Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 842-853.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0327
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Ling1, FAN Ying-Jie1, SONG Xiao-Tong1, LI Min2, SHAO Xiao-Ming1, WANG Xiao-Rui3,*()
WANG Xiao-Rui
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LIU Ling, FAN Ying-Jie, SONG Xiao-Tong, LI Min, SHAO Xiao-Ming, WANG Xiao-Rui. Bryophyte societies on the fallen logs of Pinus armandii with different decay classes in Sygera Mountains[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2020, 44(8): 842-853.
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倒木 Fallen log | 倒木1 Log 1 | 倒木2 Log 2 | 倒木3 Log 3 | 倒木4 Log 4 |
针叶 Needle | 存在 Present | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent |
树皮 Bark | 与活体无显著区别 No difference from living | 少部分脱落 Partial shedding | 仅在粗大树枝上残存 Partly present only on large branches | 无 Absent |
树枝 Branches and twig | 小树枝均存在 Twigs present | 中等树枝存在 Branches present | 粗大树枝存在 Large branches present | 仅粗大树枝基部存在 Only large branches stub present |
主干形状 Bole shape | 圆形 Round | 圆形 Round | 圆形 Round | 圆形至卵形 Round to oval |
与地面位置 Position of log on ground | 被某点抬高 Elevated on support point | 被某点抬高 Elevated on support point | 接近地面 Near or on the ground | 整体落在地面 All of log on the ground |
结构完整性 Structural integrity | 木质体新鲜, 刀片可刺进 1-2 mm Cambium still fresh, knife blade penetrates 1-2 mm | 开始腐解, 刀片可刺进 3 mm到1 cm Cambium decayed, knife blade penetrates 3 mm to 1 cm | 刀片可刺进约2 cm Knife blade penetrates less than 2 cm | 严重腐烂, 刀片可刺进 2-5 cm Severely decay, knife penetrates 2-5 cm |
腐解等级 Decay class | Ⅰ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅳ |
胸径 Diameter at breast height | 35 cm | 23 cm | 32 cm | 27 cm |
倒伏方向 Loging direction | 南偏东15° 15° south by east | 南偏东25° 25° south by east | 南偏东15° 15° south by east | 南偏东10° 10° south by east |
倒木位置 Position of log | 林窗中心 Center of forest gap | 林窗中心 Center of forest gap | 林内 Under the forest | 林窗边缘* Edge of forest gap* |
遮阴程度 Shade degree | 10% | 50% | 90% | 60%* |
Table 1 Essential information of the four fallen logs in Sygera Mountains
倒木 Fallen log | 倒木1 Log 1 | 倒木2 Log 2 | 倒木3 Log 3 | 倒木4 Log 4 |
针叶 Needle | 存在 Present | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent |
树皮 Bark | 与活体无显著区别 No difference from living | 少部分脱落 Partial shedding | 仅在粗大树枝上残存 Partly present only on large branches | 无 Absent |
树枝 Branches and twig | 小树枝均存在 Twigs present | 中等树枝存在 Branches present | 粗大树枝存在 Large branches present | 仅粗大树枝基部存在 Only large branches stub present |
主干形状 Bole shape | 圆形 Round | 圆形 Round | 圆形 Round | 圆形至卵形 Round to oval |
与地面位置 Position of log on ground | 被某点抬高 Elevated on support point | 被某点抬高 Elevated on support point | 接近地面 Near or on the ground | 整体落在地面 All of log on the ground |
