植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (10): 1028-1039.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0216
胡慧1,2, 杨雨1,2, 包维楷1, 刘鑫1, 李芳兰1,*()
*E-mail: lifl@cib.ac.cn基金资助:
HU Hui1,2, YANG Yu1,2, BAO Wei-Kai1, LIU Xin1, LI Fang-Lan1,*()
LI Fang-Lan
Supported by:
干旱区植被斑块状分布格局引起的微生境差异对植被更新影响显著。气候变化和人类活动扰动下, 干旱区生态系统微生境多样化, 急需揭示乡土植物定植对不同微生境斑块变化的响应及其种间差异性, 并采用微生境调控技术促进退化生态系统植被恢复。该研究选择岷江干旱河谷区自然分布的灌木、半灌木和裸地微生境斑块, 采用移栽鞍叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia brachycarpa)幼苗的试验方法, 揭示微生境变化对幼苗定植的影响; 进一步以极端退化的道路边坡为案例, 通过6种乡土植物种子直播试验探讨微生境调控技术及其对乡土植物幼苗定植的促进作用。结果显示, 在自然生态系统中, 裸地斑块上幼苗保存率和生物量显著大于植被斑块, 表明裸地微生境有利于幼苗定植; 养分添加仅对裸地斑块中幼苗生物量积累有促进作用。在裸地斑块中, 叶片生物量所占的比例和比叶面积较小, 相反根和茎生物量所占的比例较大。道路边坡上植被恢复试验结果显示, 6种乡土植物均能较好地适应土石混杂的边坡生境, 多数物种出苗率大于60%; 灌木幼苗保存率大于75%, 并且形成镶嵌式乡土灌草群落结构。地表覆盖和养分添加提高了边坡上种子出苗率和幼苗保存率, 促进了幼苗定植和结构稳定。该研究提供了有效促进工程边坡上乡土植物定植的方法, 可为干旱、半干旱生态系统退化荒坡和工程破坏地乡土植被恢复提供理论依据和技术指导。
胡慧, 杨雨, 包维楷, 刘鑫, 李芳兰. 干旱河谷微生境变化对乡土植物幼苗定植的影响. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(10): 1028-1039. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0216
HU Hui, YANG Yu, BAO Wei-Kai, LIU Xin, LI Fang-Lan. Effects of microhabitat changes on seedling establishment of native plants in a dry valley. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(10): 1028-1039. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0216
微生境类型 Microhabitat type | 植被特征 Vegetation characteristic | 土壤特征 Soil property | ||||
平均植株高度 Average plant height (cm) | 冠幅 Crown diameter (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 有机碳含量 Organic carbon content (g·kg-1) | 总氮含量 Total nitrogen content (g·kg-1) | 总磷含量 Total phosphorus content (g·kg-1) | |
灌木斑块 Shrub patch | 61.7 ± 10.5 | 1.23 ± 0.78 | 1.28 ± 0.65 | 47.66 ± 4.96 | 2.33 ± 0.11 | 0.76 ± 0.03 |
半灌木斑块 Semi-shrub patch | 38.2 ± 5.9 | 0.55 ± 0.14 | 1.21 ± 0.64 | 44.62 ± 5.32 | 2.51 ± 0.32 | 0.82 ± 0.03 |
裸地斑块 Bare patch | - | - | 1.37 ± 0.74 | 32.50 ± 4.31 | 1.81 ± 0.03 | 0.80 ± 0.07 |
表1 干旱河谷不同斑块微生境特征(平均值±标准误差)
Table 1 Microhabitat characteristics of different patches in the dry valley studied (means ± SE)
微生境类型 Microhabitat type | 植被特征 Vegetation characteristic | 土壤特征 Soil property | ||||
平均植株高度 Average plant height (cm) | 冠幅 Crown diameter (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) | 有机碳含量 Organic carbon content (g·kg-1) | 总氮含量 Total nitrogen content (g·kg-1) | 总磷含量 Total phosphorus content (g·kg-1) | |
灌木斑块 Shrub patch | 61.7 ± 10.5 | 1.23 ± 0.78 | 1.28 ± 0.65 | 47.66 ± 4.96 | 2.33 ± 0.11 | 0.76 ± 0.03 |
半灌木斑块 Semi-shrub patch | 38.2 ± 5.9 | 0.55 ± 0.14 | 1.21 ± 0.64 | 44.62 ± 5.32 | 2.51 ± 0.32 | 0.82 ± 0.03 |
裸地斑块 Bare patch | - | - | 1.37 ± 0.74 | 32.50 ± 4.31 | 1.81 ± 0.03 | 0.80 ± 0.07 |
图1 干旱河谷不同微生境下鞍叶羊蹄甲幼苗存活率、植株高度和比叶面积(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸地微生境; Semi-shrub, 半灌木微生境; Shrub, 灌木微生境。不同小写字母表示不同微生境之间差异显著(n = 15; p < 0.05)。
Fig. 1 Survival rate, plant height and specific leaf area of two-year old Bauhinia brachycarpa seedlings in different microhabitats in the dry valley studied (means ± SE). Bare, bare land microhabitats; Semi-shrub, semi-shrub microhabitats; Shrub, shrub microhabitats. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the microhabitats (n = 15; p < 0.05).
