Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (7): 682-713.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0331
Special Issue: 生态化学计量
• Hou Xueyu Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
TIAN Di1(), YAN Zheng-Bing2, FANG Jing-Yun3,**(
** FANG Jing-Yun
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TIAN Di, YAN Zheng-Bing, FANG Jing-Yun. Review on characteristics and main hypotheses of plant ecological stoichiometry[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(7): 682-713.
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功能群 Functional group | N (mg∙g-1) | P (mg∙g-1) | N:P (g∙g-1) | n | |
所有生活型 All functional groups | 18.74 (±8.33) | 1.21 (±0.94) | 15.55 (±9.95) | 12 721 | |
所有木本 All woody species | 18.22 (±7.77) | 1.10 (±0.81) | 16.53 (±9.30) | 9 098 | |
常绿针叶 Evergreen conifers | 12.79 (±4.25) | 1.06 (±0.81) | 12.07 (±8.39) | 480 | |
常绿阔叶 Evegreen broadleaved | 15.29 (±6.66) | 0.79 (±0.56) | 19.29 (±10.60) | 3 476 | |
落叶阔叶 Deciduous broadleaved | 21.29 (±7.53) | 1.40 (±0.86) | 15.24 (±7.66) | 4 981 | |
其他木本 Other woody species | 18.63 (±8.32) | 1.23 (±0.64) | 16.58 (±8.77) | 101 | |
草本 Herbaceous species | 20.56 (±9.33) | 1.56 (±1.12) | 13.17 (±11.03) | 3 489 | |
蕨 Ferns | 11.46 (±4.75) | 0.65 (±0.62) | 17.75 (±13.06) | 134 |
Table 1 Leaf nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) content and N:P mass ratio across different lifeforms of global terrestrial plants
功能群 Functional group | N (mg∙g-1) | P (mg∙g-1) | N:P (g∙g-1) | n | |
所有生活型 All functional groups | 18.74 (±8.33) | 1.21 (±0.94) | 15.55 (±9.95) | 12 721 | |
所有木本 All woody species | 18.22 (±7.77) | 1.10 (±0.81) | 16.53 (±9.30) | 9 098 | |
常绿针叶 Evergreen conifers | 12.79 (±4.25) | 1.06 (±0.81) | 12.07 (±8.39) | 480 | |
常绿阔叶 Evegreen broadleaved | 15.29 (±6.66) | 0.79 (±0.56) | 19.29 (±10.60) | 3 476 | |
落叶阔叶 Deciduous broadleaved | 21.29 (±7.53) | 1.40 (±0.86) | 15.24 (±7.66) | 4 981 | |
其他木本 Other woody species | 18.63 (±8.32) | 1.23 (±0.64) | 16.58 (±8.77) | 101 | |
草本 Herbaceous species | 20.56 (±9.33) | 1.56 (±1.12) | 13.17 (±11.03) | 3 489 | |
蕨 Ferns | 11.46 (±4.75) | 0.65 (±0.62) | 17.75 (±13.06) | 134 |
Fig. 1 Changes of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) content in leaves, stems, and roots of terrestrial plants in China with mean annual air temperature (cited from Tang et al. (2018)).
Fig. 2 Natural log response ratios of plant carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and their stoichiometric ratios to N and P additions, respectively (replotted based on Yuan & Chen (2015)). Circles are for results in natural environments with grey and green representing insignificant (p > 0.05) and significant (p ≤ 0.05) difference between the log response ratio and zero, respectively. Triangles are for results in controlled environments with grey and red representing insignificant (p > 0.05) and significant (p ≤ 0.05) difference between the log response ratio and zero, respectively. Error bars are the 95% confidence intervals for the mean. The numbers out- and inside parentheses represent the numbers of observations for experiments in natural and controlled environments, respectively.
Fig. 3 Main theories and hypotheses in plant stoichiometry. Three categaries are included: (1) function-associated hypotheses (annotated in blue), (2) environment-associated hypotheses (annotated in brown), and (3) evolution-associated hypotheses (annotated in green). The cartoon graphs and phylogenetic tree graph are cited from the google image website ( in December 10, 2020.
Fig. 4 Bivariate plots of lg-transformed data for growth rates vs leaf phosphorus (P) content and N:P, respectively, of Eranthis hyemalis and Arabidopsis thaliana. A and B are replotted based on Niklas & Cobb (2005). C and D are plotted based on data from Yan’s nutrient enrichment manipulation experiment on A. thaliana (Yan, 2017).
Fig. 5 Original proposition and re-evaluation of the N:P Threshold Hypothesis. A, The N:P threshold values of 14 and 16 as the judgement standard for N and P limitations proposed by Koerselman & Meuleman (1996), redrawn from Koerselman & Meuleman (1996). B, Re-evaluation of the N:P Threshold Hypothesis by Yan et al. (2017) with a larger dataset following the same statistic method as Koerselman & Meuleman (1996), redrawn from Yan et al. (2017). Nutrient limitation here is judged by results of field nutrient fertilization experiments. Each point indicates a field experiment site.
Fig. 6 Leaf N-P scaling relationship at global level, site level and nutrient fertilization experimental level. A, Replotted based on Tian et al. (2018b), showing the significant variation of leaf N-P scaling relationship at site levels. B, C, Replotted based on Yan et al. (2018), indicating the effects of N and P fertilizations on leaf N-P scaling relationship of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Fig. 7 Relationship between ecosystem gross primary productivity (GPP) and leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content, respectively. This figure is replotted using data from Tang et al. (2018).
Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of Stoichiometric Homeostasis Theory. A shows the coordinated variation of organism vs environment nutrient ratios (i.e. no stoichiometric homeostasis). B shows that organism nutrient ratios keep stable with the changing environment nutrient ratios (i.e. strict stoichiometric homeostasis). This figure is replotted from Sterner & Elser (2002).
Fig. 10 Scaling relationships of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content among different organs from different biomes in China. The scaling exponents from leaf vs stem and leaf nutrient vs root nutrient relationships are all below 1, suggesting that nutrient content in leaves relative to stems and roots is more stable and less sensitive to environmental changes. These results support the Stable Leaf Nutrient Content Hypothesis. This figure is replotted based on Tang et al. (2018).
Fig. 11 Diagram of Relative Resorption Hypothesis, replotted based on Han et al. (2013). The y-axis shows the relative resorption efficiency of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) (NRE - PRE). ① desert; ② tropical forest; ③ subtropical forest; ④ wetland; ⑤ China temperate forest; ⑥ temperate forest; ⑦ China boreal forest; ⑧ meadow; ⑨ boreal forest; ⑩ heathland; ? tallgrass prairie.
Fig. 12 Diagram of Biogeochemical Niche Hypothesis, modified from Peñuelas et al. (2019). A shows biogeochemical niche segregation of multi-nutrients among coexisting plant species based on the principal component analysis. B shows the shift in biogeochemical niche among coexisting plant species in a drought experiment. Ellipses in different colours show specific biogeochemical niches.
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