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    Volume 48 Issue 8
    20 August 2024
    The summer landscape of a typical alpine coniferous forest in the central Qilian Mountains (Photographed by LI Pei-Xuan) showcases Juniperus przewalskii forests on the sunny slopes in the foreground and Picea crassifolia forests on the shaded slopes in the background. Forest health is critically impacted by disturbances, as evidenced by the disordered morphology, dieback, and even mortality observed in the J. przewalskii forests. Dong et al. used tree-ring data to [Detail] ...
    Research progress on spatial-temporal variation of plant-soil feedback
    CHEN Xuan-Zheng, ZHU Yao-Jun, GAO Ju-Juan, LIU Yi-Fan, WANG Rong, FANG Tao, LUO Fang-Li, XUE Wei, YU Fei-Hai
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  955-966.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0390   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0390
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    Plant-soil feedback (PSF), as an important driving force for plant distribution, community composition, and succession, has received extensive attention in recent years. The spatial-temporal variation are important factors driving PSF; however, there is currently a lack of review on its research progress. We summarized the research progress on the spatial-temporal variation of PSF and proposed research directions that could be pursued in the future. At the temporal scale of PSF, the relationships among plant developmental stages, experimental cycles, and feedback effects were emphasized. At the spatial scale of PSF, we focused on the spatial distribution and transfer of plants, the spatial differentiation of soil microbial communities and physicochemical factors, as well as the influence of above- and below-ground systems on PSF. Based on the research progress, we proposed to focus on the long-term, multi-point dynamic feedback to improve the temporal resolution of the feedback process. The buffering time of microbial communities on domesticated and tested plants needed to be considered, and reasonable domestication and feedback periods should be set to make the results more objective. At the spatial scale, the effects of plant spatial distribution, spatial heterogeneity of soil factors, and above- and below-ground systems on feedback effects should be paid attention. Efforts should be made to achieve similarity in the physical structure of the inoculated soil, in order to obtain more realistic feedback effects.

    Research Articles
    Reconstruction of disturbance history on Juniperus przewalskii forests in middle Qilian Mountains
    DONG Yun-Tao, JIA Heng-Feng, YANG Jing, LI Pei-Xuan, FANG Ou-Ya
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  967-976.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0011   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2024.0011
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    Aims The reconstruction of regional disturbance history provides important information in understanding the health status of local forests and facilitating their management and protection. However, the history and regimes of disturbances in the Qilian Mountains remain poorly reported.

    Methods In this study, we explored the disturbance history of Juniperus przewalskii, a dominant tree species on the sunny slope of the Qilian Mountains. Tree-ring cores were collected and the standard chronologies of tree-ring width from eight sites were established. We analyzed the correlation between climate factors and tree-ring index. By calculating the percentage growth change in each tree, we examined whether there had been tree-growth release or suppression, thereby identifying the historical course and spatial pattern of disturbances.

    Important findings Winter air temperature and summer moisture conditions significantly affected the growth of the tree species. The reconstruction of disturbance history highlighted two major forest disturbance events that occurred during the 1930s and 1970s in our study area. These events were intimately linked to extreme cold winters and severe summer droughts, coinciding remarkably with the occurrence of El Niño. Both events showed spatial variability in disturbance, reflecting differences in resistance across forests. Our study results offer new perspectives in mitigating forest degradation and enhancing forest management in the future.

    Drought intensity affected the growth recovery of Picea crassifolia across different altitudes in western Qilian Mountains
    ZHANG Peng, JIAO Liang, XUE Ru-Hong, WEI Meng-Yuan, DU Da-Shi, WU Xuan, WANG Xu-Ge, LI Qian
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  977-987.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0165   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0165
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    Aims With global climate change, the increased frequency and intensity of droughts lead to forest degradation, slow down tree growth, and even cause the death of trees. It is critical to understand the mechanisms of how drought influences tree radial growth, and to quantify the effect of drought intensity on tree radial growth.

    Methods This study used correlation analysis to determine the main limiting climatic factors for radial growth of Picea crassifolia at three altitudes in the western Qilian Mountains, and then compared the response of tree radial growth to drought events with different levels of intensity, with respect to resistance, recovery, resilience, and growth deviation.

