Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1135-1153.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00108
• Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Ying-Ting1,2, XU Zhen-Zhu1,*()
XU Zhen-Zhu
CHEN Ying-Ting, XU Zhen-Zhu. Review on research of leaf economics spectrum[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2014, 38(10): 1135-1153.
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Fig. 1 Conceptual illustration of leaf economics spectrum (developed based on Wright et al. 2004; Royer, 2008; Laughlin, 2011; Onoda et al. 2011; Perez-Ramos et al. 2012).
Fig. 2 Relational network among the core leaf economic traits (developed based on Onoda et al. 2011; Kattge et al. 2011a, 2011b; Fortunel et al. 2012; Pérez-Ramos et al. 2012; Osnas et al.2013).
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
全球(除非洲中部和北部、 俄罗斯、中国和加拿大) The global scale (except the North and Central Africa, Russia, China and Canada) | 所有 All | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | LL, A, Rd, LMA, N (leaf), P (leaf)...... | 2 548 | Wright et al., |
中国西藏 Xizang, China | 高寒草甸 Alpine meadow | 被子植物 Angiospermae | LMA, A, N (leaf), PNUE | 74 | He et al., |
温室 Greenhouse | 盆栽植物 Pot plants | 紫瓶子草 Sarracenia purpurea | A, 根和茎氮素营养Nitrogen nutrition in root and stem | 1 | Butler & Ellison, |
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia, Canada | 植物园栽培植物 Garden plants | 美国黑杨 Populus trichocarpa | A, N (leaf), Gs, SLA, H, SD, WUEi | 1 | Gornall & Guy, |
新西兰南阿尔卑斯山 The Southern Alps, New Zealand | 高山南青冈森林 Nothofagus solandri community | 高山南青冈 Nothofagus solandri | D, LAI | 1 | Coomes & Allen, |
全球 The global scale | 模型模拟 Model simulation | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | LWR, RGR, A, SLA...... | Enquist et al., | |
加拿大Gault自然保护区 Gault Nature Reserve, Canada | 温带落叶林林下层 Understorey of temperate deciduous forest | 蕨类植物 Pteridophyta | LMA, A, LL, N (leaf), Chl | 20 | Karst & Lechowicz, |
澳大利亚悉尼 Sydney, Australia | 干旱硬叶原始森林 Arid sclerophyll primeval forest | 本地植物和入侵植物 Native plants and invasive plants | A,SLA, Rd, LAR, N (leaf), P (leaf) | 165 | Leishman et al., |
始新世叶片化石 Eocene, leaf fossil | 原始木本被子植物和原始阔叶裸子植物 Archaeo-woody angiosperms and broad-leaved gymnosperms | LMA, LL, A, N (leaf) | 25 | Royer et al., | |
巴拿马圣洛伦佐国家森林 公园 San-Lorenzo National Forest Park, Panama | 低地热带森林 Lowland tropical forest | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | DR, A, SLA, N (leaf), P (leaf), K (leaf) | 35 | Santiago, |
意大利北部阿尔卑斯山 The Alps, the north of Italy | 前阿尔卑斯山钙质草原 The calcareous grassland in pre-Alps | 被子植物 Angiospermae | RGR, NAR, LAR, LWR, SLA | 19 | Ceriani et al., |
全球 The global scale | 所有 All | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | LDR, N (litter), P (litter), LMA | 818 | Cornwell et al., |
实验室生长箱 Growth chamber in laboratory | 栽培植物 Agrad | 泥炭藓属 Sphagnum | A, 根和叶氮素营养Nitrogen nutrition in root and leaf | 10 | Rice et al., |
