植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 387-395.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0184
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张雷1, 王琳琳2, 刘世荣3,*(), 孙鹏森3, 余振4, 黄书涛5, 张旭东1
Lei ZHANG1, Lin-lin WANG2, Shi-Rong LIU3,*(), Peng-Sen SUN3, Zhen YU4, Shu-Tao HUANG5, Xu- Dong ZHANG1
Shi-Rong LIU
物种生境模型预测结果通常是概率性的, 然而在具体的保护管理等实践应用过程中通常需要基于二元值(存在/不存在)的分布图, 此时就需要把概率性的预测结果转化为二元值,在此转化过程中就涉及阈值选择问题。此外, 在评估模型预测准确度的时候, 多数评估指标也需要选择一个阈值用于转化概率预测结果, 这个阈值选择对于模型预测准确度也会有极大的影响。然而阈值选择却是物种生境模拟不确定性研究中较少涉及的领域。“随机森林”既可以生成物种生境概率分布图(回归算法)也可以生成二元分布图(分类算法), 然而还未见对两种预测方式的比较研究。该文以珙桐(Davidia involucrata)和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为例, 分别采用“随机森林”的分类算法和回归算法预测其生境二元分布图和概率分布图, 通过4个不同阈值选择方法(默认值0.5、MaxKappa、MaxTSS和MaxACC)把概率预测图转换为二元分布图, 进而比较分析转换结果对模型预估的影响。珙桐不同阈值选择方法所确立的阈值之间存在显著差异,而杉木没有显著差异; 两物种模型准确度之间没有显著差异; 在预测两物种未来气候条件下的生境面积变化、生境分布区迁移方向和距离以及最适宜海拔分布高度变化时, 二元值转换后的回归算法与分类算法之间存在显著差异,但回归算法中各阈值选择方法之间没有显著差异。空间生境分布图的相似性分析表明MaxKappa和MaxTSS法具有最大相似性, 分类算法与4种阈值选择方法之间具有最大差异。
张雷, 王琳琳, 刘世荣, 孙鹏森, 余振, 黄书涛, 张旭东. 生境概率预测值转换为二元值过程中4个阈值选择方法的比较评估——以珙桐和杉木生境预估为例. 植物生态学报, 2017, 41(4): 387-395. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0184
Lei ZHANG, Lin-lin WANG, Shi-Rong LIU, Peng-Sen SUN, Zhen YU, Shu-Tao HUANG, Xu- Dong ZHANG. An evaluation of four threshold selection methods in species occurrence modelling with random forest: Case studies with Davidia involucrata and Cunninghamia lanceolata. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 41(4): 387-395. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0184
图1 基于同一建模数据的当前气候条件下珙桐生境二元值(A)和概率值(B)预测结果。不同阈值选择法和“随机森林”分类算法所生成的45个生境图中当前(C)和未来(D)气候条件下珙桐出现频率以及未来气候条件下生境不变(E)、生境消失(F)和新生境出现(G)的频率。
Fig. 1 Binary (A) and probability (B) distribution maps of Davidia involucrata under current climate produced by the same model-building dataset. Frequency of the presence of Davidia involucrata calculated across 45 predictions under current (C) and future (D) climates and the frequency of stable (E), lost (F) and gained (G) habitats under future climate.
精度指标 Accuracy measure | 公式 Formula |
总准确度 Overall accuracy | (a +d)/n |
敏感度 Sensitivity | a/(a + c) |
特异度 Specificity | d/(b + d) |
Kappa | $\frac{\left( a\text{+}d \right)-\text{ }\!\![\!\!\text{ }\left( a\text{+}c \right)\left( a\text{+}b \right)\text{+}\left( b\text{+}d \right)\left( c\text{+}d \right)\text{ }\!\!]\!\!\text{ /}n}{n-\text{ }\!\![\!\!\text{ }\left( a\text{+}c \right)\left( a\text{+}b \right)\text{+(}b\text{+}d\text{)(}c\text{+}d\text{) }\!\!]\!\!\text{ /}n}$ |
真实技巧统计法 True skill statistic (TSS) | Sensitivity + Specificit -1 |
表1 模型预测准确度评价指标
Table 1 Measures of predictive accuracy
精度指标 Accuracy measure | 公式 Formula |
总准确度 Overall accuracy | (a +d)/n |
敏感度 Sensitivity | a/(a + c) |
特异度 Specificity | d/(b + d) |
Kappa | $\frac{\left( a\text{+}d \right)-\text{ }\!\![\!\!\text{ }\left( a\text{+}c \right)\left( a\text{+}b \right)\text{+}\left( b\text{+}d \right)\left( c\text{+}d \right)\text{ }\!\!]\!\!\text{ /}n}{n-\text{ }\!\![\!\!\text{ }\left( a\text{+}c \right)\left( a\text{+}b \right)\text{+(}b\text{+}d\text{)(}c\text{+}d\text{) }\!\!]\!\!\text{ /}n}$ |
真实技巧统计法 True skill statistic (TSS) | Sensitivity + Specificit -1 |
阈值选择方法 Threshold method | 阈值 Threshold | Kappa | 真实技巧统计法 TSS | 总准确度 Overall accuracy | 敏感度 Sensitivity | 特异度 Specificity | |
珙桐 Davidia involucrata | 默认值0.5 Default 0.5 | 0.500 (0.000)a | 0.871 (0.024)a | 0.871 (0.024)a | 0.935 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.019)a | 0.894 (0.025)a |