    Important findings Tree radial growth across three altitudes was most responsive to the mean temperature of June, precipitation, and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), with SPEI being more pronounced, indicating that tree radial growth is strongly limited by drought stress. Radial growth of trees at three altitudes varied significantly with dryness and wetness. In response to increased drought intensity, tree resistance decreased and recovery increased. Trees at three altitudes exhibited compensatory growth after moderate and extreme drought events, but this compensatory growth was transitory, with growth condition returning to the pre-drought level in the second year. Following the severe drought events, trees at three altitudes did not exhibit compensatory growth in the first year. These results suggest that growth dynamics in the first year after a severe drought event is critical for predicting the growth recovery of P. crassifolia.

    Response of radial growth of early and late wood of planted Pinus tabuliformis to climate variables
    SHI Qian, TONG Xiao-Juan, XU Ling-Ling, MENG Ping, YU Pei-Yang, LI Jun, YANG Ming-Xin
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  988-1000.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0206   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0206
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    Aims Under the background of global warming, the plantation of Pinus tabuliformis is highly sensitive to climate change. However, the impacts of climate change on the radial growth of the earlywood and latewood are still less understood. Therefore, it is important for predicting the productivity and vegetation dynamics of the plantations to understand the responses of radial growth of earlywood and latewood to climate change.

    Methods Based on dendrochronology, we established the standard chronology of earlywood and latewood tree rings from five sampling sites in the northern and northwest China. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship between annual ring width index and climate variables, and investigated the relative influence of climate variables on the growth of P. tabuliformis.

    Important findings Air temperature showed a significant increasing trend from 1980 to 2020, and regional climate was becoming warmer and drier. The ring widths of P. tabuliformis at Kangle (KL), Tianshui (TS) and Lingshou (LS) were higher than those at Xunyi (XY) and Chunhua (CH). Compared with CH and XY, the total ring width and earlywood width at TS, KL and LS showed a smaller decreased trend. The chronology of earlywood of P. tabuliformis showed positive correlations with precipitation in last September and during the pre-growing season of current year. The latewood largely showed a positive correlation with air temperature throughout the whole year. The radical growth in P. tabuliformis was positively correlated with averaged air temperature and maximum air temperature from March to April, especially in LS, KL and TS. It is indicated that the radial growth of earlywood and latewood was significantly correlated with climate factors during the growing season. The responses of radial growth to climate variables between earlywood and latewood were different. The relative influence of air temperature on the width change of the latewood increased by 21.89%, 8.63%, 3.31% and 7.25% compared to the earlywood in LS, CH, TS and KL, respectively. The latewood was more sensitive to air temperature than earlywood. Therefore, considering the difference in response to climate change between early and late wood chronology is helpful for improving the quality of regional climate reconstruction in the future.

    Seasonal dynamics of radial growth of Betula platyphylla and its response to environmental factors in Changbai Mountains
    QIAN Ni-Peng, GAO Hao-Xin, SONG Chao-Jie, DONG Chun-Chao, LIU Qi-Jing
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1001-1010.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0144   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0144
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    Aims Betula platyphylla, as a typical pioneer tree species in temperate secondary forests, has important significance in forest growth research.

    Methods In this study, microcoring method was used to continuously monitor the seasonal dynamics of radial growth of B. platyphylla in Changbai Mountains during two growing seasons (2020-2021), and the relationship between radial growth and environmental factors was analyzed.

    Important findings The results indicated that the cambium of B. platyphylla became active in mid to late May, with June and July being the periods of rapid growth, and the lignification ended in late September. The increase of temperature in early spring in 2021 led to an early onset of cambial activity, but there was no significant difference in the time of radial growth cessation between the two years. During the rapid growth period, the radial growth rate of B. platyphylla showed a significant positive correlation with mean air temperature, minimum air temperature, relative air humidity and soil temperature, while it exhibited a significant negative correlation with the saturation vapor pressure deficit. During the slow growth period, the radial growth rate showed a significant positive correlation only with the minimum air temperature and soil temperature. In the drier year, the decrease of soil water content significantly inhibited radial growth of B. platyphylla. Temperature was the main factor affecting intra-annual radial growth. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for the sustainable management of B. platyphylla forests.

    Radial growth response of natural Fraxinus mandshurica to climate in the Changbai Mountains
    LI Shi-Jie, WANG Li, DU Ying-Jun, ZHENG Lei, ZENG Fan-Suo, XIN Ying
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1011-1020.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0231   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0231
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    Aims To explore the relationship between the radial growth of natural Fraxinus mandshurica and climate factors in the Changbai Mountains, the response of natural F. mandshurica radial growth to climate factors was studied, which would further identify the main meteorological factors limiting the growth of F. mandshurica.

