植物生态学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 1094-1111.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0154
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统; 生态系统结构与功能; 生物多样性
E-mail: jingxin0123@gmail.com基金资助:
JING Xin1,*(), HE Jin-Sheng2,3
Supported by:
近10年来, 生物多样性与生态系统多功能性(BEMF)的关系是生物多样性与生态系统功能领域新兴的热点研究方向。生态系统多功能性是指生态系统同时提供多重生态系统功能的能力, 受到群落和生态系统生态学研究者的广泛关注。该文简要回顾了生物多样性与生态系统多功能性关系研究历史, 侧重介绍了生态系统多功能性量化方法发展历程, 并总结了生物多样性与生态系统多功能性研究的主要趋势, 包括生物多样性维度、时空尺度和全球变化驱动因子等对生态系统多功能性的影响。同时, 回顾了近5年生物多样性与生态系统多功能性关系研究的新方法、新方向; 根据生态系统服务和生态系统功能的区别, 提出了生态系统多服务性(ecosystem multiserviceability, EMS)概念。最后简要介绍了生物多样性与生态系统多功能性、生物多样性与生态系统多服务性(BEMS)研究存在的不足及对未来的展望。
井新, 贺金生. 生物多样性与生态系统多功能性和多服务性的关系: 回顾与展望. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45(10): 1094-1111. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0154
JING Xin, HE Jin-Sheng. Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem multifunctionality and multiserviceability: literature overview and research advances. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 45(10): 1094-1111. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0154
序号 No. | 参考文献 Reference | 文献总结 Summary |
Dooley et al., | 该文在多样性-种间关系模型(Kirwan et al., This study proposes a multivariate modelling framework (Multivariate Diversity-Interactions) based on the diversity- interaction approach (Kirwan et al., | |
Gamfeldt & Roger, | 该文研究了平均值法和阈值法在量化生物多样性和生态系统多功能性关系方面存在的缺陷, 提请研究者注意。 This study finds several limitations and pitfalls of the averaging and threshold-based approaches, which should be taken caution quantifying biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality relationships. | |
Manning et al., | 该文提出了区分生态系统功能-多功能性和生态系统服务-多功能性, 为多功能性量化方法的开发以及基础和应用生态学的结合提供了蓝图。 Ecosystem-function multifunctionality and ecosystem-service multifunctionality are proposed to redefine ecosystem multifunctionality, which provides a road map to develop multifunctionality indices that are more robust, quantifiable and relevant to both basic and applied ecology. | |
Mori et al., | 尤其是β多样性为理解多样性变化的因(群落构建过程)和果(生态系统功能)具有重要意义。 This study highlights the importance of β-diversity on ecosystem functioning, which provides a link between the processes of community assembly and ecosystem functioning due to biodiversity change. | |
Giling et al., | 该文提出了一个概念框架来加强全球变化和生态系统多功能性等方面的研究。 This work provides a conceptual framework to enhance global change research by incorporating the concept of ecosystem multifunctionality. | |
Hölting et al., | 该文系统综述了评估生态系统多功能性的文献, 主要对多功能性的概念、特征和量化方法进行了系统回顾。 This is a quantitative literature review, which systematically reviews the concept, characteristics and quantification in the literature. |
表1 近5年发表的生物多样性与生态系统多功能性综述类文献
Table 1 Key synthetic references in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality published in the past five years
序号 No. | 参考文献 Reference | 文献总结 Summary |
Dooley et al., | 该文在多样性-种间关系模型(Kirwan et al., This study proposes a multivariate modelling framework (Multivariate Diversity-Interactions) based on the diversity- interaction approach (Kirwan et al., | |
Gamfeldt & Roger, | 该文研究了平均值法和阈值法在量化生物多样性和生态系统多功能性关系方面存在的缺陷, 提请研究者注意。 This study finds several limitations and pitfalls of the averaging and threshold-based approaches, which should be taken caution quantifying biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality relationships. | |
Manning et al., | 该文提出了区分生态系统功能-多功能性和生态系统服务-多功能性, 为多功能性量化方法的开发以及基础和应用生态学的结合提供了蓝图。 Ecosystem-function multifunctionality and ecosystem-service multifunctionality are proposed to redefine ecosystem multifunctionality, which provides a road map to develop multifunctionality indices that are more robust, quantifiable and relevant to both basic and applied ecology. | |
Mori et al., | 尤其是β多样性为理解多样性变化的因(群落构建过程)和果(生态系统功能)具有重要意义。 This study highlights the importance of β-diversity on ecosystem functioning, which provides a link between the processes of community assembly and ecosystem functioning due to biodiversity change. | |
Giling et al., | 该文提出了一个概念框架来加强全球变化和生态系统多功能性等方面的研究。 This work provides a conceptual framework to enhance global change research by incorporating the concept of ecosystem multifunctionality. | |
Hölting et al., | 该文系统综述了评估生态系统多功能性的文献, 主要对多功能性的概念、特征和量化方法进行了系统回顾。 This is a quantitative literature review, which systematically reviews the concept, characteristics and quantification in the literature. |
图1 全球变化因子对生物多样性和生态系统功能和服务关系的调控作用。生物多样性和生态系统多功能性研究者常关注: 多个全球变化因子, 如气候变化、土地利用变化和氮沉降等对不同维度的生物多样性(如分类、功能和谱系多样性)、 生态系统功能和服务直接和间接影响。
Fig. 1 A conceptual framework illustrating the influences of global change drivers on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships and biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships. In the literature of biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality research, investigators often focus on the direct and indirect impacts of multiple global changes drivers (e.g., climate change, land use and nitrogen deposition) on multiple dimensions of biodiversity (taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity), ecosystem functions and services.
图3 生态系统多服务性的计算方法。参考Manning等(2018)的方案, 以草地4种生态系统服务为例, 分别是牧草供给服务(S1)、生物多样性保护(S2)、水保护(S3)和碳固持(S4)服务。其中, 生态系统供给按照图中给出的供给-收益关系转化为生态系统服务; 生态系统多服务性按照不同利益相关群体的权重加和得到。
Fig. 3 An example quantifying ecosystem multiserviceability. We show four grassland ecosystem services including forage provision (S1), biodiversity conservation (S2), water conservation (S3) and carbon sequestration (S4) (Referenced from Manning et al. (2018)). Ecosystem services are derived through the supply-benefit relationships and ecosystem service multifunctionality is then calculated based on different weighting scenarios of stakeholder groups.
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