Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 104-110.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00011
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Xin-Ting1,2,*(), LIANG Cun-Zhu1,**(), WANG Wei1
WANG Xin-Ting, LIANG Cun-Zhu, WANG Wei. Scale and density: measuring local neighborhood density at different spatial scales[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2013, 37(2): 104-110.
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Fig. 1 Mapped points pattern of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron michnoi in different restoring succession stages. A, Seriously degraded community. B, 8-year-old restoring community. C, 21-year-old restoring community. ●, Leymus chinensis; ○, Agropyron michnoi.
Fig. 2 Scale density of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron michnoi community in different restoring succession stages. A, Leymus chinensis. B, Agropyron michnoi. ●, seriously degraded community; ○, 8-year-old restoring community; ▼, 21-year-old restoring community.
种群 Population | 零恢复群落 0-year-old restoring community | 恢复8年群落 8-year-old restoring community | 恢复21年群落 21-year-old restoring community |
羊草 Leymus chinensis | 65.96 | 74.76 | 25.04 |
米氏冰草 Agropyron michnoi | 175.92 | 59.12 | 57.44 |
Table 1 Population density in different restoring succession stages (plants·m-2)
种群 Population | 零恢复群落 0-year-old restoring community | 恢复8年群落 8-year-old restoring community | 恢复21年群落 21-year-old restoring community |
羊草 Leymus chinensis | 65.96 | 74.76 | 25.04 |
米氏冰草 Agropyron michnoi | 175.92 | 59.12 | 57.44 |
Fig. 3 Scale density of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron michnoi relative to Leymus chinensis in different restoring succession stages. A, Seriously degraded community. B, 8-year-old restoring community. C, 21-year-old restoring community. --, Leymus chinensis; ????, Agropyron michnoi relative to Leymus chinensis.
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