    Methods Natural F. mandshurica in Hongshi, Qingyuan, Huanren, and Ji’an were selected. The dendrochronological method was used to establish the standard chronology to study the relationship between radial growth and climate factors.

    Important findings The tree ring width index of four provenances was lower from 1960 to 1980, and these data had different trends and fluctuation characteristics. The correlation of four standard chronologies of F. mandshurica was extremely significant. The radial growth of F. mandshurica at these four provenances had strong regional consistency. Temperature, especially lowest air temperature in winter and early growing season, was the main limiting factor for the radial growth of natural F. mandshuricain Hongshi, Qingyuan, Huanren and Ji’an. Meanwhile, the water condition in non-growing season also had an important effect on the radial growth of F. mandshurica in the following year. The variance decomposition analysis further confirmed the limiting effect of temperature, especially lowest air temperature, on the radial growth of F. mandshurica from four provenances in the Changbai Mountains. In the context of global climate change, the F. mandshurica from Ji’an was more stable in responding to climate change. It’s an excellent germplasm resource of F. mandshurica.

    Seasonal stem radial growth of Castanopsis hystrix plantation and its response to climatic factors in Guangxi, China
    LIU Shi-Ling, YANG Bao-Guo, ZHENG Lu, SHU Wei-Wei, MIN Hui-Lin, ZHANG Pei, LI Hua, YANG Kun, ZHOU Bing-Jiang, TIAN Zu-Wei
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1021-1034.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0192   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0192
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    Aims Growth-induced irreversible stem expansion (GROrate) and tree water deficit-induced stem shrinkage (TWD) reflect the responding characteristics of trees to environmental change, which are affected by different factors, so that their responses to environmental factors are different. Knowledge of radial growth dynamics and its response to environmental factors is crucial for understanding the tree growth and physiological characteristics to climate change.

    Methods Dendrometer was used to record the radial growth process of Castanopsis hystrix from 2018 to 2020, and climatic factors were measured simultaneously. The main goal of this study was to analyze GROrate and TWD dynamics and its relationship with environmental factors.

    Important findings The radial growth of C. hystrix began from March 4 to April 1, ended from September 23 to November 5, and the maximum growth rates occurred from May 31 to June 8. Within the growing period, growth was intermittent, and the actual growing days accounted for 47.8%-74.1% of the whole growing season. The longer the growing period, the more days with growth occurred. On the diurnal scale, the GROrate was positively related with relative humidity (RH), precipitation (P), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) during the main growing period (April to September). However, the negative correlation was observed between TWD and above mentioned factors. The 21-day sliding correlation showed that vapor pressure deficit (VPD), P and RH were the key factors affecting radial growth of C. hystrix in most time of the growing season from 2018 to 2020. On the monthly scale, the GROrate was highly synchronized with the monthly rainfall events, while TWD was synchronized with the dry period. Taken together, these results showed that the radial changes of C. hystrix is primarily responsive to moisture-related environmental factors. This finding will help to better predict the growth response of forest dynamics under climate change.

    Response of carbon exchange between shrub and grass patches to increased seasonal precipitation: a comparative analysis based on aboveground net primary productivity and leaf area index standardization
    ZHANG Meng-Di, XIANG Guan-Hai, WEN Yi-Yao, WANG Huan, Hugejile , BAI Yong-Fei, WANG Zhong-Wu, ZHENG Shu-Xia
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1035-1049.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0359   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0359
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    Aims With the intensification of climate change and human activities, the phenomenon of shrub encroachment in arid and semi-arid grasslands is widespread, significantly impacting the carbon sequestration function of grassland ecosystems. Water availability is the primary limiting factor in the semiarid grassland of Nei Mongol, and future changes in precipitation patterns have important implications for carbon exchange in grassland ecosystems. However, there is limited research on the effects of precipitation changes on shrub-encroached grassland ecosystems, particularly on the carbon exchange processes within heterogenous patches. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear.

    Methods In this study, we conducted a seasonal precipitation manipulation experiment by increasing snowfall in winter and rainfall in summer in shrub-encroached grassland dominated by Caragana microphylla in Nei Mongol. Carbon exchange parameters, such as net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE), gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), and ecosystem respiration (ER) of shrub patches and grass patches, were measured and compared using standardized parameters based on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and leaf area index (LAI). The study investigated the impact of increased seasonal precipitation on carbon exchange in shrub-encroached grassland and the differential responses of heterogeneous patches.

