植物生态学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 976-984.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0130
MENG Ling-Zeng1,2(), ZHANG Jiao-Lin1,2, CAO Kun-Fang1, XU Zai-Fu1
龙脑香科植物是东南亚热带雨林冠层的优势树种,在生态和经济上具有重要地位,而我国西南地区被认为是龙脑香科植物分布的最北端。该文于2004年雨季测定了西双版纳热带植物园迁地保护区内引种的4种国产龙脑香科植物:望天树(Parashorea chinensis)、云南龙脑香(Dipterocarpus retusus)、版纳青梅(Vatica xishuangbannaensis)和海南坡垒(Hopea hainanensis)冠层叶片的光响应曲线、光合速率的日进程、叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素含量及叶片平均面积、气孔保卫细胞长度和分布状况等。结果表明,4种植物的最大光合速率(Pmax)(7.5~18.1 μmol·m -2·s-1,用单位叶面积表示;89.1~150.8 nmol·g-1 DW·s-1,用单位干重表示)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LSP)、光饱和点(LCP)、表观量子效率和叶片特征差异显著。在正午时4个树种均出现光合作用显著降低的现象,其中海南坡垒光合速率下降最少。虽然高的叶片温度对光合作用有一定的影响,但正午光合作用的下降主要是由于正午高的叶片-空气的水蒸气压力差(LAVPD)引起的气孔关闭造成的。4个树种正午的光系统Ⅱ线性电子传递的量子效率ΦPSⅡ显著降低,表明遭受了强烈的光抑制。云南龙脑香、版纳青梅和海南坡垒的非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)在正午时升高的幅度最大,而望天树的NPQ上升较少,表明热耗散是前3个树种的主要光保护机制。中午前后望天树的表观电子传递速率(ETR)一直保持在很高的水平,但其光合速率显著降低,表明大量的电子被分配到光呼吸上,也说明望天树主要通过光呼吸来保护光合机构。
孟令曾, 张教林, 曹坤芳, 许再富. 迁地保护的4种龙脑香冠层叶光合速率和叶绿素荧光参数的日变化. 植物生态学报, 2005, 29(6): 976-984. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0130
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis | |||
样木平均高度 Height of sampled trees (m) | 21 (45)* | 18 (25) | 17 (60) | 15 (40) | |||
样木平均胸径 DBH of sampled trees (cm) | 25.3 | 22.3 | 19.0 | 14.0 | |||
中国分布地区和海拔 Regions and altitude distributed in China | 云南盈江, 西藏墨脱(600~1 000 m) Yingjiang in Yunnan, Motuo in Tibet (600-1 000 m) | 海南崖县、琼中(400~800 m) Yaxian, Qiongzhong in Hainan (400-800 m) | 云南补蚌, 广西那坡 (700~950 m) Bubeng in Yunnan, Napo in Guangxi (700-950 m) | 云南补蚌, 广西那坡 (800~1 100 m) Bubeng in Yunnan, Napo in Guangxi (800-1 100 m) |
表1 4个树种的基本信息
Table 1 The general information of the four species selected
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis | |||
样木平均高度 Height of sampled trees (m) | 21 (45)* | 18 (25) | 17 (60) | 15 (40) | |||
样木平均胸径 DBH of sampled trees (cm) | 25.3 | 22.3 | 19.0 | 14.0 | |||
中国分布地区和海拔 Regions and altitude distributed in China | 云南盈江, 西藏墨脱(600~1 000 m) Yingjiang in Yunnan, Motuo in Tibet (600-1 000 m) | 海南崖县、琼中(400~800 m) Yaxian, Qiongzhong in Hainan (400-800 m) | 云南补蚌, 广西那坡 (700~950 m) Bubeng in Yunnan, Napo in Guangxi (700-950 m) | 云南补蚌, 广西那坡 (800~1 100 m) Bubeng in Yunnan, Napo in Guangxi (800-1 100 m) |
图1 4个树种冠层叶光合作用的光响应曲线 a: 以单位叶面积表示 On area basis b: 以单位干重表示 On mass basis ●云南龙脑香Dipterocarpus retusus ○望天树Parashorea chinensis ▲海南坡垒Hopea hainanensis ▽版纳青梅Vatica xishuangbannaensis 数据点为平均值±标准误 Data were means±SE (n=3-4) Pn: 净光合速率 Net photosynthesis rate PPFD: 光通量密度 Photon flux density
Fig.1 The light-photosynthetic response curves of canopy leaves in four species
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis |
最大净光合速率 Maximal net photosynthetic rate (Pmax) | ||||
以单位叶面积表示 On area basis (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 18.10±1.13a | 14.43±0.52b | 12.97±0.93b | 7.50±0.59c |
