植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11): 1510-1523.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0081 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2024.0081
所属专题: 植物功能性状
ORCID: *金光泽: 0000-0002-9852-0965(taxus@126.com)
WANG Si-Qi1, JIN Guang-Ze1,2,*()(
*JIN Guang-Ze (taxus@126.com)
Supported by:
五角槭(Acer pictum subsp. mono)是阔叶红松林的主要伴生树种, 对阔叶红松林的结构与功能具有重要作用。研究五角槭在不同生活史阶段叶-枝-根功能性状及其相关关系, 对理解植物功能性状种内变异以及对资源的获取和分配策略具有重要意义。该研究以黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区阔叶红松林内的五角槭幼苗、幼树和成年树为研究对象, 分析了叶、枝和根的12个生理、形态性状和碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量等化学计量学特征, 探讨了不同生活史阶段对叶-枝-根性状的变异及其性状间相关性的影响。结果表明: (1)随生活史阶段上升, 叶厚度、枝组织密度、根直径、叶N含量以及叶、枝和根的C含量均显著增加, 比叶面积、净光合速率、比根长均显著降低, 且各性状在生活史阶段存在不同程度的种内变异; (2)生理、形态性状与化学性状在叶和枝中相关性较高, 而细根中仅比根长与化学性状存在相关关系; (3)随生活史阶段上升, 叶片N含量和净光合速率增大, 光合产物积累较多, 叶片由“缓慢投资-收益”型转变为“快速投资-收益”型; 枝含水率等代谢能力以及细根的资源获取能力降低, 枝和根均由“资源获取”型转变为“资源保守”型。
王思琦, 金光泽. 五角槭不同生活史阶段叶枝根性状的变异与权衡. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(11): 1510-1523. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0081
WANG Si-Qi, JIN Guang-Ze. Variation and trade-offs in leaf, branch, and root traits at different life history stages of Acer pictum subsp. mono. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(11): 1510-1523. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0081
生活史阶段 Life history stage | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 树高 Tree height (m) |
幼苗 Seedling | 3.1 ± 0.63 | 3.98 ± 0.74 |
幼树 Sapling | 17.0 ± 2.72 | 14.88 ± 2.24 |
成年树 Adult tree | 29.9 ± 2.60 | 16.44 ± 1.01 |
表1 黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区内五角槭样树信息表(平均值±标准差)
Table 1 Information of Acer pictum subsp. mono sample trees of Liangshui National Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang (mean ± SD)
生活史阶段 Life history stage | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 树高 Tree height (m) |
幼苗 Seedling | 3.1 ± 0.63 | 3.98 ± 0.74 |
幼树 Sapling | 17.0 ± 2.72 | 14.88 ± 2.24 |
成年树 Adult tree | 29.9 ± 2.60 | 16.44 ± 1.01 |
功能性状 Functional trait | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning | 功能性状 Functional trait | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning |
叶厚度 Leaf thickness | 反映植物的保水能力 Reflects the water retention ability of plants | 整枝导水率 Pruning water conductivity | 反映植物的水分运输能力 Reflects the water transport capacity of plants |
叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content | 反映植物生长发育能力 Reflects the growth and development ability of plants | 根直径 Root diameter | 影响根资源获取和生理功能 Affects root resource acquisition and physiological function |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area | 反映植物对资源的利用效率 Reflects the efficiency of plant resource utilization | 根组织密度 Root tissue density | 反映根系资源的获取能力和防御能力 Reflects the ability to acquire and defend root resources |
叶面积 Leaf area | 反映植物生长发育的能力 Reflects the ability of plant growth and development | 比根长 Specific root length | 反映细根投入与产出关系 Reflects the relationship between fine root input and output |
叶绿素含量指数 Chlorophyll content index | 影响植物的光合作用 Affects plant photosynthesis | 枝含水率 Branch water content | 影响植物代谢效率和抗寒性 Affects plant metabolic efficiency and cold resistance |
净光合速率 Net photosynthetic rate | 反映叶片耐阴性和光合作用效率 Reflects leaf shade tolerance and photosynthetic efficiency | 碳含量 Carbon content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
枝组织密度 Branch tissue density | 反映植物生长速率和水分运输效率 Reflects plant growth rate and water transport efficiency | 氮含量 Nitrogen content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
磷含量 Phosphorus content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
表2 测定的性状及其生态学意义
Table 2 Measured traits and ecological significance
功能性状 Functional trait | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning | 功能性状 Functional trait | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning |
叶厚度 Leaf thickness | 反映植物的保水能力 Reflects the water retention ability of plants | 整枝导水率 Pruning water conductivity | 反映植物的水分运输能力 Reflects the water transport capacity of plants |
叶干物质含量 Leaf dry matter content | 反映植物生长发育能力 Reflects the growth and development ability of plants | 根直径 Root diameter | 影响根资源获取和生理功能 Affects root resource acquisition and physiological function |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area | 反映植物对资源的利用效率 Reflects the efficiency of plant resource utilization | 根组织密度 Root tissue density | 反映根系资源的获取能力和防御能力 Reflects the ability to acquire and defend root resources |
叶面积 Leaf area | 反映植物生长发育的能力 Reflects the ability of plant growth and development | 比根长 Specific root length | 反映细根投入与产出关系 Reflects the relationship between fine root input and output |
叶绿素含量指数 Chlorophyll content index | 影响植物的光合作用 Affects plant photosynthesis | 枝含水率 Branch water content | 影响植物代谢效率和抗寒性 Affects plant metabolic efficiency and cold resistance |
净光合速率 Net photosynthetic rate | 反映叶片耐阴性和光合作用效率 Reflects leaf shade tolerance and photosynthetic efficiency | 碳含量 Carbon content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
