植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 794-808.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0094 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0094
*ZHAO Yan-Dong(yandongzh@bjfu.edu.cn)
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活立木茎干水分含量作为一种典型的生理水分参数, 一直是活立木生命状态最为有效的表征参数之一, 对维持整株树木水分平衡起着极其重要的作用, 受到研究者、林木抚育者的高度重视。但活立木茎干水分含量的获取方法一直受到操作烦琐、成本昂贵、实时性不强、准确率不高及有损活立木生命等因素的影响, 限制了对其深入的应用研究。该研究创新性地采用一种具有自主知识产权的茎干水分传感器, 实时、无损地获取活立木茎干水分含量, 并对茎干水分含量序列特征及其影响因素进行较为详细的研究。以常见的绿化树种五角枫(五角槭, Acer pictum subsp. mono)为研究对象, 采用基于驻波率原理的植物茎干水分传感器实现对五角枫茎干水分含量原位且无损监测, 同步监测相关气象因子, 分析生长季不同时期茎干水分含量序列特征及其与各气象因子的关系。结果显示: (1)茎干水分含量在春季(4月)和秋季中后期(9-10月)呈“昼升夜降”的趋势, 夏季至秋季中期(5-8月)呈“昼降夜升”的趋势; 阴天会抑制茎干水分含量的日极差与极大值, 雨天时, 茎干水分含量会明显上升; 干燥天气会使茎干水分含量呈下降趋势; (2)生长季萌芽期, 对茎干水分含量变化起直接作用的气象因子主要是空气温度和饱和水汽压差, 茎干水分含量与空气温度和土壤水分含量呈显著相关关系; 生长期, 影响茎干水分含量的主导因子为饱和水汽压差和土壤温度, 茎干水分含量与饱和水汽压差和空气温度呈显著相关关系; 落叶期, 对茎干水分含量变化起直接作用的因子主要为空气温度和饱和水汽压差, 且茎干水分含量与两因子的皮尔逊相关系数较高。采用逐步回归分析法构建3个时期茎干水分含量与各气象因子的回归方程模型, 不同时期进入回归模型中的气象因子均有所不同。综上所述, 该研究揭示了在不同气象因子协同作用下生长季茎干水分含量呈现出不同的序列特征及其影响因素, 可为理解植物茎干内部水分运移规律及其环境适应机制提供一定的借鉴作用。
许泽海, 赵燕东. 生长季五角枫茎干水分含量序列特征及其影响因素解译. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(6): 794-808. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0094
XU Ze-Hai, ZHAO Yan-Dong. Interpretation of sequence characteristics and influencing factors of stem water content for Acer pictum subsp. mono in its growing season. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(6): 794-808. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0094
图1 茎干水分传感器测量原理图及传感器实物图。 A, 茎干水分传感器测量原理图。B, 茎干水分传感器实物图。Va, 电压a; Vb, 电压b; Vout, 输出电压。
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the sensor for measuring stem water content and the picture of the sensor. A, The schematic diagram of the sensor for measuring stem water content. B, The picture of the sensor itself. Va, voltage a; Vb, voltage b; Vout, output voltage.
图2 北京林业大学苗圃各气象因子在生长季的变化特征。
Fig. 2 Variation characteristics of meteorological factors in nursery of Beijing Forestry University during the growing season.
