植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 1461-1472.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0426
所属专题: 生态遥感及应用; 光合作用; 生态系统碳水能量通量
• 中国典型生态脆弱区碳水通量过程研究专题论文 • 上一篇 下一篇
林雍1,2, 陈智1,2,3,*(), 杨萌1,2, 陈世苹2,4, 高艳红5, 刘冉2,6, 郝彦宾2, 辛晓平7, 周莉8, 于贵瑞1,2,3
LIN Yong1,2, CHEN Zhi1,2,3,*(), YANG Meng1,2, CHEN Shi-Ping2,4, GAO Yan-Hong5, LIU Ran2,6, HAO Yan-Bin2, XIN Xiao-Ping7, ZHOU Li8, YU Gui-Rui1,2,3
*CHEN Zhi(Supported by:
生态系统光合参数是表征生态系统光合作用特征和强度的重要指标, 是生态系统模型模拟与遥感反演中的重要生理参数。该研究基于中国干旱半干旱区的涡度相关碳通量观测数据, 采用直角双曲线方程拟合生态系统表观量子效率(α)和最大光合速率(Pmax), 综合分析了干旱半干旱区生态系统光合参数的时空变异及其影响因素。研究表明: 生态系统光合参数在干旱半干旱区存在着明显的时空变异, 从荒漠、荒漠草原、典型草原到草甸草原光合参数有逐渐增大的趋势。降水量是影响光合参数空间变异的主导环境因子, 其同时影响叶面积指数的空间变异, 两者共同决定光合参数的空间变异。α与Pmax均随着降水量的增加而增大, 而α与气温有显著的负相关关系, 辐射对光合参数空间变异的影响则不显著。生长季α与Pmax总体呈先增加后降低的趋势, 但不同植被类型的月际变异性和峰值出现的时间不同, 草甸草原的光合参数具有最大的月际变异性。α的月际动态主要受温度和辐射的调控, 而Pmax在荒漠和荒漠草原受温度和辐射调控, 在典型草原和草甸草原则主要受土壤含水量的调控。干旱半干旱区生态系统α为0.000 47-0.002 12 mg·μmol-1, Pmax为0.11-0.78 mg·m-2·s-1, 同其他草地生态系统相比处于较低的水平, 高温和低土壤水分供给是制约干旱半干旱区光合参数的主要因素。
林雍, 陈智, 杨萌, 陈世苹, 高艳红, 刘冉, 郝彦宾, 辛晓平, 周莉, 于贵瑞. 中国干旱半干旱区生态系统光合参数的时空变异及其影响因素. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(12): 1461-1472. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0426
LIN Yong, CHEN Zhi, YANG Meng, CHEN Shi-Ping, GAO Yan-Hong, LIU Ran, HAO Yan-Bin, XIN Xiao-Ping, ZHOU Li, YU Gui-Rui. Temporal and spatial variations of ecosystem photosynthetic parameters in arid and semi-arid areas of China and its influencing factors. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(12): 1461-1472. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0426
站点 Site | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 经度 Longitude (E) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual air temperature (℃) | 年降水量 Mean annual precipitation (mm) | 平均叶面积指数 Average leaf area index | 植被类型 Vegetation type | 通量观测时间 Flux observation time |
沙坡头 SP | 37.47° | 105.00° | 1 340 | 7.8 | 186 | 0.21 | 荒漠 Desert | 2017, 2018 |
阜康 FK | 44.71° | 88.48° | 590 | 8.8 | 140 | 0.21 | 2017 | |
达尔罕茂明安联合旗 DM | 41.64° | 110.33° | 1 402 | 2.8 | 302 | 0.68 | 荒漠草原 Desert grassland | 2012 |
四子王旗 SZ | 41.78° | 111.90° | 1 442 | 3.2 | 280 | 0.66 | 2013 | |
西乌珠穆沁旗 XW | 44.36° | 117.58° | 1 135 | 2.3 | 330 | 1.06 | 典型草原 Typical grassland | 2017, 2018 |
多伦 DL | 42.05° | 116.28° | 1 322 | 3.4 | 385 | 1.19 | 2015, 2017 | |
内蒙古 NM | 43.55° | 116.68° | 1 250 | 2.5 | 350 | 0.80 | 2014 | |
锡林浩特 XH | 43.55° | 116.67° | 1 254 | 2.5 | 350 | 0.69 | 2014, 2019 | |
呼伦贝尔 HL | 49.35° | 120.12° | 667 | -0.7 | 400 | 1.68 | 草甸草原 Meadow grassland | 2019 |
表1 干旱半干旱区通量观测站点信息
Table 1 Information of flux observation stations in arid and semi-arid areas
站点 Site | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 经度 Longitude (E) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual air temperature (℃) | 年降水量 Mean annual precipitation (mm) | 平均叶面积指数 Average leaf area index | 植被类型 Vegetation type | 通量观测时间 Flux observation time |
沙坡头 SP | 37.47° | 105.00° | 1 340 | 7.8 | 186 | 0.21 | 荒漠 Desert | 2017, 2018 |
阜康 FK | 44.71° | 88.48° | 590 | 8.8 | 140 | 0.21 | 2017 | |
达尔罕茂明安联合旗 DM | 41.64° | 110.33° | 1 402 | 2.8 | 302 | 0.68 | 荒漠草原 Desert grassland | 2012 |
四子王旗 SZ | 41.78° | 111.90° | 1 442 | 3.2 | 280 | 0.66 | 2013 | |
西乌珠穆沁旗 XW | 44.36° | 117.58° | 1 135 | 2.3 | 330 | 1.06 | 典型草原 Typical grassland | 2017, 2018 |
多伦 DL | 42.05° | 116.28° | 1 322 | 3.4 | 385 | 1.19 | 2015, 2017 | |
内蒙古 NM | 43.55° | 116.68° | 1 250 | 2.5 | 350 | 0.80 | 2014 | |
锡林浩特 XH | 43.55° | 116.67° | 1 254 | 2.5 | 350 | 0.69 | 2014, 2019 | |
呼伦贝尔 HL | 49.35° | 120.12° | 667 | -0.7 | 400 | 1.68 | 草甸草原 Meadow grassland | 2019 |
图2 干旱半干旱区生态系统表观量子效率(α)(A)和最大光合速率(Pmax)(B)的空间变异(平均值±标准误)(α = 0.000 47-0.002 12 mg·μmol-1, Pmax = 0.11-0.78 mg·m-2·s-1)。站点同表1。
Fig. 2 Spatial variation of ecosystem apparent quantum yield (α)(A) and maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax)(B) in arid and semi-arid area (mean ± SE)(α = 0.000 47-0.002 12 mg·μmol-1, Pmax = 0.11-0.78 mg·m-2·s-1). The sites see Table 1.