新西兰北岛南端 The south of North Island, New Zealand | 温带针阔叶混交林 Temperate mixed coniferous broad leaved forest | 乔木 Tree | LA, LC, SLA, H | 16 | Burns & Beaumont, |
全球 The global scale | 所有 All | 木本植物 Xylophyta | WD, MCD, CEL, HC, MOE, MOR, N (wood)...... | 8 412 | Chave et al., |
北半球 Northern Hemisphere | 温带植物群落 Temperate community | 落叶和常绿阔叶植物 Deciduous, evergreen and broad-leaf plant | LL, LDM, N (leaf), A | 339 | Hallik et al., |
希腊雅典农业大学和Diomedes植物园 Athens Agricultural University, and Diomedes Garden, Greece | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 木本植物 Xylophyta | LMA, A, N (leaf) | 30 | Liakoura et al., |
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or Biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
澳大利亚东部 The east of Australia | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 硬叶阔叶植物 Sclerophyll and broad-leaf plants | A, gm, LMA, LL, P(leaf), N (leaf) | 35 | Niinemets et al., |
西班牙东北部地中海沿岸 Mediterranean coast, the northeast of Spanish | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 常绿灌木 Evergreen bush | LDMC, RWC | 28 | Saura-Mas et al., |
东马来西亚Sepilok森林保护区 Sepilok Forest Reserve, East Malaysia | 低地热带森林 Lowland tropical forest | 乔木 Tree | A, Rd, N (leaf), P (leaf), LL | 16 | Baltzer & Thomas, |
法属圭亚那 French Guiana | 新热带森林 Neotropical forest | 木本植物 Xylophyta | N (leaf), P (leaf), K (leaf), Chl, C:N (leaf), LTD, SLA...... | 668 | Baraloto et al., |
英国境外亚高山和高山地带 Subalpine and alpine zones, outside England | 高山植被 Alpine | 本地植物 Native plants | SLA, LA, LS, C(leaf), LDW, LDMC, N(leaf) | 506 | Cerabolini et al., |
瑞典北部Abisko研究站 Abisko Research Station, the north of Sweden | 亚北极高山干旱桦树林,河岸桦树林, 淡水生物 群落 Arid subarctic alpine, river-bank and fresh-water community | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | C, N, P, L (%), LDMC, pHfe | 40 | Freschet et al., |
中国西藏、内蒙古和新疆 Xizang, Nei Mongol and Xinjiang, China | 温带草原 Temperate steppe | 草原典型植物 Grassland typical plants | LMA, N (leaf), P (leaf), A | 171 | He et al., |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州 New South Wales, Australia | 砂岩森林、平原森林、河谷森林、亚热带雨林、高山林地 Sandstone, plain, valley, subtropical and alpine forest | 本地植物和入侵植物 Native plants and invasive plants | SLA, N (leaf), A(leaf), Rd | 122 | Leishman et al., |
野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 本地多年生C3草本植物 Native perennial C3 herb | LDMC, SLA, LL, N (leaf), SL, CC, ADF | 13 | da Silveira et al., | |
实验室温箱 Laboratory incubator | 实验控制条件 Control conditions of experiment | 苔藓植物 Bryophyta | A, QE, Rd, CCA, CL, LT, LW...... | 10 | Waite & Sack, |
中国云南 Yunnan, China | 热带季雨林 Tropical monsoon rainforest | 藤本和乔木 Lianas and trees | SLA, LL, A, N (leaf), P (leaf) | 37 | Zhu & Cao, |
文献数据 Literature database | 被子植物 Angiospermae | VD, VDi, VL, A, LL, LMA, N | 25 | Blonder et al., | |