月份 Month | 峰值时刻 Peak time | 峰值 Peak value (mV) | 谷值时刻 Valley time | 谷值 Valley value (mV) | 日极差 Extreme difference range (mV) | 平均气温 Mean air temperature (℃) | 最高气温 Maximum air temperature (℃) | 日出时刻 Sunrise time |
4月 April | 13:00 | 483 | - | - | 19 | 18.4 | 26.5 | 05:31 |
5月 May | 07:50 | 538 | 18:50 | 493 | 45 | 20.7 | 31.4 | 05:02 |
6月 June | 06:30 | 621 | 15:30 | 577 | 62 | 29.2 | 35.6 | 04:44 |
7月 July | 07:10 | 758 | 16:10 | 673 | 49 | 31.8 | 37.3 | 05:15 |
8月 August | 08:50 | 735 | 16:40 | 714 | 26 | 28.1 | 32.8 | 05:28 |
9月 September | 10:00 | 603 | - | - | 24 | 21.9 | 31.6 | 06:04 |
10月 October | 12:20 | 730 | - | - | 33 | 13.1 | 21.5 | 06:26 |
表1 不同月份五角枫茎干水分含量指标日动态变化规律
Table 1 Daily dynamics of stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono in different months
月份 Month | 峰值时刻 Peak time | 峰值 Peak value (mV) | 谷值时刻 Valley time | 谷值 Valley value (mV) | 日极差 Extreme difference range (mV) | 平均气温 Mean air temperature (℃) | 最高气温 Maximum air temperature (℃) | 日出时刻 Sunrise time |
4月 April | 13:00 | 483 | - | - | 19 | 18.4 | 26.5 | 05:31 |
5月 May | 07:50 | 538 | 18:50 | 493 | 45 | 20.7 | 31.4 | 05:02 |
6月 June | 06:30 | 621 | 15:30 | 577 | 62 | 29.2 | 35.6 | 04:44 |
7月 July | 07:10 | 758 | 16:10 | 673 | 49 | 31.8 | 37.3 | 05:15 |
8月 August | 08:50 | 735 | 16:40 | 714 | 26 | 28.1 | 32.8 | 05:28 |
9月 September | 10:00 | 603 | - | - | 24 | 21.9 | 31.6 | 06:04 |
10月 October | 12:20 | 730 | - | - | 33 | 13.1 | 21.5 | 06:26 |
图5 不同天气条件下五角枫茎干水分含量序列特征。 A, 晴天及阴天时茎干水分含量指标与光合有效辐射的变化特征。B, 雨天时茎干水分含量指标与降水量的变化特征。C, 干燥天茎干水分含量指标与土壤水含量的变化特征。
Fig. 5 Sequence characteristics of stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono under different weather conditions. A, Variation characteristics of stem water content index and photosynthetic active radiation under sunny and cloudy days. B, Variation characteristics of stem water content index and rainfall under rainy days. C, Variation characteristics of stem water content index and soil moisture under dry weather.
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | ||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | 0.404** | -0.139 | - | -0.084 8 | 0.004 4 | -0.061 4 | 0.021 1 | -0.050 0 | -0.170 7 |
T | 0.669** | 1.534 | 0.936 0 | - | -0.293 0 | 1.287 0 | 0.785 4 | 0.681 1 | 3.396 5 |
RH | 0.407** | 0.092 | -0.002 9 | -0.017 6 | - | -0.061 3 | -0.043 1 | 0.014 0 | 0.110 9 |
VPD | 0.247** | -1.041 | -0.460 1 | -0.873 4 | 0.693 4 | - | -0.674 6 | -0.216 5 | -1.531 2 |
PAR | 0.192** | 0.027 | -0.004 1 | 0.013 8 | -0.012 6 | 0.017 5 | - | 0.002 6 | 0.017 2 |
SM | 0.580** | 0.115 | 0.041 4 | 0.051 1 | 0.017 5 | 0.023 9 | 0.010 9 | - | 0.144 8 |
表2 气象因子对五角枫萌芽期茎干水分含量指标的通径分析结果
