Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 857-867.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00080
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHAI Yi1,2,*(), PENG Ting1, GUO Kun1, HE Yong-Feng2, YANG De-Guo2, LUO Jing-Bo1,**(
CHAI Yi, PENG Ting, GUO Kun, HE Yong-Feng, YANG De-Guo, LUO Jing-Bo. Community characteristics of phytoplankton in Lake Changhu and relationships with environmental factors in the summer of 2012[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2014, 38(8): 857-867.
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采样点 Sampling sites | 纬度 Latitude (E) | 经度 Longitude (N) |
M1 | 30.43° | 112.38° |
M2 | 30.43° | 112.36° |
M3 | 30.42° | 112.37° |
M4 | 30.39° | 112.35° |
Y1 | 30.44° | 112.47° |
Y2 | 30.43° | 112.45° |
Y3 | 30.42° | 112.48° |
Y4 | 30.42° | 112.45° |
Y5 | 30.44° | 112.44° |
Y6 | 30.42° | 112.43° |
M′1 | 30.43° | 112.25° |
H1 | 30.42° | 112.25° |
H2 | 30.43° | 112.26° |
H3 | 30.41° | 112.26° |
H4 | 30.40° | 112.27° |
H5 | 30.41° | 112.28° |
H6 | 30.38° | 112.31° |
H7 | 30.37° | 112.30° |
H8 | 30.39° | 112.28° |
H9 | 30.40° | 112.29 |
Table 1 Geographical coordinates of sampling sites in Lake Changhu
采样点 Sampling sites | 纬度 Latitude (E) | 经度 Longitude (N) |
M1 | 30.43° | 112.38° |
M2 | 30.43° | 112.36° |
M3 | 30.42° | 112.37° |
M4 | 30.39° | 112.35° |
Y1 | 30.44° | 112.47° |
Y2 | 30.43° | 112.45° |
Y3 | 30.42° | 112.48° |
Y4 | 30.42° | 112.45° |
Y5 | 30.44° | 112.44° |
Y6 | 30.42° | 112.43° |
M′1 | 30.43° | 112.25° |
H1 | 30.42° | 112.25° |
H2 | 30.43° | 112.26° |
H3 | 30.41° | 112.26° |
H4 | 30.40° | 112.27° |
H5 | 30.41° | 112.28° |
H6 | 30.38° | 112.31° |
H7 | 30.37° | 112.30° |
H8 | 30.39° | 112.28° |
H9 | 30.40° | 112.29 |
种类 Species | |
蓝藻门 Cyanophyta | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis |
隐球藻属 Aphanocapsa | |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | |
铜绿微囊藻 Microcystis aeruginosa | |
水华微囊藻 Microcystis flos-aquae | |
不定微囊藻 Microcystis incerta | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | |
尖头席藻 Phormidium acutissimum | |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | |
螺旋藻属 Spirulina | |
螺旋鱼腥藻 Anabaena sporoides | |
类颤鱼腥藻 Anabaena oscillarioides | |
拟鱼腥藻属 Anabaenopsis | |
中华小尖头藻 Raphidiopsis sinensia | |
念珠藻属 Nostoc | |
绿藻门 Chlorophyta | 实球藻 Pandorina morum |
空球藻 Eudorina elegans | |
杂球藻 Pleodorina californica | |
水溪绿球藻 Chlorococcum infusionum | |
螺旋弓形藻 Schroederia spiralis | |
小球藻 Chlorella vulgaris | |
椭圆小球藻 Chlorella ellipsoidea | |
三角四角藻 Tetraedron trigonum | |
针形纤维藻 Ankistrodesmus acicularis | |
镰形纤维藻 Ankistrodesmus falcatus | |
月牙藻 Selenastrum bibraianum | |
蹄形藻 Kirchneriella lunaris | |
卵囊藻属 Oocystis | |
二角盘星藻 Pediastrum duplex | |
二角盘星藻纤细变种 Pediastrum duplex var. gracillimum | |
单角盘星藻 Pediastrum simplex | |
单角盘星具孔变种 Pediastrum simplex var. duodenarium | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | |
双列栅藻 Scenedesmus bijuga | |
斜生栅藻 Scenedesmus obliquus | |
尖细栅藻 Scenedesmus acuminatus | |
丛球韦斯藻 Westella botryoides | |
四足十字藻 Crucigenia tetrapedia | |
四角十字藻 Crucigenia quadrata | |
集星藻 Actinastrum hantzschii | |
空星藻 Coelastrum sphaericum | |
水绵属 Spirogyra | |
新月藻属 Closterium | |
美丽鼓藻 Cosmarium formosulum | |
角星鼓藻属 Staurastrum | |
硅藻门 Bacillariophyta | 颗粒直链藻 Melosira granulata |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | |
梅尼小环藻 Cyclotella meneghiniana | |
窗格平板藻 Tabellaria fenestrata | |
脆杆藻属 Fragilaria | |
尖针杆藻 Synedra acus | |
肘状针杆藻 Synedra ulna | |
放射舟形藻 Navicula radiosa | |
新月形桥弯藻 Cymbella cymbiformis | |
菱形藻属 Nitzschia | |
黄藻门 Xanthophyta | 拟丝状黄丝藻 Tribonema ulothrichoides |
小型黄丝藻 Tribonema minus | |
近缘黄丝藻 Tribonema affine | |
隐藻门 Cryptophyta | 卵形隐藻 Cryptomonas ovata |
裸藻门 Euglenophyta | 尖尾裸藻 Euglena oxyuris |
甲藻门 Dinophyta | 裸甲藻 Gymnodinium aeruginosum |
Table 2 Composition of phytoplankton in Lake Changhu
种类 Species | |
蓝藻门 Cyanophyta | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis |
