Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 207-212.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0196

Special Issue: 植被生态学

• Data Paper • Previous Articles    

Structural characteristics of Keteleeria davidiana forest communities in Xinping, Yunnan

CHUAN Hui-Yan1,2, JIA Dong-Rui1, PU Jiang1,2, ZHANG Cui-Ping2, LI Shu-Ying2, ZHOU Yuan-Qing2,*()   

  1. 1School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
    2Research Center for Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, Yuxi Normal University, Yuxi, Yunnan 653100, China
  • Received:2020-06-18 Accepted:2020-09-23 Online:2021-02-20 Published:2021-03-09
  • Contact: ZHOU Yuan-Qing
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31960263)


Aims Understanding the population quantity and distribution of a drought-resistant plant, Keteleeria davidiana, can assist the protection of this rare and endangered species.
Methods The K. davidiana forest communities were investigated in dry land of 6 townships in Xinping County, Yunnan Province, in three 20 m × 20 m plots for each township, and analyzed for structural characteristics in consideration of species composition and life-forms.
Important findings We found 163 vascular plants belonging to 131 genera and 58 families in the plots with a total area of 7 200 m2. The communities are classified into 12 zonal types containing predominantly tropical and endemic species to China, dominated by the tropical components. Trees and shrubs (accounted for 62.58%) are dominant life-forms, followed by perennial herb. Based on the foundation species and life-form, the data of 18 vegetation plots were classified into 3 formations and 17 community types. The analysis of stumpage structure showed that the population structure of K. davidiana tended to recess, and the natural populations are small. If lacks sufficient regeneration seedlings, the K. davidiana trees would decline and diminish from the communities.

Key words: Keteleeria davidiana, species diversity, community characteristics