植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 780-793.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0391  cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0391

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


蔡慧颖, 李兰慧, 林阳, 梁亚涛, 杨光, 孙龙*()   

  1. 东北林业大学林学院, 东北林业大学森林生态系统可持续经营教育部重点实验室, 哈尔滨 150040
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-27 接受日期:2024-02-20 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-02-22
  • 通讯作者: *孙龙(sunlong365@126.com)
  • 基金资助:

Responses of non-structural carbohydrates in Betula platyphylla leaves and fine roots to time since fire

CAI Hui-Ying, LI Lan-Hui, LIN Yang, LIANG Ya-Tao, YANG Guang, SUN Long*()   

  1. College of Forestry, Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management, Ministry of Education, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
  • Received:2023-12-27 Accepted:2024-02-20 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-02-22
  • Contact: *SUN Long(sunlong365@126.com)
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32071777);Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2572021BA04)


火是制约植物生长发育的重要干扰因子, 影响植物的生理代谢, 甚至导致植物死亡。非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)主要包括可溶性糖(SS)和淀粉(ST), 对植物在干扰下存活具有重要作用。然而, 关于植物NSC及其组分含量对火后时间响应机制的研究尚有不足。该研究采用“空间替代时间”的方法, 在大兴安岭呼中区选取5个不同火烧时间的重度火烧地块和1个临近的未火烧地块, 分别采集白桦(Betula platyphylla)的叶片、细根以及根际土壤样品, 测定白桦叶片和细根的NSC及其组分含量、白桦叶片和细根的性状特征, 以及根际土壤属性。结果表明: 白桦叶片ST和NSC含量随火后时间的增加显著降低, 而细根ST和NSC含量随火后时间的增加显著增加, 叶片和细根的NSC含量分别在火后30年和火后17年与火烧前无显著差异, 表明细根NSC含量从重度火烧干扰的影响中恢复得更快; 火后时间对白桦叶片的NSC含量有直接影响, 还通过影响比叶面积对叶片的NSC含量产生间接影响; 火后时间对白桦细根NSC含量的影响主要是通过影响土壤pH和比叶面积间接产生。综上, 火后时间对植物NSC含量的影响具有明显的器官差异性。该结果可为火烧迹地的植被恢复研究提供科学数据和理论基础。

关键词: 火后恢复, 淀粉, 可溶性糖, 土壤属性


Aims Fire is an important disturbance factor that limits plant growth and development, affects plant metabolism and even leads to plant mortality. Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) mainly include soluble sugar (SS) and starch (ST), which play an important role in plant survival under disturbance. However, the response mechanism of plant NSC and its components to time since fire is unclear.

Methods In this study, five severely burned plots in Huzhong area of Da Hinggan Mountains with different postburn time and one adjacent unburned plot were selected for space-for-time substitution approach. Leaf, fine root and rhizosphere soil samples of Betula platyphylla were collected. The content of NSC and its components, the traits of leaf and fine root, and rhizosphere soil properties were measured.

Important findings The content of ST and NSC in B. platyphylla leaves decreased significantly, while the content of ST and NSC in fine roots increased significantly with increasing time since fire. The content of NSC in leaves and fine roots tend to be stable at 30 and 17 years after fire, respectively, and not differ from the unburned plot, indicating that the NSC of fine roots recovered faster from severe fire disturbance. Postburn time directly affect the NSC content of B. platyphylla leaves, and also has an indirect effect on the NSC content of leaves by affecting the specific leaf area. The effect of postburn time on NSC content in B. platyphylla fine roots is mediated by affecting soil pH and specific leaf area. In conclusion, the effect of postburn time on NSC content in plants differs among organs. This result contributes scientific data and theoretical basis to the study of vegetation restoration in burned areas.

Key words: restoration after fire, starch, soluble sugar, soil property