隐球藻属 Aphanocapsa | |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | |
铜绿微囊藻 Microcystis aeruginosa | |
水华微囊藻 Microcystis flos-aquae | |
不定微囊藻 Microcystis incerta | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | |
尖头席藻 Phormidium acutissimum | |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | |
螺旋藻属 Spirulina | |
螺旋鱼腥藻 Anabaena sporoides | |
类颤鱼腥藻 Anabaena oscillarioides | |
拟鱼腥藻属 Anabaenopsis | |
中华小尖头藻 Raphidiopsis sinensia | |
念珠藻属 Nostoc | |
绿藻门 Chlorophyta | 实球藻 Pandorina morum |
空球藻 Eudorina elegans | |
杂球藻 Pleodorina californica | |
水溪绿球藻 Chlorococcum infusionum | |
螺旋弓形藻 Schroederia spiralis | |
小球藻 Chlorella vulgaris | |
椭圆小球藻 Chlorella ellipsoidea | |
三角四角藻 Tetraedron trigonum | |
针形纤维藻 Ankistrodesmus acicularis | |
镰形纤维藻 Ankistrodesmus falcatus | |
月牙藻 Selenastrum bibraianum | |
蹄形藻 Kirchneriella lunaris | |
卵囊藻属 Oocystis | |
二角盘星藻 Pediastrum duplex | |
二角盘星藻纤细变种 Pediastrum duplex var. gracillimum | |
单角盘星藻 Pediastrum simplex | |
单角盘星具孔变种 Pediastrum simplex var. duodenarium | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | |
双列栅藻 Scenedesmus bijuga | |
斜生栅藻 Scenedesmus obliquus | |
尖细栅藻 Scenedesmus acuminatus | |
丛球韦斯藻 Westella botryoides | |
四足十字藻 Crucigenia tetrapedia | |
四角十字藻 Crucigenia quadrata | |
集星藻 Actinastrum hantzschii | |
空星藻 Coelastrum sphaericum | |
水绵属 Spirogyra | |
新月藻属 Closterium | |
美丽鼓藻 Cosmarium formosulum | |
角星鼓藻属 Staurastrum | |
硅藻门 Bacillariophyta | 颗粒直链藻 Melosira granulata |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | |
梅尼小环藻 Cyclotella meneghiniana | |
窗格平板藻 Tabellaria fenestrata | |
脆杆藻属 Fragilaria | |
尖针杆藻 Synedra acus | |
肘状针杆藻 Synedra ulna | |
放射舟形藻 Navicula radiosa | |
新月形桥弯藻 Cymbella cymbiformis | |
菱形藻属 Nitzschia | |
黄藻门 Xanthophyta | 拟丝状黄丝藻 Tribonema ulothrichoides |
小型黄丝藻 Tribonema minus | |
近缘黄丝藻 Tribonema affine | |
隐藻门 Cryptophyta | 卵形隐藻 Cryptomonas ovata |
裸藻门 Euglenophyta | 尖尾裸藻 Euglena oxyuris |
甲藻门 Dinophyta | 裸甲藻 Gymnodinium aeruginosum |
区域 Area | 物种 Species | 出现频率 Frequency of occurrence (%) | 优势度 Dominance |
马洪台 Mahongtai Area | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 100 | 0.04 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.59 | |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.07 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.05 | |
中华小尖头藻 Raphidiopsis sinensia | 100 | 0.04 | |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 75 | 0.02 | |
肘状针杆藻 Synedra ulna | 100 | 0.03 | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | 100 | 0.04 | |
圆心湖 Yuanxinhu Arae | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 100 | 0.04 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.72 | |
海子湖 Haizihu Area | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 89 | 0.02 |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.09 | |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.51 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.07 | |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 100 | 0.09 | |
尖尾裸藻 Euglena oxyuris | 100 | 0.04 | |
小球藻 Chlorella vulgaris | 89 | 0.03 | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | 100 | 0.06 | |
庙湖 Miaohu Area | 扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 100 | 0.11 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.23 | |
微小平裂藻Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.05 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.06 |
Table 3 Dominance and occurrence frequency of dominant species of phytoplankton in Lake Changhu
区域 Area | 物种 Species | 出现频率 Frequency of occurrence (%) | 优势度 Dominance |
马洪台 Mahongtai Area | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 100 | 0.04 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.59 | |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.07 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.05 | |
