植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 145-169.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0245
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ORCID: *王志恒: 0000-0003-0808-7780(zhiheng.wang@pku.edu.cn)
李耀琪: ORCID:0000-0001-6540-395X
LI Yao-Qi1,2, WANG Zhi-Heng1,*()
*(Supported by:
功能生物地理学研究性状及其多样性的时空分布变化、生态成因及其对生态系统功能的影响。近十来年, 功能生物地理学领域发展迅速, 性状数据呈指数增长, 基于性状探索物种分布、群落结构和组成以及生态系统功能对环境变化响应的研究取得了重要进展。该文综述了植物功能生物地理学的核心内涵、发展历史、主要研究进展和未来展望。性状是功能生物地理学的研究核心, 该文先总结了植物叶、茎、根、花、果实和种子等器官和整株关键性状的地理格局及其与环境间的关系, 表明性状变异是植物适应进化和环境筛选的结果; 概述了功能多样性的常用指标、地理分布与生态成因; 介绍了性状数据的主要来源与性状缺失值的填充方法。随后, 综述了植物性状间的关联与权衡, 重点介绍了叶经济谱和植物经济谱的发展, 指出其反映了植物对关键资源(如碳、养分和水分)的获取与分配策略; 概述了基于性状预测物种分布的依据与进展, 以及性状多样性与生态系统功能间的关系。在此基础上, 提出了功能生物地理学研究所面临的挑战, 强调未来研究要关注多性状在种内和种间的协同与权衡关系, 将研究精度从物种水平推进到个体水平, 采用性状网络等方法定量化性状间的关系及其对环境变化的响应, 关注植物跨尺度的适应; 并指出如何将现有的研究进展应用于新一代植被模型的改进, 指导基于功能的植物多样性保护等是未来研究的重点和难点。
李耀琪, 王志恒. 植物功能生物地理学的研究进展与展望. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(2): 145-169. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0245
LI Yao-Qi, WANG Zhi-Heng. Functional biogeography of plants: research progresses and challenges. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(2): 145-169. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0245
图1 功能生物地理学的定义、主要目标与相关领域。根据Violle等(2014)中图1改编。
Fig. 1 Functional biogeography: definition, main objectives and related fields. Modified from Figure 1 in Violle et al. (2014).
图3 自1900年以来功能生物地理学领域论文发表数量的变化趋势。以“functional biogeography”或(“function*” + “biogeograph*”)为主题关键词在Web of Science核心合集数据库(WoS)中进行主题搜索。*表征所有可能的字母组合, 例如“biogeograph*”包括“biogeography” “biogeographic”等词。
Fig. 3 Number of papers published as the topic of functional biogeography since 1900. Searched through Web of Science core collection using a search query as TS = (“functional biogeography”) OR TS = (“function*” AND “biogeograph*”). TS, topic searching; * represents all possible combination of letters, for example, “biogeograph*” included words like “biogeography” and “biogeographic”.
图4 功能生物地理学研究领域发表的文章数量与质量在不同类群(A)、国家(B)和生态系统(C)间的对比。
Fig. 4 Comparisons of the numbers and quality of publications in the field of functional biogeography across different taxa (A), countries (B), and ecosystems (C).
图5 功能生物地理学研究领域的关键词词云(A、C)和主题图(B、D)。A、B为全部类群。C、D为植物类群。词云来自图3在Web of Science中搜索到的所有论文的标题、摘要和关联关键词。主题图基于共词网络分析划分4个象限, 代表该领域内各个主题的重要性(即中心度)和发展情况(即密度)。圆形上的标记代表该主题下最重要的关键词, 圆形的大小反映了包含对应关键词的文章数量。方法参考Codo等(2011)。
Fig. 5 Word cloud (A, C) and thematic map (B, D) in the field of functional biogeography. A, B for all taxa. C, D for plants. Word cloud was generated from the titles, abstracts and key words plus of all publications searched by Fig. 3. Thematic map was divided into four regions using co-word network analysis, which represents the importance (i.e. centrality) and development (i.e. density) of detecting themes in this field. Circles were labelled by the most significant key word in that theme, and the size of circles were scaled to the number of publications including that key word. See Codo et al. (2011) for details.
排序 Order | 发表期刊 Journals for publications | 引用期刊 Journals for cited publications |
1 | Journal of Biogeography | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) |
2 | Global Ecology and Biogeography | Ecology |
3 | PLoS ONE | Science |
4 | Frontiers in Microbiology | Nature |
5 | Ecography | Ecology Letters |
6 | Ecology | PLoS ONE |
7 | PNAS | Journal of Biogeography |
8 | Diversity and Distributions | ISME Journal |
9 | Ecology and Evolution | Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
10 | Scientific Reports | Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
表1 功能生物地理学研究领域发文量和被引次数最多的前10个期刊名称
Table 1 Top ten most relevant and frequently-cited journals in the field of functional biogeography
排序 Order | 发表期刊 Journals for publications | 引用期刊 Journals for cited publications |
1 | Journal of Biogeography | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) |
2 | Global Ecology and Biogeography | Ecology |
3 | PLoS ONE | Science |
4 | Frontiers in Microbiology | Nature |
5 | Ecography | Ecology Letters |
6 | Ecology | PLoS ONE |
7 | PNAS | Journal of Biogeography |
8 | Diversity and Distributions | ISME Journal |
9 | Ecology and Evolution | Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
10 | Scientific Reports | Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
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