玻利维亚东北部 The Northeast of Bolivia | 热带湿润低地成熟林、次生林和农田 Mature forest, secondary forest and farmland in tropical wet lowland | 木本植物 Xylophyta | LD, SLA, LDMC, Chl, N (leaf), P (leaf)...... | 23 | Bakker et al., |
南非东部KwaZulu-Natal 大学 KwaZulu-Natal University, the east of South Africa | 丛生植物湿地草原 Tufted mesic grassland | 禾本科 Poaceae | SLA, GR | 29 | Fynn et al., |
美国夏威夷州和婆罗洲 Hawaii and Borneo, USA | 两种不同演替阶段的热带森林 Two different-aged tropical forests | 被子植物 Angiospermae | SMC, CBSC,N:P, LMA | 86 | Peñuelaset al., |
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or Biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
法国南部 The south of France | 典型地中海石灰岩高原牧地 Typical Mediterranean limestone rangeland | 当地优势草本植物 Native dominant herb species | PRH, SLA, LT, LDMC, LDM...... | 14 | Pérez-Ramoset al., |
摩洛哥东部 The east of Morocco | 荒漠草原, 重度放牧和禁牧区域 desert steppe, heavy grazing and grazing prohibition zone | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | LA, SLA, H, LDMC, LDM, A,C:N (leaf) | Frenette-Dussault et al., | |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州 New South Wales, Australia | 高温干旱地带 High-temperature arid zone | 乔木、灌木和草本 Tree, bush and herb | LL, LW, LT, LMA, LWC...... | 95 | Curtis et al., |
欧洲南部 The south of Europe | 低地、高山、亚高山地带 Lowland, alpine and subalpine | 水生植物 Hydrophyte | LA, LMA, LDMC, SLA, N (leaf), C (leaf) | 61 | Pierce et al., |
温室 Greenhouse | 实验控制条件 Controlled conditions of experiment | 向日葵属 Helianthus | A, N (leaf), LMA, LWC, VD,pHfe | 3 | Mason et al., |
奥地利 Austria | 温带高山草地 Temperate alpine meadow | 草本植物 Herb | SLA, N (leaf), C (leaf) | Grigulis et al., | |
美国, Palo Verde Ecol Res America | 实验控制条件 Controlled conditions of experiment | 弗里芒氏杨 Populus fremontii | SLA, Ci, Gs, A, E, N (leaf)...... | 1 | Grady et al., |
瑞士北部 North of Switzerland | 沼泽草地 Marsh grass | 多年生草本植物 Perennial herb | LDMC, N (leaf), SLA, SMC, RGR | 12 | Suter & Edwards, |
Table 1 The research overview on leaf economics spectrum
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
全球(除非洲中部和北部、 俄罗斯、中国和加拿大) The global scale (except the North and Central Africa, Russia, China and Canada) | 所有 All | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | LL, A, Rd, LMA, N (leaf), P (leaf)...... | 2 548 | Wright et al., |
中国西藏 Xizang, China | 高寒草甸 Alpine meadow | 被子植物 Angiospermae | LMA, A, N (leaf), PNUE | 74 | He et al., |
温室 Greenhouse | 盆栽植物 Pot plants | 紫瓶子草 Sarracenia purpurea | A, 根和茎氮素营养Nitrogen nutrition in root and stem | 1 | Butler & Ellison, |
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 British Columbia, Canada | 植物园栽培植物 Garden plants | 美国黑杨 Populus trichocarpa | A, N (leaf), Gs, SLA, H, SD, WUEi | 1 | Gornall & Guy, |
新西兰南阿尔卑斯山 The Southern Alps, New Zealand | 高山南青冈森林 Nothofagus solandri community | 高山南青冈 Nothofagus solandri | D, LAI | 1 | Coomes & Allen, |
全球 The global scale | 模型模拟 Model simulation | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | LWR, RGR, A, SLA...... | Enquist et al., | |