枝组织密度 Branch tissue density | 反映植物生长速率和水分运输效率 Reflects plant growth rate and water transport efficiency | 氮含量 Nitrogen content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
磷含量 Phosphorus content | 影响资源获取和代谢速率 Affects resource acquisition and metabolic rate |
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表3 不同生活史阶段五角槭叶-枝-根的生理、形态性状(平均值$ \pm$标准差)
Table 3 Physiological and morphological indexes of leaves, branches, and roots of Acer pictum subsp. mono at different life history stages (mean ± SD)
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表4 不同生活史阶段五角槭叶-枝-根的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量(平均值±标准差)
Table 4 Contents of carbon (C), nitrogen (N)and phosphorus (P) in leaves, branches, and roots of different life history of Acer pictum subsp. mono (mean ± SD)
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表5 不同生活史阶段五角槭叶-枝-根的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量比(平均值+标准差)
Table 5 The ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents in leaves, branches, and roots of different life history of Acer pictum subsp, mono (mean ± SD)
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图1 不同生活史阶段五角槭叶功能性状的相关性。Corr, 相关系数; I, 幼苗; II, 幼树; III, 成年树。C:N, 碳氮比; C:P, 碳磷比; LA, 叶面积; LC, 叶碳含量; LCHl, 叶绿素含量指数; LDMC, 叶干物质含量; LN, 叶氮含量; LP, 叶磷含量; LT, 叶厚度; N:P, 氮磷比; Pn, 净光合速率; SLA, 比叶面积. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。图中仅展示存在显著相关关系的线性回归拟合线。
Fig. 1 Correlations of leaf functional traits at different life history stages of Acer pictum subsp. mono. Corr, correlation coefficient; I, seedling; II, sapling; III, adult tree. C:N, carbon nitrogen ratio; C:P, carbon phosphorus ratio; LA, leaf area; LC, leaf carbon content; LCHl, leaf chlorophyll content index; LDMC, leaf dry matter content; LN, leaf nitrogen content; LP, leaf phosphorus content LT, leaf thickness; N:P, nitrogen phosphorus ratio; Pn, leaf net photosynthetic rate; SLA, specific leaf area. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. Only linear regression fitting lines with significant correlation are shown in the figure.
图2 不同生活史阶段五角槭枝功能性状的相关性。Corr, 相关系数; I, 幼苗; II, 幼树; III, 成年树。BC, 枝碳含量; BN, 枝氮含量; BP, 枝磷含量; BTD, 枝组织密度; BWC, 枝含水率; C:N, 碳氮比; C:P, 碳磷比; Kh, 整枝导水率; N:P, 氮磷比。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。图中仅展示存在显著相关关系的线性回归拟合线。
Fig. 2 Correlations of branch functional traits at different life history stages of Acer pictum subsp. mono. Corr, correlation coefficient; I, seedling; II, sapling; III, adult tree. BC, branch carbon content; BN, branch nitrogen content; BP, branch phosphorus content; BTD, branch tissue density; BWC, branch water content; C:N, carbon nitrogen ratio; C:P, carbon phosphorus ratio; Kh, pruning water conductivity; N:P, nitrogen phosphorus ratio. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. Only linear regression fitting lines with significant correlation are shown in the figure.
图3 不同生活史阶段五角槭根功能性状的相关性。Corr, 相关系数; I, 幼苗; II, 幼树; III, 成年树。C:N, 碳氮比; C:P, 碳磷比; N:P, 氮磷比; RC, 根碳含量; RD, 根直径; RN, 根氮含量; RP, 根磷含量; RTD, 根组织密度; SRL, 比根长。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。图中仅展示存在显著相关关系的线性回归拟合线。
Fig. 3 Correlations of fine root functional traits at different life history stages of Acer pictum subsp. mono. Corr, correlation coefficient; I, seedling; II, sapling; III, adult tree. C:N, carbon nitrogen ratio; C:P, carbon phosphorus ratio; N:P, nitrogen phosphorus ratio; RC, root carbon content; RD, root diameter; RN, root nitrogen content; RP, root phosphorus content; RTD, root tissue density; SRL, specific root length. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. Only linear regression fitting lines with significant correlation are shown in the figure.
图4 不同生活史阶段五角槭叶-枝-根功能性状主成分(PC)分析图。A, 叶-枝-根性状。B, 叶性状。C, 枝性状。D, 根性状。I, 幼苗; II, 幼树; III, 成年树。BC, 枝碳含量; BN, 枝氮含量; BP, 枝磷含量; BTD, 枝组织密度; BWC, 枝含水率; Kh, 整枝导水率; LA, 叶面积; LC, 叶碳含量; LCHl, 叶绿素含量指数; LDMC, 叶干物质含量; LN, 叶氮含量; LP, 叶磷含量; LT, 叶厚度; Pn, 净光合速率; RC, 根碳含量; RD, 根直径; RN, 根氮含量; RP, 根磷含量; RTD, 根组织密度; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL, 比根长。
Fig. 4 Principal component (PC) analysis of leaf, branch, root functional traits at different life history stages of Acer pictum subsp. mono. A, Leaf, branch and root traits. B, Leaf traits. C, Branch traits. D, Root traits. I, seedling. II, sapling; III, adult tree. BC, branch carbon content; BN, branch nitrogen content; BP, branch phosphorus content; BTD, branch tissue density; BWC, branch water content; Kh, pruning water conductivity; LA, leaf area; LC, leaf carbon content; LCHl, leaf chlorophyll content index; LDMC, leaf dry matter content; LN, leaf nitrogen content; LP, leaf phosphorus content; LT, leaf thickness; Pn, leaf net photosynthetic rate; RC, root carbon content; RD, root diameter; RN, root nitrogen content; RP, root phosphorus content; RTD, root tissue density; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL, specific root length.
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