植物生态学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (7): 769-778.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00769
*E-mail: gongyh01@163.com
SHI Hui-Qing, GONG Yue-Hua*(), ZHANG Dong-Wu
GONG Yue-Hua
试验选用持绿型冬小麦(Triticum aestivum) ‘豫麦66’ (‘Ym66’)和‘潍麦8号’ (‘Wm8’)为研究材料, 以当地生产上起主导作用的冬小麦品种‘小偃22’ (‘XY22’)和‘小偃6号’ (‘XY6’)为对照。花后用塑料薄膜搭建成增温棚进行高温处理, 测定各品种绿叶数目、叶绿素和丙二醛(MDA)含量及叶片细胞膜透性, 并研究籽粒灌浆成熟期高温对持绿型小麦籽粒淀粉合成相关酶及粒重的影响。结果表明, 高温处理后, 各品种的绿叶数目和叶绿素含量都减少, MDA含量和膜透性都增加, 说明高温加速了小麦叶片衰老。同时, 各品种籽粒中与淀粉合成相关的酶(蔗糖合成酶(SS)和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)、可溶性淀粉合酶(SSS))活性都低于正常生长下的籽粒中的酶活性, 其中高温对籽粒SS和AGPP活性的影响不显著,而对籽粒SSS活性的影响显著(p = 0.015)。品种间比较, 持绿型小麦在两种处理下, 都表现出较多的绿叶数目和较高的叶绿素含量; 且3种与淀粉合成相关的酶活性也都高于非持绿型小麦, 说明持绿型小麦酶活性受高温抑制程度较小。相关性分析表明, 所有品种籽粒SS、AGPP、SSS活性都与籽粒灌浆速率成极显著的正相关(相关系数r分别为0.905、0.419和0.801)。因而, 持绿型小麦不仅具有较好的持绿特性, 而且籽粒中与淀粉合成相关的3种酶活性都较高, 这有利于其籽粒淀粉的合成, 从而增加籽粒产量。
石慧清, 龚月桦, 张东武. 花后高温对持绿型小麦叶片衰老及籽粒淀粉合成相关酶的影响. 植物生态学报, 2011, 35(7): 769-778. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00769
SHI Hui-Qing, GONG Yue-Hua, ZHANG Dong-Wu. Effect of high temperature on leaf senescence and related enzymes of grain starch synthesis in stay-green wheat after anthesis. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2011, 35(7): 769-778. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00769
图2 花后不同处理对各小麦品种绿叶数目(A, B)和叶绿素含量(C, D)的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 2 Effect of different treatments after anthesis on green leaf number (A, B) and chlorophyll content (C, D) in different types of wheat. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图3 不同处理对各小麦品种叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量(A, B)和相对电导率(C, D)的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 3 Influence of different treatments to malonaldehyde (MDA) (A, B) content and relative electric conductivity (C, D) of leaves in different types of wheat. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图4 花后不同处理对不同小麦品种籽粒蔗糖合成酶活性的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 4 Effect of different treatments after anthesis on sucrose synthase (SS) activity in different types of wheat grain. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图5 花后不同处理对不同小麦品种籽粒腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)活性的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 5 Effect of different treatments after anthesis on adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPP) activity in different types of wheat grain. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图6 花后不同处理对不同小麦品种籽粒可溶性淀粉合成酶活性的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 6 Effect of different treatments after anthesis on the activity of soluble starch synthase (SSS) in different types of wheat grain. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图7 花后不同处理对不同小麦品种千粒重的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 7 Effect of different treatments after anthesis on the 1000-grain weight of different types of wheat. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
图8 不同处理对不同小麦品种灌浆速率的影响。‘Wm8’, ‘潍麦8号’; ‘XY6’, ‘小偃6号’; ‘XY22’, ‘小偃22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘豫麦66’。
Fig. 8 Effect of different treatments on the rate of filling in different types of wheat. ‘Wm8’, ‘Weimai 8 hao’; ‘XY6’, ‘Xiaoyan 6 hao’; ‘XY22’, ‘Xiaoyan22’; ‘Ym66’, ‘Yumai 66’.
品种 Variety | 处理 Treatment | 株 高 Spike high (cm) | 穗 长 Ear length (cm) | 分糵数Tillering number (个) | 穗粒重 Grain weight/ Spike (g) | 千粒重 1 000-grain weight (g) | 生物学产量 Biological yield (kg·m-2) | 经济学产量Economic yield (kg·m-2) | 收获指数 Harvest index (%) |
‘Ym66’ | CK | 74.23a | 15.95a | 1.78a | 3.11A | 46.49A | 2.44a | 0.64a | 34.59A |
HT | 74.11a | 15.64a | 1.80a | 2.81B | 41.83B | 2.09a | 0.55a | 32.48B | |
‘Wm8’ | CK | 76.13a | 14.73a | 2.25a | 3.08A | 48.98A | 2.56a | 0.73a | 35.03A |
HT | 75.86a | 14.53a | 2.31a | 2.73B | 44.28B | 2.25a | 0.69a | 32.25B | |
‘XY6’ | CK | 82.13A | 10.81a | 3.38a | 2.09A | 39.90A | 2.08a | 0.74a | 40.89a |
HT | 78.87B | 10.47a | 3.50a | 1.66B | 32.14B | 1.56b | 0.53b | 40.17b | |
‘XY22’ | CK | 78.83A | 9.95a | 2.84a | 2.17A | 39.95A | 1.92a | 0.79A | 32.94a |
HT | 75.48B | 9.60b | 2.90a | 1.74B | 32.79B | 1.43b | 0.56B | 34.20a |
表1 高温对不同小麦品种产量和产量相关因素的影响
Table 1 Effect of high temperature on yield and yield components of different types of winter wheat
品种 Variety | 处理 Treatment | 株 高 Spike high (cm) | 穗 长 Ear length (cm) | 分糵数Tillering number (个) | 穗粒重 Grain weight/ Spike (g) | 千粒重 1 000-grain weight (g) | 生物学产量 Biological yield (kg·m-2) | 经济学产量Economic yield (kg·m-2) | 收获指数 Harvest index (%) |
‘Ym66’ | CK | 74.23a | 15.95a | 1.78a | 3.11A | 46.49A | 2.44a | 0.64a | 34.59A |
HT | 74.11a | 15.64a | 1.80a | 2.81B | 41.83B | 2.09a | 0.55a | 32.48B | |
‘Wm8’ | CK | 76.13a | 14.73a | 2.25a | 3.08A | 48.98A | 2.56a | 0.73a | 35.03A |
HT | 75.86a | 14.53a | 2.31a | 2.73B | 44.28B | 2.25a | 0.69a | 32.25B | |
‘XY6’ | CK | 82.13A | 10.81a | 3.38a | 2.09A | 39.90A | 2.08a | 0.74a | 40.89a |
HT | 78.87B | 10.47a | 3.50a | 1.66B | 32.14B | 1.56b | 0.53b | 40.17b | |
‘XY22’ | CK | 78.83A | 9.95a | 2.84a | 2.17A | 39.95A | 1.92a | 0.79A | 32.94a |
HT | 75.48B | 9.60b | 2.90a | 1.74B | 32.79B | 1.43b | 0.56B | 34.20a |
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