中华小尖头藻 Raphidiopsis sinensia | 100 | 0.04 | |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 75 | 0.02 | |
肘状针杆藻 Synedra ulna | 100 | 0.03 | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | 100 | 0.04 | |
圆心湖 Yuanxinhu Arae | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 100 | 0.04 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.72 | |
海子湖 Haizihu Area | 针状蓝纤维藻 Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 89 | 0.02 |
微小平裂藻 Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.09 | |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.51 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.07 | |
扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 100 | 0.09 | |
尖尾裸藻 Euglena oxyuris | 100 | 0.04 | |
小球藻 Chlorella vulgaris | 89 | 0.03 | |
四尾栅藻 Scenedesmus quadricauda | 100 | 0.06 | |
庙湖 Miaohu Area | 扭曲小环藻 Cyclotella comta | 100 | 0.11 |
两栖颤藻 Oscillatoria amphibia | 100 | 0.23 | |
微小平裂藻Merismopedia tenuissima | 100 | 0.05 | |
湖泊色球藻 Chroococcus limneticus | 100 | 0.06 |
采样点 Sampling site | 营养状态指数 TLI | ||||||
叶绿素 营养指数 TLI of chlorophyll | 透明度 营养指数 TLI of secchi disk depth | 总氮 营养指数 TLI of total nitrogen | 总磷 营养指数 TLI of total phosphate | 化学需氧量 营养指数 TLI of chemical oxygen demand | 综合营养指数 ∑TLI | 营养状态分级 Trophic status classification | |
M′1 | 51.41 | 82.40 | 61.40 | 92.83 | 84.53 | 72.74 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H1 | 74.71 | 80.55 | 83.71 | 77.77 | 78.00 | 78.57 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H2 | 53.17 | 78.07 | 82.78 | 82.44 | 74.87 | 72.52 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H3 | 56.56 | 78.87 | 56.14 | 80.65 | 88.79 | 71.02 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H4 | 70.36 | 69.95 | 61.40 | 79.48 | 90.69 | 74.12 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H5 | 68.69 | 79.69 | 56.14 | 87.61 | 87.79 | 75.52 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H6 | 61.41 | 75.88 | 60.23 | 99.11 | 94.13 | 76.94 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H7 | 64.54 | 87.98 | 61.40 | 100.17 | 78.00 | 77.44 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H8 | 68.02 | 84.45 | 67.10 | 97.59 | 91.60 | 80.75 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H9 | 53.74 | 82.40 | 48.49 | 97.85 | 94.93 | 73.90 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M1 | 54.35 | 59.24 | 67.10 | 88.33 | 88.79 | 70.23 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M2 | 42.09 | 58.10 | 68.64 | 89.03 | 82.10 | 65.94 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
M3 | 64.75 | 56.76 | 65.40 | 91.53 | 85.66 | 72.27 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M4 | 48.19 | 51.57 | 82.13 | 95.31 | 86.74 | 70.81 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y1 | 39.56 | 58.10 | 81.79 | 95.76 | 82.10 | 68.88 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
Y2 | 60.09 | 68.01 | 74.23 | 77.31 | 90.69 | 72.92 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y3 | 46.42 | 68.96 | 79.63 | 89.25 | 76.48 | 70.06 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y4 | 62.71 | 72.11 | 73.14 | 74.81 | 89.76 | 73.53 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y5 | 64.49 | 62.78 | 76.23 | 66.51 | 74.87 | 68.56 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
Y6 | 56.35 | 68.96 | 98.99 | 73.69 | 83.34 | 74.50 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Table 4 Trophic level index (TLI ) and trophic status classification of sampling sites in Lake Changhu
采样点 Sampling site | 营养状态指数 TLI | ||||||
叶绿素 营养指数 TLI of chlorophyll | 透明度 营养指数 TLI of secchi disk depth | 总氮 营养指数 TLI of total nitrogen | 总磷 营养指数 TLI of total phosphate | 化学需氧量 营养指数 TLI of chemical oxygen demand | 综合营养指数 ∑TLI | 营养状态分级 Trophic status classification | |
