植物生态学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 807-813.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0107
李永庚1,2(), 于振文2,*(
), 梁晓芳2, 赵俊晔2, 邱希宾2
E-mail: liyonggeng@ibcas.ac.cn/liyonggeng@yahoo.com.cn
LI Yong-Geng1,2(), YU Zhen-Wen2,*(
), LIANG Xiao-Fang2, ZHAO Jun-Ye2, QIU Xi-Bin2
YU Zhen-Wen
About author:
* E-mail: zhenwenyu@sdau.edu.cn摘要:
在田间池栽条件下,分别于小麦(品种:'济南17' 和 '鲁麦21')(Triticum aestivum cv. 'Jinan17' and 'Lumai21') 灌浆的前期(开花后1~10 d), 中期(11~20 d)和后期(21~30 d)进行了遮去50%光合有效辐射的试验,研究了产量和品质的变化及其生理原因。主要结论如下:1)弱光条件下,光合物质生产均受到严重抑制,产量下降,容重降低;植株的氮素积累量减少、向子粒分配的比例低,但子粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量升高,其中,子粒灌浆前期遮光升高的幅度最大。2)遮光后小麦子粒麦谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白含量均升高,但麦谷蛋白升高的幅度大于醇溶蛋白,使麦谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白的比例升高,麦谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)含量也升高,粉质仪参数也显著提高;子粒灌浆前期或中期遮光对上述指标的影响则较小,子粒品质的形成与灌浆后期的光照条件关系更为密切。3)灌浆期相对较弱的光照强度对改善品质有利,但以降低产量为代价,两个品种的小麦所表现出的趋势基本一致。
李永庚, 于振文, 梁晓芳, 赵俊晔, 邱希宾. 小麦产量和品质对灌浆期不同阶段低光照强度的响应. 植物生态学报, 2005, 29(5): 807-813. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0107
LI Yong-Geng, YU Zhen-Wen, LIANG Xiao-Fang, ZHAO Jun-Ye, QIU Xi-Bin. RESPONSE OF WHEAT YIELDS AND QUALITY TO LOW LIGHT INTENSITY AT DIFFERENT GRAIN FILLING STAGES. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2005, 29(5): 807-813. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0107
图1 '济南17'(A)和 '鲁麦21',(B)的子粒蛋白质积累速率(PAR) 小麦灌浆前期遮光(S1)、中期遮光(S2)、后期遮光(S3)和自然照光(S0)条件下的遮光率为50%的光合有效辐射
Fig.1 Protein accumulate rate (PAR) of 'Ji'nan17' (A) and 'Lumai21' (B) under different light intensity S0 represent the natural light intensity, S1, S2 and S3 represent 50% PPFD treatment during 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 days after anthesis
图2 '济南17' 和 '鲁麦21' 的氮素积累量(NA)与氮素收获指数(NHI) 图注同图1
Fig.2 Nitrogen accumulates (NA) and nitrogen harvest index (NHI) of 'Ji'nan17' and 'Lumai21' under different light intensity Note see Fig.1
图3 '济南17' 和 '鲁麦21' 的醇溶蛋白(Gli.)含量(A)、麦谷蛋白(Glu.)含量(B)及其比例(C)和谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)含量(D)的差异 图注同图1
Fig.3 Gliadin content (Gli., A) glutenin content (Glu., B), Glu./Gli. index (C) and glutenin macropolymer (GMP) content (D) of 'Ji'nan17' and 'Lumai21' under different light intensity Note see Fig.1
图4 '济南17' 和 '鲁麦21'的蛋白质含量(A)和湿面筋含量(B)的差异 图注同图1
Fig.4 Protein content (A) and wet gluten content (B) of 'Ji'nan17' and 'Lumai21' under different light intensity Note see Fig.1
图5 '济南17' 和 '鲁麦21' 的粒重(A)、产量(B)和容重(C)的差异 图注同图1