图3 干旱半干旱区不同站点生长季生态系统表观量子效率(α)与最大光合速率(Pmax)的相关性。
Fig. 3 Correlation between ecosystem apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) of different sites in arid and semi-arid areas in growing seasons.
图4 中国干旱半干旱区不同植被类型表观量子效率(α)与最大光合速率(Pmax)的5日(A, C)与月(B, D)平均动态变化。
Fig. 4 Five-day (A, C) and monthly (B, D) average time dynamics of apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) of different vegetation types in arid and semi-arid areas of China.
图5 干旱半干旱区生态系统光合参数与影响因子的相关性。α, 表观量子效率; LAI, 生长季平均叶面积指数; Pmax, 最大光合速率; PAR, 生长季平均光合有效辐射; Precipitation, 生长季累积降水量; Rn, 生长季平均净辐射; SWC, 生长季平均土壤含水量; Ta, 生长季平均气温; Ts, 生长季平均土壤温度。
Fig. 5 Correlation between ecosystem light response parameters and environmental factors in arid and semi-arid areas. α, apparent quantum yield; LAI, average leaf area index in the growing season; Pmax, maximum photosynthetic rate; PAR, average photosynthetic effective radiation in the growing season; Precipitation, cumulative precipitation in the growing season; Rn, average net radiation in the growing season; SWC, average soil water content in the growing season; Ta, average air temperature in the growing season; Ts, average soil temperature in the growing season.
植被类型 Vegetation type | 站点 Site | α主要影响因素 Main influencing factors of α | 相关性 Correlation | Pmax主要影响因素 Main influencing factors of Pmax | 相关性 Correlation |
荒漠 Desert | FK | Rn PAR | + - | Rn | + |
SP | Rn | + | Ts PAR | - - | |
荒漠草原 Desert grassland | DM | Ts | + | Ta | + |
SZ | Ts | + | Rn PAR | + - | |
典型草原 Typical grassland | XW | Ta | + | SWC | + |
DL | PAR | + | SWC | + | |
NM | Ts | + | SWC | + | |
XH | Ta Ts | + + | SWC | + | |
草甸草原 Meadow grassland | HL | Ta | + | SWC | + |
表2 干旱半干旱区生态系统光合参数月际动态的环境影响因子
Table 2 Influence factors of monthly dynamics of ecosystem photosynthetic parameters in arid and semi-arid areas
植被类型 Vegetation type | 站点 Site | α主要影响因素 Main influencing factors of α | 相关性 Correlation | Pmax主要影响因素 Main influencing factors of Pmax | 相关性 Correlation |
荒漠 Desert | FK | Rn PAR | + - | Rn | + |
SP | Rn | + | Ts PAR | - - | |
荒漠草原 Desert grassland | DM | Ts | + | Ta | + |
SZ | Ts | + | Rn PAR | + - | |
典型草原 Typical grassland | XW | Ta | + | SWC | + |
DL | PAR | + | SWC | + | |
NM | Ts | + | SWC | + | |
XH | Ta Ts | + + | SWC | + | |
草甸草原 Meadow grassland | HL | Ta | + | SWC | + |
图6 干旱半干旱区生态系统表观量子效率(α)(A)与最大光合速率(Pmax)(B)影响因子的通径分析。红色箭头表示因子间有正相关关系, 蓝色箭头表示因子间有负相关关系(*, p < 0.1; **, p < 0.01), 虚线表示因子间相关性不显著; 数字表示影响因子间的标准化回归系数, 系数绝对值越高, 因子间相关性越大。CFI, 相对拟合指数; RMSEA, 近似均方根误差。
Fig. 6 Path analysis of influencing factors of ecosystem apparent quantum yield (α)(A) and maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax)(B) in arid and semi-arid areas. The red arrow indicates that there is a positive correlation between factors, and the blue arrow indicates that there is a negative correlation between factors (*, p < 0.1; **, p < 0.01), the dotted arrow indicates that the correlation between factors is not significant; the number represents the standardized regression coefficient between influencing factors. The higher the absolute value of the coefficient, the greater the correlation between factors. LAI, leaf area index; Rn, average net radiation; SWC, average soil water content; Ta, average air temperature; Ts, average soil temperature. CFI, comparative fit index; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation.
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