植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (9): 1223-1231.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0004 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2024.0004
LIAO Su-Hui, NI Long-Kang, QIN Jia-Shuang, TAN Yu, GU Da-Xing*()
GU Da-Xing (Supported by:
喀斯特地区由于岩石大面积裸露、土层浅薄, 地表极易失水, 因此面临着抗干旱能力弱、演替进程缓慢等问题。探究中亚热带喀斯特森林不同演替阶段树种水力调节策略的变化, 了解演替背后的干旱适应机制, 能够为植被恢复和重建提供理论依据。该研究以喀斯特地区演替早、中和后期森林群落中的优势种为研究对象, 测量并计算了茎和叶栓塞脆弱性(P50S和P50L)、脆弱性分割(P50L-S)、茎和叶比导率(KS和KL)、叶水力安全边界(HSML)等水力性状, 以及边材密度、胡伯尔值和比叶面积(SLA)等水力相关指标。结果表明: (1)该研究在物种间和群落间均未发现水力安全与效率的权衡, P50S、KS和KL均随正向演替而减小。(2)所有树种均存在正向脆弱性分割, 变化范围为0.53-6.59 MPa, 演替早期显著大于中期和后期, 且分割主要由P50S决定。(3)演替早期植物拥有较大的栓塞抗性和KS、KL, 以提高水分运输和抵抗干旱的能力, 后期形成较大的SLA以增加对光资源的竞争。该研究揭示了喀斯特森林植物随着演替发展过程, 水力调节策略由以提高水力效率与安全的策略向增加对光合碳投资的策略转变的变化规律, 为阐明喀斯特森林群落演替过程中的植物干旱适应机制提供理论依据。
廖苏慧, 倪隆康, 秦佳双, 谭羽, 顾大形. 中亚热带喀斯特森林不同演替阶段树种水力调节策略差异. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(9): 1223-1231. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0004
LIAO Su-Hui, NI Long-Kang, QIN Jia-Shuang, TAN Yu, GU Da-Xing. Hydraulic regulation strategies of karst forest species exhibit variation across different successional stages in the mid-subtropical zone. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(9): 1223-1231. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0004
物种 Species | 科 Family | 代码 Code | 生活型 Life form |
演替早期 Early-successional stage | |||
圆叶乌桕 Triadica rotundifolia | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | E-Tr | 落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub |
龙须藤 Phanera championii | 豆科 Fabaceae | Phc | 常绿木质藤本 Evergreen woody vine |
雀梅藤 Sageretia thea | 鼠李科 Rhamnaceae | St | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
火棘 Pyracantha fortuneana | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | Pf | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
朴树 Celtis sinensis | 大麻科 Cannabaceae | E-Cs | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
演替中期 Mid-successional stage | |||
长叶女贞 Ligustrum compactum | 木犀科 Oleaceae | Lc | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
石山巴豆 Croton euryphyllus | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | Ce | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
黄连木 Pistacia chinensis | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | Pic | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
光皮梾木 Cornus wilsoniana | 山茱萸科 Cornaceae | M-Cw | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
朴树 Celtis sinensis | 大麻科 Cannabaceae | M-Cs | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | Ca | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | M-Sr | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
演替后期 Late-successional stage | |||
黄梨木 Boniodendron minus | 无患子科 Sapindaceae | Bm | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
青冈 Quercus glauca | 壳斗科 Fagaceae | Qg | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
光腺合欢 Albizia calcarea | 豆科 Fabaceae | Ac | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
光皮梾木 Cornus wilsoniana | 山茱萸科 Cornaceae | L-Cw | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
灰岩润楠 Machilus calcicola | 樟科 Lauraceae | Mc | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
圆叶乌桕 Triadica rotundifolia | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | L-Tr | 落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub |
粗糠柴 Mallotus philippensis | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | Mp | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | L-Sr | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
表1 中亚热带喀斯特森林优势树种信息
Table 1 Information of dominant tree species in karst forests in mid-subtropical zone
