植物生态学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 850-862.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0068
LI Wei-Jing1,2,CHEN Shi-Ping1,*(),ZHANG Bing-Wei1,3,TAN Xing-Ru1,2,WANG Shan-Shan1,2,YOU Cui-Hai1,2
Shi-Ping CHEN
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土壤呼吸组分的区分对于理解地下碳循环过程非常重要。而菌根真菌在地下碳循环过程中扮演着重要的角色, 但是有关菌根呼吸在草原生态系统中的研究相对较少。该研究在内蒙古半干旱草原应用深浅环网孔法, 结合浅环、深环(排除根系)和一个带有40 μm孔径窗口的土壤环(排除根系但是有菌根菌丝体)将根和菌丝物理分离, 来区分不同的呼吸组分。结果表明: 异养呼吸对总呼吸的贡献比例为51%, 根呼吸的贡献比例为26%, 菌根呼吸的贡献比例为23%, 菌根呼吸的比例3年变化范围为21%-26%。与国内外研究相比, 此方法提供了一个相对稳定的菌根呼吸测量精度范围, 在草原生态系统中切实可行。对菌根呼吸的准确定量将有助于预测草原生态系统土壤碳释放过程对未来气候变化的响应。
李伟晶, 陈世苹, 张兵伟, 谭星儒, 王珊珊, 游翠海. 半干旱草原土壤呼吸组分区分与菌根呼吸的贡献. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(8): 850-862. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0068
LI Wei-Jing, CHEN Shi-Ping, ZHANG Bing-Wei, TAN Xing-Ru, WANG Shan-Shan, YOU Cui-Hai. Partitioning of soil respiration components and evaluating the mycorrhizal contribution to soil respiration in a semiarid grassland. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018, 42(8): 850-862. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0068
图1 改进的深浅环法区分土壤呼吸组分示意图(曲线表示菌丝体, 短线表示碎屑)。浅环用来测定土壤总呼吸, 深环用来测定土壤异养呼吸, 菌丝环用来测定土壤异养呼吸和菌根呼吸的和, 浅环和深环测得的土壤呼吸之差为土壤自养呼吸, 浅环和菌丝环测得的土壤呼吸之差为根呼吸, 菌丝环和深环测得的土壤呼吸之差为菌根呼吸。
Fig. 1 Diagram of the modified mini-trenching method in partitioning soil respiration into its components (The curve denotes mycelium and the short line denotes detritus). The shallow and deep collars are used to determine total soil respiration (SRtot) and its heterotrophic component (SRh). Hyphae collar is used for the determination of soil heterotrophic respiration and hyphae respiration (SRh + SRmy). The difference in soil respiration between the shallow and deep collars is used to represent autotrophic soil respiration (SRa), that between the shallow and hyphae collars is used to represent root respiration (SRr), and that between the hyphae and deep collars is used to represent hyphae respiration (SRmy).
图2 不同土壤呼吸环内的菌丝密度(平均值+标准误差)。不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Hyphae density under different soil respiration collars (mean + SE). Different letters indicate significant differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
图3 2014年不同土壤呼吸环内的土壤温度(Ts)、土壤含水量(SWC)的季节动态(A, C)和年平均值(B, D)(平均值+标准误差)。不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 3 Seasonal variations of soil temperature (Ts), soil water content (SWC) under different soil respiration collars during 2014 (A, C) and average from the year 2014 (B, D)(mean + SE). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
图4 不同土壤环内土壤温度之间的关系(A, C)以及不同土壤环内土壤含水量之间的关系(B, D)。
Fig. 4 The relationship between soil temperature (Ts) in different soil collars (A, C) and the relationship between soil water content (SWC) in different soil collars (B, D).
图5 2014-2016年不同土壤呼吸环测得的土壤呼吸与土壤温度之间的关系。A, B, C, 浅环; D, E, F, 深环; G, H, I, 菌丝环。
Fig. 5 The relationship between soil respiration (SR) and soil temperature (Ts) in different soil respiration collars during 2014-2016. A, B, C, Shallow collar. D, E, F, Deep collar. G, H, I, Hyphae collar.
图6 2014-2016年不同土壤呼吸环测得的土壤呼吸与土壤含水量之间的关系。A, B, C, 浅环; D, E, F, 深环; G, H, I, 菌丝环。
Fig. 6 The relationship between soil respiration (SR) and soil water content (SWC) in different soil respiration collars during 2014-2016. A, B, C, Shallow collar. D, E, F, Deep collar. G, H, I, Hyphae collar.
