植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 822-832.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0195
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统; 生态系统结构与功能; 青藏高原植物生态学:群落生态学; 生物多样性
吕自立1, 刘彬1,*(), 常凤1, 马紫荆1, 曹秋梅2
* (作者简介:
** 现工作单位: 莆田砺成中学, 福建莆田 351199。
LÜ Zi-Li1, LIU Bin1,*(), CHANG Feng1, MA Zi-Jing1, CAO Qiu-Mei2
* (About author:
** Current workplace: Putian Licheng Middle School, Fujian 351199.
Supported by:
明确植物功能多样性与生态系统多功能性(EMF)之间的关系, 可以更清晰地阐释生态系统功能的变化。以往生物多样性-生态系统功能关系的研究仅停留在对单一生态系统功能(SEF)的实验性或观察性调查, 忽略了生态系统能同时提供多种功能和服务这一最本质的重要价值。该研究以巴音布鲁克高寒草甸为研究区, 在海拔2 194-3 062 m范围内以200 m左右为间隔设置了5个海拔高度, 选取土壤全氮含量、硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、全磷含量、速效磷含量、全钾含量、速效钾含量、土壤密度、植物群落地上与地下生物量10个与养分循环、土壤有机碳蓄积和植物生长有密切联系的指标, 综合各指标平均值来表征EMF。结果表明: (1)群落物种组成沿海拔梯度变化较大, 海拔2 600 m处物种丰富度显著高于其他海拔; 功能均匀度指数(FEve)、功能丰富度指数(FRic)和功能分散度指数(FDis)均随着海拔的升高呈现“单峰”变化趋势, 最高值分别出现在2 600、2 800、2 800 m处; Rao二次熵指数(Rao’Q)整体呈现单调递减趋势。(2)各海拔高度上FRic、FDis与EMF间均存在极显著的正相关关系, 分别解释了EMF 47%和43%的变化; 在海拔2 600 m处FEve与土壤养分循环指数、土壤有机碳蓄积指数间存在显著相关关系; 海拔3 000 m处Rao’Q与土壤养分循环指数、有机碳蓄积指数和EMF间均存在显著相关关系。(3)通过构建结构方程模型分析海拔梯度上植物功能多样性与EMF的关系可知, 海拔以功能多样性为媒介作用于EMF, 其中功能丰富度对EMF的影响最大, 验证了功能多样性与EMF间存在互补效应。综上, 随着海拔的变化, 功能多样性会做出相应的变化, 进而影响SEF和EMF, 功能多样性对于维持EMF具有重要的意义。
吕自立, 刘彬, 常凤, 马紫荆, 曹秋梅. 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸植物功能多样性与生态系统多功能性关系沿海拔梯度的变化. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(6): 822-832. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0195
LÜ Zi-Li, LIU Bin, CHANG Feng, MA Zi-Jing, CAO Qiu-Mei. Relationship between plant functional diversity and ecosystem multifunctionality in Bayanbulak alpine meadow along an altitude gradient. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(6): 822-832. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0195
编号 Plot No. | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 经度 Longitude (° E) | 纬度 Latitude (° N) | 坡向 Aspect | 坡度 Slope (°) |
2200-1 | 2 194.12 | 83.86 | 42.35 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 13.2 |
2200-2 | 2 203.71 | 83.86 | 42.34 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 3.1 |
2200-3 | 2 210.63 | 83.85 | 42.34 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 5.4 |
2400-1 | 2 406.20 | 83.53 | 42.68 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.2 |
2400-2 | 2 400.90 | 83.53 | 42.68 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 12.1 |
2400-3 | 2 415.20 | 84.39 | 43.05 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 10.7 |
2600-1 | 2 590.42 | 84.05 | 43.05 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.9 |
2600-2 | 2 602.60 | 82.97 | 42.86 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 9.4 |
2600-3 | 2 597.20 | 84.05 | 42.85 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 6.7 |
2800-1 | 2 794.62 | 82.99 | 42.86 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 3.9 |
2800-2 | 2 817.50 | 82.99 | 42.87 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 8.4 |
2800-3 | 2 802.00 | 82.97 | 42.87 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 17.5 |
3000-1 | 3 052.70 | 83.47 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 10.6 |
3000-2 | 3 062.10 | 83.47 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 9.5 |
3000-3 | 3 004.12 | 83.03 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.7 |
表1 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸各样地地理信息列表
Table 1 List of geographic information for sample plots in Bayanbulak alpine meadow
编号 Plot No. | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 经度 Longitude (° E) | 纬度 Latitude (° N) | 坡向 Aspect | 坡度 Slope (°) |
2200-1 | 2 194.12 | 83.86 | 42.35 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 13.2 |
2200-2 | 2 203.71 | 83.86 | 42.34 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 3.1 |
2200-3 | 2 210.63 | 83.85 | 42.34 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 5.4 |