物种 Species | 科 Family | 代码 Code | 生活型 Life form |
演替早期 Early-successional stage | |||
圆叶乌桕 Triadica rotundifolia | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | E-Tr | 落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub |
龙须藤 Phanera championii | 豆科 Fabaceae | Phc | 常绿木质藤本 Evergreen woody vine |
雀梅藤 Sageretia thea | 鼠李科 Rhamnaceae | St | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
火棘 Pyracantha fortuneana | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | Pf | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
朴树 Celtis sinensis | 大麻科 Cannabaceae | E-Cs | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
演替中期 Mid-successional stage | |||
长叶女贞 Ligustrum compactum | 木犀科 Oleaceae | Lc | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
石山巴豆 Croton euryphyllus | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | Ce | 常绿灌木 Evergreen shrub |
黄连木 Pistacia chinensis | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | Pic | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
光皮梾木 Cornus wilsoniana | 山茱萸科 Cornaceae | M-Cw | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
朴树 Celtis sinensis | 大麻科 Cannabaceae | M-Cs | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | Ca | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | M-Sr | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
演替后期 Late-successional stage | |||
黄梨木 Boniodendron minus | 无患子科 Sapindaceae | Bm | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
青冈 Quercus glauca | 壳斗科 Fagaceae | Qg | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
光腺合欢 Albizia calcarea | 豆科 Fabaceae | Ac | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
光皮梾木 Cornus wilsoniana | 山茱萸科 Cornaceae | L-Cw | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
灰岩润楠 Machilus calcicola | 樟科 Lauraceae | Mc | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
圆叶乌桕 Triadica rotundifolia | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | L-Tr | 落叶灌木 Deciduous shrub |
粗糠柴 Mallotus philippensis | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | Mp | 常绿乔木 Evergreen tree |
鸡仔木 Sinoadina racemosa | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | L-Sr | 落叶乔木 Deciduous tree |
性状 Trait | 缩写 Abbreviation | 单位 Unit | 范围 Range |
茎栓塞脆弱性 Vulnerability of stem to embolism | P50S | MPa | -7.09- -0.83 |
叶栓塞脆弱性 Vulnerability of leaf to embolism | P50L | MPa | -1.69- -0.30 |
脆弱性分割 Vulnerability segmentation | P50L-S | MPa | 0.53-6.59 |
边材密度 Sapwood density | WD | g·cm-3 | 0.43-0.72 |
茎比导率 Stem specific hydraulic conductivity | KS | kg·m-1·s-1·MPa-1 | 0.69-4.36 |
胡伯尔值 Huber value | HV | cm2·g-1 | (0.8-3.0) × 10-4 |
叶比导率 Leaf specific hydraulic conductivity | KL | kg·m-1·s-1·MPa-1 | (0.6-9.0) × 10-4 |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area | SLA | m²·kg-1 | 6.08-15.03 |
年最低水势 Lowest water potential at annual | ψmin | MPa | -6.15- -0.75 |
叶水力安全边界 Hydraulic safety margin of leaf | HSML | MPa | -6.27- -0.25 |
表2 本研究所用主要指标名称、符号、单位及值的范围
Table 2 List of abbreviations including the names, symbols, units and ranges used in this study
性状 Trait | 缩写 Abbreviation | 单位 Unit | 范围 Range |
茎栓塞脆弱性 Vulnerability of stem to embolism | P50S | MPa | -7.09- -0.83 |
叶栓塞脆弱性 Vulnerability of leaf to embolism | P50L | MPa | -1.69- -0.30 |
脆弱性分割 Vulnerability segmentation | P50L-S | MPa | 0.53-6.59 |
边材密度 Sapwood density | WD | g·cm-3 | 0.43-0.72 |
茎比导率 Stem specific hydraulic conductivity | KS | kg·m-1·s-1·MPa-1 | 0.69-4.36 |
胡伯尔值 Huber value | HV | cm2·g-1 | (0.8-3.0) × 10-4 |