年份 Year | 土壤环类型 Collar type | 样本数量 N | 方程 Function | R2 | p |
2014 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 64 | Y = 0.032e0.098Ts(-0.084SWC2 + 2.70SWC) | 0.82 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 64 | Y = 0.011e0.110Ts(0.032SWC2 + 1.20SWC) | 0.75 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 64 | Y = 0.011e0.099Ts(0.082SWC2 + 2.00SWC) | 0.72 | < 0.000 1 | |
2015 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 60 | Y = 0.020e0.109Ts(-0.037SWC2 + 2.90SWC) | 0.87 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 60 | Y = 0.011e0.108Ts(0.043SWC2 + 1.55SWC) | 0.86 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 60 | Y = 0.009e0.113Ts(0.045SWC2 + 2.65SWC) | 0.89 | < 0.000 1 | |
2016 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 36 | Y = 0.095e0.053Ts(-0.090SWC2 + 2.40SWC) | 0.44 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 36 | Y = 0.032e0.049Ts(-0.064SWC2 + 2.90SWC) | 0.37 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 36 | Y = 0.061e0.043Ts(-0.043SWC2 + 2.30SWC) | 0.28 | < 0.000 1 |
表1 浅环(SRsc)、深环(SRdc)和菌丝环呼吸(SRhc)实测值与土壤温度(Ts)和含水量(SWC)拟和方程及相关参数(N, R2和p值)
Table 1 Functions and model fit parameters (N, R2 and p-values) between measured soil respiration of shallow collar (SRsc), deep collar (SRdc), and hyphae collar (SRhc) with soil temperature (Ts) and soil water content (SWC)
年份 Year | 土壤环类型 Collar type | 样本数量 N | 方程 Function | R2 | p |
2014 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 64 | Y = 0.032e0.098Ts(-0.084SWC2 + 2.70SWC) | 0.82 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 64 | Y = 0.011e0.110Ts(0.032SWC2 + 1.20SWC) | 0.75 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 64 | Y = 0.011e0.099Ts(0.082SWC2 + 2.00SWC) | 0.72 | < 0.000 1 | |
2015 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 60 | Y = 0.020e0.109Ts(-0.037SWC2 + 2.90SWC) | 0.87 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 60 | Y = 0.011e0.108Ts(0.043SWC2 + 1.55SWC) | 0.86 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 60 | Y = 0.009e0.113Ts(0.045SWC2 + 2.65SWC) | 0.89 | < 0.000 1 | |
2016 | 浅环 Shallow collar | 36 | Y = 0.095e0.053Ts(-0.090SWC2 + 2.40SWC) | 0.44 | < 0.000 1 |
深环 Deep collar | 36 | Y = 0.032e0.049Ts(-0.064SWC2 + 2.90SWC) | 0.37 | < 0.000 1 | |
菌丝环 Hyphae collar | 36 | Y = 0.061e0.043Ts(-0.043SWC2 + 2.30SWC) | 0.28 | < 0.000 1 |
图7 2014-2016年深环和菌丝环土壤呼吸的观测值与校正值的季节动态(平均值±标准误差)。SRdc-observed、SRdc-revised、SRhc-observed、SRhc-revised分别表示深环土壤呼吸的观测值、深环土壤呼吸的校正值、菌丝环土壤呼吸的观测值、菌丝环土壤呼吸的校正值。
Fig. 7 The seasonal dynamics of the observed value of soil respiration and the revised value of deep collar and hyphae collar (mean ± SE). SRdc-observed, SRdc-revised, SRhc-observed and SRhc-revised represent the observed value of soil respiration in the deep collar, the revised value of soil respiration in the deep collar, the observed value of soil respiration in the hyphae collar, and the revised value of soil respiration in the hyphae collar, respectively.
图8 2014-2016年生长季中不同土壤呼吸组分的季节变化(平均值±标准误差)。SRh、SRa、SRmy、SRr分别表示异养呼吸、自养呼吸、菌根呼吸、根呼吸。
Fig. 8 Seasonal variations of different soil respiration components during growing seasons of 2014-2016 (mean ± SE). SRh, SRa, SRmy and SRr represent heterotrophic respiration, autotrophic respiration, mycorrhiza respiration and root respiration, respectively.
图9 土壤呼吸(SR)及其各组分的年际变化(2014-2016)和3年平均值(2014-2016年5-8月份)以及土壤呼吸各组分占总呼吸的比例和菌根呼吸、根呼吸分别占自养呼吸的比例的年际变化和3年平均值(2014-2016年5-8月份)(平均值±标准误差)。SRh、SRa、SRmy、SRr、SRtot分别表示异养呼吸、自养呼吸、菌根呼吸、根呼吸和总呼吸。
Fig. 9 Interannual variations of soil respiration (SR) and its components, the contribution of soil respiration components to total soil respiration and the contribution of SRmy and SRr to SRa during 2014-2016 and averages from May to August of the 3 years (mean ± SE). SRh, SRa, SRmy, SRr and SRtot represent heterotrophic respiration, autotrophic respiration, mycorrhiza respiration, root respiration and total soil respiration, respectively.
