Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2008, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1134-1145.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.018
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XU Xiao-Ting1,2, YANG Yong1,*(), WANG Li-Song1
Fig. 5-8 Potential geographical estimation of Pseudotaxus chienii Fig.5 and Fig.6, estimation of potential distribution of Pseudotaxus chienii respectively using Bioclim and Domain model with the climate data from 1950 to 2000. Fig.7 and Fig.8, estimation of potential distribution of P. chienii respectively using Bioclim and Domain model after climate change. Color from red to green indicate the decrease of potential distribution probability of P. chienii
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