2400-1 | 2 406.20 | 83.53 | 42.68 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.2 |
2400-2 | 2 400.90 | 83.53 | 42.68 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 12.1 |
2400-3 | 2 415.20 | 84.39 | 43.05 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 10.7 |
2600-1 | 2 590.42 | 84.05 | 43.05 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.9 |
2600-2 | 2 602.60 | 82.97 | 42.86 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 9.4 |
2600-3 | 2 597.20 | 84.05 | 42.85 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 6.7 |
2800-1 | 2 794.62 | 82.99 | 42.86 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 3.9 |
2800-2 | 2 817.50 | 82.99 | 42.87 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 8.4 |
2800-3 | 2 802.00 | 82.97 | 42.87 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 17.5 |
3000-1 | 3 052.70 | 83.47 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 10.6 |
3000-2 | 3 062.10 | 83.47 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 9.5 |
3000-3 | 3 004.12 | 83.03 | 42.51 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 7.7 |
海拔 Altitude (m) | 物种丰富度 (平均值±标准差) Specie richness (mean ± SD) | 优势种(重要值) Dominant species (importance value) |
2 200 | 15.00 ± 2.00a | 薹草 Carex sp. (0.212 5) |
线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.187 5) | ||
2 400 | 14.49 ± 2.33ab | 丘陵老鹳草 Geranium collinum (0.212 2) |
线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.186 3) | ||
2 600 | 16.13 ± 3.14ab | 线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.251 6) |
薹草 Carex sp. (0.145 8) | ||
2 800 | 15.17 ± 1.47a | 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum (0.276 5) |
针茅 Stipa sp. (0.266 0) | ||
3 000 | 12.25 ± 2.87b | 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum (0.349 0) |
丘陵老鹳草 Geranium collinum (0.188 1) |
表2 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸不同海拔样地植物群落优势种组成
Table 2 Composition of dominant species of plant community in Bayanbulak alpine meadow at different altitudes
海拔 Altitude (m) | 物种丰富度 (平均值±标准差) Specie richness (mean ± SD) | 优势种(重要值) Dominant species (importance value) |
2 200 | 15.00 ± 2.00a | 薹草 Carex sp. (0.212 5) |
线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.187 5) | ||
2 400 | 14.49 ± 2.33ab | 丘陵老鹳草 Geranium collinum (0.212 2) |
线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.186 3) | ||
2 600 | 16.13 ± 3.14ab | 线叶嵩草 Kobresia capillifolia (0.251 6) |
薹草 Carex sp. (0.145 8) | ||
2 800 | 15.17 ± 1.47a | 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum (0.276 5) |
针茅 Stipa sp. (0.266 0) | ||
3 000 | 12.25 ± 2.87b | 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum (0.349 0) |
丘陵老鹳草 Geranium collinum (0.188 1) |
图1 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸不同海拔样地植物群落的功能多样性指数(平均值±标准差)。FDis, 功能分散度指数; FEve, 功能均匀度指数; FRic, 功能丰富度指数; Rao’Q, Rao的二次熵。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。
Fig. 1 Distribution of functional diversity index of plant communities at different altitudes in Bayanbulak alpine meadow (mean ± SD). FDis, functional dispersion index; FEve, functional evenness index; FRic, functional richness index; Rao’Q, Rao’s quadratic entropy. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.
图2 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸群落功能多样性指数与单一生态系统功能(SEF)、生态系统多功能性(EMF)指数间的相关性分析。FDis, 功能分散度指数; FEve, 功能均匀度指数; FRic, 功能丰富度指数; NCI, 养分循环指数; PGI, 植物生长指数; Rao’Q, Rao的二次熵; SCSI, 土壤有机碳蓄积指数。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。
Fig. 2 Correlation analysis between community functional diversity index and single elosystem function (SEF) and elosystem multifuctionality (EMF) index in Bayanbulak alpine meadow. FDis, functional dispersion index; FEve, functional evenness index; FRic, functional richness index; NCI, nutrient cycling index; PGI, plant growth index; Rao’Q, Rao’s quadratic entropy; SCSI, soil carbon stock index. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.