生态系统 Ecosystems | 地点 Location | 优势物种 Dominant species | 方法 Methods | 菌根呼吸贡献率 Mycorrhizal contribution (%) | 文献来源 Sources |
森林 Forest | 德国东南部 Southeastern Germany | 欧洲云杉 Picea abies | 内生长网孔袋法 In growth mesh bags (2 mm and 45 μm) | 18%-44% | Neumann & Matzner, 2014 |
英国约克南部 South of York, UK 53.91° N, 1.00° W | 美国黑松 Pinus contortaDouglas ex Loudon 垂枝桦 Betula pendula | 菌根网孔环设计 Mycorrhizal mesh collar design (41 μm) | 25% | Heinemeyer et al., 2007 | |
美国 宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania, USA | 西黄松 Pinus ponderosa | 根模拟系统和同位素方法 Root-mycocosm and isotopic method | 19.4% | Rygiewicz & Andersen, 1994 | |
巴拿马共和国 The Republic of Panama | Pseudobombax septenatum | 内生长模拟系统 In-growth mesocosms | (14 ± 6)% | Nottingham et al., 2010 | |
德国中部 Central Germany 51.08° N, 10.45° E | Fagus sylvatica 欧洲云杉 Picea abies | 应用不同规格孔径的 尼龙网袋土钻法 Soil cores using nylon mesh bags of 35 and 1 μm pore size | 3%, 8% | Moyano et al., 2008 | |
美国密歇根霍顿 Houghton, Michigan, USA 47.12° N, 88.55° W | 北美乔松 Pinus strobus, Quercus rubra | PVC环和模型 PVC collar and models | 28% | Lilleskov, 2017 | |
草原 Grassland | 匈牙利 Hungary 46.69° N, 19.60° E | Festuca pseudovina, Carex stenophylla, 狗牙根 Cynodon dactylon | 物理分离(40 μm不锈钢网)和 同位素方法 Physical separation: (40 μm inox mesh) and isotopic method | (13 ± 8)% | Balogh et al., 2016 |
英国约克郡北部 North Yorkshire, UK 54.00° N, 1.18° W | 绒毛草 Holcus lanatus | 网孔环嵌插法 Meshcollar insertion (20 μm) | 27% | Heinemeyer et al., 2012 | |
农田 Farmland | 意大利北部 Northern Italy 47.30° N, 11.58° E | Malus domestica | 尼龙膜结合同位素法 Polyester membrane (5 μm and 50 μm) with isotopic method | 11.6% | Tomè et al., 2016 |
德国图林根 Thuringia, Germany 51.10° N, 11.77° E | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare | 尼龙网孔袋法 Nylon mesh bags (1 μm and 35 μm) | 25.3% | Moyano et al., 2007 |
表2 菌根呼吸组分对土壤总呼吸贡献比例的相关研究结果
Table 2 Summary of studies on the contribution of mycorrhizal respiration to total soil respiration
生态系统 Ecosystems | 地点 Location | 优势物种 Dominant species | 方法 Methods | 菌根呼吸贡献率 Mycorrhizal contribution (%) | 文献来源 Sources |
森林 Forest | 德国东南部 Southeastern Germany | 欧洲云杉 Picea abies | 内生长网孔袋法 In growth mesh bags (2 mm and 45 μm) | 18%-44% | Neumann & Matzner, 2014 |
英国约克南部 South of York, UK 53.91° N, 1.00° W | 美国黑松 Pinus contortaDouglas ex Loudon 垂枝桦 Betula pendula | 菌根网孔环设计 Mycorrhizal mesh collar design (41 μm) | 25% | Heinemeyer et al., 2007 | |
美国 宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania, USA | 西黄松 Pinus ponderosa | 根模拟系统和同位素方法 Root-mycocosm and isotopic method | 19.4% | Rygiewicz & Andersen, 1994 | |
巴拿马共和国 The Republic of Panama | Pseudobombax septenatum | 内生长模拟系统 In-growth mesocosms | (14 ± 6)% | Nottingham et al., 2010 | |
德国中部 Central Germany 51.08° N, 10.45° E | Fagus sylvatica 欧洲云杉 Picea abies | 应用不同规格孔径的 尼龙网袋土钻法 Soil cores using nylon mesh bags of 35 and 1 μm pore size | 3%, 8% | Moyano et al., 2008 | |
美国密歇根霍顿 Houghton, Michigan, USA 47.12° N, 88.55° W | 北美乔松 Pinus strobus, Quercus rubra | PVC环和模型 PVC collar and models | 28% | Lilleskov, 2017 | |
草原 Grassland | 匈牙利 Hungary 46.69° N, 19.60° E | Festuca pseudovina, Carex stenophylla, 狗牙根 Cynodon dactylon | 物理分离(40 μm不锈钢网)和 同位素方法 Physical separation: (40 μm inox mesh) and isotopic method | (13 ± 8)% | Balogh et al., 2016 |
英国约克郡北部 North Yorkshire, UK 54.00° N, 1.18° W | 绒毛草 Holcus lanatus | 网孔环嵌插法 Meshcollar insertion (20 μm) | 27% | Heinemeyer et al., 2012 | |
农田 Farmland | 意大利北部 Northern Italy 47.30° N, 11.58° E | Malus domestica | 尼龙膜结合同位素法 Polyester membrane (5 μm and 50 μm) with isotopic method | 11.6% | Tomè et al., 2016 |
德国图林根 Thuringia, Germany 51.10° N, 11.77° E | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare | 尼龙网孔袋法 Nylon mesh bags (1 μm and 35 μm) | 25.3% | Moyano et al., 2007 |
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