Table 2 Path analysis results of meteorological factors on stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono in germination stage
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | ||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | 0.404** | -0.139 | - | -0.084 8 | 0.004 4 | -0.061 4 | 0.021 1 | -0.050 0 | -0.170 7 |
T | 0.669** | 1.534 | 0.936 0 | - | -0.293 0 | 1.287 0 | 0.785 4 | 0.681 1 | 3.396 5 |
RH | 0.407** | 0.092 | -0.002 9 | -0.017 6 | - | -0.061 3 | -0.043 1 | 0.014 0 | 0.110 9 |
VPD | 0.247** | -1.041 | -0.460 1 | -0.873 4 | 0.693 4 | - | -0.674 6 | -0.216 5 | -1.531 2 |
PAR | 0.192** | 0.027 | -0.004 1 | 0.013 8 | -0.012 6 | 0.017 5 | - | 0.002 6 | 0.017 2 |
SM | 0.580** | 0.115 | 0.041 4 | 0.051 1 | 0.017 5 | 0.023 9 | 0.010 9 | - | 0.144 8 |
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | |||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | WS | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | -0.713** | -0.702 | - | -0.470 3 | 0.327 8 | -0.398 7 | 0.072 3 | 0.558 8 | -0.153 7 | -0.136 1 |
T | -0.855** | 0.561 | 0.375 9 | - | -0.509 9 | 0.548 6 | 0.305 7 | -0.283 9 | 0.280 5 | 0.716 9 |
RH | 0.788** | -0.037 | 0.017 3 | 0.033 6 | - | 0.034 7 | 0.021 5 | -0.008 9 | 0.021 4 | 0.119 6 |
VPD | -0.857** | -1.108 | -0.629 3 | -1.083 6 | 1.038 2 | - | -0.648 2 | 0.415 5 | -0.582 8 | -1.490 2 |
PAR | -0.304** | -0.068 | 0.007 0 | -0.037 1 | 0.039 4 | -0.039 8 | - | 0.002 5 | -0.023 4 | -0.051 4 |
SM | 0.412** | -0.273 | 0.217 3 | 0.138 1 | -0.066 0 | 0.102 4 | 0.010 1 | - | 0.009 8 | 0.411 7 |
WS | -0.441** | 0.007 | 0.001 5 | 0.003 5 | -0.000 4 | 0.003 7 | 0.002 4 | -0.000 2 | - | 0.010 5 |
表3 气象因子对五角枫生长期茎干水分含量指标的通径分析结果
Table 3 Path analysis results of meteorological factors on stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono in growth stage
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | |||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | WS | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | -0.713** | -0.702 | - | -0.470 3 | 0.327 8 | -0.398 7 | 0.072 3 | 0.558 8 | -0.153 7 | -0.136 1 |
T | -0.855** | 0.561 | 0.375 9 | - | -0.509 9 | 0.548 6 | 0.305 7 | -0.283 9 | 0.280 5 | 0.716 9 |
RH | 0.788** | -0.037 | 0.017 3 | 0.033 6 | - | 0.034 7 | 0.021 5 | -0.008 9 | 0.021 4 | 0.119 6 |
VPD | -0.857** | -1.108 | -0.629 3 | -1.083 6 | 1.038 2 | - | -0.648 2 | 0.415 5 | -0.582 8 | -1.490 2 |
PAR | -0.304** | -0.068 | 0.007 0 | -0.037 1 | 0.039 4 | -0.039 8 | - | 0.002 5 | -0.023 4 | -0.051 4 |
SM | 0.412** | -0.273 | 0.217 3 | 0.138 1 | -0.066 0 | 0.102 4 | 0.010 1 | - | 0.009 8 | 0.411 7 |
WS | -0.441** | 0.007 | 0.001 5 | 0.003 5 | -0.000 4 | 0.003 7 | 0.002 4 | -0.000 2 | - | 0.010 5 |
