植物生态学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 1136-1145.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0110
周刘丽1,2, 张晴晴1,2, 赵延涛1,2, 许洺山1,2, 程浚洋1,2, 朱丹妮1,2, 宋彦君1,2, 黄海侠3, 史青茹1,2, 阎恩荣1,2,*()
# 共同第一作者
ZHOU Liu-Li1,2, ZHANG Qing-Qing1,2, ZHAO Yan-Tao1,2, XU Ming-Shan1,2, CHENG Jun-Yang1,2, ZHU Dan-Ni1,2, SONG Yan-Jun1,2, HUANG Hai-Xia3, SHI Qing-Ru1,2, YAN En-Rong1,2,*()
En-Rong YAN
About author:
# Co-first authors
种间关系是植物群落重要的数量和结构特征之一, 分析群落不同垂直层次物种的种间联结和相关性对于理解群落结构、动态和分类等具有重要的生态意义。该研究选取浙江省天童处于演替前期的枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)群落乔木层3个物种、亚乔木层3个物种以及灌木层28个物种为研究对象, 应用基于二元数据的方差比率法、χ2统计量检验和基于数量数据的Spearman秩相关系数检验研究了3个垂直层次间物种的联结性与相关性。结果发现: (1)乔木层与亚乔木层物种总体间存在不显著正联结, 乔木层与亚乔木层主要物种间相互独立的种对较多, 较少种对显著联结或相关; (2)乔木层与灌木层物种总体显著正联结, 显著关联或相关的种对较多, 种对间依赖性较强; (3)亚乔木层与灌木层物种总体同样存在显著正联结, 种对间关系较为紧密。该研究结果表明: 群落垂直层次间物种生态习性和对生境适应的趋同性, 以及在垂直方向上对生境要求的互补性差异是决定演替前期种对关系的主要因素。
周刘丽, 张晴晴, 赵延涛, 许洺山, 程浚洋, 朱丹妮, 宋彦君, 黄海侠, 史青茹, 阎恩荣. 浙江天童枫香树群落不同垂直层次物种间的联结性与相关性. 植物生态学报, 2015, 39(12): 1136-1145. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0110
ZHOU Liu-Li, ZHANG Qing-Qing, ZHAO Yan-Tao, XU Ming-Shan, CHENG Jun-Yang, ZHU Dan-Ni, SONG Yan-Jun, HUANG Hai-Xia, SHI Qing-Ru, YAN En-Rong. Species association and correlation between vertical layers in the Liquidambar formosana community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 39(12): 1136-1145. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0110
物种 Species | |
乔木层 Tree layer | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana、檫木 Sassafras tzumu |
亚乔木层 Sub-tree layer | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva |
灌木层 Shrub layer | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva、山胡椒 Lindera glauca、矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia、格药柃 Eurya muricata、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa、苎麻 Boehmeria nivea、黄丹木姜子 Litsea elongata、大青 Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum、紫楠 Phoebe sheareri、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia 、赛山梅 Styrax confusus、野柿 Diospyros kaki、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa、糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera 、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii 、茶 Camellia sinensis、朴树 Celtis sinensis、枸骨 Ilex cornuta、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens、苦枥木 Fraxinus insularis、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum、栲 Castanopsis fargesii、雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana |
表1 枫香树群落各垂直层次所选择的物种名录
Table 1 List of selected species among vertical layers in the community of Liquidambar formosana
物种 Species | |
乔木层 Tree layer | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana、檫木 Sassafras tzumu |
亚乔木层 Sub-tree layer | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva |
灌木层 Shrub layer | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva、山胡椒 Lindera glauca、矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia、格药柃 Eurya muricata、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa、苎麻 Boehmeria nivea、黄丹木姜子 Litsea elongata、大青 Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum、紫楠 Phoebe sheareri、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia 、赛山梅 Styrax confusus、野柿 Diospyros kaki、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa、糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera 、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii 、茶 Camellia sinensis、朴树 Celtis sinensis、枸骨 Ilex cornuta、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens、苦枥木 Fraxinus insularis、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum、栲 Castanopsis fargesii、雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve、黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana |
检验方法 Test methods | 乔木层物种 Tree layer species | 正联结(相关) Positive association (correlation) | 负联结(相关) Negative association (correlation) |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | ||
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | |||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | ||
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii * | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana |
表2 乔木层与亚乔木层物种种对间联结性与相关性检验结果
Table 2 Results of association and correlation tests of species-pairs between tree layer and sub-tree layer
检验方法 Test methods | 乔木层物种 Tree layer species | 正联结(相关) Positive association (correlation) | 负联结(相关) Negative association (correlation) |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | ||
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | |||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | ||
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii * | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana |
检验方法 Test methods | 乔木层物种 Tree layer species | 正联结 Positive association | 负联结 Negative association |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | 青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、枸骨 Ilex cornuta*、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia*、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens*、黄丹木姜子 Litsea elongata*、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum*、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii*、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa* | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* |
