) | - | - | - | - |
灌木阶段 Shrub stage | 15 | 1.12 | 2.34 (1.93, -0.27, 0.68) | - | - | - |
灌乔阶段 Shrub to arbor stage | 23 | 1.58 | 2.24 | 2.17 (1.50, 0.01, 0.66) | - | - |
乔木阶段 Arbor stage | 34 | 1.68 | 2.06 | 1.98 | 1.84 (1.75, -0.02, 0.11) | - |
顶极阶段 Climax stage | 103 | 0.82 | 0.89 | 0.79 | 0.65 | 0.46 (0.50, -0.01 ,-0.03) |
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