    Important findings 1) Increased summer rainfall significantly enhanced |NEE|, GEP and ER of the grass patches, while increased winter snowfall significantly reduced |NEE|ANPP, GEPANPP and ERANPP of the grass patches. Increased summer rainfall significantly enhanced the GEP and ER of the shrub patches, while the effect on |NEE| was not significant. Additionally, increased winter snowfall had a positive impact on carbon exchange processes in the shrub patches. Overall, |NEE|, GEP and ER of the shrub patches were significantly higher than those of the grass patches. In comparison to a wet year (2021), the carbon exchange in a dry year (2020) was more sensitive to increased precipitation. 2) Carbon exchange in the shrub patches (|NEE|, GEP and ER) was positively correlated with soil water content and leaf biomass. Increased summer rainfall mainly promoted carbon exchange by enhancing deep soil water content (40-80 cm) and lowering soil temperature. Carbon exchange in the grass patches was positively correlated with shallow soil water content (0-20 cm) and ANPP, and negatively correlated with soil temperature and root-to-shoot ratio. Increased summer rainfall primarily enhanced carbon exchange in grass patches by raising shallow soil water content and lowering soil temperature, while increased winter snowfall hindered carbon exchange by increasing deep soil water content and stimulating belowground biomass. 3) Standardized carbon exchange parameters based on ANPP better revealed the differential responses of the shrub patches and grass patches to changes in precipitation. These research findings provide an important scientific basis for accurately assessing the carbon sink function and carbon sequestration potential of arid and semi-arid grasslands ecosystems under climate change.

    Effects of nitrogen addition level and NH4+-N to NO3--N ratio on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Cunninghamia lanceolata seedling
    QUAN Xiao-Qiang, WANG Yan-Ru, LI Xiao-Yu, LIANG Hai-Yan, WANG Li-Dong, YAN Xiao-Li
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1050-1064.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0200   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0200
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    Aims To study the effects of different nitrogen (N) addition levels and NH4+-N to NO3--N ratios on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Cunninghamia lanceolata will provid a scientific basis for the management of nitrogen fertilization in C. lanceolata.

    Methods One-year-old seedlings of C. lanceolata were cultured in sands with three N addition levels of 0.5 (N1), 1.0 (N2), and 2.0 mmol·L-1 (N3) and seven different N form ratios (NH4+-N to NO3--N ratios being as 10:0 (P1), 8:2 (P2), 6:4 (P3), 5:5 (P4), 4:6 (P5), 2:8 (P6), and 0:10 (P7). The chlorophyll (Chl) content, photosynthetic characteristics, Chl fluorescence parameters and biomass in C. lanceolata were analyzed after 180 d treatment.

    Important findings (1) The Chl a and Chl b content of C. lanceolata were the highest at P2 and P6 under N1level, respectively. The Chl a, Chl b, and Chl (a+b) content were all highest at P4 under N2level. Both Chl a and Chl b content were the highest at P3 among the seven ratios under N3level. The Chl content showed an overall higher level of N3 and N2 than that of N1 level. (2) The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr), and water use efficiency (WUE) of C. lanceolata were all higher for higher NH4+-N content than for higher NO3--N content. The Pn was the highest at P1 under N3 level, but the highest at P2 under N2 and N1 levels. (3) The maximum photochemical efficiency of all treatments was in the normal range of 0.80-0.85, and the potential photochemical activity of photosystem II (PSII) was significantly higher under N3 level than that of N1 and N2 at P2. The fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve (OJIP) of leaves deviated greatly under N1 level at P1. P1, P2, and P4 at N2 and P1, P2, and P5 at N3gradually decreased at the I and P phases and gradually increased at the J phase. The apparent quantum flux per unit leaf cross-sectional area, heat dissipation capacity, and the number of active reaction centers per unit leaf cross-sectional area with the increase of nitrogen content at P2 and P3, while the absorption flux per reaction center (RC), electron transport flux per RC, trapped energy flux per RC, and dissipated energy flux per RC at P6 decreased significantly with the increase of nitrogen content, the differences were not significant under the other ratios. (4) Total biomass and aboveground biomass of C. lanceolata were higher for higher NH4+-N content than for higher NO3--N content, and significantly higher under the N2P2 treatment than under the other treatments. At the same N form ratio, it showed that N2 > N3 > N1. The root-shoot ratio of N1 and N3 was significantly higher than that of other treatments, and the ratio of P6 at N2 level was significantly higher than that of other treatments, and the ratio of P7 at N2 level was significantly higher than that of N2 and N3. The photochemical reaction efficiency of C. lanceolata seedlings could be improved and the energy utilization of the PSII reaction center could be optimized by a higher N content and a higher ammonium to nitrate ratios, which would be more beneficial for photosynthesis and biomass accumulation.

