Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 1342-1349.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0497
Special Issue: 植被生态学
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
YAO Zhen-Yu1, SHI Ya-Bo1, MA Wen-Hong1,2,**(), ZHAO Li-Qing1,2, Juhua 3, HAOREN Taben3, SU Chuang1, ZHANG Xin-Yu1, LIANG Cun-Zhu1,2
**MA Wen-Hong(
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YAO Zhen-Yu, SHI Ya-Bo, MA Wen-Hong, ZHAO Li-Qing, Juhua , HAOREN Taben, SU Chuang, ZHANG Xin-Yu, LIANG Cun-Zhu. Community characteristics of Ostryopsis davidiana alliance in Nei Mongol, China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2022, 46(11): 1342-1349.
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Fig. 2 Family (A), genus (B), spectrum of water ecological type (C), geographical floristic type spectrum (D), life form spectrum (E) and presence (F) of Ostryopsis davidiana alliance. CA-MA, Central Asia-Middle Asia element; EA, East Asia element; EPA, East Palaearctic element; HA, Holarctic element; MA, Middle Asia element; PA, Palaearctic element; PT, Pan-Temeperate element; TE, Tethys element; WS, world spread element.
因子 Factor | 单位 Unit | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum |
草本层丰富度 Herb layer richness | No. (m2) | 3 | 14 |
灌木层丰富度 Shrub layer richness | No. (25 m2) | 1 | 7 |
海拔 Altitude | m | 408 | 2 196 |
坡度 Slope | °C | 7 | 53 |
年平均气温 Annual mean air temperature | °C | 0.47 | 6.97 |
最湿季平均气温 Mean air temperature of wettest quarter | °C | 14.05 | 20.88 |
最干季平均气温 Mean air temperature of driest quarter | °C | -17.82 | -7.47 |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | mm | 256 | 468 |
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm | 156 | 327 |
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm | 4 | 14 |
Table 1 Environmental characteristics of Ostryopsis davidiana alliance
因子 Factor | 单位 Unit | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum |
草本层丰富度 Herb layer richness | No. (m2) | 3 | 14 |
灌木层丰富度 Shrub layer richness | No. (25 m2) | 1 | 7 |
海拔 Altitude | m | 408 | 2 196 |
坡度 Slope | °C | 7 | 53 |
年平均气温 Annual mean air temperature | °C | 0.47 | 6.97 |
最湿季平均气温 Mean air temperature of wettest quarter | °C | 14.05 | 20.88 |
最干季平均气温 Mean air temperature of driest quarter | °C | -17.82 | -7.47 |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | mm | 256 | 468 |
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | mm | 156 | 327 |
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | mm | 4 | 14 |
Fig. 3 Individual effects and relative contribution of environmental factors on species composition of shrub layer (A, B) and community (C, D) of Ostryopsis davidiana alliance in Nei Mongol. MAP, annual precipitation; MAT, annual mean air temperature; MTD, mean air temperature of driest quarter; MTW, mean air temperature of wettest quarter; QPD, precipitation of driest quarter; QPW, precipitation of wettest quarter.
群丛组 Associations group | 群丛 Association | 样地个数 Number of plots |
虎榛子-半灌木群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - subshurbs association group | 虎榛子-白莲蒿-脚薹草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Artemisia stechmanniana - Carex pediformis Association | 4 |
虎榛子-白莲蒿-和林格尔薹草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Artemisia stechmanniana - Carex helingeeriensis Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-薹草群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex association group | 虎榛子-脚薹草-白莲蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Artemisia stechmanniana Association | 15 |
虎榛子-脚薹草-糙苏群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Phlomis umbrosa Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-小红菊群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Chrysanthemum chanetii Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-羽茅群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Achnatherum sibiricum Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-苍术群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Atractylodes lancea Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-达乌里胡枝子群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Lespedeza davurica Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-地榆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Sanguisorba officinalis Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-东亚唐松草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Thalictrum minus var. hypoleucum Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-薄鞘隐子草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Cleistogenes festucacea Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-山野豌豆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Vicia amoena Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-小花鬼针草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Bidens parviflora Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-硬质早熟禾群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Poa sphondylodes Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-野艾蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Artemisia lavandulifolia Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-丛生禾草群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - bunchgrass association group | 虎榛子-羽茅-地榆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Achnatherum sibiricum - Sanguisorba officinalis Association | 1 |
虎榛子-糙隐子草-白莲蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Cleistogenes squarrosa - Artemisia stechmanniana Association | 1 |
Table 2 Vegetation classification of Ostryopsis davidiana alliance
群丛组 Associations group | 群丛 Association | 样地个数 Number of plots |
虎榛子-半灌木群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - subshurbs association group | 虎榛子-白莲蒿-脚薹草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Artemisia stechmanniana - Carex pediformis Association | 4 |
虎榛子-白莲蒿-和林格尔薹草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Artemisia stechmanniana - Carex helingeeriensis Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-薹草群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex association group | 虎榛子-脚薹草-白莲蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Artemisia stechmanniana Association | 15 |
虎榛子-脚薹草-糙苏群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Phlomis umbrosa Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-小红菊群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Chrysanthemum chanetii Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-羽茅群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Achnatherum sibiricum Association | 2 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-苍术群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Atractylodes lancea Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-达乌里胡枝子群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Lespedeza davurica Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-地榆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Sanguisorba officinalis Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-东亚唐松草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Thalictrum minus var. hypoleucum Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-薄鞘隐子草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Cleistogenes festucacea Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-山野豌豆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Vicia amoena Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-小花鬼针草群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Bidens parviflora Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-硬质早熟禾群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Poa sphondylodes Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-脚薹草-野艾蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Carex pediformis - Artemisia lavandulifolia Association | 1 | |
虎榛子-丛生禾草群丛组 Ostryopsis davidiana - bunchgrass association group | 虎榛子-羽茅-地榆群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Achnatherum sibiricum - Sanguisorba officinalis Association | 1 |
虎榛子-糙隐子草-白莲蒿群丛 Ostryopsis davidiana - Cleistogenes squarrosa - Artemisia stechmanniana Association | 1 |
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