Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 1049-1063.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0159
Special Issue: 生态系统结构与功能
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Hai-Dong1,2, WU Xin-Wei3, XIAO Zhi-Shu1,2,*()
XIAO Zhi-Shu
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LI Hai-Dong, WU Xin-Wei, XIAO Zhi-Shu. Assembly, ecosystem functions, and stability in species interaction networks[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(10): 1049-1063.
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水平 Level | 结构指数和解释 Structure indices and explanation | |
物种水平 Species level | 物种连接数 Species degree | 网络中某物种与其他营养级物种发生联系的数量 The number of interacting partners |
物种强度 Species strength | 指某一个动物或植物物种对植物或动物物种的依赖度或所受作用强度的总和。 The sum of dependences or interaction strengths of the animals on a specific plant species, or the sum of dependences of the plants on a specific animal species. | |
嵌套等级 Nested rank | 指在一个网络嵌套矩阵中所处的等级; 数值越低, 表示该物种更为泛化, 反之亦然。 Which is measured as the position in the nestedness matrix. A generalist will interact with more species and thus have a rank closer to 1, while specialists will have ranks with higher values. | |
特化指数 Specialization index | 用来衡量物种的特化程度的指数(0-1) Assesses the specialization of a species (ranging from 0 to 1) | |
连接多样性 Partner diversity | 某一物种的连接伙伴的Shannon多样性, 用于衡量物种的泛化程度。 Shannon diversity of the interacting partners of each species, which indicating generalization of a species. | |
网络水平 Network level | 连接度 Connectance | 网络中实际连接数与潜在连接数的比值 The proportion of potential links that are actually realized |
物种平均连接数 Links per species | 网络中连接数与物种丰富度的比值 The average links per species | |
嵌套性 Nestedness | 在嵌套的互作网络中, 与特化物种相互作用的物种是与泛化物种相互作用的物种的子集。 A pattern of interaction in which specialists interact with species that form perfect subsets of the species with which generalists interact. | |
模块性 Modularity | 互作网络中一些物种通过连接会构成模块, 模块内部的物种间连接相对紧密, 而与模块外的物种连接较为松散。 A pattern which occurs when the species form cohesive subgroups (modules), such that species within a module interact more among themselves than with those of other modules. | |
互作强度的非对称性 Interaction strength asymmetry | 网络中发生互作关系的物种之间受影响程度的差异性 式中, Explaining dependence asymmetry across both trophic levels. |
Table 1 Explanation of the bipartite network structure indices
水平 Level | 结构指数和解释 Structure indices and explanation | |
物种水平 Species level | 物种连接数 Species degree | 网络中某物种与其他营养级物种发生联系的数量 The number of interacting partners |
物种强度 Species strength | 指某一个动物或植物物种对植物或动物物种的依赖度或所受作用强度的总和。 The sum of dependences or interaction strengths of the animals on a specific plant species, or the sum of dependences of the plants on a specific animal species. | |
嵌套等级 Nested rank | 指在一个网络嵌套矩阵中所处的等级; 数值越低, 表示该物种更为泛化, 反之亦然。 Which is measured as the position in the nestedness matrix. A generalist will interact with more species and thus have a rank closer to 1, while specialists will have ranks with higher values. | |
特化指数 Specialization index | 用来衡量物种的特化程度的指数(0-1) Assesses the specialization of a species (ranging from 0 to 1) | |
连接多样性 Partner diversity | 某一物种的连接伙伴的Shannon多样性, 用于衡量物种的泛化程度。 Shannon diversity of the interacting partners of each species, which indicating generalization of a species. | |
网络水平 Network level | 连接度 Connectance | 网络中实际连接数与潜在连接数的比值 The proportion of potential links that are actually realized |
物种平均连接数 Links per species | 网络中连接数与物种丰富度的比值 The average links per species | |
嵌套性 Nestedness | 在嵌套的互作网络中, 与特化物种相互作用的物种是与泛化物种相互作用的物种的子集。 A pattern of interaction in which specialists interact with species that form perfect subsets of the species with which generalists interact. | |
