Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (7): 858-871.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0358 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0358
Special Issue: 植物功能性状
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
QIN Jia-Chen1,2, WANG Huan2,3, ZHU Jiang2,4, WANG Yang2, TIAN Chen1,2, BAI Yong-Fei2, YANG Pei-Zhi1,*(), ZHENG Shu-Xia2,*()()
* (YANG Pei-Zhi,Supported by:
QIN Jia-Chen, WANG Huan, ZHU Jiang, WANG Yang, TIAN Chen, BAI Yong-Fei, YANG Pei-Zhi, ZHENG Shu-Xia. Grazing filtering effect based on intraspecific and interspecific trait variation and its scale effects[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2024, 48(7): 858-871.
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Fig. 1 Effects of grazing intensity on intraspecific (σIC2) and interspecific (σPC2) trait variation at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second, and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 2 Effects of grazing intensity on intraspecific (σIC2) and interspecific (σPC2) trait variation at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 3 Effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation (TIC/IR) at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 4 Effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation (TPC/PR) at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 5 Effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation (TIC/IR) at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 6 Effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation (TPC/PR) at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
Fig. 8 Correlations between plant traits (TIC/IR and TPC/PR) and soil properties at the auger coring (A) and plot (B) scales in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots. LA, leaf area; PB, aboveground biomass of plants; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd, and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots. Soil properties: SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, total soil nitrogen content; STP, total soil phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content. TIC/IR, effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation; TPC/PR, effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation. +, p < 0.1; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
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