最大总准确度 Maximizing overall accuracy (MaxAcc) | 0.476 (0.187)ab | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.975 (0.021)a | 0.897 (0.027)a | |
最大Kappa Maximizing Kappa (MaxKappa) | 0.364 (0.185)b | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.020)a | 0.895 (0.027)a | |
最大真实技巧统计法 Maximizing true skill statistic (MaxTSS) | 0.364 (0.185)b | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.020)a | 0.895 (0.027)a | |
随机森林分类 Random forest classification tree (RFCT) | - | 0.869 (0.030)a | 0.869 (0.030)a | 0.935 (0.015)a | 0.982 (0.022)a | 0.888 (0.031)a | |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | 默认值0.5 Default 0.5 | 0.500 (0.000)a | 0.903 (0.010)a | 0.903 (0.010)a | 0.951 (0.005)a | 0.962 (0.010)a | 0.941 (0.009)a |
最大总准确度 Maximizing overall accuracy (MaxAcc) | 0.540 (0.078)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
最大Kappa Maximizing Kappa (MaxKappa) | 0.540 (0.078)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
最大TSS Maximizing true skill statistic (MaxTSS) | 0.541 (0.076)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
随机森林分类 Random forest classification tree (RFCT) | - | 0.905 (0.010)a | 0.905 (0.010)a | 0.952 (0.005)a | 0.961 (0.010)a | 0.943 (0.007)a |
表2 不同阈值选择方法所确立的阈值及其应用于模型评估数据后的模型预测精度
Table 2 Thresholds selected by four threshold criteria and model accuracies determined by five measures
阈值选择方法 Threshold method | 阈值 Threshold | Kappa | 真实技巧统计法 TSS | 总准确度 Overall accuracy | 敏感度 Sensitivity | 特异度 Specificity | |
珙桐 Davidia involucrata | 默认值0.5 Default 0.5 | 0.500 (0.000)a | 0.871 (0.024)a | 0.871 (0.024)a | 0.935 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.019)a | 0.894 (0.025)a |
最大总准确度 Maximizing overall accuracy (MaxAcc) | 0.476 (0.187)ab | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.975 (0.021)a | 0.897 (0.027)a | |
最大Kappa Maximizing Kappa (MaxKappa) | 0.364 (0.185)b | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.020)a | 0.895 (0.027)a | |
最大真实技巧统计法 Maximizing true skill statistic (MaxTSS) | 0.364 (0.185)b | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.872 (0.025)a | 0.936 (0.012)a | 0.976 (0.020)a | 0.895 (0.027)a | |
随机森林分类 Random forest classification tree (RFCT) | - | 0.869 (0.030)a | 0.869 (0.030)a | 0.935 (0.015)a | 0.982 (0.022)a | 0.888 (0.031)a | |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | 默认值0.5 Default 0.5 | 0.500 (0.000)a | 0.903 (0.010)a | 0.903 (0.010)a | 0.951 (0.005)a | 0.962 (0.010)a | 0.941 (0.009)a |
最大总准确度 Maximizing overall accuracy (MaxAcc) | 0.540 (0.078)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
最大Kappa Maximizing Kappa (MaxKappa) | 0.540 (0.078)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
最大TSS Maximizing true skill statistic (MaxTSS) | 0.541 (0.076)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.908 (0.011)a | 0.954 (0.006)a | 0.958 (0.013)a | 0.950 (0.009)a | |
随机森林分类 Random forest classification tree (RFCT) | - | 0.905 (0.010)a | 0.905 (0.010)a | 0.952 (0.005)a | 0.961 (0.010)a | 0.943 (0.007)a |
阈值方法 Threshold | 当前适生区 Total habitat area (×103 km2) | 总生境变 化比例 Total range change (%) | 新生境 比例 Habitat gained (%) | 生境消失 比例 Habitat lost (%) | 东向迁移 距离 Eastward shift (km) | 北向迁移 距离 Northward shift (km) | 高程迁移 距离 Uphill shift (m) | |
珙桐 Davidia involucrata | Default 0.5 | 762.8 (34.6)a | -95.9 (3.8)a | 0.6 (0.9)a | 96.6 (3.0)a | 70.7 (133.2)a | 252.3 (43.5)a | -341 (211)a |