结构完整性 Structural integrity | 木质体新鲜, 刀片可刺进 1-2 mm Cambium still fresh, knife blade penetrates 1-2 mm | 开始腐解, 刀片可刺进 3 mm到1 cm Cambium decayed, knife blade penetrates 3 mm to 1 cm | 刀片可刺进约2 cm Knife blade penetrates less than 2 cm | 严重腐烂, 刀片可刺进 2-5 cm Severely decay, knife penetrates 2-5 cm |
腐解等级 Decay class | Ⅰ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅳ |
胸径 Diameter at breast height | 35 cm | 23 cm | 32 cm | 27 cm |
倒伏方向 Loging direction | 南偏东15° 15° south by east | 南偏东25° 25° south by east | 南偏东15° 15° south by east | 南偏东10° 10° south by east |
倒木位置 Position of log | 林窗中心 Center of forest gap | 林窗中心 Center of forest gap | 林内 Under the forest | 林窗边缘* Edge of forest gap* |
遮阴程度 Shade degree | 10% | 50% | 90% | 60%* |
科 Family | 物种 Species | 代码 Code | 生活型 Life form | 相对盖度 Relative coverage (%) | |||
Log 1 | Log 2 | Log 3 | Log 4 | ||||
曲背藓科 Oncophoraceae | 曲背藓 Oncophorus wahlenbergii | OW | T-turf | 9.74 | - | - | - |
南亚合睫藓 Symblepharis reinwardtii | SR | T-turf | - | - | - | 1.99 | |
合睫藓 Symblepharis vaginata | SV | T-turf | - | 44.18 | - | 2.99 | |
曲尾藓科 Dicranaceae | 波叶曲尾藓 Dicranum polysetum | DP | T-turf | - | - | 3.97 | - |
白发藓科 Leucobryaceae | 丛叶青毛藓 Dicranodontium caespitosum | DC | T-turf | - | 8.52 | 4.77 | 6.97 |
青毛藓 Dicranodontium denudatum | DiDe | T-turf | - | 6.39 | - | 36.82 | |
长叶青毛藓 Dicranodontium didymodon | DiDi | T-turf | - | 3.69 | 0.64 | 5.47 | |
丛藓科 Pottiaceae | 高山红叶藓 Bryoerythrophyllum alpigenum | BA | S-turf | - | - | 0.32 | - |
齿叶薄齿藓 Leptodontium handelii | LH | S-turf | 0.49 | - | - | - | |
狭叶拟合睫藓 Pseudosymblepharis angustata | PA | S-turf | - | 0.14 | 4.45 | 4.23 | |
真藓科 Bryaceae | 拟大叶真藓 Bryum salakense | BryS | T-turf | - | - | 0.32 | - |
提灯藓科 Mniaceae | 侧枝匐灯藓 Plagiomnium maximoviczii | PM | L-cushion | - | - | 8.10 | - |
全缘匐灯藓 Plagiomnium integrum | PI | L-cushion | - | - | - | 1.00 | |
钝叶匐灯藓 Plagiomnium rostratum | PR | L-cushion | - | - | 7.15 | - | |
具缘提灯藓 Mnium marginatum | MM | L-cushion | - | - | 2.54 | - | |
木灵藓科 Orthotrichaceae | 毛帽木灵藓 Orthotrichum dasymitrium | OD | D-form | 13.92 | - | - | - |
白齿藓科 Leucodontaceae | 中华白齿藓 Leucodon sinensis | LS | Weft | 11.68 | - | - | - |
蔓藓科 Meteoriaceae | 新丝藓 Neodicladiella pendula | NP | R-mat | 11.68 | - | - | - |
羽藓科 Thuidiaceae | 毛羽藓 Bryonoguchia molkenboeri | BM | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.50 |
大羽藓 Thuidium cymbifolium | TC | R-mat | - | 12.07 | 34.95 | 9.70 | |
毛尖羽藓 Thuidium plumulosum | TP | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.50 | |
狭叶小羽藓 Haplocladium angustifolium | HA | R-mat | - | 0.28 | - | - | |
细叶小羽藓 Haplocladium microphyllum | HM | R-mat | - | - | 8.26 | 5.22 | |
青藓科 Brachytheciaceae | 多褶青藓 Brachythecium buchananii | BB | L-cushion | - | 0.21 | 6.04 | 0.50 |
平枝青藓 Brachythecium helminthocladum | BH | L-cushion | - | - | 2.38 | - | |
燕尾青藓 Brachythecium novae-angliae | BraN | L-cushion | - | - | 4.29 | - | |