图2 干旱河谷不同微生境条件下二年生鞍叶羊蹄甲幼苗生物量(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸地微生境; Semi-shrub, 半灌木微生境; Shrub, 灌木微生境。相同施肥条件下不同小写字母指示不同微生境之间差异显著(n = 15; p < 0.05)。*, 同一微生境类型中施肥效果显著(n = 15; p < 0.05); ns, 施肥效果不显著(n = 15; p > 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Biomass (means ± SE) of two-year old Bauhinia brachycarpa seedlings in different microhabitats in the dry valley studied. Bare, bare land microhabitats; Semi-shrub, semi-shrub microhabitats; Shrub, shrub microhabitats. Different lowercase letters within a fertile condition indicate significant differences among the microhabitats (n = 15; p < 0.05). *, significant difference between fertilized and unfertilized treatments (n = 15; p < 0.05); ns, non-significant difference between fertilized and unfertilized treatments (n = 15; p > 0.05).
图3 干旱河谷不同微生境条件下二年生鞍叶羊蹄甲幼苗生物量分配(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸地微生境; Semi-shrub, 半灌木微生境; Shrub, 灌木微生境。不同小写字母表示不同微生境之间差异显著(n = 15; p < 0.05)。
Fig. 3 Biomass allocation (means ± SE) of two-year old Bauhinia brachycarpa seedlings in different microhabitats in the dry valley studied. Bare, bare land microhabitats; Semi-shrub, semi-shrub microhabitats; Shrub, shrub microhabitats. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the microhabitats (n = 15; p < 0.05).
生活型 Life form | 物种 Species | 种子发芽率 Seed germination rate (%) | 出苗率 Seedling emergence rate (%) | 保存率 Seedling survival rate (%) |
草本和半灌木 Herb and semi-shrub | 早熟禾 Poa annua | 61.6 ± 5.5a | 56.8 ± 12.40a | - |
狗尾草 Setaria viridis | 72.3 ± 12.6ab | 68.2 ± 8.11a | - | |
毛莲蒿 Artemisia vestit | 80.2 ± 9.1b | 23.9 ± 6.52b | - | |
灌木 Shrub | 白刺花 Sophora davidii | 61.2 ± 5.4a | 43.8 ± 5.49a | 77.0 ± 6.2a |
鞍叶羊蹄甲 Bauhinia brachycarpa | 98.0 ± 0.3b | 68.1 ± 9.53a | 75.7 ± 7.5a | |
四川黄栌 Cotinus szechuanensis | 34.6 ± 2.6c | 10.3 ± 2.34b | 79.9 ± 8.2a | |
小叶杭子梢 Campylotropis wilsonii | 76.7 ± 3.8ab | 58.5 ± 13.20a | 76.4 ± 5.5a |
表2 干旱河谷道路边坡不同乡土植物种子发芽率、萌发率和幼苗保存率(平均值±标准误差)
Table 2 Seed germination rate, seedling emergence and seedling survival rate (means ± SE) of different native plants on roadside slope of the dry valley studied
生活型 Life form | 物种 Species | 种子发芽率 Seed germination rate (%) | 出苗率 Seedling emergence rate (%) | 保存率 Seedling survival rate (%) |
草本和半灌木 Herb and semi-shrub | 早熟禾 Poa annua | 61.6 ± 5.5a | 56.8 ± 12.40a | - |
狗尾草 Setaria viridis | 72.3 ± 12.6ab | 68.2 ± 8.11a | - | |
毛莲蒿 Artemisia vestit | 80.2 ± 9.1b | 23.9 ± 6.52b | - | |
灌木 Shrub | 白刺花 Sophora davidii | 61.2 ± 5.4a | 43.8 ± 5.49a | 77.0 ± 6.2a |
鞍叶羊蹄甲 Bauhinia brachycarpa | 98.0 ± 0.3b | 68.1 ± 9.53a | 75.7 ± 7.5a | |
四川黄栌 Cotinus szechuanensis | 34.6 ± 2.6c | 10.3 ± 2.34b | 79.9 ± 8.2a | |
小叶杭子梢 Campylotropis wilsonii | 76.7 ± 3.8ab | 58.5 ± 13.20a | 76.4 ± 5.5a |
图4 干旱河谷道路边坡不同微生境处理下群落结构参数(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸露播种; Bare + N, 播种+施加养分; Cov + N, 播种+施加养分+纤维毯覆盖; Control, 裸露不播种。不同小写字母表示不同处理之间差异显著(n = 3; p < 0.05)。
Fig. 4 Community structures (means ± SE) under varying microhabitat treatments on roadside slope of the dry valley studied. Bare, bare land only with seedling; Bare + N, bare land with seedling and nutrient; Cov + N, covered with seedling and nutrient; Control, bare land without seedling. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (n = 3; p < 0.05).