以单位干重表示 On dry weight (nmol ·g -1 DW·s-1) | 140.10±16.93a | 101.79±2.52b | 150.82±11.32a | 89.08±8.27b |
暗呼吸速率 Dark respiration rate (Rd) | ||||
以单位叶面积表示 On area basis (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 2.08±0.15a | 1.35±0.09b | 1.22±0.03b | 0.70±0.10c |
以单位干重表示 On dry weight (nmol ·g -1 DW·s-1) | 13.86±2.06a | 9.13±1.03a | 13.98±0.88a | 8.44±1.15a |
光饱和点 Light satuaration point (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 791±93b | 1184±109a | 1311±204a | 851±81b |
光补偿点 Light compensation point (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 15.8±0.9b | 30.4±2.6a | 10.3±2.0b | 11.6±1.8b |
表观量子效率 Apparent quantum yield (μmol·μmol-1) | 0.062±0.005a | 0.034±0.002b | 0.051±0.008ab | 0.031±0.003b |
表2 4个树种冠层叶片的气体交换参数
Table 2 Gas exchange parameters of the canopy leaves in four species
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis |
最大净光合速率 Maximal net photosynthetic rate (Pmax) | ||||
以单位叶面积表示 On area basis (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 18.10±1.13a | 14.43±0.52b | 12.97±0.93b | 7.50±0.59c |
以单位干重表示 On dry weight (nmol ·g -1 DW·s-1) | 140.10±16.93a | 101.79±2.52b | 150.82±11.32a | 89.08±8.27b |
暗呼吸速率 Dark respiration rate (Rd) | ||||
以单位叶面积表示 On area basis (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 2.08±0.15a | 1.35±0.09b | 1.22±0.03b | 0.70±0.10c |
以单位干重表示 On dry weight (nmol ·g -1 DW·s-1) | 13.86±2.06a | 9.13±1.03a | 13.98±0.88a | 8.44±1.15a |
光饱和点 Light satuaration point (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 791±93b | 1184±109a | 1311±204a | 851±81b |
光补偿点 Light compensation point (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 15.8±0.9b | 30.4±2.6a | 10.3±2.0b | 11.6±1.8b |
表观量子效率 Apparent quantum yield (μmol·μmol-1) | 0.062±0.005a | 0.034±0.002b | 0.051±0.008ab | 0.031±0.003b |
图2 4个树种净光合速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率及环境参数的日变化 ●云南龙脑香Dipterocarpus retusus ○望天树Parashorea chinensis ▲海南坡垒Hopea hainanensis ▽版纳青梅Vatica xishuangbannaensis 数据点为平均值±标准误 Data were means±SE (n=3-4) Pn、PPFD: 同图1 See Fig.1 Gs: 气孔导度 Stomatal conductance WUE: 水分利用效率 Water use efficiency LAVPD: 叶片到空气的水气压差 Leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit
Fig.2 The diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), water use efficiency (WUE) and environmental parameters of four dipterocarp species
图3 4个树种叶绿素荧光参数的日变化 ●云南龙脑香Dipterocarpus retusus ○望天树Parashorea chinensis ▲海南坡垒Hopea hainanensis ▽版纳青梅Vatica xishuangbannaensis 数据点为平均值±标准误 Data were means±SE (n=3-4) ΦPSⅡ: 光系统II下的光量子效率 Quantum yields of PSII NPQ: 非光化学猝灭 Nonphotochemical quenching rate ETR: 电子传递速率 Electron transport rate
Fig.3 The diurnal changes in parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence in four dipterocarp species
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis |
正午水势 Midday leaf water potential (MPa) | -0.058±0.003b | -0.071±0.007a | -0.094±0.012a | -0.072±0.004ab |