褶叶青藓 Brachythecium salebrosum | BraS | L-cushion | - | - | - | 1.24 | |
拟异叶藓 Pseudokindbergia dumosa | PD | L-cushion | - | - | 0.64 | - | |
灰藓科 Hypnaceae | 圆枝粗枝藓 Gollania tereticaulis | GT | R-mat | - | 2.13 | - | - |
灰藓 Hypnum cupressiforme | HC | R-mat | - | - | 2.22 | 0.50 | |
密枝灰藓 Hypnum densirameum | HD | R-mat | - | 2.13 | 2.86 | 7.46 | |
毛梳藓 Ptilium crista-castrensis | PC | R-mat | 14.61 | - | - | - | |
拟硬叶藓 Stereodontopsis pseudorevoluta | SP | R-mat | 0.19 | - | - | - | |
丝金灰藓 Pylaisia levieri | PL | R-mat | 34.08 | 7.39 | - | - | |
毛锦藓科 Pylaisiadelphaceae | 曲叶小锦藓 Brotherella curvirostris | BC | R-mat | - | 2.70 | 1.59 | 2.24 |
弯叶小锦藓 Brotherella falcata | BF | R-mat | 0.97 | - | - | - | |
垂蒴小锦藓 Brotherella nictans | BroN | R-mat | - | - | 2.38 | 7.46 | |
暗绿毛锦藓 Pylaisiadelpha tristoviridis | PT | R-mat | - | 4.12 | - | - | |
叶苔科 Jungermanniaceae | 深绿叶苔 Jungermannia atrovirens | JA | D-form | - | 4.69 | 0.16 | 1.24 |
小萼叶苔 Jungermannia parviperiantha | JP | D-form | - | - | - | 0.25 | |
方叶无褶苔 Leiocolea bantriensis | LB | D-form | - | - | - | 0.25 | |
挺叶苔科 Anastrophyllaceae | 小挺叶苔 Anastrophyllum minutum | AM | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.37 |
裂叶苔科 Lophoziaceae | 三瓣苔 Tritomaria exsecta | TE | T-form | - | 0.85 | - | 0.62 |
折叶苔科 Scapaniaceae | 刺边合叶苔 Scapania ciliata | SC | T-form | - | - | 1.27 | - |
睫毛苔科 Blepharostomataceae | 睫毛苔 Blepharostoma trichophyllum | BT | R-mat | - | 0.50 | 0.08 | 1.37 |
指叶苔科 Lepidoziaceae | 指叶苔 Lepidozia reptans | LR | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.62 |
光萼苔科 Porellaceae | 光萼苔 Porella pinnata | PP | R-mat | 0.19 | - | - | - |
耳叶苔科 Frullaniaceae | 细茎耳叶苔 Frullania bolanderi | FB | T-form | 0.19 | - | - | - |
达乌里耳叶苔 Frullania davurica | FD | T-form | 1.27 | - | 0.64 | - | |
列胞耳叶苔 Frullania moniliata | FM | T-form | 0.49 | - | - | - | |
细鳞苔科 Lejeuneaceae | 角齿细鳞苔 Lejeunea otiana | LO | T-form | - | - | - | 0.50 |
南亚瓦鳞苔 Trocholejeunea sandvicensis | TS | T-form | 0.49 | - | - | - |
Table 2 Statistics of growth situation of bryophytes on the four fallen logs in Sygera Mountains
科 Family | 物种 Species | 代码 Code | 生活型 Life form | 相对盖度 Relative coverage (%) | |||
Log 1 | Log 2 | Log 3 | Log 4 | ||||
曲背藓科 Oncophoraceae | 曲背藓 Oncophorus wahlenbergii | OW | T-turf | 9.74 | - | - | - |
南亚合睫藓 Symblepharis reinwardtii | SR | T-turf | - | - | - | 1.99 | |
合睫藓 Symblepharis vaginata | SV | T-turf | - | 44.18 | - | 2.99 | |
曲尾藓科 Dicranaceae | 波叶曲尾藓 Dicranum polysetum | DP | T-turf | - | - | 3.97 | - |
白发藓科 Leucobryaceae | 丛叶青毛藓 Dicranodontium caespitosum | DC | T-turf | - | 8.52 | 4.77 | 6.97 |
青毛藓 Dicranodontium denudatum | DiDe | T-turf | - | 6.39 | - | 36.82 | |
长叶青毛藓 Dicranodontium didymodon | DiDi | T-turf | - | 3.69 | 0.64 | 5.47 | |
丛藓科 Pottiaceae | 高山红叶藓 Bryoerythrophyllum alpigenum | BA | S-turf | - | - | 0.32 | - |
