Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 1036-1048.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0001
Special Issue: 全球变化与生态系统; 生态系统结构与功能
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ZHONG Zhi-Wei1,2, LI Xiao-Fei3, WANG De-Li1,2,*()
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ZHONG Zhi-Wei, LI Xiao-Fei, WANG De-Li. Research progresses of plant-herbivore interactions[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(10): 1036-1048.
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假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation | 文献 Reference |
最佳防御假说 Optimal defense hypothesis | 这一假说阐明了植物的防御需求如何驱动次生代谢产物的进化, 并通过付出防御成本使得植物的适合度达到最大化。该假说的核心思想是: 生物在进化与防御资源分配过程中, 会使得后代个体获得最大的适合度。 This hypothesis addresses how defensive needs of a plant contribute to the evolution of secondary metabolites, with costs of defense paid to maximize plant fitness. The basic hypothesis states that, “Organisms evolve and allocate defenses in a way that maximizes individual inclusive fitness”. | Feeny, Kooyers et al., |
生长速率假说 Growth rate hypothesis | 该假说探讨了环境中资源获得性、植物生长率与植物防御水平之间的关系。当环境资源供给低时, 植物常常具有较低的生长速率, 而防御水平则较高; 反之亦然。 It addresses genotypic variation in plant defenses, via resources shaping inherent growth rate and, subsequently, the constraints on defense against herbivores; among plant species, as maximal growth rate (at optimal resources) decreases, the constitutive level of defense increases. | Coley et al., Endara & Coley, |
碳-养分平衡假说 Carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis | 这是一个关于环境中碳和营养的供应如何影响植物防御表现型表达的模型。基本的假设是,如果植物获取的碳:营养比例控制了资源在不同植物功能之间的分配, 那么该植物与防御相关的表型表达将受到影响。 This is a model of how the supply of carbon and nutrients in the environment influence the phenotypic expression of defense by plants. Basically, the hypothesis is that if the carbon:nutrient ratio acquired by a plant controls allocation of resources to plant functions, then the phenotypic expression of that plant’s genetic potential for defenses will be affected. | Bryant et al., Tuomi et al., Hamilton et al., |
生长-分化平衡假说 Growth-differentiation balance hypothesis | 该假说提供了一个框架, 用于预测植物在一系列环境条件下如何把资源均衡分配给分化相关和生长相关的过程。在该假说中, 生长相关的过程是指根、茎和叶等器官的产生, 以及任何需要大量细胞分裂和伸长的过程; 分化则指的是与现有细胞结构或功能增强相关的过程。 It provides a framework for predicting how plants will balance allocation between differentiation- related processes and growth-related processes over a range of environmental conditions. Growth refers to the production of roots, stems, and leaves, or any process that requires substantial cell division and elongation. Differentiation refers to enhancement of the structure or function of existing cells. | Herms & Mattson, Barton & Koricheva, |
Table 1 Plant defense mechanisms at individual and population levels
假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation | 文献 Reference |
最佳防御假说 Optimal defense hypothesis | 这一假说阐明了植物的防御需求如何驱动次生代谢产物的进化, 并通过付出防御成本使得植物的适合度达到最大化。该假说的核心思想是: 生物在进化与防御资源分配过程中, 会使得后代个体获得最大的适合度。 This hypothesis addresses how defensive needs of a plant contribute to the evolution of secondary metabolites, with costs of defense paid to maximize plant fitness. The basic hypothesis states that, “Organisms evolve and allocate defenses in a way that maximizes individual inclusive fitness”. | Feeny, Kooyers et al., |
生长速率假说 Growth rate hypothesis | 该假说探讨了环境中资源获得性、植物生长率与植物防御水平之间的关系。当环境资源供给低时, 植物常常具有较低的生长速率, 而防御水平则较高; 反之亦然。 It addresses genotypic variation in plant defenses, via resources shaping inherent growth rate and, subsequently, the constraints on defense against herbivores; among plant species, as maximal growth rate (at optimal resources) decreases, the constitutive level of defense increases. | Coley et al., Endara & Coley, |
碳-养分平衡假说 Carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis | 这是一个关于环境中碳和营养的供应如何影响植物防御表现型表达的模型。基本的假设是,如果植物获取的碳:营养比例控制了资源在不同植物功能之间的分配, 那么该植物与防御相关的表型表达将受到影响。 This is a model of how the supply of carbon and nutrients in the environment influence the phenotypic expression of defense by plants. Basically, the hypothesis is that if the carbon:nutrient ratio acquired by a plant controls allocation of resources to plant functions, then the phenotypic expression of that plant’s genetic potential for defenses will be affected. | Bryant et al., Tuomi et al., Hamilton et al., |