图3 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸群落功能多样性指数与生态系统多功能性指数(EMF)间的回归分析。FDis, 功能分散度指数; FEve, 功能均匀度指数; FRic, 功能丰富度指数; Rao’Q, Rao的二次熵; 灰色部分代表置信区间。
Fig. 3 Regression analysis of community functional diversity index and ecosystem multifunctional index (EMF) in Bayanbulak alpine meadow. FDis, functional dispersion index; FEve, functional uniformity index; FRic, functional richness index; Rao’Q, Rao’s quadratic entropy; the gray part represents the confidence interval.
海拔 (m) Altitude | 生态系统功能指数 Ecosystem function index | 功能多样性指数 Functional diversity index | |||
FRic | FDis | FEve | Rao’Q | ||
2 200 | EMF | 0.025 0* | 0.882 9* | 0.139 4 | 0.352 2* |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.984 9* | 0.947 7* | 0.904 3 | -0.705 4 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.852 0* | 0.638 2* | 0.890 6 | -0.707 8 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.918 4*** | 0.820 7* | 0.934 5 | -0.577 2 | |
2 400 | EMF | 0.957 3** | 0.926 7* | -0.280 9 | 0.162 8 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.938 5*** | 0.843 0*** | -0.248 2 | 0.201 0 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.867 3*** | 0.968 4*** | -0.323 6 | 0.011 4 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | -0.568 1* | -0.642 5** | -0.186 3 | 0.137 0 | |
2 600 | EMF | 0.080 7* | 0.244 9 | 0.265 8 | 0.152 0 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.099 7* | 0.004 5 | -0.100 6 | 0.176 0 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.168 0 | 0.078 8** | 0.262 3** | 0.184 9 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.171 4** | 0.080 3* | 0.257 2* | 0.268 7 | |
2 800 | EMF | 0.585 7** | 0.222 7 | 0.373 7 | -0.449 0 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.345 3 | 0.194 2 | -0.004 2 | -0.238 8 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.961 4*** | 0.504 5 | 0.203 5 | -0.161 9 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.523 5* | 0.220 6 | 0.495 6 | -0.486 0 | |
3 000 | EMF | 0.868 2* | 0.918 5* | -0.044 4 | 0.695 3* |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.952 1** | 0.975 1*** | 0.054 0 | 0.690 9 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.782 2** | 0.838 6*** | -0.267 6 | 0.668 2** | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.856 8* | 0.927 4** | 0.005 6 | 0.734 5** |
表3 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸不同海拔功能多样性指数与生态系统多功能性指数(EMF)间相关性分析
Table 3 Correlation analysis between functional diversity index and ecosystem multifunctional index (EMF) at different altitudes in Bayanbulak alpine meadow
海拔 (m) Altitude | 生态系统功能指数 Ecosystem function index | 功能多样性指数 Functional diversity index | |||
FRic | FDis | FEve | Rao’Q | ||
2 200 | EMF | 0.025 0* | 0.882 9* | 0.139 4 | 0.352 2* |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.984 9* | 0.947 7* | 0.904 3 | -0.705 4 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.852 0* | 0.638 2* | 0.890 6 | -0.707 8 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.918 4*** | 0.820 7* | 0.934 5 | -0.577 2 | |
2 400 | EMF | 0.957 3** | 0.926 7* | -0.280 9 | 0.162 8 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.938 5*** | 0.843 0*** | -0.248 2 | 0.201 0 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.867 3*** | 0.968 4*** | -0.323 6 | 0.011 4 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | -0.568 1* | -0.642 5** | -0.186 3 | 0.137 0 | |
