植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 238-251.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0198
* 通信作者Author for correspondence (E-mail:
Liang-Jun ZHU1, Zong-Shan LI2, Xiao-Chun WANG1,*()
Xiao-Chun WANG
About author:
KANG Jing-yao(1991-), E-mail:
树轮木质部解剖特征是树轮在细胞、亚细胞尺度上的表征, 其往往能从微观尺度解释树轮宽度等宏观结构的变化。因此, 探讨木质部解剖特征与环境变化的关系, 可为年轮气候学统计结果提供生理解释, 为研究树木生长对气候变化的适应过程与响应策略提供新视野。该文以树轮木质部解剖特征与气候关系为主线, 概述了木质部解剖特征记录环境信号的基本原理和机制, 阐述了木质部解剖过程中涉及的基本方法, 探讨了木质部解剖特征与气候因子的关系, 就现有研究中存在的问题指出今后可能的研究方向: (1)探寻径向和切向上木质部解剖特征的时空变异及其与环境变化的关系; (2)探索植物对环境塑性响应的阈值及其响应策略及适应过程; (3)探寻各树轮代用指标间的协同与拮抗作用及气候响应差异的形成机理, 确定各时期主要气候因子对树轮形成的具体作用及贡献量。
朱良军, 李宗善, 王晓春. 树轮木质部解剖特征及其与环境变化的关系. 植物生态学报, 2017, 41(2): 238-251. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0198
Liang-Jun ZHU, Zong-Shan LI, Xiao-Chun WANG. Anatomical characteristics of xylem in tree rings and its relationship with environments. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 41(2): 238-251. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0198
图2 不同材性树种木质部解剖。A, 无孔材, 欧洲落叶松(Larix decidua)。B, 散孔材, 小叶椴(Tilia cordata)。C, 环孔材, 夏栎(Quercus robur)。D, 半环孔材, 胡桃(Juglans regia)。引自文献Schoch等(2004)。
Fig. 2 The anatomy of xylem in trees of differential wood porosity. A, Non-porous wood Larix decidua. B, Diffuse porous wood Tilia cordata. C, Ring porous wood Quercus robur. D, Semi-ring porous wood Juglans regia. Cited from Schoch et al., 2004.
图3 低降水与高温导致树木形成窄轮的部分响应机制。红色、蓝色和黑色区域分别表示生长季前、生长季及共同的过程; 高降水与低温导致树木形成宽轮的机制与其相反。改自Fritts (1976)。
Fig. 3 The partial response mechanisms of narrowing in tree-rings caused by low precipitation and high temperatures. The areas marked by blue, red and black indicate the processes occurring prior to the growing season, during the growing season and the entire time, respectively. The effects of high precipitation and low temperatures are in reverse, that is, ring width will increase. Modified from Fritts (1976).
类型 Type | 参数 Parameter | 特征 Feature | 作用 Function |
导管 Vessel | Di, Nu, Ar, De, GF | 由死细胞串联而成, 由穿孔相互衔接 Long straight chain by dead cells, jointed each other by perforations | 输导水分和无机盐 Transport water and inorganic salt |
管胞 Tracheid | Di, Nu, Ar, De, CWT | 由单个细胞组成, 其不具穿孔 Consists of single cell without perforation | 运输水分及矿物质, 机械支持 Transport water and minerals, mechanical support |
树脂道 Resin canal | Di, Nu, An | 由分泌细胞彼此分离而形成, 贮存分泌物 Developed as the divergence of secretory cells, storing secretions | 对昆虫和病原菌防御反应的第一道防线 The first line of defense reaction to insects and pathogens |
木射线 Ray | Nu, CWT, An | 由活射线薄壁细胞构成 Consists of living ray parenchyma cells | 径向输导液流 Radial transmission of sap |
微纤丝 Micro-fibril | Nu, An | 由纤维素分子束聚合而成, 平行排列 Aggregated by cellulose molecular beams, with parallel arrangement | 细胞壁组分, 影响细胞及木材的机械性能 Components of cell wall, affect the mechanical properties of cell and wood |
表1 常用木质部解剖参数及特征
Table 1 Types and characteristics of common anatomical parameters of xylem
类型 Type | 参数 Parameter | 特征 Feature | 作用 Function |
