植物生态学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 1112-1126.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0074
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统; 生态系统结构与功能; 根系生态学
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全球变化所包含的土地利用和气候等因素的改变, 将对生产力、养分循环等生态系统功能产生重要的影响。以往研究大多只关注全球变化对单一功能的影响, 即使同时测定多种功能也是进行独立的分析。但由于不同功能间常常存在的权衡或协同关系, 导致基于单个功能的探讨难以反映全球变化对生态系统多功能性(EMF)的影响, 从而限制了人们对于全球变化影响的全面认识和评估。早在2007年, Hector和Bagchi首次量化EMF, 该领域才开始受到广泛关注。在此之后, EMF量化方法的不断完善, 极大地推动了该领域的发展。近年来, 全球变化对EMF的影响也被广泛关注。为系统梳理该领域的研究进展, 该文基于中国知网、ISI Web of Science等当前常用的学术期刊数据库, 检索2007-2020年的相关文献并进行计量分析, 系统归纳出该领域的发展现状。在此基础上, 详细阐述目前关注较多的土地利用变化、气温升高、降水改变以及氮沉降对EMF的影响, 并针对现有研究中存在的问题, 提出未来所需关注的6个方向: (1)规范EMF量化体系; (2)关注全球变化背景下多因子交互效应; (3)不同时间尺度下EMF对全球变化的响应; (4)全球变化背景下多维度、多尺度生物多样性与EMF; (5)全球变化背景下多营养级多样性与EMF; (6)全球变化背景下根系功能性状与EMF。
张宏锦, 王娓. 生态系统多功能性对全球变化的响应: 进展、问题与展望. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45(10): 1112-1126. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0074
ZHANG Hong-Jin, WANG Wei. Responses of ecosystem multifunctionality to global change: progress, problem and prospect. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 45(10): 1112-1126. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0074
图1 生态系统多功能性(EMF)文献计量分析。A, 不同年份全球发文量。B, 各大洲发文量。C, 不同生态系统类型的论文数量。D, 不同全球变化内容的研究所占比例。橘色柱代表涉及全球变化的EMF研究, 橘色+蓝色柱表示EMF总发文量。
Fig. 1 Bibliometric analysis of ecosystem multifunctionality (EMF). A, The number of global studies published during 2007-2020. B, The number of studies published by continents. C, The number of studies conducted by ecosystem types. D, The proportion of studies concerning different global change factors. The orange column represents EMF researches related to global change, and the combination of orange and blue columns represents the total number of EMF publications.
图2 生态系统多功能性对全球变化响应的总体模式(参考自Giling et al., 2019)。
Fig. 2 Conceptual framework of ecosystem multifunctionality responses to global change factors (Referenced from Giling et al., 2019).
图3 生态系统功能指标及使用情况。A, 碳循环, 文献使用比例大于10%的指标, 主图为不考虑期刊影响因子, 右上角小图为考虑影响因子。AGB, 地上生物量; BG, β-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶; BGB, 地下生物量; LD, 凋落物分解; SOC, 土壤有机碳。B, 碳循环, 不考虑期刊影响因子时文献使用比例在5%-10%的指标。AC, 芳香族化合物; AMF, 丛枝菌根真菌; BC, β-D-纤维二糖苷酶; DOC, 溶解有机碳; He, 己糖; MBC, 微生物生物量碳; Pe, 戊糖; Ph, 酚类化合物; SOM, 土壤有机质; SR, 土壤呼吸。C, 氮循环, 文献使用比例大于10%的指标, 主图为不考虑期刊影响因子, 右上角小图为考虑影响因子。AvN, 有效氮; NH4+, 铵根离子; NO3-, 硝酸根离子; PN, 植物氮含量; STN, 土壤总氮。D, 氮循环, 不考虑期刊影响因子时文献使用比例在5%-10%的指标。AA, 氨基酸; AR, 氨化速率; LAP, 亮氨酸氨基肽酶; NAG, β-1,4-N-乙酰葡糖胺糖苷酶; NMR, 氮矿化速率; NR, 硝化速率; SP, 土壤蛋白; Ur, 脲酶。E, 磷循环和水循环, 主图为不考虑期刊影响因子时文献使用比例大于5%的指标, 右上角小图为考虑影响因子时文献使用比例大于10%的与磷循环相关的指标。AvP, 有效磷; Ps, 磷酸酶; PP, 植物磷含量; SIP, 土壤无机磷; SM, 土壤含水量; STP, 土壤总磷; SWHC, 土壤持水能力。F, 涉及碳、氮、磷、水循环的所有指标所占比例。
Fig. 3 Indicators of ecosystem function and their applications in literature. A, Carbon cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance greater than 10%. The main panel displays values without considering journal impact factor, and the insert displays values considering the journal impact factor. AGB, aboveground biomass; BG, β-1,4-glucosidase; BGB, belowground biomass; LD, litter decomposition; SOC, soil organic carbon. B, Carbon cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance between 5% and 10%, without considering journal impact factor. AC, aromatic compounds; AMF, arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi; BC, β-D-cellobiosidase; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; He, hexose; MBC, microbial biomass carbon; Pe, pentose; Ph, phenolic compounds; SOM, soil organic matter; SR, soil respiration. C, Nitrogen cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance greater than 10%. The main panel displays values without considering journal impact factor, and the insert displays values considering journal impact factor. AvN, available nitrogen; NH4+, ammonium; NO3-, nitrate; PN, plant nitrogen content; STN, soil total nitrogen. D, Nitrogen cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance between 5% and 10%, without considering journal impact factor. AA, amino acid; AR, ammoniation rate; LAP, leucine aminopeptidase; NAG, β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase; NMR, nitrogen mineralization rate; NR, nitrification rate; SP, soil protein; Ur, urease. E, Phosphorus cycle and water cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance greater than 5%. The insert displays values of the phosphorus cycle indicators with the proportion of literature appearance greater than 10%, considering journal impact factor. AvP, available phosphorus; PP, plant phosphorus content; Ps, phosphatase; SIP, soil inorganic phosphorus; SM, soil moisture; STP, soil total phosphorus; SWHC, soil water holding capacity. F, Percentage of all indicators related to carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and water cycles.
图4 生态系统多功能性指标数量选择统计。饼图红色部分代表指标数量为5-8个的EMF研究占总研究的百分比。
Fig. 4 Statistics on the numbers of indicators selected in studies of ecosystem multifunctionality in literature. The red-colored portion of the pie chart represents the percentage of EMF studies that used 5-8 indicators.
图5 全球变化背景下多维度、多尺度生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系。
Fig. 5 Relationships between ecosystem multifunctionality and multi-dimensional or multi-scale biodiversity under the scenario of global change.
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