植物生态学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 819-828.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0109
王维1,2, 蔡一霞1, 蔡昆争1, 张建华3, 杨建昌2, 朱庆森2,*()
WANG Wei1,2, CAI Yi-Xia1, CAI Kun-Zheng1, ZHANG Jian-Hua3, YANG Jian-Chang2, ZHU Qing-Sen2,*()
ZHU Qing-Sen
About author:
* E-mail: ccplab@yzu.edu.cn摘要:
以两个茎秆贮藏物质利用效率不同的水稻(Oryza sativa)杂交组合(‘汕优63’和‘Pc311/早献党’)为材料,进行土壤水分亏缺处理(Water-deficit),以水层灌溉为对照(Well-watered),研究水分亏缺对水稻茎贮藏性碳水化合物运转及其关键酶活性的调节作用。结果表明,水分亏缺促进了水稻茎秆贮藏物质的运转和对籽粒产量的贡献,开花前茎秆贮藏的碳水化合物对产量贡献率分别提高了1.9~3.0倍(与水层灌溉相比)。土壤水分亏缺诱导了水稻茎节间α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶、D-酶活性上升,但淀粉磷酸化酶受到了抑制,说明土壤水分亏缺加强水稻茎秆贮藏淀粉水解途径,而不是磷酸解途径。就蔗糖代谢而言,土壤水分亏缺提高了蔗糖磷酸合成酶的活性和活化状态,抑制蔗糖转化酶活性,促进蔗糖合成,加速贮藏物质快速降解和转移,从而调节稻株贮藏碳水化合物向籽粒的分配。
王维, 蔡一霞, 蔡昆争, 张建华, 杨建昌, 朱庆森. 土壤水分亏缺对水稻茎秆贮藏碳水化合物向籽粒运转的调节. 植物生态学报, 2005, 29(5): 819-828. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0109
WANG Wei, CAI Yi-Xia, CAI Kun-Zheng, ZHANG Jian-Hua, YANG Jian-Chang, ZHU Qing-Sen. REGULATION OF SOIL WATER DEFICITS ON STEM-STORED CARBOHYDRATE REMOBILIZATION TO GRAINS OF RICE. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2005, 29(5): 819-828. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0109
图1 水分亏缺对水稻植株顶叶水势变化的影响(池栽试验) 结果为5次重复的平均值±SD
Fig.1 Changes in leaf water potential of rice cultivars cvs 'Shanyou63' (A) and 'Pc/zao' (B), which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis Values are means ± SD of five replications
图2 水分亏缺对水稻茎非结构性糖含量变化的影响(池栽试验)
Fig.2 Concentration and composition of NSC in the stems of two rice cultivars cvs ‘Shanyou63’ (A, C, E, G, I) and ‘Pc/Zao’ (B, D, F, H, J), which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis
图3 水分亏缺对水稻茎中淀粉和可溶性糖分配入的14C的影响(盆栽试验) 图例同图1 Legends see Fig.1 图注同图2 Notes see Fig.2
Fig.3 14C NSC in the stems of two rice cultivars cvs ‘Shanyou63’ (A, C) and ‘Pc/Zao’ (B, D), which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis
图4 水分亏缺对水稻茎贮藏淀粉水解酶活性的影响(池栽试验) 图例同图1 Legends see Fig.1 图注同图2 Notes see Fig.2
Fig.4 Changes in activities of starch degradation enzymes and in the stems of two rice cultivars ‘Shanyou63’ (A, C, E, G) and ‘Pc/Zao’ (B, D, F, H), which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis
图5 水分亏缺对水稻茎淀粉磷酸化酶活性的影响(池栽试验) 图例同图1
Fig.5 Changes in activities of starch phosphorylase in the stems of two rice cultivars 'Shanyou63' (A) and 'Pc/Zao' (B), Which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis Legends see Fig.1
图6 水分亏缺对水稻茎蔗糖代谢酶活性的影响(池栽试验) 图例同图1
Fig.6 Changes in activities of sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in the stems of two rice cultivars ‘Shanyou63’ (A, C, E) and ‘Pc/Zao’ (B, D, F), which were subjected to water deficit from 9 d after anthesis Legends see Fig.1
