Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 976-981.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2007.0124
Special Issue: 生物多样性
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
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Fig.1 Venn diagram representing the partition of the variation of a response variable Y or a response matrix Y between two sets of explanatory variables X and W (Legendre, 1993) The rectangle represents 100% of the variation in y or Y. Fraction [b] is the intersection (not the interaction) of the amounts of variation explained by linear models of X and W
典范分析 Canonical analyses | 计算R2 Compute R2 (eq. 5) | 计算 Compute | 显著性检验可行性 Tested for significance |
Y~X | R2 of Y~X | [a+b]= | 可行Yes |
Y~W | R2 of Y~W | [b+c]= | 可行Yes |
Y~(X,W) | R2 of Y~(X,W) | [a+b+c]= | 可行Yes |
[a]=[a+b]-[b] | 可行Yes | ||
[b]=[a+b]+[b+c]-[a+b+c] | 不可行No | ||
[c]=[b+c]-[b] | 可行Yes | ||
Residuals=[d]=1-[a+b+c] | 不可行No |
Table 1 Method for calculating the adjusted fractions of variation [a] to [d] depicted inFig. 1 (Three multiple regressions or canonical analyses are required)
典范分析 Canonical analyses | 计算R2 Compute R2 (eq. 5) | 计算 Compute | 显著性检验可行性 Tested for significance |
Y~X | R2 of Y~X | [a+b]= | 可行Yes |
Y~W | R2 of Y~W | [b+c]= | 可行Yes |
Y~(X,W) | R2 of Y~(X,W) | [a+b+c]= | 可行Yes |
[a]=[a+b]-[b] | 可行Yes | ||
[b]=[a+b]+[b+c]-[a+b+c] | 不可行No | ||
[c]=[b+c]-[b] | 可行Yes | ||
Residuals=[d]=1-[a+b+c] | 不可行No |
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