导管 Vessel | Di, Nu, Ar, De, GF | 由死细胞串联而成, 由穿孔相互衔接 Long straight chain by dead cells, jointed each other by perforations | 输导水分和无机盐 Transport water and inorganic salt |
管胞 Tracheid | Di, Nu, Ar, De, CWT | 由单个细胞组成, 其不具穿孔 Consists of single cell without perforation | 运输水分及矿物质, 机械支持 Transport water and minerals, mechanical support |
树脂道 Resin canal | Di, Nu, An | 由分泌细胞彼此分离而形成, 贮存分泌物 Developed as the divergence of secretory cells, storing secretions | 对昆虫和病原菌防御反应的第一道防线 The first line of defense reaction to insects and pathogens |
木射线 Ray | Nu, CWT, An | 由活射线薄壁细胞构成 Consists of living ray parenchyma cells | 径向输导液流 Radial transmission of sap |
微纤丝 Micro-fibril | Nu, An | 由纤维素分子束聚合而成, 平行排列 Aggregated by cellulose molecular beams, with parallel arrangement | 细胞壁组分, 影响细胞及木材的机械性能 Components of cell wall, affect the mechanical properties of cell and wood |
项目 Item | 显微切片法 Micro section method | 直接打磨法 Direct polishing method | |
传统切片 Conventional slicing | 现代切片 Contemporary slicing | ||
适用样品类型 Applicable sample type | 微生长芯(短) Micro-core (short) | 普通生长芯(长) General core (long) | 普通生长芯或圆盘(长) General core or disk (long) |
样品预处理流程 Sample pretreatment process | 固定、脱水、透明、浸蜡、包埋、切片、粘片、 脱蜡、染色等 Fixation, dehydration, paraffin, embedding, sectioning, sticky pills, dewaxing and dyeing etc. | 切片及染色等 Sectioning and staining, etc. | 打磨、清洗及增加对比度等 Grinding, cleaning and increasing contrast, etc. |
适用尺度 Applicable scale | 细胞或亚细胞 Cells or subcellular | 细胞或亚细胞 Cells or subcellular | 细胞 Cell |
适宜组织部位 Applicable site | 韧皮部或木质部 Phloem or xylem | 木质部 Xylem | 木质部 Xylem |
分辨率 Resolution | 高 High | 高 High | 略低 Slightly low |
工作量 Workload | 重 Heavy | 轻 Light | 适中 Moderate |
主要设备 Major equipment | 普通切片机和成像显微镜 General microtome and imaging microscope | 专用切片机和成像显微镜 Specialized microtome and imaging microscope | 高分辨率相机或扫描仪 High resolution camera or scanner |
表2 主要木质部解剖方法概述
Table 2 Summary of the major methods in anatomical analysis of xylem
项目 Item | 显微切片法 Micro section method | 直接打磨法 Direct polishing method | |
传统切片 Conventional slicing | 现代切片 Contemporary slicing | ||
适用样品类型 Applicable sample type | 微生长芯(短) Micro-core (short) | 普通生长芯(长) General core (long) | 普通生长芯或圆盘(长) General core or disk (long) |
样品预处理流程 Sample pretreatment process | 固定、脱水、透明、浸蜡、包埋、切片、粘片、 脱蜡、染色等 Fixation, dehydration, paraffin, embedding, sectioning, sticky pills, dewaxing and dyeing etc. | 切片及染色等 Sectioning and staining, etc. | 打磨、清洗及增加对比度等 Grinding, cleaning and increasing contrast, etc. |
适用尺度 Applicable scale | 细胞或亚细胞 Cells or subcellular | 细胞或亚细胞 Cells or subcellular | 细胞 Cell |
适宜组织部位 Applicable site | 韧皮部或木质部 Phloem or xylem | 木质部 Xylem | 木质部 Xylem |
分辨率 Resolution | 高 High | 高 High | 略低 Slightly low |
工作量 Workload | 重 Heavy | 轻 Light | 适中 Moderate |
主要设备 Major equipment | 普通切片机和成像显微镜 General microtome and imaging microscope | 专用切片机和成像显微镜 Specialized microtome and imaging microscope | 高分辨率相机或扫描仪 High resolution camera or scanner |
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