Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 331-340.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0018  cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0018

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Leaf anatomical changes of Cleistogenes songorica under long-term grazing with different intensities in a desert steppe

SACHURA , ZHANG Xia, ZHU Lin, KANG Saruul*()   

  1. College of Grassland, Resources and Environment, Key Laboratory of Forage Cultivation, Processing and High Efficient Utilization of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources, Ministry of Education, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China
  • Received:2023-01-19 Accepted:2023-05-30 Online:2024-03-20 Published:2023-06-01
  • Contact: *(
  • Supported by:
    Nei Mongol Autonomous Region Natural Science Foundation(2021MS03043);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32192463);Major Special Projects in Nei Mongol Autonomous Region(ZDZX2018020)


Aims Physiological responses at the leaf level are determined by anatomical structure. Quantitative analysis of the responses of leaf anatomy to grazing in desert steppe is of great theoretical implications to reveal the ecological adaptation mechanism of plants to harsh environment.

Methods We measured 13 anatomical indices for leaves of Cleistogenes songorica, a dominant species in desert steppe under different grazing intensities, including control (CK), lightly grazing (LG), moderately grazing (MG), and heavy grazing (HG). Many indices measured were related to photosynthesis, including protective tissue, vascular tissue, and Kranz structure area. Comparative analysis for all the indices was made among different grazing intensities.

Important findings The results showed that: (1) cuticle thickness, as well as the ratio of cuticle thickness to leaf thickness first decreased and then increased with increasing grazing intensity. The thickness of motor cells decreases first and then increases with the increase of grazing intensity, compared with control and moderately heavy grazing areas, the thickness of motor cells in lightly grazing areas significantly decreased. (2) In terms of vascular tissue, the area of vascular bundle, vessel area, and phloem area were firstly increased and then decreased with the increases of grazing intensity. xylem area first decreased and then increased with the increases of grazing intensity. In terms of vascular tissue proportion, the ratio of xylem to vascular bundle area increased with the increases of grazing intensity, while the ratio between dominant vessel to vascular bundle area decreased with the increases of grazing intensity. The phloem area increased first and then decreased with the increases of grazing intensity. Compared with the control, phloem area significantly decreased in the three grazing treatments. (3) The area of Kranz structure increased with the increases of grazing intensity. Compared with that in the control, the area of Kranz structure was significantly increased in the three grazing treatments.

Key words: desert steppe, long-term grazing, grazing intensity, leaf anatomical structure, Cleistogenes songorica