植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1064-1076.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0338

所属专题: 光合作用

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


周洁1, 杨晓东1,2,3,*()(), 王雅芸1, 隆彦昕1, 王妍1, 李浡睿1, 孙启兴1, 孙楠2,3   

  1. 1新疆大学资源与环境科学学院, 乌鲁木齐, 830046
    2宁波大学地理科学与旅游文化学院, 浙江宁波, 315211
    3宁波大学东海研究院, 浙江宁波, 315211
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-22 接受日期:2021-12-22 出版日期:2022-09-20 发布日期:2022-10-19
  • 通讯作者: 杨晓东
  • 基金资助:

Difference in adaptation strategy between Haloxylon ammodendron and Alhagi sparsifolia to drought

ZHOU Jie1, YANG Xiao-Dong1,2,3,*()(), WANG Ya-Yun1, LONG Yan-Xin1, WANG Yan1, LI Bo-Rui1, SUN Qi-Xing1, SUN Nan2,3   

  1. 1College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, Ürümqi 830046, China
    2Institute of Geography and Tourism Culture, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315211, China
    3Institute of East China Sea, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315211, China
  • Received:2021-09-22 Accepted:2021-12-22 Online:2022-09-20 Published:2022-10-19
  • Contact: YANG Xiao-Dong
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31860111);National Natural Science Foundation of China(41871031)


该研究目的在于揭示干旱荒漠中2个优势种梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)是否在适应干旱的策略上存在差异。在新疆艾比湖自然保护区内自然形成的干旱胁迫梯度上, 首先测量梭梭和骆驼刺的3类功能性状(叶、光合和水力性状); 其后分析性状随干旱梯度的变化, 性状在两个物种之间的差别, 两物种应对干旱胁迫时所采用策略的差异性。结果显示: 梭梭和骆驼刺的功能性状在干旱梯度上的变化存在不同。除干物质含量外, 其余10个功能性状在梭梭和骆驼刺间均存在显著差异, 但在干旱梯度与物种的共同作用下, 梭梭与骆驼刺之间性状差异呈现缩小趋势。Pearson相关分析表明, 骆驼刺显著相关的性状仅有10对, 而梭梭有15对。主成分分析可将梭梭11个功能性状分为与植物抗旱能力有关的2个典型性状组合类别, 即干旱胁迫-碳获取组和抗干旱胁迫组。但对骆驼刺, 很难划分出与抗旱有关的性状组合。该研究结果表明, 相较梭梭, 骆驼刺具有更强的耐旱能力, 属于保守型物种, 性状之间联系不显著, 但梭梭的性状之间联系紧密, 它利用各种性状之间的权衡和补偿关系尽可能地减小干旱胁迫。该研究揭示了干旱荒漠中不同生活型植物面对干旱胁迫时的性状间关系和环境适应策略, 丰富了水分生理学和植物生态学的相关理论, 可对荒漠植物的保育和多样性的维持提供一定理论参考。

关键词: 叶功能性状, 光合参数, 水力学性状, 干旱胁迫, 性状组合


Aims The plant mortality induced by drought has significant impact on forest ecosystems around the world. It thus has brought intensive research attention on the plant adaptive strategy to drought in the field of physiological ecology. This study aims to investigate the differences in adaptation strategies to drought between two dominant species in arid desert areas, i.e., Haloxylon ammodendron and Alhagi sparsifolia.

Methods Three types of functional traits (i.e., leaf, photosynthetic and hydraulic traits) of A. sparsifolia and H. ammodendron were measured in response to a natural drought gradient (mild, moderate and severe) in Ebinur Lake Nature Reserve in Xinjiang, China. The changes of functional traits with drought gradient, and the differences of functional traits and adaptation strategies to drought between the two species were analyzed.

Important findings The functional traits of A. sparsifolia and H. ammodendron changed differently across drought gradient. All the functional traits were significantly different between the two species except for leaf dry matter content. However, the differences in functional traits between the two species showed a decrease due to the synergetic influence of drought stress and species convergence. Pearson correlation among the traits for the two species indicated that only 10 pairs of functional traits are significantly correlated for A. sparsifolia, while 15 pairs were significantly correlated for H. ammodendron. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that two typical trait combinations related to drought resistance can be obtained from 11 functional traits of H. ammodendron, namely drought resistance-carbon acquisition group and drought resistance group. However, the trait combinations in coping with drought were not identified for A. sparsifolia. The results suggested that A. sparsifolia,was a conservative species, having greater drought tolerance than H. ammodendron. The traits in A. sparsifolia was less associated than that in H. ammodendron. In contrast, H. ammodendron used the trade-offs and compensatory relationships among functional traits to reduce drought stress. This study provided insights into the relationship between functional traits and drought adaptation strategies of different plant life forms, which advanced the fundamental theories of plant physiological ecology, and provided implications and references for the protection and diversity maintenance of desert ecosystem.

Key words: leaf functional trait, photosynthetic parameter, hydraulic trait, drought stress, trait combination