Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 476-486.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0274
Special Issue: 青藏高原植物生态学:生态系统生态学; 生物多样性
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Jie, CHEN Ying-Ying, QIAO Fu-Yun, ZHI Di-Gang, GUO Zheng-Gang*()
GUO Zheng-Gang
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LI Jie, CHEN Ying-Ying, QIAO Fu-Yun, ZHI Di-Gang, GUO Zheng-Gang. Effects of disturbance by plateau pika on the β diversity of an alpine meadow[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(5): 476-486.
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位点 Site | 有效洞口密度 Active burrow entrance (burrows·hm-2) | 物种数1) Species number1) | 丰富度2) Species richness2) |
T0 | 0 | 22 | 20.2 |
T1 | 335 | 26 | 20.4 |
T2 | 417 | 30 | 20.6 |
T3 | 555 | 34 | 22.4 |
T4 | 710 | 39 | 23.4 |
T5 | 759 | 36 | 23.0 |
T6 | 906 | 31 | 19.6 |
T7 | 1 004 | 29 | 19.4 |
T8 | 1 186 | 27 | 17.6 |
T9 | 1 360 | 24 | 15.8 |
T10 | 1 633 | 21 | 13.8 |
Table 1 Total species number and richness of plant communities under different disturbance by plateau pika in an alpine meadow
位点 Site | 有效洞口密度 Active burrow entrance (burrows·hm-2) | 物种数1) Species number1) | 丰富度2) Species richness2) |
T0 | 0 | 22 | 20.2 |
T1 | 335 | 26 | 20.4 |
T2 | 417 | 30 | 20.6 |
T3 | 555 | 34 | 22.4 |
T4 | 710 | 39 | 23.4 |
T5 | 759 | 36 | 23.0 |
T6 | 906 | 31 | 19.6 |
T7 | 1 004 | 29 | 19.4 |
T8 | 1 186 | 27 | 17.6 |
T9 | 1 360 | 24 | 15.8 |
T10 | 1 633 | 21 | 13.8 |
物种 Species | 位点数 No. of site | 物种 Species | 位点数 No. of site |
SP1 高山嵩草 Kobresia pygmaea | 11 | SP25 圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum | 10 |
SP2 青藏薹草 Carex moorcroftii | 11 | SP26 西伯利亚蓼 Polygonum sibiricum | 3 |
SP3 高山豆 Tibetia himalaica | 11 | SP27 酸模 Rumex acetosa | 5 |
SP4 多枝黄耆 Astragalus polycladus | 8 | SP28 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum | 4 |
SP5 黄花棘豆 Oxytropis ochrocephala | 11 | SP29 多裂委陵菜 Potentilla multifida | 9 |
SP6 披针叶黄华 Thermopsis lanceolata | 4 | SP30 二裂委陵菜 Potentilla bifurca | 7 |
SP7 针茅 Stipa capillata | 6 | SP31 莓叶委陵菜 Potentilla fragarioides | 11 |
SP8 紫羊茅 Festuca rubra | 11 | SP32 鹅绒委陵菜 Potentilla anserina | 5 |
SP9 垂穗披碱草 Elymus nutans | 4 | SP33 獐牙菜 Swertia bimaculata | 7 |
SP10 高原早熟禾 Poa alpigena | 11 | SP34 达乌里秦艽 Gentiana dahurica | 9 |
SP11 冰草 Agropyron cristatum | 5 | SP35 刺芒龙胆 Gentiana aristata | 11 |
SP12 美丽风毛菊 Saussurea pulchra | 11 | SP36 矮生嵩草 Kobresia humilis | 8 |
SP13 矮火绒草 Leontopodium nanum | 8 | SP37 肉果草 Lancea tibetica | 10 |
SP14 蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum | 8 | SP38 婆婆纳 Veronica didyma | 5 |
SP15 甘肃马先蒿 Pedicularis kansuensis | 8 | SP39 打碗花 Calystegia hederacea | 6 |
SP16 紫苑 Aster tataricus | 4 | SP40 车前 Plantago asiatica | 9 |
SP17 臭蒿 Artemisia hedinii | 6 | SP41 狼毒 Euphorbia fischeriana | 7 |
SP18 乳白香青 Anaphalis lactea | 9 | SP42 微孔草 Microula sikkimensis | 3 |
SP19 细叶亚菊 Ajania tenuifolia | 8 | SP43 长茎藁本 Ligusticum thomsonii | 3 |