加拿大Gault自然保护区 Gault Nature Reserve, Canada | 温带落叶林林下层 Understorey of temperate deciduous forest | 蕨类植物 Pteridophyta | LMA, A, LL, N (leaf), Chl | 20 | Karst & Lechowicz, |
澳大利亚悉尼 Sydney, Australia | 干旱硬叶原始森林 Arid sclerophyll primeval forest | 本地植物和入侵植物 Native plants and invasive plants | A,SLA, Rd, LAR, N (leaf), P (leaf) | 165 | Leishman et al., |
始新世叶片化石 Eocene, leaf fossil | 原始木本被子植物和原始阔叶裸子植物 Archaeo-woody angiosperms and broad-leaved gymnosperms | LMA, LL, A, N (leaf) | 25 | Royer et al., | |
巴拿马圣洛伦佐国家森林 公园 San-Lorenzo National Forest Park, Panama | 低地热带森林 Lowland tropical forest | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | DR, A, SLA, N (leaf), P (leaf), K (leaf) | 35 | Santiago, |
意大利北部阿尔卑斯山 The Alps, the north of Italy | 前阿尔卑斯山钙质草原 The calcareous grassland in pre-Alps | 被子植物 Angiospermae | RGR, NAR, LAR, LWR, SLA | 19 | Ceriani et al., |
全球 The global scale | 所有 All | 维管植物 Tracheophyte | LDR, N (litter), P (litter), LMA | 818 | Cornwell et al., |
实验室生长箱 Growth chamber in laboratory | 栽培植物 Agrad | 泥炭藓属 Sphagnum | A, 根和叶氮素营养Nitrogen nutrition in root and leaf | 10 | Rice et al., |
新西兰北岛南端 The south of North Island, New Zealand | 温带针阔叶混交林 Temperate mixed coniferous broad leaved forest | 乔木 Tree | LA, LC, SLA, H | 16 | Burns & Beaumont, |
全球 The global scale | 所有 All | 木本植物 Xylophyta | WD, MCD, CEL, HC, MOE, MOR, N (wood)...... | 8 412 | Chave et al., |
北半球 Northern Hemisphere | 温带植物群落 Temperate community | 落叶和常绿阔叶植物 Deciduous, evergreen and broad-leaf plant | LL, LDM, N (leaf), A | 339 | Hallik et al., |
希腊雅典农业大学和Diomedes植物园 Athens Agricultural University, and Diomedes Garden, Greece | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 木本植物 Xylophyta | LMA, A, N (leaf) | 30 | Liakoura et al., |
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or Biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
澳大利亚东部 The east of Australia | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 硬叶阔叶植物 Sclerophyll and broad-leaf plants | A, gm, LMA, LL, P(leaf), N (leaf) | 35 | Niinemets et al., |
西班牙东北部地中海沿岸 Mediterranean coast, the northeast of Spanish | 野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 常绿灌木 Evergreen bush | LDMC, RWC | 28 | Saura-Mas et al., |
东马来西亚Sepilok森林保护区 Sepilok Forest Reserve, East Malaysia | 低地热带森林 Lowland tropical forest | 乔木 Tree | A, Rd, N (leaf), P (leaf), LL | 16 | Baltzer & Thomas, |
法属圭亚那 French Guiana | 新热带森林 Neotropical forest | 木本植物 Xylophyta | N (leaf), P (leaf), K (leaf), Chl, C:N (leaf), LTD, SLA...... | 668 | Baraloto et al., |
英国境外亚高山和高山地带 Subalpine and alpine zones, outside England | 高山植被 Alpine | 本地植物 Native plants | SLA, LA, LS, C(leaf), LDW, LDMC, N(leaf) | 506 | Cerabolini et al., |
瑞典北部Abisko研究站 Abisko Research Station, the north of Sweden | 亚北极高山干旱桦树林,河岸桦树林, 淡水生物 群落 Arid subarctic alpine, river-bank and fresh-water community | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | C, N, P, L (%), LDMC, pHfe | 40 | Freschet et al., |
