植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 678-686.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0005
*(taxus@126.com) ORCID:金光泽: 0000-0002-9852-0965基金资助:
CHENG Si-Qi1, JIANG Feng1, JIN Guang-Ze1,2,*()
JIN Guang-Ze
Supported by:
植物叶片功能性状之间的权衡关系一直是生态学研究的热点问题。其中叶经济谱相关性状的研究较多, 但叶片防御性状方面的研究, 尤其是幼苗阶段的研究较少。该研究以黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区典型阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林和谷地云冷杉林内共有的8种阔叶乔木和11种阔叶灌木物种的幼苗叶片为研究对象, 通过测定5个叶经济谱性状和4个叶片防御性状, 分析了叶性状在不同生活型、林型间的差异以及性状之间的协调关系。结果表明: 所有叶片性状在乔木和灌木幼苗之间不存在显著差异, 谷地云冷杉林中的幼苗的叶总酚含量和单宁含量显著高于阔叶红松林中的幼苗, 其原因为谷地云冷杉林林下光照强度弱于阔叶红松林, 且空气和土壤湿度较高, 该环境更有利于自然天敌的聚集, 可能有更强的天敌破坏效应, 而这种更强的生物相互作用反过来驱动幼苗提高其防御能力; 幼苗叶绿素含量与比叶面积呈极显著正相关关系, 与叶氮含量、叶磷含量呈显著正相关关系; 幼苗叶氮含量与叶磷含量呈显著正相关关系; 幼苗叶防御性状之间呈显著正相关关系; 幼苗叶绿素含量与叶总酚含量、单宁含量和类黄酮含量呈显著负相关关系, 叶氮含量与叶总酚含量、单宁含量呈显著负相关关系, 与类黄酮含量呈极显著负相关关系; 说明幼苗叶经济谱性状与防御性状之间存在权衡关系, 即对叶片碳代谢性状的更多投资意味着对叶防御性状更少的投资; 乔、灌木幼苗具有相似的资源利用策略。
程思祺, 姜峰, 金光泽. 温带森林阔叶植物幼苗叶经济谱及其与防御性状的关系. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(6): 678-686. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0005
CHENG Si-Qi, JIANG Feng, JIN Guang-Ze. Leaf economics spectrum of broadleaved seedlings and its relationship with defense traits in a temperate forest. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(6): 678-686. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0005
性状 Trait | 生活型 Life form | 物种数 Species number | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 中值 Median | p |
叶干物质含量 LDMC (g·g-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 0.25 ± 0.05 | 0.24 | 0.63 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 0.24 ± 0.04 | 0.25 | ||
比叶面积 SLA (cm2·g-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 433.2 ± 80.0 | 423.8 | 0.27 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 481.3 ± 105.5 | 458.3 | ||
叶氮含量 N (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 20.92 ± 5.03 | 20.07 | 0.93 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 20.72 ± 4.41 | 22.21 | ||
叶磷含量 P (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 2.34 ± 0.57 | 2.38 | 0.18 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 2.76 ± 0.74 | 2.58 | ||
叶绿素含量指数 Lchl | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 12 864 ± 2 112 | 13 257 | 0.15 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 14 825 ± 3 532 | 14 638 | ||
总酚含量 TP (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 79.66 ± 34.76 | 85.24 | 0.52 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 69.07 ± 33.30 | 70.37 | ||
单宁含量 TA (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 61.68 ± 36.01 | 68.16 | 0.33 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 46.11 ± 28.82 | 37.01 | ||
类黄酮含量 FLA (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 80.44 ± 58.18 | 54.03 | 0.45 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 62.03 ± 38.70 | 50.98 | ||
缩合单宁含量 CT (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 22.68 ± 27.66 | 9.21 | 0.78 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 19.38 ± 21.52 | 7.04 |
表1 温带森林阔叶乔木幼苗与阔叶灌木幼苗不同叶性状的比较
Table 1 Comparison of leaf traits between broadleaved tree seedlings and broadleaved shrub seedlings in a temperate forest
性状 Trait | 生活型 Life form | 物种数 Species number | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 中值 Median | p |
叶干物质含量 LDMC (g·g-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 0.25 ± 0.05 | 0.24 | 0.63 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 0.24 ± 0.04 | 0.25 | ||
