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  1. 1. 西北师范大学
    2. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-06 修回日期:2025-01-13 发布日期:2025-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 张松林

Plant community datasets of the northern and southern mountains, Lanzhou, China

Yi CAO1,Song-lin ZHANG1,Xu-Feng Wang2,chang anyang1,Min-Hui REN1,Hao YANG3,chao han4   

  1. 1.
    2. Northwest Institute of Eco?Environmental Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    3. Northwest Normal University
    4. 西北师范大学
  • Received:2024-08-06 Revised:2025-01-13
  • Contact: Song-lin ZHANG

摘要: 兰州市南北两山地处黄土高原最西端,植被以草本为主,兼具灌丛、荒漠及森林等。为揭示其详细的植被类型、群落结构及其地理分布特征,本研究采用野外样线、典型样方调查与室内分析相结合方法,对兰州市南北两山的植物状况进行了全面的调查,并汇总了植物群落样方数据集(共72个样地)。通过数据整理,发现兰州市南北两山共有植物4门107科378属713种(含种下单位),其中,人工植物有59科124属218种,自然植物有79科282属495种;植物生长型以草本植物为主(68.32%),其生活型主要为多年生植物(66.11%)。木本植物(31.68%)的生活型主要为落叶植物(84.30%);基于群落-生态学分类,兰州市南北两山植被可以划分为4个植被型组、9个植被型及32个群系,其中,针叶林群系5个、阔叶林群系5个、灌丛群系10个、草原群系5个、草甸群系1个和荒漠群系6个。该数据集可以为西北干旱半干旱地区植物多样性及生态学研究提供本底资料,为区域生态系统服务供给、生态环境质量提升以及社会经济可持续发展提供科学依据。

关键词: 植被类型, 植物群落, 样方数据, 兰州市

Abstract: The north and south mountains of Lanzhou City are located at the westernmost part of the Loess Plateau, with herbaceous vegetation as the main vegetation, as well as shrubs, deserts and forests. In order to reveal the detailed vegetation types, community structures and their geographical distribution, this study used a combination of field sample lines, typical sample surveys and indoor analyses to carry out a more systematic investigation of the plant status of the two mountains, and summarised the data sets of plant community samples (a total of 72 sample plots). Through data collation, it was found that there were 713 species of plants of 107 families and 378 genera (including infraspecific units) in 4 phylums in the north and south mountains, among which there were 218 species of 124 genera in 59 families of artificial plants and 495 species of 282 genera in 79 families of natural plants; Plant growth forms was dominated by herbaceous plants (68.32%) whose life forms was mainly perennial (66.11%). Woody plants (31.68%) had a predominantly deciduous life forms (84.30%). Based on the community-ecology classification, the vegetation of the north and south mountains can be divided into 4 vegetation formations groups, 9 vegetation formations and 32 alliances, among which there are 5 needleleaf forest alliances, 5 broadleaf forest alliances, 10 shrubland alliances, 5 steppe alliances, 1 meadow alliances and 6 desert alliances. This dataset can provide background information for the study of plant diversity and ecology in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China, and provide a scientific basis for the supply of regional ecosystem services, the improvement of ecological environment quality, and the sustainable development of society and economy.

Key words: Vegetation type, Plant community, Quadrat data, Lanzhou