2 600 | EMF | 0.080 7* | 0.244 9 | 0.265 8 | 0.152 0 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.099 7* | 0.004 5 | -0.100 6 | 0.176 0 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.168 0 | 0.078 8** | 0.262 3** | 0.184 9 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.171 4** | 0.080 3* | 0.257 2* | 0.268 7 | |
2 800 | EMF | 0.585 7** | 0.222 7 | 0.373 7 | -0.449 0 |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.345 3 | 0.194 2 | -0.004 2 | -0.238 8 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.961 4*** | 0.504 5 | 0.203 5 | -0.161 9 | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.523 5* | 0.220 6 | 0.495 6 | -0.486 0 | |
3 000 | EMF | 0.868 2* | 0.918 5* | -0.044 4 | 0.695 3* |
植物生长 Plant growth | 0.952 1** | 0.975 1*** | 0.054 0 | 0.690 9 | |
养分循环 Nutrient cycling | 0.782 2** | 0.838 6*** | -0.267 6 | 0.668 2** | |
有机碳蓄积 Soil carbon stock | 0.856 8* | 0.927 4** | 0.005 6 | 0.734 5** |
关系 Regression | 完全中介模型 Full mediation model (df = 15, SRMR = 0.08, GFI = 0.92) | 部分中介模型 Partial mediation model (df = 13, SRMR = 0.08, GFI = 0.81) | ||||
Est. std | SE | p | Est. std | SE | p | |
Alt-FRic | 0.067 | 0.127 | 0.008 | 0.004 | 0.059 | 0.952 |
Alt-FEve | -0.044 | 0.111 | 0.147 | -0.015 | 0.029 | 0.606 |
Alt-FDis | -0.049 | 0.129 | 0.309 | -0.080 | 0.058 | 0.165 |
Alt-Rao’Q | -0.980 | 0.023 | <0.001 | -0.980 | 0.023 | 0.000 |
FRic-EMF | 0.475 | 0.275 | <0.001 | 0.506 | 0.161 | 0.002 |
FEve-EMF | 0.127 | 0.089 | <0.001 | 0.143 | 0.084 | 0.087 |
FDis-EMF | 0.283 | 0.274 | <0.001 | 0.233 | 0.167 | 0.163 |
Rao’Q-EMF | 0.050 | 0.570 | 0.017 | 0.067 | 0.068 | 0.325 |
Alt-EMF | 0.007 | 0.400 | 0.857 |
表4 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸海拔对功能多样性与生态系统多功能(EMF)影响的结构方程模型概述
Table 4 A summary of structural equation model of the effect of altitude on functional diversity and ecosystem multifunctional index (EMF) in Bayanbulak alpine meadow
关系 Regression | 完全中介模型 Full mediation model (df = 15, SRMR = 0.08, GFI = 0.92) | 部分中介模型 Partial mediation model (df = 13, SRMR = 0.08, GFI = 0.81) | ||||
Est. std | SE | p | Est. std | SE | p | |
Alt-FRic | 0.067 | 0.127 | 0.008 | 0.004 | 0.059 | 0.952 |
Alt-FEve | -0.044 | 0.111 | 0.147 | -0.015 | 0.029 | 0.606 |
Alt-FDis | -0.049 | 0.129 | 0.309 | -0.080 | 0.058 | 0.165 |
Alt-Rao’Q | -0.980 | 0.023 | <0.001 | -0.980 | 0.023 | 0.000 |
FRic-EMF | 0.475 | 0.275 | <0.001 | 0.506 | 0.161 | 0.002 |
FEve-EMF | 0.127 | 0.089 | <0.001 | 0.143 | 0.084 | 0.087 |
FDis-EMF | 0.283 | 0.274 | <0.001 | 0.233 | 0.167 | 0.163 |
Rao’Q-EMF | 0.050 | 0.570 | 0.017 | 0.067 | 0.068 | 0.325 |
Alt-EMF | 0.007 | 0.400 | 0.857 |
图4 巴音布鲁克高寒草甸海拔对功能多样性指数和态系统多功能性指数(EMF)影响的结构方程模型图。Alt, 海拔; FDis, 功能分散度; FEve, 功能均匀度; FRic, 功能丰富度; Rao’Q, Rao的二次熵。箭头旁边的数字为标准化路径系数(正值代表正效应, 负值表示负效应)。实线代表存在显著相关性,虚线代表不存在显著相关性。箭头的粗细代表显著性差异(粗代表显著性高, 细代表显著性低)。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。
Fig. 4 Structural equation model diagram of the effect of altitude on functional diversity index and ecosystem multifunctional index (EMF) in Bayanbulak alpine meadow. Alt, altitude; FDis, functional dispersion; FEve, functional uniformity; FRic, functional richness; Rao’Q, Rao’s quadratic entropy. The number next to the arrow in the plot is the normalized path coefficient (positive values represent positive effects, negative values represent negative effects). A solid line indicates a significant correlation, and a dashed line indicates no significant correlation. The thickness of the arrow represents significant difference (thick represents high significance, thin represents low significance). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.
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