生长-分化平衡假说 Growth-differentiation balance hypothesis | 该假说提供了一个框架, 用于预测植物在一系列环境条件下如何把资源均衡分配给分化相关和生长相关的过程。在该假说中, 生长相关的过程是指根、茎和叶等器官的产生, 以及任何需要大量细胞分裂和伸长的过程; 分化则指的是与现有细胞结构或功能增强相关的过程。 It provides a framework for predicting how plants will balance allocation between differentiation- related processes and growth-related processes over a range of environmental conditions. Growth refers to the production of roots, stems, and leaves, or any process that requires substantial cell division and elongation. Differentiation refers to enhancement of the structure or function of existing cells. | Herms & Mattson, Barton & Koricheva, |
假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation | 文献 Reference |
资源浓度假说 Resource concentration hypothesis | 植食性昆虫更倾向于在寄主植物密度相对较高的生境中聚集或爆发。因此, 较高的植物多样性通过稀释寄主植物的相对多度, 降低昆虫多度。 Herbivores frequently forage in a density-dependent manner, and therefore increasing plant species or genotype number while keeping plant density constant reduces the probability of finding a preferred host plant species (or genotype), ultimately leading to lower herbivore abundance and damage on individual plants. | Root, |
资源稀释假说 Resource dilution hypothesis | 与上述假说相反, 该假说认为较高的植物多样性稀释了寄主植物的相对密度, 使得更多的植食性动物集中在较少的植物个体中, 加剧了对植物个体的采食程度。 As the density of plant items (species or genotypes) decreases (i.e. dilution), herbivores concentrate on the few available items and thus cause more damage in species-rich than in species-poor communities. | Otway et al., Sholes, |
资源特化假说 Resource specialization hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性可以提供更多的资源种类和生态位, 从而支持了更高的植食性动物多样性。 Increased plant diversity provides a greater diversity of resources which favors an increase in consumer species richness due to an accumulation of consumers specializing on different resources. | Keddy, Hurlbert, |
资源数量假说 More individuals hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性通过提高植物生产力, 进而促进植食性动物的多度和多样性的上升。 High plant diversity increases plant productivity, such that an increase in the resource base positively influences consumer abundance, and that this in turn leads to an abundance-driven accumulation of consumer species. | Srivastava & Lawton, |
天敌假说 Enemies hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性通过更多的食物和生境资源而有利于天敌多样性和多度的增加, 后者的增加反过来降低了植食性动物的种群多度。 An indirect mechanism for plant diversity effects on herbivores as it holds that increasing plant diversity results in a greater availability of refuges and alternative resources, that this favors a greater abundance and diversity of predators and parasitoids, and that increased enemy recruitment ultimately leads to stronger enemy top-down effects on herbivore populations. | Elton, Russell, |
Table 2 Ecological theories for the effects of plant diversity on herbivorous insects and the mechanisms underpinning such effects
假说 Hypothesis | 解释 Explanation | 文献 Reference |
资源浓度假说 Resource concentration hypothesis | 植食性昆虫更倾向于在寄主植物密度相对较高的生境中聚集或爆发。因此, 较高的植物多样性通过稀释寄主植物的相对多度, 降低昆虫多度。 Herbivores frequently forage in a density-dependent manner, and therefore increasing plant species or genotype number while keeping plant density constant reduces the probability of finding a preferred host plant species (or genotype), ultimately leading to lower herbivore abundance and damage on individual plants. | Root, |
资源稀释假说 Resource dilution hypothesis | 与上述假说相反, 该假说认为较高的植物多样性稀释了寄主植物的相对密度, 使得更多的植食性动物集中在较少的植物个体中, 加剧了对植物个体的采食程度。 As the density of plant items (species or genotypes) decreases (i.e. dilution), herbivores concentrate on the few available items and thus cause more damage in species-rich than in species-poor communities. | Otway et al., Sholes, |
资源特化假说 Resource specialization hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性可以提供更多的资源种类和生态位, 从而支持了更高的植食性动物多样性。 Increased plant diversity provides a greater diversity of resources which favors an increase in consumer species richness due to an accumulation of consumers specializing on different resources. | Keddy, Hurlbert, |
资源数量假说 More individuals hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性通过提高植物生产力, 进而促进植食性动物的多度和多样性的上升。 High plant diversity increases plant productivity, such that an increase in the resource base positively influences consumer abundance, and that this in turn leads to an abundance-driven accumulation of consumer species. | Srivastava & Lawton, |
天敌假说 Enemies hypothesis | 较高的植物多样性通过更多的食物和生境资源而有利于天敌多样性和多度的增加, 后者的增加反过来降低了植食性动物的种群多度。 An indirect mechanism for plant diversity effects on herbivores as it holds that increasing plant diversity results in a greater availability of refuges and alternative resources, that this favors a greater abundance and diversity of predators and parasitoids, and that increased enemy recruitment ultimately leads to stronger enemy top-down effects on herbivore populations. | Elton, Russell, |
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