植物生态学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 865-872.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2007.0109
黄宝强2,3,4(), 罗毅波1,2,*(
), 于飞海5, 唐思远6, 董立6, 安德军6
* E-mail: luoyb@ibcas.ac.cn基金资助:
HUANG Bao-Qiang2,3,4(), LUO Yi-Bo1,2,*(
), YU Fei-Hai5, TANG Si-Yuan6, DONG Li6, AN De-Jun6
四川黄龙沟内分布着十分丰富的兰科植物(19属30余种),并且部分种类在沟内形成优势群落。目前尚不清楚在群落中这些兰科植物种之间作用关系。运用种间关联分析和相关分析对黄龙沟森林植被兰科植物群落中的24个优势种的种间关系进行了研究。两种分析方法得到的结果相近,表明黄龙沟优势兰科植物可以分为两组。一组包括无苞杓兰(Cypripedium bardolphianum)、黄花杓兰(C. flavum)、二叶红门兰(Orchis diantha)、广布红门兰(Orchis chusua)、少花虾脊兰(Calanthe delavayi)和西藏杓兰(C. tibeticum),主要分布在光线充足但又具有一定遮荫条件的环境中;另一组包括筒距兰(Tipularia szechuanica)、沼兰(Malaxis monophyllos)、珊瑚兰(Corallorhiza trifida)、小斑叶兰(Goodyera repens)、布袋兰(Calypso bulbosa)、小花舌唇兰(Platanthera minutiflora)和小叶对叶兰(Listera smithii),它们主要分布于荫蔽的环境中。这些兰科植物在组内大多呈现显著的正相关关系,组间大多呈现显著的负相关关系,说明黄龙沟兰科植物在资源利用方式上可能产生了分化。
黄宝强, 罗毅波, 于飞海, 唐思远, 董立, 安德军. 四川黄龙沟森林植被中兰科植物群落优势种种间联结和相关分析. 植物生态学报, 2007, 31(5): 865-872. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2007.0109
植物种 Plant species | 频度 Frequency (%) | 盖度 Cover (%) | 重要值 Important value (%) | 高度 Height (cm) | 种名代号 Species code | ||||||||
(a)兰科植物 Orchid species | |||||||||||||
无苞杓兰 Cypripedium bardolphianum | 40.94 | 1.926 3 | 4.107 5 | 3.7 | 1 | ||||||||
黄花杓兰 Cypripedium flavum | 48.49 | 5.685 6 | 7.553 3 | 27.9 | 2 | ||||||||
二叶红门兰 Orchis diantha | 36.86 | 1.718 3 | 3.685 6 | 2.9 | 3 | ||||||||
广布红门兰 Orchis chusua | 31.27 | 0.707 1 | 2.534 0 | 2.9 | 4 | ||||||||
少花虾脊兰 Calanthe delavayi | 45.77 | 4.607 9 | 6.530 4 | 10.3 | 5 | ||||||||
西藏杓兰 Cypripedium tibeticum | 33.69 | 1.540 0 | 3.344 4 | 12.8 | 6 | ||||||||
硬叶山兰 Oreorchis nana | 5.74 | 0.094 3 | 0.437 2 | 1.2 | 7 | ||||||||
筒距兰 Tipularia szechuanica | 13.44 | 0.522 2 | 1.261 8 | 1.1 | 8 | ||||||||
沼兰 Malaxis monophyllos | 4.68 | 0.773 3 | 0.906 6 | 3.6 | 9 | ||||||||
珊瑚兰 Corallorhiza trifida | 3.02 | 0.024 2 | 0.210 0 | 10.4 | 10 | ||||||||
小斑叶兰 Goodyera repens | 21.15 | 0.143 4 | 1.449 4 | 0.7 | 11 | ||||||||
布袋兰 Calypso bulbosa | 3.32 | 0.017 4 | 0.223 8 | 1.1 | 12 | ||||||||
小花舌唇兰 Platanthera minutiflora | 6.04 | 0.053 2 | 0.423 8 | 4.6 | 13 | ||||||||
小叶对叶兰 Listera smithii | 3.17 | 0.026 6 | 0.221 4 | 5.8 | 14 | ||||||||
(b)非兰科植物 Other species | |||||||||||||
红北极果 Arctous ruber | 56.65 | 20.181 7 | 19.515 8 | 4.1 | 15 | ||||||||
圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum | 76.44 | 6.731 6 | 10.144 9 | 8.4 | 16 | ||||||||
龙胆 Gentiana scabra | 43.35 | 0.984 4 | 3.516 4 | 3.5 | 17 | ||||||||
矮马先蒿 Pedicularis humilis | 27.49 | 1.560 3 | 2.969 1 | 2.3 | 18 | ||||||||
扭盔马先蒿 Pedicularis davidii | 20.85 | 0.711 9 | 1.879 2 | 6.9 | 19 | ||||||||
垂穗披碱草 Elymus nutans | 52.11 | 4.579 2 | 4.530 2 | 11.1 | 20 | ||||||||
膨囊苔草 Carex lehmanii | 26.28 | 3.633 9 | 4.530 2 | 10.1 | 21 | ||||||||
捕虫堇 Pinguicula alpina | 8.76 | 0.176 1 | 0.692 7 | 0.6 | 22 | ||||||||
鹿蹄草 Pyrola calliantha | 6.65 | 0.627 4 | 0.915 4 | 4.1 | 23 | ||||||||
七筋姑 Clintonia udensis | 16.77 | 0.181 8 | 1.202 9 | 5.8 | 24 |
表1 24个优势种的序号、频度、平均盖度和重要值
Table 1 Codes and characteristics of the 24 dominant species in the orchid communities in Huanglong Valley
植物种 Plant species | 频度 Frequency (%) | 盖度 Cover (%) | 重要值 Important value (%) | 高度 Height (cm) | 种名代号 Species code | ||||||||