品种 Cultivars | 处理 Treatments | 从花后9天到成熟期转运的14C量 Remobiled 14C from 9 d anthesis to harvest | 成熟期籽粒中14C含量 Recovered 14C in grain at harvest stage (kBq) | 呼吸损失14C Loss of respiration (%) | ||||||||||
叶Leaves (kBq) | 茎秆Stem and sheath (kBq) | 颖壳 Glumes (kBq) | ||||||||||||
‘汕优63’‘Shanyou63’ | 水层灌溉Well-watered | 17.7b | 136.4b | 7.9b | 120.7b | 25.5b | ||||||||
水分亏缺Water-deficit | 22.4a | 234.9a | 9.7a | 207.4a | 22.3a | |||||||||
‘Pc/早’‘Pc/Zao’ | 水层灌溉Well-watered | 15.5b | 122.3b | 9.7b | 102.54b | 30.5b | ||||||||
水分亏缺Water-deficit | 24.9a | 236.3a | 13.0a | 203.6a | 25.7a |
表1 水分亏缺对水稻植株各器官中14C再分配的影响(盆栽试验)
Table 1 Effect of post-anthesis water deficit on the distribution of prefixed 14C in plants of two rice cultivars (cvs 'Shanyou63' and 'Pc/Zao')
品种 Cultivars | 处理 Treatments | 从花后9天到成熟期转运的14C量 Remobiled 14C from 9 d anthesis to harvest | 成熟期籽粒中14C含量 Recovered 14C in grain at harvest stage (kBq) | 呼吸损失14C Loss of respiration (%) | ||||||||||
叶Leaves (kBq) | 茎秆Stem and sheath (kBq) | 颖壳 Glumes (kBq) | ||||||||||||
‘汕优63’‘Shanyou63’ | 水层灌溉Well-watered | 17.7b | 136.4b | 7.9b | 120.7b | 25.5b | ||||||||
水分亏缺Water-deficit | 22.4a | 234.9a | 9.7a | 207.4a | 22.3a | |||||||||
‘Pc/早’‘Pc/Zao’ | 水层灌溉Well-watered | 15.5b | 122.3b | 9.7b | 102.54b | 30.5b | ||||||||
水分亏缺Water-deficit | 24.9a | 236.3a | 13.0a | 203.6a | 25.7a |
品种 Cultivars | 处理 Treatments | 茎中滞留糖 Residue NSC (mg·g-1 DW) | 运转率 Remobilized NSC (%) | 贡献率 Contribution to grians (%) | 收获指数 Harvest index | 结实率 (%) | 粒重 Kernel weight (mg) | 产量 Yield (g·m-2) |
‘汕优63’ ‘Shanyou63’ | 水层灌溉 Well-watered | 186.1a | 43.4b | 12.8b | 0.50b | 84.5a | 26.43a | 851.9a |
水分亏缺 Water-deficit | 92.7b | 71.8a | 24.6a | 0.56a | 79.8b | 25.87b | 771.3b | |
‘Pc/早’ ‘Pc/Zao’ | 水层灌溉 Well-watered | 265.1a | 16.3b | 6.7b | 0.40b | 77.3a | 24.57a | 945.6a |
水分亏缺 Water-deficit | 130.4b | 59.4a | 19.8a | 0.49a | 72.6b | 23.64b | 859.8b |
表2 水分亏缺对水稻茎秆碳贮藏物质的输出及籽粒产量的影响(池栽试验)
Table 2 Effect of post-anthesis water deficit on remobilization of stored reserves and grain yield of two rice cultivars (cvs ‘Shanyou63’ and ‘Pc/Zao’)
品种 Cultivars | 处理 Treatments | 茎中滞留糖 Residue NSC (mg·g-1 DW) | 运转率 Remobilized NSC (%) | 贡献率 Contribution to grians (%) | 收获指数 Harvest index | 结实率 (%) | 粒重 Kernel weight (mg) | 产量 Yield (g·m-2) |
‘汕优63’ ‘Shanyou63’ | 水层灌溉 Well-watered | 186.1a | 43.4b | 12.8b | 0.50b | 84.5a | 26.43a | 851.9a |
水分亏缺 Water-deficit | 92.7b | 71.8a | 24.6a | 0.56a | 79.8b | 25.87b | 771.3b | |
‘Pc/早’ ‘Pc/Zao’ | 水层灌溉 Well-watered | 265.1a | 16.3b | 6.7b | 0.40b | 77.3a | 24.57a | 945.6a |
水分亏缺 Water-deficit | 130.4b | 59.4a | 19.8a | 0.49a | 72.6b | 23.64b | 859.8b |
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