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman 秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | 糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera**、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、格药柃 Eurya muricata**、枸骨 Ilex cornuta**、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa**、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia**、红楠 Machilus thunbergii**、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum**、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii**、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca**、野柿 Diospyros kaki**、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa**、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens*、栲 Castanopsis fargesii*、赛山梅 Styrax confusus*、紫楠 Phoebe sheareri* | |
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii*、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* | |
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* | 赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、格药柃 Eurya muricata**、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca**、红楠 Machilus thunbergii*、赛山梅 Styrax confusus*、野柿 Diospyros kaki* |
表3 乔木层与灌木层物种种对间联结性检验结果
Table 3 Results of association tests of species-pairs between tree layer and shrub layer
检验方法 Test methods | 乔木层物种 Tree layer species | 正联结 Positive association | 负联结 Negative association |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | 青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、枸骨 Ilex cornuta*、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia*、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens*、黄丹木姜子 Litsea elongata*、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum*、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii*、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa* | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* |
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman 秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 枫香树 Liquidambar formosana | 糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera**、赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、格药柃 Eurya muricata**、枸骨 Ilex cornuta**、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa**、红脉钓樟 Lindera rubronervia**、红楠 Machilus thunbergii**、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum**、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii**、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca**、野柿 Diospyros kaki**、窄基红褐柃 Eurya rubiginosa**、胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens*、栲 Castanopsis fargesii*、赛山梅 Styrax confusus*、紫楠 Phoebe sheareri* | |
檫木 Sassafras tzumu | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii*、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* | |
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea* | 赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、格药柃 Eurya muricata**、青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca**、红楠 Machilus thunbergii*、赛山梅 Styrax confusus*、野柿 Diospyros kaki* |
检验方法 Test methods | 亚乔木层物种 Sub-tree layer species | 正联结 Positive association | 负联结 Negative association |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii | 紫楠 Phoebe sheareri* | |
赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva | |||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii | 赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea**、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum**、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve**、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii**、朴树 Celtis sinensis**、赛山梅 Styrax confusus**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca** | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea**、糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera*、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa* |
赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva | 锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum*、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | 毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve*、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia*、矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta* |
表4 亚乔木层与灌木层物种种对间联结性检验结果
Table 4 Results of association test of species-pairs between sub-tree layer and shrub layer
检验方法 Test methods | 亚乔木层物种 Sub-tree layer species | 正联结 Positive association | 负联结 Negative association |
χ2检验 χ2-test | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii | 紫楠 Phoebe sheareri* | |
赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva | |||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | |||
Spearman秩相关检验 Spearman rank correlation test | 红楠 Machilus thunbergii | 赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva**、雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea**、锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum**、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve**、米槠 Castanopsis carlesii**、朴树 Celtis sinensis**、赛山梅 Styrax confusus**、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia**、山胡椒 Lindera glauca** | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea**、糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera*、红果山胡椒 Lindera erythrocarpa* |
赤皮青冈 Cyclobalanopsis gilva | 锦绣杜鹃 Rhododendron pulchrum*、毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve* | ||
黄檀 Dalbergia hupeana | 毛脉槭 Acer pubinerve*、山矾 Symplocos sumuntia*、矮小天仙果 Ficus erecta* |
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