Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 1199-1204.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2007.0149
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Hong-Wei1,2(), DENG Hui-Sheng1,3, TAN Hai-Ming4, QIN Kun4, ZHANG Ding-Heng5, GE Song1,*(
GE Song
WANG Hong-Wei, DENG Hui-Sheng, TAN Hai-Ming, QIN Kun, ZHANG Ding-Heng, GE Song. POLLEN VIABILITY AND VARIATION IN CATHAYA ARGYROPHYLLA[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2007, 31(6): 1199-1204.
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种群 Population | 个体 Individual | 雄球花数目 No. of male flowers | 花粉活力范围(平均值) Pollen viability (average) |
大瑶山1(DYS1) | DYS1-1 | 4 | 84.4~92.8 (87.9) |
大瑶山3(DYS3) | DYS3-1 | 3 | 89.3~92.7 (91.5) |
大瑶山4(DYS4) | DYS4-1 | 5 | 86.7~93.0 (90.1) |
DYS4-2 | 1 | 86.9 | |
88.5* | |||
大瑶山5(DYS5) | DYS5-1 | 3 | 85.4~86.9(87.7) |
DYS5-2 | 3 | 90.1~95.2 (92.4) | |
DYS5-5 | 6 | 85.9~93.4 (90.9) | |
DYS5-6 | 5 | 89.1~92.9 (91.2) | |
DYS5-8 | 3 | 90.2~95.9 (90.3) | |
90.5* | |||
大瑶山7(DYS7) | DYS7-1 | 1 | 98.1 |
大瑶山总数或平均 Total or average in DYS | 10 | 34 | 91.3 |
花坪1(HP2) | HP2-1 | 3 | 95~96 (95.7) |
HP2-2 | 3 | 92~96 (94.0) | |
HP2-3 | 3 | 92~95 (93.3) | |
94.3* | |||
花坪2(HP3) | HP3-1 | 3 | 96 (96) |
HP3-2 | 3 | 95~97 (96) | |
HP3-3 | 3 | 95~97 (96) | |
96* | |||
花坪总数或平均 Total or average in HP | 6 | 18 | 95.2 |
物种总数或平均 Total or average in species | 16 | 52 | 93.3 |
Table 1 Pollen samples of Cathaya argyrophylla collected in the study and their viability
种群 Population | 个体 Individual | 雄球花数目 No. of male flowers | 花粉活力范围(平均值) Pollen viability (average) |
大瑶山1(DYS1) | DYS1-1 | 4 | 84.4~92.8 (87.9) |
大瑶山3(DYS3) | DYS3-1 | 3 | 89.3~92.7 (91.5) |
大瑶山4(DYS4) | DYS4-1 | 5 | 86.7~93.0 (90.1) |
DYS4-2 | 1 | 86.9 | |
88.5* | |||
大瑶山5(DYS5) | DYS5-1 | 3 | 85.4~86.9(87.7) |
DYS5-2 | 3 | 90.1~95.2 (92.4) | |
DYS5-5 | 6 | 85.9~93.4 (90.9) | |
DYS5-6 | 5 | 89.1~92.9 (91.2) | |
DYS5-8 | 3 | 90.2~95.9 (90.3) | |
90.5* | |||
大瑶山7(DYS7) | DYS7-1 | 1 | 98.1 |
大瑶山总数或平均 Total or average in DYS | 10 | 34 | 91.3 |
花坪1(HP2) | HP2-1 | 3 | 95~96 (95.7) |
HP2-2 | 3 | 92~96 (94.0) | |
HP2-3 | 3 | 92~95 (93.3) | |
94.3* | |||
花坪2(HP3) | HP3-1 | 3 | 96 (96) |
HP3-2 | 3 | 95~97 (96) | |
HP3-3 | 3 | 95~97 (96) | |
96* | |||
花坪总数或平均 Total or average in HP | 6 | 18 | 95.2 |
物种总数或平均 Total or average in species | 16 | 52 | 93.3 |
Fig.1 The change of pollen viability with time Pollen samples come from Dayaoshan. The first number stands for population, the second for individual, the third for male flower. For example, DYS5-2-1 stands for male flower 1 of tree 2 in population 5
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