齿叶薄齿藓 Leptodontium handelii | LH | S-turf | 0.49 | - | - | - | |
狭叶拟合睫藓 Pseudosymblepharis angustata | PA | S-turf | - | 0.14 | 4.45 | 4.23 | |
真藓科 Bryaceae | 拟大叶真藓 Bryum salakense | BryS | T-turf | - | - | 0.32 | - |
提灯藓科 Mniaceae | 侧枝匐灯藓 Plagiomnium maximoviczii | PM | L-cushion | - | - | 8.10 | - |
全缘匐灯藓 Plagiomnium integrum | PI | L-cushion | - | - | - | 1.00 | |
钝叶匐灯藓 Plagiomnium rostratum | PR | L-cushion | - | - | 7.15 | - | |
具缘提灯藓 Mnium marginatum | MM | L-cushion | - | - | 2.54 | - | |
木灵藓科 Orthotrichaceae | 毛帽木灵藓 Orthotrichum dasymitrium | OD | D-form | 13.92 | - | - | - |
白齿藓科 Leucodontaceae | 中华白齿藓 Leucodon sinensis | LS | Weft | 11.68 | - | - | - |
蔓藓科 Meteoriaceae | 新丝藓 Neodicladiella pendula | NP | R-mat | 11.68 | - | - | - |
羽藓科 Thuidiaceae | 毛羽藓 Bryonoguchia molkenboeri | BM | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.50 |
大羽藓 Thuidium cymbifolium | TC | R-mat | - | 12.07 | 34.95 | 9.70 | |
毛尖羽藓 Thuidium plumulosum | TP | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.50 | |
狭叶小羽藓 Haplocladium angustifolium | HA | R-mat | - | 0.28 | - | - | |
细叶小羽藓 Haplocladium microphyllum | HM | R-mat | - | - | 8.26 | 5.22 | |
青藓科 Brachytheciaceae | 多褶青藓 Brachythecium buchananii | BB | L-cushion | - | 0.21 | 6.04 | 0.50 |
平枝青藓 Brachythecium helminthocladum | BH | L-cushion | - | - | 2.38 | - | |
燕尾青藓 Brachythecium novae-angliae | BraN | L-cushion | - | - | 4.29 | - | |
褶叶青藓 Brachythecium salebrosum | BraS | L-cushion | - | - | - | 1.24 | |
拟异叶藓 Pseudokindbergia dumosa | PD | L-cushion | - | - | 0.64 | - | |
灰藓科 Hypnaceae | 圆枝粗枝藓 Gollania tereticaulis | GT | R-mat | - | 2.13 | - | - |
灰藓 Hypnum cupressiforme | HC | R-mat | - | - | 2.22 | 0.50 | |
密枝灰藓 Hypnum densirameum | HD | R-mat | - | 2.13 | 2.86 | 7.46 | |
毛梳藓 Ptilium crista-castrensis | PC | R-mat | 14.61 | - | - | - | |
拟硬叶藓 Stereodontopsis pseudorevoluta | SP | R-mat | 0.19 | - | - | - | |
丝金灰藓 Pylaisia levieri | PL | R-mat | 34.08 | 7.39 | - | - | |
毛锦藓科 Pylaisiadelphaceae | 曲叶小锦藓 Brotherella curvirostris | BC | R-mat | - | 2.70 | 1.59 | 2.24 |
弯叶小锦藓 Brotherella falcata | BF | R-mat | 0.97 | - | - | - | |
垂蒴小锦藓 Brotherella nictans | BroN | R-mat | - | - | 2.38 | 7.46 | |
暗绿毛锦藓 Pylaisiadelpha tristoviridis | PT | R-mat | - | 4.12 | - | - | |
叶苔科 Jungermanniaceae | 深绿叶苔 Jungermannia atrovirens | JA | D-form | - | 4.69 | 0.16 | 1.24 |
小萼叶苔 Jungermannia parviperiantha | JP | D-form | - | - | - | 0.25 | |
方叶无褶苔 Leiocolea bantriensis | LB | D-form | - | - | - | 0.25 | |
挺叶苔科 Anastrophyllaceae | 小挺叶苔 Anastrophyllum minutum | AM | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.37 |
裂叶苔科 Lophoziaceae | 三瓣苔 Tritomaria exsecta | TE | T-form | - | 0.85 | - | 0.62 |
折叶苔科 Scapaniaceae | 刺边合叶苔 Scapania ciliata | SC | T-form | - | - | 1.27 | - |