    Soil organic carbon and its easily decomposed components under precipitation change and nitrogen addition in a desert steppe in northwest China
    MA Xu-Han, HUANG Ju-Ying, YU Hai-Long, HAN Cui, LI Bing
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1065-1077.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0229   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0229
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    Aims Soil organic carbon (C) pool plays an important role in regulating terrestrial C cycle and global climate, etc. The purpose of this study is to furnish data that will facilitate the scientific prediction of the C sink function of the grasslands in semi-arid regions under global change.

    Methods Based on a two-factor field experiment of precipitation change (-50%, -30%, natural, +30%, +50%) and nitrogen (N) addition (0 and 5 g·m-2·a-1) established in 2017 in a desert steppe in Ningxia, we explored the response patterns and driving factors of soil organic C characteristics (content, storage, and components) in 0-60 cm soils after 4 years of treatments.

    Important findings N addition had little effects on soil organic C characteristics. In contrast, precipitation exerted a significant influence on soil organic C characteristics, with the magnitude of the effect contingent up on the N level and soil depth. In the absence of N addition, both increasing and decreasing precipitation had a minimal impact on organic C characteristics across the whole 0-60 cm depth. In contrast, a 30% reduction in precipitation led to a significant increase in the content of easily oxidized organic C and dissolved organic C, while a 30% increase in precipitation resulted in a significant increase in the content of particulate organic C and light fraction organic C under 5 g·m-2·a-1 N addition. The content of soil organic C and its storage were positively correlated with soil water content, cellobiohydrolase activity and alkaline phosphatase activity. Conversely, they were negatively correlated with soil NO3--N. The content of easily oxidized organic C, particulate organic C and light fraction organic C was found to be positively correlated with soil leucine aminopeptidase activity and the Simpson dominance index, while negatively correlated with microbial biomass N content. Dissolved organic C and microbial biomass C content showed the opposite relationship with the three indices above. These findings indicate that alterations in precipitation levels exert minimal influence on soil organic C content and its storage in the context of N addition. However, moderate increases and decreases in precipitation will diminish soil organic C stability by influencing soil water content, N availability, enzyme activity and plant community dominance, which may, in turn, elevate the risk of soil C emission in desert steppes.

    Effects of long-term litter removal on soil organic carbon and multiple components in subtropical Cunninghamia lanceolata forest
    PENG Si-Rui, ZHANG Hui-Ling, SUN Zhao-Lin, ZHAO Xue-Chao, TIAN Peng, CHEN Di-Ma, WANG Qing-Kui, LIU Sheng-En
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2024, 48 (8):  1078-1088.  doi: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0291   cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0291
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    Aims Leaf litter and root input are two major resource of soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation. Quantifying the effects of leaf litter and root removal on SOC pool and its multiple components has implication for understanding the mechanisms of SOC stabilization in forest ecosystem.

    Methods Based on a long-term (12 years) litter removal experiment including control (CK), leaf litter removal (NL), root removal (NR), and both leaf litter and root removal (NLR) that conducted in Hunan Huitong Forest Ecosystem National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, we compared the relative importance of leaf litter and root removal on multiple components of SOC pool in a subtropical Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in different season.

    Important findings Although leaf litter and root removal both reduced SOC content, the relative contribution of leaf litter and root removal on multiple SOC components were different. Specifically, the NL reduced more SOC, soil mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC), heavy fraction organic carbon (HFOC) and readily oxidizable carbon (ROC) contents than NR and NLR. While, the NR decreased more soil particulate organic carbon (POC) content than NL and NR. In contrast, the NLR had more negative effect on light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) content than other two treatments. Correlation analysis and redundancy analysis showed that SOC components contents were positively correlated with soil total nitrogen content and carbon to nitrogen ratio. Besides, seasonal variability had significant effects on POC, LFOC contents, and their contribution of multiple carbon components to SOC. Moreover, the correlation between SOC component contents and total phosphorus content and carbon to phosphorus ratio was enhanced in winter compared with summer. Taken together, our study provides new evidence for the long-term effects of long-term litter removal on SOC and its multiple components in Chinese fir plantation, which has implications for predicting the response and feedback of SOC accumulation to global changes.

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