M′1 | 51.41 | 82.40 | 61.40 | 92.83 | 84.53 | 72.74 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H1 | 74.71 | 80.55 | 83.71 | 77.77 | 78.00 | 78.57 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H2 | 53.17 | 78.07 | 82.78 | 82.44 | 74.87 | 72.52 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H3 | 56.56 | 78.87 | 56.14 | 80.65 | 88.79 | 71.02 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H4 | 70.36 | 69.95 | 61.40 | 79.48 | 90.69 | 74.12 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H5 | 68.69 | 79.69 | 56.14 | 87.61 | 87.79 | 75.52 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H6 | 61.41 | 75.88 | 60.23 | 99.11 | 94.13 | 76.94 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H7 | 64.54 | 87.98 | 61.40 | 100.17 | 78.00 | 77.44 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H8 | 68.02 | 84.45 | 67.10 | 97.59 | 91.60 | 80.75 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
H9 | 53.74 | 82.40 | 48.49 | 97.85 | 94.93 | 73.90 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M1 | 54.35 | 59.24 | 67.10 | 88.33 | 88.79 | 70.23 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M2 | 42.09 | 58.10 | 68.64 | 89.03 | 82.10 | 65.94 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
M3 | 64.75 | 56.76 | 65.40 | 91.53 | 85.66 | 72.27 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
M4 | 48.19 | 51.57 | 82.13 | 95.31 | 86.74 | 70.81 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y1 | 39.56 | 58.10 | 81.79 | 95.76 | 82.10 | 68.88 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
Y2 | 60.09 | 68.01 | 74.23 | 77.31 | 90.69 | 72.92 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y3 | 46.42 | 68.96 | 79.63 | 89.25 | 76.48 | 70.06 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y4 | 62.71 | 72.11 | 73.14 | 74.81 | 89.76 | 73.53 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
Y5 | 64.49 | 62.78 | 76.23 | 66.51 | 74.87 | 68.56 | 中度污染 Moderately eutrophic |
Y6 | 56.35 | 68.96 | 98.99 | 73.69 | 83.34 | 74.50 | 重度污染 Severely eutrophic |
编码 Code | 物种 Species | 编码 Code | 物种 Species |
1 | 针状蓝纤维藻属 Dactylococcopsis | 10 | 小球藻属 Chlorella |
2 | 颤藻 Oscillatoria | 11 | 席藻属 Phormidium |
3 | 平裂藻属 Merismopedia | 12 | 十字藻属 Crucigenia |
4 | 色球藻属 Chroococcus | 13 | 盘星藻属 Pediastrum |
5 | 小尖头藻属 Raphidiopsis | 14 | 螺旋藻属 Spirulina |
6 | 小环藻属 Cyclotella | 15 | 四角藻属 Tetraedron |
7 | 针杆藻属 Synedra | 16 | 纤维藻属 Ankistrodesmus |
8 | 栅藻属 Scenedesmus | 17 | 黄丝藻属 Tribonema |
9 | 裸藻属 Euglena | 18 | 鱼腥藻属 Anabeana |
Table 5 Codes of phytoplankton species in Changhu Lake
编码 Code | 物种 Species | 编码 Code | 物种 Species |
1 | 针状蓝纤维藻属 Dactylococcopsis | 10 | 小球藻属 Chlorella |
2 | 颤藻 Oscillatoria | 11 | 席藻属 Phormidium |
3 | 平裂藻属 Merismopedia | 12 | 十字藻属 Crucigenia |
4 | 色球藻属 Chroococcus | 13 | 盘星藻属 Pediastrum |
5 | 小尖头藻属 Raphidiopsis | 14 | 螺旋藻属 Spirulina |
6 | 小环藻属 Cyclotella | 15 | 四角藻属 Tetraedron |
7 | 针杆藻属 Synedra | 16 | 纤维藻属 Ankistrodesmus |
8 | 栅藻属 Scenedesmus | 17 | 黄丝藻属 Tribonema |
9 | 裸藻属 Euglena | 18 | 鱼腥藻属 Anabeana |
Fig. 1 Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) biplot of phytoplankton species and environmental variables in Lake Changhu. COD, chemical oxygen demand; DO, dissolved oxygen; PO4-P, orthophosphate; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphate; TSS, total suspended solids. 1, Dactylococcopsis; 2, Oscillatoria; 3, Merismopedia; 4, Chroococcus; 5, Raphidiopsis; 6, Cyclotella; 7, Synedra; 8, Scenedesmus; 9, Euglena; 10, Chlorella; 11, Phormidium; 12, Crucigenia; 13, Pediastrum; 14, Spirulina; 15, Tetraedron; 16, Ankistrodesmus; 17, Tribonema; 18, Anabeana.
Fig. 2 Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination of sampling sites with environmental factors. COD, chemical oxygen demand; DO, dissolved oxygen; PO4-P, orthophosphate; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphate; TSS, total suspended solids. M1, M2, M3, M4, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, M′1 are shown in Table 1.
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