睫毛苔科 Blepharostomataceae | 睫毛苔 Blepharostoma trichophyllum | BT | R-mat | - | 0.50 | 0.08 | 1.37 |
指叶苔科 Lepidoziaceae | 指叶苔 Lepidozia reptans | LR | R-mat | - | - | - | 0.62 |
光萼苔科 Porellaceae | 光萼苔 Porella pinnata | PP | R-mat | 0.19 | - | - | - |
耳叶苔科 Frullaniaceae | 细茎耳叶苔 Frullania bolanderi | FB | T-form | 0.19 | - | - | - |
达乌里耳叶苔 Frullania davurica | FD | T-form | 1.27 | - | 0.64 | - | |
列胞耳叶苔 Frullania moniliata | FM | T-form | 0.49 | - | - | - | |
细鳞苔科 Lejeuneaceae | 角齿细鳞苔 Lejeunea otiana | LO | T-form | - | - | - | 0.50 |
南亚瓦鳞苔 Trocholejeunea sandvicensis | TS | T-form | 0.49 | - | - | - |
Fig. 1 The richness (A) and coverage (B) of bryophyte species with different growth forms on the four fallen logs in Sygera Mountains. D-form, dense form; L-cushion, large cushion; R-mat, rough mat; S-turf, short turf; T-form, thread-like form; T-turf, tall turf.
组合名称 Society name | 物种组成 Species composition | 重要值 Important value | 分布样方 Distribution sample | 组合名称 Society name | 物种组成 Species composition | 重要值 Important value | 分布样方 Distribution sample |
合睫藓组合 Symblepharis vaginata society | SV | 0.425 | Log 2-4, Log 2-5, Log 2-6, Log 2-7, Log 2-8, Log 2-9, Log 2-10 | 丛叶青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium vaginata society | DC | 0.250 | Log 3-10, Log 4-7 |
DC | 0.135 | PA | 0.167 | ||||
JA | 0.100 | BC | 0.114 | ||||
BC | 0.076 | JA | 0.092 | ||||
PL | 0.065 | PM | 0.084 | ||||
DiDi | 0.043 | TC | 0.076 | ||||
PT | 0.043 | BroN | 0.069 | ||||
DiDe | 0.034 | SV | 0.053 | ||||
HD | 0.034 | TP | 0.053 | ||||
TE | 0.025 | BT | 0.042 | ||||
BT | 0.020 | 侧枝匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium maximoviczii society | PM | 0.346 | Log 3-5, Log 3-7 | ||
大羽藓组合 Thuidium cymbifolium society | TC | 0.423 | Log 2-2, Log 3-2, Log 3-3, Log 3-8, Log 3-9, Log 4-10 | BB | 0.207 | ||
DC | 0.069 | TC | 0.164 | ||||
BroN | 0.069 | PA | 0.126 | ||||
HD | 0.052 | HC | 0.086 | ||||
PM | 0.048 | BraN | 0.071 | ||||
DP | 0.042 | 丝金灰藓组合 Pylaisia levieri society | PL | 0.427 | Log 1-1, Log 1-7, Log 1-9 | ||
PA | 0.042 | PC | 0.172 | ||||
JA | 0.037 | OW | 0.132 | ||||
BT | 0.036 | OD | 0.058 | ||||
BH | 0.032 | LH | 0.054 | ||||
BB | 0.027 | FD | 0.054 | ||||
SC | 0.025 | TS | 0.052 | ||||
PT | 0.021 | FB | 0.051 | ||||
LR | 0.018 | 密枝灰藓组合 Hypnum densirameum society | HD | 0.389 | Log 4-4, Log 4-8 | ||
SV | 0.018 | DiDe | 0.130 | ||||
LB | 0.018 | BC | 0.130 | ||||
DiDi | 0.018 | TC | 0.093 | ||||
青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium denudatum society | DiDe | 0.391 | Log 2-3, Log 4-2, Log 4-5, Log 4-6, Log 4-9 | DiDi | 0.074 | ||
SR | 0.064 | BT | 0.065 | ||||
PL | 0.062 | TE | 0.060 | ||||
BT | 0.056 | LR | 0.060 | ||||
JA | 0.051 | 钝叶匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium rostratum society | PR | 0.575 | Log 3-6 | ||
GT | 0.044 | HM | 0.145 | ||||
