植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (4): 469-478.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0071

所属专题: 生态遥感及应用 碳储量

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐干君1, 吴胜义1, 李伟2, 赵欣胜2, 聂磊超2, 唐希颖2, 翟夏杰2,*()   

  1. 1.国家林业和草原局西北调查规划院, 西安 710048
    2.中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室, 生态保护与修复研究所, 北京 100091
  • 收稿日期:2022-02-21 接受日期:2022-07-28 出版日期:2023-04-20 发布日期:2022-07-29
  • 通讯作者: *ORCID:翟夏杰: 0000-0001-9892-1550 (zhaixiajie@caf.ac.cn)

Estimation of carbon storage in Shaanxi Yellow River Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve

XU Gan-Jun1, WU Sheng-Yi1, LI Wei2, ZHAO Xin-Sheng2, NIE Lei-Chao2, TANG Xi-Ying2, ZHAI Xia-Jie2,*()   

  1. 1. Northwest Surveying, Planning and Designing Institute of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Xiʼan 710048, China
    2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Wetland Services and Restoration, Institute of Wetland Research, Institute of Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
  • Received:2022-02-21 Accepted:2022-07-28 Online:2023-04-20 Published:2022-07-29
  • Contact: *(zhaixiajie@caf.ac.cn)


湿地生态系统的固碳及其调节气候等生态系统服务十分重要, 准确评估黄河流域自然保护地的碳储量有助于碳中和研究和区域生态保护与高质量发展。该研究基于野外采样和室内分析, 并结合遥感数据, 评估了陕西黄河湿地省级自然保护区光滩和典型自然植被区的地上植被和0-50 cm土壤碳储量。碳储量评估区总面积13 086.52 hm2, 占保护区面积的23.87%。结果表明, 高草植被的地上碳储量显著高于低草植被和矮灌丛植被, 其碳密度分别为496.73、23.45和138.38 g·m-2; 土壤0-50 cm的碳密度为7.15-11.98 kg·m-2, 高草植被区的土壤碳储量(5.02 × 105 t)显著高于光滩(2.09 × 105 t)、低草植被区(3.40 × 105 t)和矮灌丛植被区(1.45 × 105 t); 最终核算出陕西黄河湿地省级自然保护区典型植被区的地上植被和0-50 cm土壤总碳储量约为1.22 × 106 t, 其中光滩区、低草植被区、矮灌丛植被区、高草植被区的碳储量占比分别为17.13%、27.95%、12.13%和42.79%。研究结果可为黄河中游自然湿地的保护修复和碳汇功能提升研究提供一定的数据支持。

关键词: 湿地, 碳储量, 植被, 土壤


Aims Ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and climate regulation of wetland ecosystems are very important. Accurately assessing the carbon storage of natural reserves in the Yellow River Basin is helpful for carbon neutrality research and regional ecological protection and high-quality development.

Methods Based on field sampling and laboratory analysis, combined with remote sensing data, this study assessed carbon storage in the aboveground plant biomass and the top 50 cm soils of typical natural vegetation in Shaanxi Yellow River Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve. The total target area for assessment is 13 086.52 hm2, accounting for 23.87% of the nature reserve.

Important findings The results showed that the aboveground carbon storage of the tall-grass vegetation was significantly higher than that of the short-grass vegetation and shrubland, and their carbon densities were 496.73, 23.45 and 138.38 g·m-2, respectively; the carbon density of the soil at 0-50 cm was 7.15-11.98 kg·m-2, and the soil carbon storage in the tall-grass vegetation area (5.02 × 105 t) was significantly higher than that of the beach without vegetation (2.09 × 105 t), the short-grass vegetation area (3.40 × 105 t) and short-shrubland area (1.45 × 105 t); finally, combining the aboveground carbon storage in plant biomass and the soil carbon storage in the top 50 cm, the total carbon storage is estimated around 1.22 × 106 t for the natural vegetation area of Shaanxi Yellow River Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve, of which proportions of carbon storage were 17.13%, 27.95%, 12.13% and 42.79% for beaches, short-grass vegetation area, short-shrubland, and tall-grass vegetation area. These results can provide basic data for the protection and restoration of natural wetlands and the improvement of carbon sink function in the middle reaches of the Yellow River.

Key words: wetland, carbon storage, vegetation, soil