相对含水量 Relative water content (%) | 98.0±0.4a | 99.6±0.3a | 93.9±0.6b | 98.8±0.2a |
叶绿素含量 Total chl content (mg·g-1 FW) | 1.39±0.29b | 1.97±0.17a | 2.46±0.37a | 1.53±0.12b |
叶绿素a/b比值 Ratios of chl a/b | 2.71±0.05a | 2.50±0.07ab | 2.20±0.17b | 2.61±0.08a |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area (cm2·g-1) | 76.85±5.02b | 72.23±2.70b | 116.65±7.20a | 118.40±2.90a |
气孔密度 Stomatal density (mm-2) | 89.5±1.79c | 90.0±0.19c | 105.2±1.89b | 158.6±1.79a |
保卫细胞长度 Guard cell length (μm) | 25.41±0.69a | 22.10±0.47b | 21.96±0.23b | 19.77±0.50c |
平均叶面积 Average leaf area (cm2) | 403.8±26.7a | 66.6±2.5b | 47.6±2.1c | 42.9±2.1c |
表3 4个树种冠层叶片的叶片水势、叶绿素含量和叶片特征
Table 3 Leaf water potential, chlorophyll content and leaf traits in four dipterocarp species
树种 Species | 云南龙脑香 Dipterocarpus retusus | 海南坡垒 Hopea hainanensis | 望天树 Parashorea chinensis | 版纳青梅 Vatica xishuangbannaensis |
正午水势 Midday leaf water potential (MPa) | -0.058±0.003b | -0.071±0.007a | -0.094±0.012a | -0.072±0.004ab |
相对含水量 Relative water content (%) | 98.0±0.4a | 99.6±0.3a | 93.9±0.6b | 98.8±0.2a |
叶绿素含量 Total chl content (mg·g-1 FW) | 1.39±0.29b | 1.97±0.17a | 2.46±0.37a | 1.53±0.12b |
叶绿素a/b比值 Ratios of chl a/b | 2.71±0.05a | 2.50±0.07ab | 2.20±0.17b | 2.61±0.08a |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area (cm2·g-1) | 76.85±5.02b | 72.23±2.70b | 116.65±7.20a | 118.40±2.90a |
气孔密度 Stomatal density (mm-2) | 89.5±1.79c | 90.0±0.19c | 105.2±1.89b | 158.6±1.79a |
保卫细胞长度 Guard cell length (μm) | 25.41±0.69a | 22.10±0.47b | 21.96±0.23b | 19.77±0.50c |
平均叶面积 Average leaf area (cm2) | 403.8±26.7a | 66.6±2.5b | 47.6±2.1c | 42.9±2.1c |
图4 4个树种净光合速率和气孔导度的相关性 数据为一天的所有测定值 Data were pooled from all measurements during a day 在图a和b中黑点分别代表云南龙脑香和海南坡垒, 白点分别代表望天树和版纳青梅 Black dot represents Dipterocarpus retusus and Hopea hainanensis, white dot represents Parashorea chinensis and Vatica xishuangbannaensis 4个种的回归方程分别是 The regression equations of four species are Pn=50.74Gs-0.96 R2=0.77 p<0.001n=48 Dipterocarpus retusus Pn=58.14Gs+0.84 R2=0.72 p<0.001n=60 Parashorea chinensis Pn=46.33Gs+2.45 R2=0.79 p<0.001n=86 Hopea hainanensis Pn=37.88Gs+1.21 R2=0.63 p<0.001n=71 Vatica xishuangbannaensis Pn、Gs: 同图2 See Fig.2
Fig.4 The relationship between Pn and Gs in four dipterocarp species
图5 4个树种气孔导度和叶片水蒸气压差的相关性 数据为一天的所有测定值 Data were pooled from all measurements during a day 在图a和b中黑点分别代表云南龙脑香和海南坡垒, 白点分别代表望天树和版纳青梅 Black dot represents Dipterocarpus retusus and Hopea hainanensis, white dot represents Parashorea chinensis and Vatica xishuangbannaensis 4个种的回归方程分别是 The regression equations of four species are Gs=-0.05LAVPD+0.27 R2=0.55 p<0.001n=48 Dipterocarpus retusus Gs=-0.03LAVPD+0.21 R2=0.39 p<0.001n=60 Parashorea chinensis Gs=-0.05LAVPD+0.28 R2=0.51 p<0.001n=86 Hopea hainanensis Gs=-0.05LAVPD+0.20 R2=0.37 p<0.001n=71Vatica xishuangbannaensis Gs、LAVPD: 同图2 See Fig.2
Fig.5 The relationship between LAVPD and Gs in four dipterocarp species
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