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | |||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | WS | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | 0.459** | -0.153 | - | -0.073 7 | 0.052 8 | -0.534 0 | 0.012 7 | 0.062 4 | 0.019 4 | -0.460 4 |
T | 0.786** | 1.880 | 0.906 1 | - | -1.584 8 | 1.737 1 | 1.293 4 | 0.342 2 | 1.310 4 | 4.004 4 |
RH | -0.436** | 0.571 | -1.969 9 | -0.481 4 | - | -0.513 9 | -0.351 2 | -0.084 5 | -0.400 3 | -3.801 2 |
VPD | 0.580** | -0.675 | -0.235 6 | -0.623 7 | 0.607 5 | - | -0.473 2 | -0.107 3 | -0.513 6 | -1.345 9 |
PAR | 0.501** | -0.077 | 0.006 4 | -0.053 0 | 0.047 4 | -0.054 0 | - | -0.002 2 | -0.055 2 | -0.056 8 |
SM | 0.377** | 0.282 | 0.115 1 | 0.051 3 | -0.041 7 | 0.044 8 | 0.008 2 | - | 0.020 3 | 0.198 0 |
WS | 0.467** | 0.124 | 0.015 7 | 0.086 4 | -0.086 9 | 0.094 3 | 0.088 9 | 0.008 9 | - | 0.207 3 |
表4 气象因子对五角枫落叶期茎干水分含量指标的通径分析结果
Table 4 Path analysis results of meteorological factors on stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono in defoliation stage
因子 Factor | 简单相关系数 Simple correlation coefficient | 直接通径系数 Direct path coefficient | 间接通径系数 Indirect path coefficient | |||||||
Ts | T | RH | VPD | PAR | SM | WS | 合计 Total | |||
Ts | 0.459** | -0.153 | - | -0.073 7 | 0.052 8 | -0.534 0 | 0.012 7 | 0.062 4 | 0.019 4 | -0.460 4 |
T | 0.786** | 1.880 | 0.906 1 | - | -1.584 8 | 1.737 1 | 1.293 4 | 0.342 2 | 1.310 4 | 4.004 4 |
RH | -0.436** | 0.571 | -1.969 9 | -0.481 4 | - | -0.513 9 | -0.351 2 | -0.084 5 | -0.400 3 | -3.801 2 |
VPD | 0.580** | -0.675 | -0.235 6 | -0.623 7 | 0.607 5 | - | -0.473 2 | -0.107 3 | -0.513 6 | -1.345 9 |
PAR | 0.501** | -0.077 | 0.006 4 | -0.053 0 | 0.047 4 | -0.054 0 | - | -0.002 2 | -0.055 2 | -0.056 8 |
SM | 0.377** | 0.282 | 0.115 1 | 0.051 3 | -0.041 7 | 0.044 8 | 0.008 2 | - | 0.020 3 | 0.198 0 |
WS | 0.467** | 0.124 | 0.015 7 | 0.086 4 | -0.086 9 | 0.094 3 | 0.088 9 | 0.008 9 | - | 0.207 3 |
时期 Stage | 逐步多元回归方程 Regression equations | 决定系数 Coefficient of determination (R2) |
萌芽期 Germination stage | Y = 420.494 + 4.308T - 20.156VPD + 0.317WS - 0.572Ts + 0.359SM | 0.823 |
生长期 Growth stage | Y = 825.7 - 13.953VPD - 5.446Ts - 1.749SM | 0.840 |
落叶期 Defoliation stage | Y = 629.7 + 3.306T + 0.467RH + 0.827SM | 0.851 |
表5 基于逐步回归分析法的五角枫茎干水分含量指标与气象因子模型
Table 5 Models of stem water content index of Acer pictum subsp. mono and meteorological factors based on stepwise regression method algorithm
时期 Stage | 逐步多元回归方程 Regression equations | 决定系数 Coefficient of determination (R2) |
萌芽期 Germination stage | Y = 420.494 + 4.308T - 20.156VPD + 0.317WS - 0.572Ts + 0.359SM | 0.823 |
生长期 Growth stage | Y = 825.7 - 13.953VPD - 5.446Ts - 1.749SM | 0.840 |
落叶期 Defoliation stage | Y = 629.7 + 3.306T + 0.467RH + 0.827SM | 0.851 |
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