植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 179-191.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0252
所属专题: 碳循环
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ZHANG Liang1,WANG Zhi-Lei1,XUE Ting-Ting1,HAO Xiao-Yun1,YANG Chen-Lu1,GAO Fei-Fei1,WANG Ying1,HAN Xing1,LI Hua1,2,3,*(),WANG Hua1,2,3,*()
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葡萄园生态系统是农业生态系统的重要组成部分, 集中连片栽培的葡萄园具有重要的生态价值。开展葡萄园生态系统碳源/汇的研究, 是完整探讨葡萄园生态系统碳循环必不可少的内容。随着葡萄生态学研究的进一步深入, 如何直观地揭示葡萄园生态系统碳循环规律和碳汇功能已经成为葡萄生态学领域关注的热点问题。研究发现, 葡萄园生态系统固定大量碳, 将碳封存在葡萄果实等一年生器官、主干等多年生器官以及土壤碳库中。葡萄园生态系统碳输入量大于碳输出量, 是碳汇; 土壤是葡萄园生态系统最大的碳库, 占总碳储量的70%, 尤其是土藤界面; 覆盖和免耕作为葡萄园的碳减排策略, 可以减少碳排放, 提高葡萄园土壤肥力。基于此, 为了阐明葡萄园生态系统的碳汇价值, 该文围绕葡萄生态学最新研究进展, 系统回顾了葡萄园生态系统中碳循环规律、碳汇研究进展及碳减排策略, 为葡萄生态学的研究提供理论基础, 并对本领域未来的研究方向和应用前景进行展望。
张亮, 王志磊, 薛婷婷, 郝笑云, 杨晨露, 高飞飞, 王莹, 韩星, 李华, 王华. 葡萄园生态系统碳源/汇及碳减排策略研究进展. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(3): 179-191. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0252
ZHANG Liang, WANG Zhi-Lei, XUE Ting-Ting, HAO Xiao-Yun, YANG Chen-Lu, GAO Fei-Fei, WANG Ying, HAN Xing, LI Hua, WANG Hua. Progress in studies of carbon source/sink and emission reduction strategies in vineyard ecosystem. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(3): 179-191. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0252
图2 葡萄园生态系统碳循环规律。箭头方向表示碳流向。GPP, 总初级生产力; NBP, 净葡萄园生物群生产力; NEP, 净葡萄园生态系统生产力; NPP, 葡萄净初级生产力; NR, 非生物呼吸消耗; Ra, 葡萄自养呼吸作用; Rh, 土壤呼吸。
Fig. 2 Carbon cycling in vineyard ecosystem. The arrow indicates direction of carbon flow. GPP, gross primary productivity; NBP, net productivity in vineyard biota; NEP, net productivity in vineyard ecosystem; NPP, net primary productivity in vines; NR, non-biological respiration consumption; Ra, autotrophic respiration of vines; Rh, soil respiration.
葡萄器官 Vine organs | 碳储量 Carbon stock (t·hm-2) | 碳去向 Carbon distribution | 总碳储量 Total carbon stock (t·hm-2) | 比重 Proportion (%) | |
一年生器官 Annual organs | 果实 Fruit | 1.7 | 26%碳通过皮和种子回归土壤 26% carbon return to soil through skin and seeds | 3.4 | 28 |
叶 Leaves | 0.6 | 100%碳通过凋落回归土壤 100% carbon return to soil by litter | |||
一年生枝 Canes | 1.1 | 50%碳分配给当年浆果 50% carbon allocated to berries | |||
多年生器官 Perennial organs | 主干和主蔓 Trunk and cordons | 4.8 | 35%-50%碳分配给当年浆果 35%-50% carbon allocated to berries | 8.9 | 72 |
根 Roots | 4.1 | 部分碳分泌到土壤中 Part of carbon secreted into soil |
表1 葡萄不同器官生物量碳储量分布
Table 1 Distribution of biomass carbon stock in different organs of vines
葡萄器官 Vine organs | 碳储量 Carbon stock (t·hm-2) | 碳去向 Carbon distribution | 总碳储量 Total carbon stock (t·hm-2) | 比重 Proportion (%) | |
一年生器官 Annual organs | 果实 Fruit | 1.7 | 26%碳通过皮和种子回归土壤 26% carbon return to soil through skin and seeds | 3.4 | 28 |
叶 Leaves | 0.6 | 100%碳通过凋落回归土壤 100% carbon return to soil by litter | |||
一年生枝 Canes | 1.1 | 50%碳分配给当年浆果 50% carbon allocated to berries | |||
多年生器官 Perennial organs | 主干和主蔓 Trunk and cordons | 4.8 | 35%-50%碳分配给当年浆果 35%-50% carbon allocated to berries | 8.9 | 72 |
根 Roots | 4.1 | 部分碳分泌到土壤中 Part of carbon secreted into soil |
管理技术 Management technology | 措施 Measures | 碳储量变化 Change of carbon stock | 控制机理 Mechanisms |
农艺措施 Agronomic measures | 耕作 Tillage | 免耕>耕作 Non-tillage > tillage | 干预越小, 系统碳分解越少 Reduce intervention, reduce carbon decomposition of ecosystem |
施肥 Fertilization | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
喷药 Pesticide | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加干预和降低土壤活性 Increase intervention and reduce soil activity | |
灌溉 Irrigation | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加生态系统的人为干预 Increase human intervention in ecosystem | |