图5 干旱河谷道路边坡不同微生境处理下群落密度和根系分布深度(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸露播种; Bare + N, 播种+施加养分; Cov + N, 播种+施加养分+纤维毯覆盖; Control, 裸露不播种。不同小写字母表示不同处理之间差异显著(n = 3; p < 0.05)。
Fig. 5 Community density and rooting depth (means ± SE) under varying microhabitat treatments on roadside slope of the dry valley studied. Control, bare land without seedling; Bare, bare land only with seedling; Bare + N, bare land with seedling and nutrient; Cov + N, covered with seedling and nutrient. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (n = 3; p < 0.05).
图6 干旱河谷道路边坡不同微生境处理下群落密度的动态变化(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸露播种; Bare + N, 播种+施加养分; Cov + N, 播种+施加养分+纤维毯覆盖。
Fig. 6 Dynamics of community density (means ± SE) under varying microhabitat treatments on roadside slope of the dry valley studied. Bare, bare land only with seedling; Bare + N, bare land with seedling and nutrient; Cov + N, covered with seedling and nutrient.
变量 Variable | 生物量 Biomass (g·m-2) | 盖度 Coverage (%) | ||
F | p | F | p | |
生长年份 Growing duration (Gd) | 46.874 | <0.001 | 16.971 | 0.001 |
微生境处理 Microhabitat treatments (Mt) | 12.191 | 0.001 | 8.276 | 0.006 |
Gd × Mt | 3.926 | 0.049 | 0.062 | 0.941 |
R2 | 0.868 | 0.737 |
表3 生长周期与微生境处理两因素对道路边坡上群落生物量及盖度的交互作用
Table 3 Responses of community coverage and biomass to growing duration and varying microhabitat treatments and their interaction
变量 Variable | 生物量 Biomass (g·m-2) | 盖度 Coverage (%) | ||
F | p | F | p | |
生长年份 Growing duration (Gd) | 46.874 | <0.001 | 16.971 | 0.001 |
微生境处理 Microhabitat treatments (Mt) | 12.191 | 0.001 | 8.276 | 0.006 |
Gd × Mt | 3.926 | 0.049 | 0.062 | 0.941 |
R2 | 0.868 | 0.737 |
图7 干旱河谷道路边坡上不同微生境处理下群落盖度和生物量的年际间变化(平均值±标准误差)。Bare, 裸露播种; Bare + N, 播种+施加养分; Cov + N, 播种+施加养分+纤维毯覆盖; Control, 裸露不播种。**和*表示同一微生境类型年份之间差异显著(n = 15; 分别为p < 0.01 和p < 0.05), ns表示年份之间差异不显著(n = 15; p > 0.05)。
Fig. 7 Inter-annual dynamics of community density and biomass (means ± SE) under varying microhabitat treatments on roadside slope of the dry valley studied. Bare, bare land only with seedling; Bare + N, bare land with seedling and nutrient; Cov + N, covered with seedling and nutrient; Control, bare land without seedling. ** and * indicate significant differences between the two observational years at p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 levels, respectively (n = 15); ns indicate non-significant differences between the two observational years (n = 15; p > 0.05).
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