中国西藏、内蒙古和新疆 Xizang, Nei Mongol and Xinjiang, China | 温带草原 Temperate steppe | 草原典型植物 Grassland typical plants | LMA, N (leaf), P (leaf), A | 171 | He et al., |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州 New South Wales, Australia | 砂岩森林、平原森林、河谷森林、亚热带雨林、高山林地 Sandstone, plain, valley, subtropical and alpine forest | 本地植物和入侵植物 Native plants and invasive plants | SLA, N (leaf), A(leaf), Rd | 122 | Leishman et al., |
野外试验样地 Outdoor plot | 本地多年生C3草本植物 Native perennial C3 herb | LDMC, SLA, LL, N (leaf), SL, CC, ADF | 13 | da Silveira et al., | |
实验室温箱 Laboratory incubator | 实验控制条件 Control conditions of experiment | 苔藓植物 Bryophyta | A, QE, Rd, CCA, CL, LT, LW...... | 10 | Waite & Sack, |
中国云南 Yunnan, China | 热带季雨林 Tropical monsoon rainforest | 藤本和乔木 Lianas and trees | SLA, LL, A, N (leaf), P (leaf) | 37 | Zhu & Cao, |
文献数据 Literature database | 被子植物 Angiospermae | VD, VDi, VL, A, LL, LMA, N | 25 | Blonder et al., | |
玻利维亚东北部 The Northeast of Bolivia | 热带湿润低地成熟林、次生林和农田 Mature forest, secondary forest and farmland in tropical wet lowland | 木本植物 Xylophyta | LD, SLA, LDMC, Chl, N (leaf), P (leaf)...... | 23 | Bakker et al., |
南非东部KwaZulu-Natal 大学 KwaZulu-Natal University, the east of South Africa | 丛生植物湿地草原 Tufted mesic grassland | 禾本科 Poaceae | SLA, GR | 29 | Fynn et al., |
美国夏威夷州和婆罗洲 Hawaii and Borneo, USA | 两种不同演替阶段的热带森林 Two different-aged tropical forests | 被子植物 Angiospermae | SMC, CBSC,N:P, LMA | 86 | Peñuelaset al., |
涉及地点或数据来源 Site or data source | 植被或生境类型 Vegetation type or Biotope | 植物类群 Taxonomy | 性状 Trait | 物种数 Number of species | 参考文献 References |
法国南部 The south of France | 典型地中海石灰岩高原牧地 Typical Mediterranean limestone rangeland | 当地优势草本植物 Native dominant herb species | PRH, SLA, LT, LDMC, LDM...... | 14 | Pérez-Ramoset al., |
摩洛哥东部 The east of Morocco | 荒漠草原, 重度放牧和禁牧区域 desert steppe, heavy grazing and grazing prohibition zone | 种子植物 Spermatophyte | LA, SLA, H, LDMC, LDM, A,C:N (leaf) | Frenette-Dussault et al., | |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州 New South Wales, Australia | 高温干旱地带 High-temperature arid zone | 乔木、灌木和草本 Tree, bush and herb | LL, LW, LT, LMA, LWC...... | 95 | Curtis et al., |
欧洲南部 The south of Europe | 低地、高山、亚高山地带 Lowland, alpine and subalpine | 水生植物 Hydrophyte | LA, LMA, LDMC, SLA, N (leaf), C (leaf) | 61 | Pierce et al., |
温室 Greenhouse | 实验控制条件 Controlled conditions of experiment | 向日葵属 Helianthus | A, N (leaf), LMA, LWC, VD,pHfe | 3 | Mason et al., |
奥地利 Austria | 温带高山草地 Temperate alpine meadow | 草本植物 Herb | SLA, N (leaf), C (leaf) | Grigulis et al., | |
美国, Palo Verde Ecol Res America | 实验控制条件 Controlled conditions of experiment | 弗里芒氏杨 Populus fremontii | SLA, Ci, Gs, A, E, N (leaf)...... | 1 | Grady et al., |
瑞士北部 North of Switzerland | 沼泽草地 Marsh grass | 多年生草本植物 Perennial herb | LDMC, N (leaf), SLA, SMC, RGR | 12 | Suter & Edwards, |
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