BroN | 0.044 | BB | 0.145 | ||||
SV | 0.035 | TC | 0.135 | ||||
PA | 0.035 | 燕尾青藓组合 Brachythecium novae-angliae society | BraN | 0.378 | Log 3-4 | ||
BraS | 0.026 | HC | 0.211 | ||||
HC | 0.020 | TC | 0.156 | ||||
BM | 0.020 | PA | 0.133 | ||||
TE | 0.020 | BryS | 0.122 | ||||
BB | 0.020 | 毛帽木灵藓组合 Orthotrichum dasymitrium society | OD | 0.509 | Log 1-4, Log 1-5, Log 1-10 | ||
AM | 0.019 | FD | 0.139 | ||||
HM | 0.018 | TS | 0.086 | ||||
LB | 0.018 | PL | 0.068 | ||||
BC | 0.018 | BF | 0.068 | ||||
LR | 0.018 | PP | 0.044 | ||||
JP | 0.018 | SP | 0.044 | ||||
细叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium microphylllum society | HM | 0.282 | Log 3-1, Log 4-1 | FB | 0.041 | ||
DiDi | 0.136 | 新丝藓组合 Neodicladiella pendula society | NP | 0.730 | Log 1-8 | ||
PA | 0.091 | FM | 0.270 | ||||
MM | 0.081 | ||||||
SV | 0.061 | ||||||
BB | 0.049 | 中华白齿藓组合 Leucodon sinensis society | LS | 1.000 | Log 1-2 | ||
PI | 0.042 | ||||||
PD | 0.042 | ||||||
FD | 0.042 | 狭叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium angustifolium society | HA | 0.389 | Log 2-1 | ||
BA | 0.036 | BB | 0.333 | ||||
LO | 0.036 | PA | 0.278 | ||||
TC | 0.036 | ||||||
BT | 0.036 | ||||||
LR | 0.031 |
Table 3 Bryophyte societies on the four fallen logs in Sygera Mountains
组合名称 Society name | 物种组成 Species composition | 重要值 Important value | 分布样方 Distribution sample | 组合名称 Society name | 物种组成 Species composition | 重要值 Important value | 分布样方 Distribution sample |
合睫藓组合 Symblepharis vaginata society | SV | 0.425 | Log 2-4, Log 2-5, Log 2-6, Log 2-7, Log 2-8, Log 2-9, Log 2-10 | 丛叶青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium vaginata society | DC | 0.250 | Log 3-10, Log 4-7 |
DC | 0.135 | PA | 0.167 | ||||
JA | 0.100 | BC | 0.114 | ||||
BC | 0.076 | JA | 0.092 | ||||
PL | 0.065 | PM | 0.084 | ||||
DiDi | 0.043 | TC | 0.076 | ||||
PT | 0.043 | BroN | 0.069 | ||||
DiDe | 0.034 | SV | 0.053 | ||||
HD | 0.034 | TP | 0.053 | ||||
TE | 0.025 | BT | 0.042 | ||||
BT | 0.020 | 侧枝匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium maximoviczii society | PM | 0.346 | Log 3-5, Log 3-7 | ||
大羽藓组合 Thuidium cymbifolium society | TC | 0.423 | Log 2-2, Log 3-2, Log 3-3, Log 3-8, Log 3-9, Log 4-10 | BB | 0.207 | ||
DC | 0.069 | TC | 0.164 | ||||
BroN | 0.069 | PA | 0.126 | ||||
HD | 0.052 | HC | 0.086 | ||||
PM | 0.048 | BraN | 0.071 | ||||
DP | 0.042 | 丝金灰藓组合 Pylaisia levieri society | PL | 0.427 | Log 1-1, Log 1-7, Log 1-9 | ||
PA | 0.042 | PC | 0.172 | ||||
JA | 0.037 | OW | 0.132 | ||||
BT | 0.036 | OD | 0.058 | ||||
BH | 0.032 | LH | 0.054 | ||||
BB | 0.027 | FD | 0.054 | ||||
SC | 0.025 | TS | 0.052 | ||||
PT | 0.021 | FB | 0.051 | ||||
LR | 0.018 | 密枝灰藓组合 Hypnum densirameum society | HD | 0.389 | Log 4-4, Log 4-8 | ||
SV | 0.018 | DiDe | 0.130 | ||||
LB | 0.018 | BC | 0.130 | ||||