模块性 Modularity | 互作网络中一些物种通过连接会构成模块, 模块内部的物种间连接相对紧密, 而与模块外的物种连接较为松散。 A pattern which occurs when the species form cohesive subgroups (modules), such that species within a module interact more among themselves than with those of other modules. | |
互作强度的非对称性 Interaction strength asymmetry | 网络中发生互作关系的物种之间受影响程度的差异性 式中, Explaining dependence asymmetry across both trophic levels. |
假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation |
中性假说 Neutral hypothesis | 群落中个体之间的互作是随机的, 因此多度越高的物种与其他物种发生互作的概率越高 Which assumes that individuals interact randomly, thus network interaction patterns are mainly dependent on species abundances; that is, abundant species interact more frequently and with more species than rare species |
限制性连接假说 Forbidden links hypothesis | 物种间互作的发生受限于物种间的时空分布, 以及物种特征的耦合度 Pairwise interactions that are impossible to occur owing to temporal-spatial or species traits mismatch |
亲缘关系假说 Phylogenetic-related hypothesis | 亲缘关系近的物种在互作网络中扮演相似的角色 Tendency of phylogenetically similar species to have similar roles in interaction network |
Table 2 Main hypotheses for the assembly of species interaction networks
假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation |
中性假说 Neutral hypothesis | 群落中个体之间的互作是随机的, 因此多度越高的物种与其他物种发生互作的概率越高 Which assumes that individuals interact randomly, thus network interaction patterns are mainly dependent on species abundances; that is, abundant species interact more frequently and with more species than rare species |
限制性连接假说 Forbidden links hypothesis | 物种间互作的发生受限于物种间的时空分布, 以及物种特征的耦合度 Pairwise interactions that are impossible to occur owing to temporal-spatial or species traits mismatch |
亲缘关系假说 Phylogenetic-related hypothesis | 亲缘关系近的物种在互作网络中扮演相似的角色 Tendency of phylogenetically similar species to have similar roles in interaction network |
概念 Concept | 解释 Explanation |
复杂性 Complexity | 用于描述群落和网络的复杂程度, 通常用网络的连接度来表征 Describing the extent of complex a community (network), which measured as connectance |
抵抗力 Residence | 群落和互作网络免受外界干扰而保持原状的能力 The system return to its ecological regime after a perturbation in the state of the system |
恢复力 Resilience | 群落受到外界干扰后回到原来状态的能力 Return time to ecological regime after a perturbation |
持久性 Persistence | 物种在动态网络中持续存在的能力 Proportion of coexisting species at dynamic ecological network |
次生灭绝 Second extinction | 群落中某些物种的灭绝导致其他物种随之灭绝的情形 Loss of additional species after the extinction of one target species |
稳健性 Robustness | 生态群落或种间互作网络对物种的丧失导致次生灭绝的容忍度, 用灭绝曲线下的面积表示 Resistance of a community (network) against additional extinction after species elimination, measured as the area below the extinction curve |
Table 3 Main concepts of community (ecosystem) stability
概念 Concept | 解释 Explanation |
复杂性 Complexity | 用于描述群落和网络的复杂程度, 通常用网络的连接度来表征 Describing the extent of complex a community (network), which measured as connectance |
抵抗力 Residence | 群落和互作网络免受外界干扰而保持原状的能力 The system return to its ecological regime after a perturbation in the state of the system |
恢复力 Resilience | 群落受到外界干扰后回到原来状态的能力 Return time to ecological regime after a perturbation |
持久性 Persistence | 物种在动态网络中持续存在的能力 Proportion of coexisting species at dynamic ecological network |
次生灭绝 Second extinction | 群落中某些物种的灭绝导致其他物种随之灭绝的情形 Loss of additional species after the extinction of one target species |
稳健性 Robustness | 生态群落或种间互作网络对物种的丧失导致次生灭绝的容忍度, 用灭绝曲线下的面积表示 Resistance of a community (network) against additional extinction after species elimination, measured as the area below the extinction curve |
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