MaxAcc | 761.1 (69.1)a | -94.8 (6.4)a | 1.0 (1.3)a | 95.8 (5.1)a | 69.3 (164.5)a | 228.4 (80.5)a | -336 (244)a | |
MaxKappa | 780.1 (69.5)ab | -94.3 (6.6)ab | 1.1 (1.4)ab | 95.4 (5.3)ab | 50.9 (164.4)a | 241.7 (41.7)a | -341 (255)a | |
MaxTSS | 780.1 (69.5)ab | -94.3 (6.6)ab | 1.1 (1.4)ab | 95.4 (5.3)ab | 50.9 (164.4)a | 241.7 (41.7)a | -341 (255)a | |
RFCT | 804.3 (27.9)b | -60.1 (1.9)b | 7.9 (1.1)b | 68.0 (1.8)b | -236.0 (33.9)b | 134.5 (9.0)b | 242 (63)b | |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | Default 0.5 | 1β401.5 (14.4)a | -0.3 (0.1)ab | 0.1 (0.0)ab | 0.4 (0.1)ab | -129.1 (22.1)a | 68.5 (14.9)ab | 243.3 (37.5)a |
MaxAcc | 1β367.4 (67.9)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)ab | 0.5 (0.1)b | -107.6 (48.2)ab | 57.6 (32.6)b | 238.7 (33.4)ab | |
MaxKappa | 1β367.4 (67.9)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)ab | 0.5 (0.1)b | -107.6 (48.2)ab | 57.6 (32.6)b | 238.7 (33.4)ab | |
MaxTSS | 1β365.7 (65.8)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)b | 0.5 (0.1)b | -108.0 (48.4)ab | 57.3 (32.5)b | 238.9 (33.5)ab | |
RFCT | 1β391.2 (11.0)a | -0.3 (0.1)a | 0.1 (0.0)a | 0.4 (0.1)a | -82.0 (26.8)b | 81.5 (12.2)a | 183.0 (38.8)b |
表3 当前潜在适生区面积及未来(2070-2099, 2080s)气候条件下的生境相对变化
Table 3 Potential habitat suitable areas and changes in the distribution range of tree species (change in area and shift in distance and direction of mean centers of suitable habitat) for the normal period 2070-2099 (2080s) relative to current baseline (1961-1990).
阈值方法 Threshold | 当前适生区 Total habitat area (×103 km2) | 总生境变 化比例 Total range change (%) | 新生境 比例 Habitat gained (%) | 生境消失 比例 Habitat lost (%) | 东向迁移 距离 Eastward shift (km) | 北向迁移 距离 Northward shift (km) | 高程迁移 距离 Uphill shift (m) | |
珙桐 Davidia involucrata | Default 0.5 | 762.8 (34.6)a | -95.9 (3.8)a | 0.6 (0.9)a | 96.6 (3.0)a | 70.7 (133.2)a | 252.3 (43.5)a | -341 (211)a |
MaxAcc | 761.1 (69.1)a | -94.8 (6.4)a | 1.0 (1.3)a | 95.8 (5.1)a | 69.3 (164.5)a | 228.4 (80.5)a | -336 (244)a | |
MaxKappa | 780.1 (69.5)ab | -94.3 (6.6)ab | 1.1 (1.4)ab | 95.4 (5.3)ab | 50.9 (164.4)a | 241.7 (41.7)a | -341 (255)a | |
MaxTSS | 780.1 (69.5)ab | -94.3 (6.6)ab | 1.1 (1.4)ab | 95.4 (5.3)ab | 50.9 (164.4)a | 241.7 (41.7)a | -341 (255)a | |
RFCT | 804.3 (27.9)b | -60.1 (1.9)b | 7.9 (1.1)b | 68.0 (1.8)b | -236.0 (33.9)b | 134.5 (9.0)b | 242 (63)b | |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | Default 0.5 | 1β401.5 (14.4)a | -0.3 (0.1)ab | 0.1 (0.0)ab | 0.4 (0.1)ab | -129.1 (22.1)a | 68.5 (14.9)ab | 243.3 (37.5)a |
MaxAcc | 1β367.4 (67.9)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)ab | 0.5 (0.1)b | -107.6 (48.2)ab | 57.6 (32.6)b | 238.7 (33.4)ab | |
MaxKappa | 1β367.4 (67.9)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)ab | 0.5 (0.1)b | -107.6 (48.2)ab | 57.6 (32.6)b | 238.7 (33.4)ab | |
MaxTSS | 1β365.7 (65.8)a | -0.4 (0.2)b | 0.1 (0.1)b | 0.5 (0.1)b | -108.0 (48.4)ab | 57.3 (32.5)b | 238.9 (33.5)ab | |
RFCT | 1β391.2 (11.0)a | -0.3 (0.1)a | 0.1 (0.0)a | 0.4 (0.1)a | -82.0 (26.8)b | 81.5 (12.2)a | 183.0 (38.8)b |
图2 当前(A、C)和未来(B、D)气候条件下不同阈值选择方法生境分布图的两两相似性。误差线代表标准偏差; 阈值方法缩写同表2。
Fig. 2 Pairwise Kappa correlation of habitat maps of four threshold selection method under current (A, C) and future (B, D) climates. Error bars represent standard errors. The abbreviations of threshold methods are the same as in Table 2.
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