Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 220-228.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0258
Special Issue: 植物功能性状
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHAO Le-Wen1,CHEN Zi-Yi1,ZOU Ying1,FU Zi-Zhao1,WU Gui-Lin2,3,LIU Xiao-Rong2,3,LUO Qi2,3,LIN Yi-Xue4,2,LI Xiong-Ju1,LIU Zhi-Tong 1,LIU Hui2,*()
Supported by:
ZHAOLe-Wen, CHEN Zi-Yi, ZOU Ying, FU Zi-Zhao, WU Gui-Lin, LIU Xiao-Rong, LUO Qi, LIN Yi-Xue, LI Xiong-Ju, LIU Zhi-Tong, LIU Hui. Changes in hydraulic traits of nine vascular plants from different evolutionary lineages[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2018, 42(2): 220-228.
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物种 Species | 缩略词 Abbreviation | 科 Family | |
蕨类植物 Ferns | 芒萁 Dicranopteris pedata | Dp | 里白科 Gleicheniaceae |
华南毛蕨 Cyclosorus parasiticus | Cp | 金星蕨科 Thelypteridaceae | |
乌毛蕨 Blechnum orientale | Bo | 乌毛蕨科 Blechnaceae | |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 罗汉松 Podocarpus macrophyllus | Pm | 罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae |
竹柏 Podocarpus nagi | Pn | 罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | |
落羽杉 Taxodium distichum | Td | 杉科 Taxodiaceae | |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 海南木莲 Manglietia fordiana var. hainanensis | Mh | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae |
东京油楠 Sindora tonkinensis | St | 豆科 Fabaceae | |
羊蹄甲 Bauhinia purpurea | Bp | 豆科 Fabaceae |
Table 1 Summary of the nine species from three evolutionary lineages in this study
物种 Species | 缩略词 Abbreviation | 科 Family | |
蕨类植物 Ferns | 芒萁 Dicranopteris pedata | Dp | 里白科 Gleicheniaceae |
华南毛蕨 Cyclosorus parasiticus | Cp | 金星蕨科 Thelypteridaceae | |
乌毛蕨 Blechnum orientale | Bo | 乌毛蕨科 Blechnaceae | |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 罗汉松 Podocarpus macrophyllus | Pm | 罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae |
竹柏 Podocarpus nagi | Pn | 罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | |
落羽杉 Taxodium distichum | Td | 杉科 Taxodiaceae | |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 海南木莲 Manglietia fordiana var. hainanensis | Mh | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae |
东京油楠 Sindora tonkinensis | St | 豆科 Fabaceae | |
羊蹄甲 Bauhinia purpurea | Bp | 豆科 Fabaceae |
Fig. 1 Comparison of sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity (KS), leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity (KL) and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) among the nine species from three evolutionary lineages (mean ± SE, n = 3-5). Letters on top of each bar in the right column are HSD multiple comparison results, the phylogenetic tree of the nine species is drawn at the bottom. See species abbrivations in Table 1. Fern, ferns; Gym, gynosperms; Ang, angiosperms.
Fig. 2 Comparison of leaf transpiration rate (E) and intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) among the nine species from three evolutionary lineages (mean ± SE, n = 3-5). Notes are the same with Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 Comparison of stomatal area index (SPI) and wood density (WD) among the nine species from three evolutionary lineages (mean ± SE, n = 3-5). Notes are the same with Fig. 1.
Fig. 4 Correlations between sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity (KS) and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf)(A, B), and leaf transpiration rate (E)(C, D) among the nine species from three evolutionary lineages. A, C, traditional cross-species correlations; B, D, correlations among phylogenetically independent contrasts. In A and C, data are mean ± SE (n = 3-5), Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and p values are reported.
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