叶比导率 Leaf specific hydraulic conductivity | KL | kg·m-1·s-1·MPa-1 | (0.6-9.0) × 10-4 |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area | SLA | m²·kg-1 | 6.08-15.03 |
年最低水势 Lowest water potential at annual | ψmin | MPa | -6.15- -0.75 |
叶水力安全边界 Hydraulic safety margin of leaf | HSML | MPa | -6.27- -0.25 |
性状 Trait | 演替早期 Early-successional stage | 演替中期 Mid-successional stage | 演替后期 Late-successional stage |
P50S | -3.94 ± 0.85b | -2.25 ± 0.33a | -1.98 ± 0.24a |
P50L | -0.67 ± 0.13a | -0.82 ± 0.17a | -0.52 ± 0.04a |
P50L-S | 3.28 ± 0.94a | 1.43 ± 0.24b | 1.46 ± 0.26b |
WD | 0.56 ± 0.04a | 0.62 ± 0.02a | 0.553 ± 0.02a |
KS | 2.72 ± 0.52a | 2.43 ± 0.11ab | 1.75 ± 0.20b |
Hv | 2.09 × 10-4 ± 0.00a | 1.44 × 10-4 ± 0.00a | 1.57 × 10-4 ± 0.00a |
KL | 4.98 × 10-4 ± 0.01a | 2.98 × 10-4 ± 0.00ab | 2.48 × 10-4 ± 0.00b |
SLA | 6.55 ± 0.31b | 11.86 ± 0.84a | 11.83 ± 0.92a |
ψmin | -4.56 ± 0.78a | -2.51 ± 0.47a | -4.21 ± 0.70a |
HSML | -3.89 ± 0.74b | -1.69 ± 0.89a | -3.04 ± 1.96b |
表3 中亚热带喀斯特森林不同演替阶段水力相关性状差异(平均值±标准差)
Table 3 Differences in various hydraulic traits at different stages of karst forest in the mid-subtropical zone (mean ± SD)
性状 Trait | 演替早期 Early-successional stage | 演替中期 Mid-successional stage | 演替后期 Late-successional stage |
P50S | -3.94 ± 0.85b | -2.25 ± 0.33a | -1.98 ± 0.24a |
P50L | -0.67 ± 0.13a | -0.82 ± 0.17a | -0.52 ± 0.04a |
P50L-S | 3.28 ± 0.94a | 1.43 ± 0.24b | 1.46 ± 0.26b |
WD | 0.56 ± 0.04a | 0.62 ± 0.02a | 0.553 ± 0.02a |
KS | 2.72 ± 0.52a | 2.43 ± 0.11ab | 1.75 ± 0.20b |
Hv | 2.09 × 10-4 ± 0.00a | 1.44 × 10-4 ± 0.00a | 1.57 × 10-4 ± 0.00a |
KL | 4.98 × 10-4 ± 0.01a | 2.98 × 10-4 ± 0.00ab | 2.48 × 10-4 ± 0.00b |
SLA | 6.55 ± 0.31b | 11.86 ± 0.84a | 11.83 ± 0.92a |
ψmin | -4.56 ± 0.78a | -2.51 ± 0.47a | -4.21 ± 0.70a |
HSML | -3.89 ± 0.74b | -1.69 ± 0.89a | -3.04 ± 1.96b |
图1 中亚热带喀斯特森林不同演替阶段各树种的脆弱性分割(P50L-S, A)和叶水力安全边界(HSML, B)。物种名称见表1。
Fig. 1 Vulnerability segmentation (P50L-S, A) and hydraulic safety margin (HSML, B) of various tree species in different successional stages in the mid-subtropical zone. Species see Table 1.
P50S | KS | WD | P50L | KL | SLA | P50L-S | ψmin | Hv | HSML | |
P50S | 1 | |||||||||
KS | -0.02ns | 1 | ||||||||
WD | -0.46* | 0.24ns | 1 | |||||||
P50L | 0.07ns | -0.34ns | -0.33ns | 1 | ||||||
KL | -0.35ns | 0.52* | -0.12ns | 0.06ns | 1 | |||||
SLA | 0.47* | -0.17ns | 0.02ns | 0.14ns | -0.58** | 1 | ||||
P50L-S | -0.97** | -0.17ns | -0.57** | 0.07ns | 0.27ns | -0.30ns | 1 | |||
ψmin | 0.08ns | 0.24ns | 0.04ns | 0.22ns | -0.01ns | 0.11ns | -0.06ns | 1 | ||
Hv | -0.20ns | -0.01ns | -0.15ns | 0.34ns | 0.74** | -0.45* | 0.19ns | 0.04ns | 1 | |
HSML | -0.38ns | 0.15ns | -0.07ns | 0.11ns | 0.15ns | -0.08ns | 0.39ns | 0.97** | 0.19ns | 1 |
表4 中亚热带喀斯特森林树种各水力性状的相关性矩阵
Table 4 Correlation matrix of various hydraulic traits of tree species in mid-subtropical karst forests
P50S | KS | WD | P50L | KL | SLA | P50L-S | ψmin | Hv | HSML | |
P50S | 1 | |||||||||
KS | -0.02ns | 1 | ||||||||
WD | -0.46* | 0.24ns | 1 | |||||||
P50L | 0.07ns | -0.34ns | -0.33ns | 1 | ||||||
KL | -0.35ns | 0.52* | -0.12ns | 0.06ns | 1 | |||||
SLA | 0.47* | -0.17ns | 0.02ns | 0.14ns | -0.58** | 1 | ||||
P50L-S | -0.97** | -0.17ns | -0.57** | 0.07ns | 0.27ns | -0.30ns | 1 | |||
ψmin | 0.08ns | 0.24ns | 0.04ns | 0.22ns | -0.01ns | 0.11ns | -0.06ns | 1 | ||
Hv | -0.20ns | -0.01ns | -0.15ns | 0.34ns | 0.74** | -0.45* | 0.19ns | 0.04ns | 1 | |
HSML | -0.38ns | 0.15ns | -0.07ns | 0.11ns | 0.15ns | -0.08ns | 0.39ns | 0.97** | 0.19ns | 1 |
图2 不同叶物候树种午间最低水势(ψmin)的差异。*, p < 0.05。
Fig. 2 Differences in the lowest water potential (ψmin) at noon among different leaf phenological tree species. *, p < 0.05.
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