修剪 Pruning | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
收割 Harvest | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
种植方式 Establishment method | 常规葡萄园碳储量低于有机葡萄园 Carbon stock of conventional vineyard lower than organic vineyard | 有机葡萄园免耕土壤储存更多有机质 Organic vineyard increases organic matter in non- tillage soil | |
田间管理 Farmland management | 复种 Multiple cropping | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter |
覆盖 Covering | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
轮作 Rotation | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
运输 Transport | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加生态系统的人为干预 Increase human intervention in ecosystem | |
其他因素 Other factors | 区域 Region | 不同区域碳储量不同 Different carbon stock in region | 不同区域的气候和土壤质地不同 Different climates and soil textures in region |
品种 Variety | 红葡萄品种碳储量高于白葡萄品种 Red variety of carbon stock higher than white variety | 不同葡萄品种的生物特性不同 Different biological characteristics of variety | |
树龄 Age | 树龄越大植株碳储量越高 The more carbon stock in the older | 葡萄作为碳汇, 逐年积累 Accumulation of vine year by year, as carbon sink | |
生长季 Growing season | 植株生长季碳储量最高 The most carbon stock in growing season | 生长季是一个净碳汇 A net carbon sink | |
温度 Temperature | 温度越高碳储量越低 The higher temperature, the lower carbon stock | 温度越高土壤有机质分解越快 The higher temperature, the faster decomposition of soil organic matter |
表2 不同管理技术对葡萄园生态系统碳储量的影响机理
Table 2 Mechanisms of the effects of management technology on carbon stock in vineyard ecosystem
管理技术 Management technology | 措施 Measures | 碳储量变化 Change of carbon stock | 控制机理 Mechanisms |
农艺措施 Agronomic measures | 耕作 Tillage | 免耕>耕作 Non-tillage > tillage | 干预越小, 系统碳分解越少 Reduce intervention, reduce carbon decomposition of ecosystem |
施肥 Fertilization | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
喷药 Pesticide | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加干预和降低土壤活性 Increase intervention and reduce soil activity | |
灌溉 Irrigation | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加生态系统的人为干预 Increase human intervention in ecosystem | |
修剪 Pruning | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
收割 Harvest | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
种植方式 Establishment method | 常规葡萄园碳储量低于有机葡萄园 Carbon stock of conventional vineyard lower than organic vineyard | 有机葡萄园免耕土壤储存更多有机质 Organic vineyard increases organic matter in non- tillage soil | |
田间管理 Farmland management | 复种 Multiple cropping | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter |
覆盖 Covering | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
轮作 Rotation | 碳储量增加 Carbon stock increase | 增加土壤有机质 Increase soil organic matter | |
运输 Transport | 碳储量降低 Carbon stock decrease | 增加生态系统的人为干预 Increase human intervention in ecosystem | |
其他因素 Other factors | 区域 Region | 不同区域碳储量不同 Different carbon stock in region | 不同区域的气候和土壤质地不同 Different climates and soil textures in region |
品种 Variety | 红葡萄品种碳储量高于白葡萄品种 Red variety of carbon stock higher than white variety | 不同葡萄品种的生物特性不同 Different biological characteristics of variety | |
树龄 Age | 树龄越大植株碳储量越高 The more carbon stock in the older | 葡萄作为碳汇, 逐年积累 Accumulation of vine year by year, as carbon sink | |
生长季 Growing season | 植株生长季碳储量最高 The most carbon stock in growing season | 生长季是一个净碳汇 A net carbon sink | |
温度 Temperature | 温度越高碳储量越低 The higher temperature, the lower carbon stock | 温度越高土壤有机质分解越快 The higher temperature, the faster decomposition of soil organic matter |
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