Fig.5 Kernel weight (A), yield (B) and test weight (C) of 'Ji'nan17' and 'Lumai21' under different light intensity Note see Fig.1
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatments | 淀粉品质指标 Starch quality features | 蛋白质品质指标 Protein quality features | ||||
膨胀势 Swelling power (g·g-1) | 高峰粘度 Peak viscosity (RVU) | 沉降值 Sedimentation volume (ml) | 吸水率 Water absorption (%) | 稳定时间 Stability time (min) | |||
‘济南17’ 'Ji'nan17' | S0 | 6.82±0.21 | 202.00±1.21 | 53.0±1.00 | 69.7±0.33 | 7.40±0.14 | |
S1 | 8.02±0.34 | 208.42±1.93 | 54.2±0.55 | 70.9±0.89 | 7.50±0.25 | ||
S2 | 7.20±0.19 | 203.83±1.24 | 51.1±0.46 | 72.3±0.76 | 8.00±0.67 | ||
S3 | 7.41±0.28 | 207.00±0.77 | 50.9±0.29 | 75.9±1.80 | 9.40±1.33 | ||
‘鲁麦21’ 'Lumai21' | S0 | 9.26±0.37 | 240.25±1.47 | 35.0±0.32 | 62.9±1.71 | 2.40±0.24 | |
S1 | 10.82±0.26 | 246.92±0.99 | 36.7±0.21 | 65.5±1.19 | 2.40±0.33 | ||
S2 | 9.52±0.32 | 241.75±1.12 | 34.7±0.18 | 66.5±1.08 | 3.30±0.56 | ||
S3 | 10.08±0.17 | 242.83±2.15 | 33.8±0.27 | 67.9±1.22 | 4.10±0.27 |
表1 小麦灌浆前期遮光(S1)、中期遮光(S2)、后期遮光(S3)和自然照光(S0)条件下的 '济南17' 和'鲁麦21'的淀粉和蛋白质品质指标(遮光率为50%的光合有效辐射)
Table 1 Starch and protein quality of 'Ji'nan17' and 'Lumai21' under different light intensity. S0 represent the natural light intensity, S1, S2 and S3 represent 50% PPFD treatment during 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 days after anthesis
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatments | 淀粉品质指标 Starch quality features | 蛋白质品质指标 Protein quality features | ||||
膨胀势 Swelling power (g·g-1) | 高峰粘度 Peak viscosity (RVU) | 沉降值 Sedimentation volume (ml) | 吸水率 Water absorption (%) | 稳定时间 Stability time (min) | |||
‘济南17’ 'Ji'nan17' | S0 | 6.82±0.21 | 202.00±1.21 | 53.0±1.00 | 69.7±0.33 | 7.40±0.14 | |
S1 | 8.02±0.34 | 208.42±1.93 | 54.2±0.55 | 70.9±0.89 | 7.50±0.25 | ||
S2 | 7.20±0.19 | 203.83±1.24 | 51.1±0.46 | 72.3±0.76 | 8.00±0.67 | ||
S3 | 7.41±0.28 | 207.00±0.77 | 50.9±0.29 | 75.9±1.80 | 9.40±1.33 | ||
‘鲁麦21’ 'Lumai21' | S0 | 9.26±0.37 | 240.25±1.47 | 35.0±0.32 | 62.9±1.71 | 2.40±0.24 | |
S1 | 10.82±0.26 | 246.92±0.99 | 36.7±0.21 | 65.5±1.19 | 2.40±0.33 | ||
S2 | 9.52±0.32 | 241.75±1.12 | 34.7±0.18 | 66.5±1.08 | 3.30±0.56 | ||
S3 | 10.08±0.17 | 242.83±2.15 | 33.8±0.27 | 67.9±1.22 | 4.10±0.27 |
图6 小麦灌浆期遮光条件下子粒蛋白质含量与粒重(A)、面粉膨胀势与粒重(B)和沉降值与小麦粒重(C)的相互关系 ○'济南17' 'Ji'nan17' ●'鲁麦21' 'Lumai21'
Fig.6 Relationships between protein content and kernel weight (A), swelling power and kernel weight (B), sedimentation volume and kernel weight (C) under different light intensity
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