DiDi | 0.018 | TC | 0.093 | ||||
青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium denudatum society | DiDe | 0.391 | Log 2-3, Log 4-2, Log 4-5, Log 4-6, Log 4-9 | DiDi | 0.074 | ||
SR | 0.064 | BT | 0.065 | ||||
PL | 0.062 | TE | 0.060 | ||||
BT | 0.056 | LR | 0.060 | ||||
JA | 0.051 | 钝叶匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium rostratum society | PR | 0.575 | Log 3-6 | ||
GT | 0.044 | HM | 0.145 | ||||
BroN | 0.044 | BB | 0.145 | ||||
SV | 0.035 | TC | 0.135 | ||||
PA | 0.035 | 燕尾青藓组合 Brachythecium novae-angliae society | BraN | 0.378 | Log 3-4 | ||
BraS | 0.026 | HC | 0.211 | ||||
HC | 0.020 | TC | 0.156 | ||||
BM | 0.020 | PA | 0.133 | ||||
TE | 0.020 | BryS | 0.122 | ||||
BB | 0.020 | 毛帽木灵藓组合 Orthotrichum dasymitrium society | OD | 0.509 | Log 1-4, Log 1-5, Log 1-10 | ||
AM | 0.019 | FD | 0.139 | ||||
HM | 0.018 | TS | 0.086 | ||||
LB | 0.018 | PL | 0.068 | ||||
BC | 0.018 | BF | 0.068 | ||||
LR | 0.018 | PP | 0.044 | ||||
JP | 0.018 | SP | 0.044 | ||||
细叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium microphylllum society | HM | 0.282 | Log 3-1, Log 4-1 | FB | 0.041 | ||
DiDi | 0.136 | 新丝藓组合 Neodicladiella pendula society | NP | 0.730 | Log 1-8 | ||
PA | 0.091 | FM | 0.270 | ||||
MM | 0.081 | ||||||
SV | 0.061 | ||||||
BB | 0.049 | 中华白齿藓组合 Leucodon sinensis society | LS | 1.000 | Log 1-2 | ||
PI | 0.042 | ||||||
PD | 0.042 | ||||||
FD | 0.042 | 狭叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium angustifolium society | HA | 0.389 | Log 2-1 | ||
BA | 0.036 | BB | 0.333 | ||||
LO | 0.036 | PA | 0.278 | ||||
TC | 0.036 | ||||||
BT | 0.036 | ||||||
LR | 0.031 |
物种重要值之和 Sum of important values of species | 大垫状 Large cushion | 矮藓丛状 Short turf | 直立高 藓丛状 Tall turf | 毯状 Rough mat | 交织状 Weft | 丝状 Thread-like form | 紧密簇状 Dense form | 组合空间结构 Society spatial structure |
合睫藓组合 Symblepharis vaginata society | - | - | 0.637 | 0.238 | - | 0.025 | 0.100 | 较简单 Relatively simple |
大羽藓组合 Thuidium cymbifolium society | 0.108 | 0.042 | 0.148 | 0.621 | - | 0.025 | 0.055 | 复杂 Complex |
青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium denudatum society | 0.046 | 0.035 | 0.491 | 0.321 | - | 0.020 | 0.088 | 复杂 Complex |
细叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium microphyllum society | 0.213 | 0.091 | 0.233 | 0.385 | - | 0.078 | - | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
丛叶青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium caespitosum society | 0.084 | 0.167 | 0.303 | 0.354 | - | - | 0.092 | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
侧枝匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium maximoviczii society | 0.624 | 0.126 | - | 0.250 | - | - | - | 较简单 Simple |
丝金灰藓组合 Pylaisia levieri society | - | 0.054 | 0.132 | 0.600 | - | 0.157 | 0.058 | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