(a)兰科植物 Orchid species | |||||||||||||
无苞杓兰 Cypripedium bardolphianum | 40.94 | 1.926 3 | 4.107 5 | 3.7 | 1 | ||||||||
黄花杓兰 Cypripedium flavum | 48.49 | 5.685 6 | 7.553 3 | 27.9 | 2 | ||||||||
二叶红门兰 Orchis diantha | 36.86 | 1.718 3 | 3.685 6 | 2.9 | 3 | ||||||||
广布红门兰 Orchis chusua | 31.27 | 0.707 1 | 2.534 0 | 2.9 | 4 | ||||||||
少花虾脊兰 Calanthe delavayi | 45.77 | 4.607 9 | 6.530 4 | 10.3 | 5 | ||||||||
西藏杓兰 Cypripedium tibeticum | 33.69 | 1.540 0 | 3.344 4 | 12.8 | 6 | ||||||||
硬叶山兰 Oreorchis nana | 5.74 | 0.094 3 | 0.437 2 | 1.2 | 7 | ||||||||
筒距兰 Tipularia szechuanica | 13.44 | 0.522 2 | 1.261 8 | 1.1 | 8 | ||||||||
沼兰 Malaxis monophyllos | 4.68 | 0.773 3 | 0.906 6 | 3.6 | 9 | ||||||||
珊瑚兰 Corallorhiza trifida | 3.02 | 0.024 2 | 0.210 0 | 10.4 | 10 | ||||||||
小斑叶兰 Goodyera repens | 21.15 | 0.143 4 | 1.449 4 | 0.7 | 11 | ||||||||
布袋兰 Calypso bulbosa | 3.32 | 0.017 4 | 0.223 8 | 1.1 | 12 | ||||||||
小花舌唇兰 Platanthera minutiflora | 6.04 | 0.053 2 | 0.423 8 | 4.6 | 13 | ||||||||
小叶对叶兰 Listera smithii | 3.17 | 0.026 6 | 0.221 4 | 5.8 | 14 | ||||||||
(b)非兰科植物 Other species | |||||||||||||
红北极果 Arctous ruber | 56.65 | 20.181 7 | 19.515 8 | 4.1 | 15 | ||||||||
圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum | 76.44 | 6.731 6 | 10.144 9 | 8.4 | 16 | ||||||||
龙胆 Gentiana scabra | 43.35 | 0.984 4 | 3.516 4 | 3.5 | 17 | ||||||||
矮马先蒿 Pedicularis humilis | 27.49 | 1.560 3 | 2.969 1 | 2.3 | 18 | ||||||||
扭盔马先蒿 Pedicularis davidii | 20.85 | 0.711 9 | 1.879 2 | 6.9 | 19 | ||||||||
垂穗披碱草 Elymus nutans | 52.11 | 4.579 2 | 4.530 2 | 11.1 | 20 | ||||||||
膨囊苔草 Carex lehmanii | 26.28 | 3.633 9 | 4.530 2 | 10.1 | 21 | ||||||||
捕虫堇 Pinguicula alpina | 8.76 | 0.176 1 | 0.692 7 | 0.6 | 22 | ||||||||
鹿蹄草 Pyrola calliantha | 6.65 | 0.627 4 | 0.915 4 | 4.1 | 23 | ||||||||
七筋姑 Clintonia udensis | 16.77 | 0.181 8 | 1.202 9 | 5.8 | 24 |
图1 种间关联性的校正χ2检验值半矩阵图 种名代号见表1 Species codes are shown in Table 1 ***: 极显著正相关 Positive correlation at p=0.01 (1-tailed) **: 显著正相关 Positive correlation at p=0.05 (1-tailed) ###: 极显著负相关 Negative correlation at p=0.01 (1-tailed) ##: 显著负相关 Negative correlation p=0.05 (1-tailed) ☆: 不相关 No correlation
Fig.1 The semi-matrix of χ2 correction test of associations of 24 dominant species in the orchid communities in Huanglong Valley
各显著水平下的种对数 Number of species pairs associated at different significance levels | ||||||
极显著(p≤0.01) Distinctly significant | 显著(p≤0.05) Significant | 不显著(p>0.05) Not significant | ||||
正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | |
χ2检验 χ2-tests of species associations | 69 | 61 | 11 | 13 | 56 | 66 |
Spearman秩相关 Spearman rank correlations | 73 | 69 | 16 | 19 | 46 | 53 |
表2 24个物种种间关联和相关性统计表
Table 2 Interspecific association and correlation of the 24 dominant species in the orchid communities in Huanglong Valley
各显著水平下的种对数 Number of species pairs associated at different significance levels | ||||||
极显著(p≤0.01) Distinctly significant | 显著(p≤0.05) Significant | 不显著(p>0.05) Not significant | ||||
正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | |
χ2检验 χ2-tests of species associations | 69 | 61 | 11 | 13 | 56 | 66 |
Spearman秩相关 Spearman rank correlations | 73 | 69 | 16 | 19 | 46 | 53 |
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