Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10): 921-928.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0114

Special Issue: 植被生态学

• Data Paper • Previous Articles    

Community characteristics of main vegetation types on the southern slope of Beishan Mountain in Jinhua, Zhejiang, China

FAN Hai-Dong1,CHEN Hai-Yan1,WU Yan-Nan1,LIU Jian-Feng1,XU De-Yu1,CAO Jia-Yu1,YUAN Quan1,TAN Bin1,LIU Xiao-Tong1,XU Jia1,WANG Guo-Min1,HAN Wen-Juan1,2,LIU Li-Bin1,2,*(),NI Jian1,2,*()   

  1. 1College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004, China
    2Jinhua Mountain Observation and Research Station for Subtropical Forest Ecosystems, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004, China
  • Received:2019-05-14 Accepted:2019-08-09 Online:2019-10-20 Published:2020-02-24
  • Contact: LIU Li-Bin,NI Jian
  • Supported by:
    the National Basic R&D Program of China(2018YFC0507203);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31870462)


The Beishan Mountain of Jinhua is located in the northern part of the mid-subtropical region. In vegetation division, this region belongs to the northern sub-zone of mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation belt. The vegetation in this mountain is a secondary forest restored from a severe deforestation. It is currently in a rapid process of positive succession. Thus, this region is suitable for studying the dynamics and succession mechanisms of plant communities and the restoration of degraded ecosystems. To further understand the community characteristics of the main vegetation types in Beishan Mountain, we surveyed the main plant communities on its southern slope with a fixed plot method (the plot area is 30 m × 30 m for forests and 20 m × 10 m, 30 m × 10 m for shrubs) based on the internationally accepted forest survey approach used in the survey of dynamic forest plots. The species composition, quantitative characteristics and habitat information of all plant communities were investigated and recorded. The importance values of trees and shrubs were calculated. The community types and their characteristics were analyzed. The spatial distribution maps of the major trees and shrubs in each plot were also drawn. In the present study, detailed community data for 24 sampled plots representing 11 formations were presented (consisting of 21 forest plots and 3 shrub plots).

Key words: plant community, vegetation, Beishan Mountain in Jinhua, evergreen broad-leaved forest