Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 331-340.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0018 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0018
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SACHURA , ZHANG Xia, ZHU Lin, KANG Saruul*()
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SACHURA , ZHANG Xia, ZHU Lin, KANG Saruul. Leaf anatomical changes of Cleistogenes songorica under long-term grazing with different intensities in a desert steppe[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2024, 48(3): 331-340.
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组织类型 Tissue type | 生态学含义 Ecological implication | 测量指标 Measurement index |
保护组织 Protective tissue | 存在于植物体表、由一层或数层细胞构成, 具有防止水分过度蒸腾, 抵抗外界风雨和病虫害侵入等作用的一种组织 A tissue on the surface of a plant consisting of one or more layers of cells that prevents excessive transpiration of water and resists the invasion of wind, rain, pests and diseases | 角质层厚度 Cuticle thickness (μm) |
角质层占中脉区叶片厚度比例 Proportion of cuticle to leaf thickness in midrib area (%) | ||
维管组织 Vascular tissue | 由木质部和韧皮部组成的输导水分和营养物质, 并有一定支持功能的植物组织 A plant tissue consisting of xylem and phloem that carries water and nutrients and has certain supporting functions | 维管束面积 Vascular bundle area (μm) |
木质部面积 Xylem area (μm) | ||
韧皮部面积 Phloem area (μm) | ||
中脉厚度 Midrib thickness (μm) | ||
导管面积 Vessel area (μm) | ||
泡状细胞厚度 Motor cell thickness (μm) | ||
导管占木质部面积比例 Proportion of xylem area in ducts (%) | ||
主导管占主脉维管束面积比例 Proportion of dominant vessel area in main vascular bundle (%) | ||
木质部占维管束面积比例 Proportion of xylem to vascular bundle area (%) | ||
木质部和韧皮部面积比 Area ratio of xylem to phloem (%) | ||
其他 Others | 植物叶脉的维管束鞘细胞和外围一圈较大型叶肉细胞共同形成的环形结构, 这种典型的光合器官能充分利用环境中较低浓度的CO2进行光合作用 The vascular sheath cells and the larger mesophyll cells in the periphery of the leaf vein form a ring structure. This typical photosynthetic organ can make full use of the low concentration of CO2 in the environment for photosynthesis | 花环结构面积 Kranz structure area (μm) |
Table 1 Measurement index of anatomical structure of Cleistogenes songorica leaf
组织类型 Tissue type | 生态学含义 Ecological implication | 测量指标 Measurement index |
保护组织 Protective tissue | 存在于植物体表、由一层或数层细胞构成, 具有防止水分过度蒸腾, 抵抗外界风雨和病虫害侵入等作用的一种组织 A tissue on the surface of a plant consisting of one or more layers of cells that prevents excessive transpiration of water and resists the invasion of wind, rain, pests and diseases | 角质层厚度 Cuticle thickness (μm) |
角质层占中脉区叶片厚度比例 Proportion of cuticle to leaf thickness in midrib area (%) | ||
维管组织 Vascular tissue | 由木质部和韧皮部组成的输导水分和营养物质, 并有一定支持功能的植物组织 A plant tissue consisting of xylem and phloem that carries water and nutrients and has certain supporting functions | 维管束面积 Vascular bundle area (μm) |
木质部面积 Xylem area (μm) | ||
韧皮部面积 Phloem area (μm) | ||
中脉厚度 Midrib thickness (μm) | ||
导管面积 Vessel area (μm) | ||
泡状细胞厚度 Motor cell thickness (μm) | ||
导管占木质部面积比例 Proportion of xylem area in ducts (%) | ||
主导管占主脉维管束面积比例 Proportion of dominant vessel area in main vascular bundle (%) | ||
木质部占维管束面积比例 Proportion of xylem to vascular bundle area (%) | ||
木质部和韧皮部面积比 Area ratio of xylem to phloem (%) | ||
其他 Others | 植物叶脉的维管束鞘细胞和外围一圈较大型叶肉细胞共同形成的环形结构, 这种典型的光合器官能充分利用环境中较低浓度的CO2进行光合作用 The vascular sheath cells and the larger mesophyll cells in the periphery of the leaf vein form a ring structure. This typical photosynthetic organ can make full use of the low concentration of CO2 in the environment for photosynthesis | 花环结构面积 Kranz structure area (μm) |
Fig. 1 Response of leaf protection tissue to different grazing intensities of Cleistogenes songorica. CK, control; HG, heavy grazing; LG, lightly grazing; MG, moderately grazing. The same lowercase letter indicate that there is no significant difference between grazing intensity (p > 0.05).
Fig. 2 Response of vascular tissue of Cleistogenes songorica to different grazing intensities. CK, control; HG, heavy grazing; LG, lightly grazing; MG, moderately grazing. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in grazing intensity (p < 0.05).
Fig. 3 Response of area proportion of vascular tissue in leaves of Cleistogenes songorica under different grazing intensities. CK, control; HG, heavy grazing; LG, lightly grazing; MG, moderately grazing. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in grazing intensity (p < 0.05).
Fig. 4 Response of Kranz structure area to different grazing intensities of Cleistogenes songorica leaf. CK, control; HG, heavy grazing; LG, lightly grazing; MG, moderately grazing. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in grazing intensity (p < 0.05).
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