SP20 唐松草 Thalictrum aquilegifolium | 10 | SP44 地锦 Euphorbia humifusa | 1 |
SP21 钝裂银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba | 6 | SP45 鸢尾 Iris tectorum | 3 |
SP22 高原毛莨 Ranunculus tanguticus | 4 | SP46 女娄菜 Silene aprica | 4 |
SP23 疏齿银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba | 2 | SP47 细果角茴香 Hypecoum leptocarpum | 2 |
SP24 小花草玉梅 Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore | 4 |
Table 2 Appearance site numbers of each species
物种 Species | 位点数 No. of site | 物种 Species | 位点数 No. of site |
SP1 高山嵩草 Kobresia pygmaea | 11 | SP25 圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum | 10 |
SP2 青藏薹草 Carex moorcroftii | 11 | SP26 西伯利亚蓼 Polygonum sibiricum | 3 |
SP3 高山豆 Tibetia himalaica | 11 | SP27 酸模 Rumex acetosa | 5 |
SP4 多枝黄耆 Astragalus polycladus | 8 | SP28 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum | 4 |
SP5 黄花棘豆 Oxytropis ochrocephala | 11 | SP29 多裂委陵菜 Potentilla multifida | 9 |
SP6 披针叶黄华 Thermopsis lanceolata | 4 | SP30 二裂委陵菜 Potentilla bifurca | 7 |
SP7 针茅 Stipa capillata | 6 | SP31 莓叶委陵菜 Potentilla fragarioides | 11 |
SP8 紫羊茅 Festuca rubra | 11 | SP32 鹅绒委陵菜 Potentilla anserina | 5 |
SP9 垂穗披碱草 Elymus nutans | 4 | SP33 獐牙菜 Swertia bimaculata | 7 |
SP10 高原早熟禾 Poa alpigena | 11 | SP34 达乌里秦艽 Gentiana dahurica | 9 |
SP11 冰草 Agropyron cristatum | 5 | SP35 刺芒龙胆 Gentiana aristata | 11 |
SP12 美丽风毛菊 Saussurea pulchra | 11 | SP36 矮生嵩草 Kobresia humilis | 8 |
SP13 矮火绒草 Leontopodium nanum | 8 | SP37 肉果草 Lancea tibetica | 10 |
SP14 蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum | 8 | SP38 婆婆纳 Veronica didyma | 5 |
SP15 甘肃马先蒿 Pedicularis kansuensis | 8 | SP39 打碗花 Calystegia hederacea | 6 |
SP16 紫苑 Aster tataricus | 4 | SP40 车前 Plantago asiatica | 9 |
SP17 臭蒿 Artemisia hedinii | 6 | SP41 狼毒 Euphorbia fischeriana | 7 |
SP18 乳白香青 Anaphalis lactea | 9 | SP42 微孔草 Microula sikkimensis | 3 |
SP19 细叶亚菊 Ajania tenuifolia | 8 | SP43 长茎藁本 Ligusticum thomsonii | 3 |
SP20 唐松草 Thalictrum aquilegifolium | 10 | SP44 地锦 Euphorbia humifusa | 1 |
SP21 钝裂银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba | 6 | SP45 鸢尾 Iris tectorum | 3 |
SP22 高原毛莨 Ranunculus tanguticus | 4 | SP46 女娄菜 Silene aprica | 4 |
SP23 疏齿银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba | 2 | SP47 细果角茴香 Hypecoum leptocarpum | 2 |
SP24 小花草玉梅 Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore | 4 |
Fig. 2 Variation of the β diversity of the plateau pika under different disturbance intensities. The shaded part indicates the 95% confidence interval.
Fig. 5 Relationship between species contribution to beta diversity (SCBD) values and the numbers of sites occupied by species in an alpine meadow. The shaded part indicates the 95% confidence interval.
Fig. 7 Relationship between the local contribution to beta diversity (LCBD) with species richness (A) and active burrow entrances (B) in an alpine meadow. The shaded part indicates the 95% confidence interval.
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