Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 33-43.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0283
Special Issue: 生态系统结构与功能; 植被生态学
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
DING Wei1,WANG Yu-Bing2,3,XIANG Guan-Hai2,3,CHI Yong-Gang4,LU Shun-Bao1,*(),ZHENG Shu-Xia2,*(
LU Shun-Bao,ZHENG Shu-Xia
Supported by:
DING Wei,WANG Yu-Bing,XIANG Guan-Hai,CHI Yong-Gang,LU Shun-Bao,ZHENG Shu-Xia. Effects of Caragana microphylla encroachment on community structure and ecosystem function of a typical steppe[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2020, 44(1): 33-43.
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灌丛特征 Shrub characteristic | 不同程度灌丛化 Degree of shrub encroachment | |||
轻度 Light | 中度 Moderate | 重度 Heavy | ||
数量 Number of bunches (No.·25 m-2) | 2 ± 0.5b (45) | 6 ± 0.6a (94) | 5 ± 0.9a (80) | |
高度 Height (cm) | 24.13 ± 1.45b (45) | 25.71 ± 0.91b (94) | 38.90 ± 2.23a (80) | |
冠幅 Crown (cm2) | 8 505.6 ± 1 453.0ab (45) | 6 907.3 ± 1 048.8b (94) | 13 083.9 ± 2 289.0a (80) | |
冠幅面积比 Crown area ratio (%) | 7.66 ± 1.81b (20) | 12.99 ± 2.47ab (20) | 20.93 ± 4.37a (20) | |
分蘖株数 Number of individuals (No.·25 m-2) | 25 ± 6b (504) | 32 ± 5ab (719) | 47 ± 8a (942) |
Table 1 Shrub characteristics of Caragana microphylla at light, moderate and heavy encroachment sites in Nei Mongol typical steppe
灌丛特征 Shrub characteristic | 不同程度灌丛化 Degree of shrub encroachment | |||
轻度 Light | 中度 Moderate | 重度 Heavy | ||
数量 Number of bunches (No.·25 m-2) | 2 ± 0.5b (45) | 6 ± 0.6a (94) | 5 ± 0.9a (80) | |
高度 Height (cm) | 24.13 ± 1.45b (45) | 25.71 ± 0.91b (94) | 38.90 ± 2.23a (80) | |
冠幅 Crown (cm2) | 8 505.6 ± 1 453.0ab (45) | 6 907.3 ± 1 048.8b (94) | 13 083.9 ± 2 289.0a (80) | |
冠幅面积比 Crown area ratio (%) | 7.66 ± 1.81b (20) | 12.99 ± 2.47ab (20) | 20.93 ± 4.37a (20) | |
分蘖株数 Number of individuals (No.·25 m-2) | 25 ± 6b (504) | 32 ± 5ab (719) | 47 ± 8a (942) |
Fig. 2 Species richness and functional attribute diversity (FAD) at light, moderate and heavy encroachment sites in Nei Mongol typical steppe (mean + SE). FAD was calculated by plant height, plant biomass, stem:leaf biomass ratio and specific leaf area. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among sites (p < 0.05).
Fig. 3 Community-weighted mean traits (CWM) at light, moderate and heavy encroachment sites in Nei Mongol typical steppe (mean + SE). PBCWM, community-weighted plant biomass; PHCWM, community-weighted plant height; SLACWM, community-weighted specific leaf area; SLRCWM, community-weighted stem:leaf ratio. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among sites (p < 0.05).
Fig. 4 Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and relative biomass (RAB) of different functional groups at light, moderate and heavy encroachment sites in Nei Mongol typical steppe (mean + SE). AB, annuals and biennials; PF, perennial forbs; PG, perennial graminoids. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among sites (p < 0.05).
Fig. 5 Effects of shrub encroachment on C and N pools of vegetational leaf and soil in Nei Mongol typical steppe (mean + SE). No significant differences among sites (p > 0.05).
Fig. 6 Structural equation model (SEM) analyses of direct and indirect effects of shrub encroachment on grassland ecosystem function, including aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), vegetation and soil nutrient pools (C and N). Values associated with solid arrows are standardized path coefficients, indicating positive or negative effects. r2 values associated with response variables indicate the proportion of variation explained by relationships with other variables.
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