密枝灰藓组合 Hypnum densirameum society | - | - | 0.204 | 0.736 | - | 0.060 | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
钝叶匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium rostratum society | 0.720 | - | - | 0.28 | - | - | - | 简单 Simple |
燕尾青藓组合 Brachythecium novae-angliae society | - | - | - | 0.225 | - | 0.266 | 0.509 | 较简单 Relatively simple |
毛帽木灵藓组合 Orthotrichum dasymitrium society | 0.378 | 0.133 | 0.122 | 0.367 | - | - | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
新丝藓组合 Neodicladiella pendula society | - | - | - | 0.730 | - | 0.270 | - | 简单 Simple |
中华白齿藓组合 Leucodon sinensis society | - | - | - | - | 1.00 | - | - | 简单 Simple |
狭叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium angustifolium society | 0.333 | 0.278 | - | 0.389 | - | - | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
Table 4 Sum of the important values of different growth forms in different bryophyte societies
物种重要值之和 Sum of important values of species | 大垫状 Large cushion | 矮藓丛状 Short turf | 直立高 藓丛状 Tall turf | 毯状 Rough mat | 交织状 Weft | 丝状 Thread-like form | 紧密簇状 Dense form | 组合空间结构 Society spatial structure |
合睫藓组合 Symblepharis vaginata society | - | - | 0.637 | 0.238 | - | 0.025 | 0.100 | 较简单 Relatively simple |
大羽藓组合 Thuidium cymbifolium society | 0.108 | 0.042 | 0.148 | 0.621 | - | 0.025 | 0.055 | 复杂 Complex |
青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium denudatum society | 0.046 | 0.035 | 0.491 | 0.321 | - | 0.020 | 0.088 | 复杂 Complex |
细叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium microphyllum society | 0.213 | 0.091 | 0.233 | 0.385 | - | 0.078 | - | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
丛叶青毛藓组合 Dicranodontium caespitosum society | 0.084 | 0.167 | 0.303 | 0.354 | - | - | 0.092 | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
侧枝匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium maximoviczii society | 0.624 | 0.126 | - | 0.250 | - | - | - | 较简单 Simple |
丝金灰藓组合 Pylaisia levieri society | - | 0.054 | 0.132 | 0.600 | - | 0.157 | 0.058 | 较复杂 Relatively complex |
密枝灰藓组合 Hypnum densirameum society | - | - | 0.204 | 0.736 | - | 0.060 | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
钝叶匐灯藓组合 Plagiomnium rostratum society | 0.720 | - | - | 0.28 | - | - | - | 简单 Simple |
燕尾青藓组合 Brachythecium novae-angliae society | - | - | - | 0.225 | - | 0.266 | 0.509 | 较简单 Relatively simple |
毛帽木灵藓组合 Orthotrichum dasymitrium society | 0.378 | 0.133 | 0.122 | 0.367 | - | - | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
新丝藓组合 Neodicladiella pendula society | - | - | - | 0.730 | - | 0.270 | - | 简单 Simple |
中华白齿藓组合 Leucodon sinensis society | - | - | - | - | 1.00 | - | - | 简单 Simple |
狭叶小羽藓组合 Haplocladium angustifolium society | 0.333 | 0.278 | - | 0.389 | - | - | - | 较简单 Relatively simple |
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