比叶面积 SLA (cm2·g-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 433.2 ± 80.0 | 423.8 | 0.27 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 481.3 ± 105.5 | 458.3 | ||
叶氮含量 N (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 20.92 ± 5.03 | 20.07 | 0.93 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 20.72 ± 4.41 | 22.21 | ||
叶磷含量 P (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 2.34 ± 0.57 | 2.38 | 0.18 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 2.76 ± 0.74 | 2.58 | ||
叶绿素含量指数 Lchl | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 12 864 ± 2 112 | 13 257 | 0.15 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 14 825 ± 3 532 | 14 638 | ||
总酚含量 TP (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 79.66 ± 34.76 | 85.24 | 0.52 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 69.07 ± 33.30 | 70.37 | ||
单宁含量 TA (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 61.68 ± 36.01 | 68.16 | 0.33 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 46.11 ± 28.82 | 37.01 | ||
类黄酮含量 FLA (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 80.44 ± 58.18 | 54.03 | 0.45 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 62.03 ± 38.70 | 50.98 | ||
缩合单宁含量 CT (g·kg-1) | 乔木 Tree | 8 | 22.68 ± 27.66 | 9.21 | 0.78 |
灌木 Shrub | 11 | 19.38 ± 21.52 | 7.04 |
图1 温带森林不同林型间阔叶幼苗叶性状之间的比较。BK, 阔叶红松林; SP, 谷地云冷杉林。CT, 缩合单宁含量; FLA, 类黄酮含量; Lchl, 叶绿素含量; LDMC, 叶干物质含量; N, 叶片氮含量; P, 叶片磷含量; SLA, 比叶面积; TA, 单宁含量; TP, 总酚含量。*, p < 0.05。每个样地中每个物种的个体数为3-5。
Fig. 1 Comparison of leaf traits between forest types and between tree and shrub seedlings in a temperate forest. BK, broadleaved Korean pine forest; SP, spruce-fir valley forest. CT, condensed tannins content; FLA, flavonoids content; Lchl, leaf chlorophyll content; LDMC, leaf dry-matter content; N, leaf nitrogen content; P, leaf phosphorus content; SLA, specific leaf area; TA, tannin content; TP, total phenolic content. *, p < 0.05. The number of individuals of each species in each plot was 3-5.
图2 温带森林叶经济谱性状(叶绿素含量、叶片氮含量)与叶防御性状(总酚含量、单宁含量、类黄酮含量)的相关性。FLA, 类黄酮含量; Lchl, 叶绿素含量; N, 叶片氮含量; TA, 单宁含量; TP, 总酚含量。每个样地每个物种的个体数为3-5。
Fig. 2 Relationship between leaf economic traits (Lchl and N) and leaf defense traits (TP, TA and FLA) in a temperate forest. FLA, flavonoids content; Lchl, chlorophyll content; N, leaf nitrogen content; TA, tannin content; TP, total phenolic content. The number of individuals of each species in each plot was 3-5.
图3 温带森林乔灌木幼苗叶性状的主成分分析二维图。Shrub_a, 阔叶红松林中的灌木幼苗; Shrub_b, 谷地云冷杉中的灌木幼苗; Tree_a, 阔叶红松林中的乔木幼苗; Tree_b, 谷地云冷杉林中的乔木幼苗。CT, 缩合单宁含量; FLA, 类黄酮含量; Lchl, 叶绿素含量; LDMC, 叶干物质含量; N, 叶片氮含量; P, 叶片磷含量; TA, 单宁含量; SLA, 比叶面积; TP, 总酚含量。每个样地中每个物种的个体数为3-5。
Fig. 3 The principal component analysis diagram of leaf traits for tree and shrub seedlings in a temperate forest. Shrub_a, shrub seedlings in the broadleaved Korean pine forest; Shrub_b, shrub seedlings in the spruce-fir valley forest; Tree_a, tree seedlings in the broadleaved Korean pine forest; Tree_b, tree seedlings in the spruce-fir valley forest. CT, condensed tannins content; FLA, flavonoids content; Lchl, leaf chlorophyll content; LDMC, leaf dry-matter content; N, leaf nitrogen content; P, leaf phosphorus content; SLA, specific leaf area; TA, tannin content; TP, total phenolic content. The number of individuals of each species in each plot was 3-5.
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